Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 18: Harsh


When the hotel owner and Qi Lengzi hurriedly ran into the room and turned on the light, they found Li Zhen lying there with a red face and trembling body.

The hotel owner was shocked. He reached out to touch Li Zhen's forehead and felt that the tentacles were hot: "No, I have a high fever."

"Ah? Why do you have a fever?"

"Where should I go?"

"Then go and ask the doctor."

"There is a doctor in Huangpu County who can only treat red wounds. In the entire Kyushu, only the imperial capital of Zhongzhou has a doctor who can treat difficult and complicated diseases."

Ten thousand years later, medicine was outlawed.

Because humans developed antibodies in their bodies a long time ago and no longer have any causes of internal diseases, the doctor profession has gradually fallen into decline. Because humans rarely have symptoms, doctors only treat injuries, such as broken bones, broken muscles, disembowelment and other emergencies.

Colds will come and so will fevers. But basically no one takes medicine, and the human body will heal itself.

Qi Lengzi spread his hands: "What should we do? If you have a fever, you will fall into coma. How will he take the exam? I can feel that he cares about the college entrance examination."

"I can't care less. You tie his forehead with a wet towel. He must be sent to the examination room tonight. Since he is a candidate, the college entrance examination must be extremely important to him. No matter what, he must go to the examination room tonight. ."

"Isn't there an exam tomorrow? What are you doing in the exam room tonight?"

"I can't explain it to you. You found his luggage and the admission ticket. We sent him there. He missed tonight and won't be able to enter the examination room tomorrow."


Qi Lengzi searched all over the room and found Li Zhen's tight-fitting backpack. He found a large pile of banknotes inside, but he had no other thoughts. Continue to flip through and pull out two document bags.

The boss took the document bag and said, "This is it. Walk around, you carry him on your back."

Without saying a word, Qi Lengzi quickly carried the thin Li Zhen on his back, and the boss followed him with two file bags. The two of them trotted all the way towards the examination room.

Before I even arrived at the examination room, I saw a huge flow of people in the area, and there was an endless stream of people.

People from the government were standing everywhere along the way. Qi Lengzi also saw the princess of Huangpu County and the governor of Southeast Prefecture.

Two top officials stood in front of the examination room, talking excitedly, surrounded by official officials protecting the two adults.

There is an exam tomorrow, but the rules are that you must enter the examination room the night before, a ceremony must be held, and you must take advantage of the night before to verify your identity to prevent cheating. Mainly relying on admission one day in advance, so that candidates cannot contact outsiders one day in advance, from this point of view, large-scale cheating can be eliminated.

"For what?"

An official shouted loudly.

Qi Lengzi was afraid of official duties, and his whole body trembled: "I'm rushing to take the exam."

The official pointed at the door behind him: "Candidates enter, and everyone who has nothing to do with it will give way. Anyone who comes near will be treated as cheating."

The hotel owner trembled in his heart and quickly backed away. Qi Lengzi was stunned on the spot with Li Zhen on his back. He was neither going in nor going out. He quickly turned around and called Li Zhen, lifted Li Zhen up and slapped him in the face, but he couldn't wake him up.

The official's eyes widened and he shouted loudly again: "Don't go in yet."

There was something strange here, and more than a dozen officials gathered around him. Qi Lengzi was so frightened that he almost lost his breath. Finally, his brain came to his mind, and he shouted quickly: "I am not a candidate, I am sending him to rush for the exam. I It’s for him.”

The officer narrowed his eyes, walked up and touched Li Zhen's head, his expression a bit stunned: "Are you sick?"

"Yes, I have a fever."

"who are you?"

"I am him... I am his brother. I was afraid that he would be delayed, so I sent him here."


The officer pulled out his sword. As soon as he pulled out the sword, Qi Lengzi was so frightened that he almost knelt down.

But he saw another official coming forward, taking the two portfolios from Qi Lengzi's hand and looking at them, frowning: "Candidate, Liu Quan. Candidate Li Zhen. Two candidates?"

Fortunately, Qi Lengzi remembered Li Zhen's name and said quickly: "Li Zhen Li Zhen, he is Li Zhen."

"What about Liu Quan?"

Qi Lunzi was about to cry: "I don't know."

The official frowned, he was also very experienced. Taking Liu Quan's file away: "Liu Quan is here and asks him to pick up his admission ticket at the Yamen Gate."

"Yes." Qi Lengzi was confused, where did Liu Quan come from. Li Zhen has always been alone.

"You, take off your clothes, pants, underwear, and shoes."

An official pointed his sword at Qi Lengzi.

Qi Lengzi hesitated for a moment. Seeing several officials surrounding him, he didn't dare to disobey. He quickly put down Li Zhen, and an official came forward to support him. Then Qi Lengzi began to quickly take off his clothes and pants.

In just a moment, he took off his clothes completely. There were other candidates in front of them who all sneered, looking at the man who was about 1.9 meters standing there naked.

The official took away Qi Lengzi's clothes and began to check Qi Lengzi up and down to see if there was anything on his body or if there was anything written on him. Then he let him go: "You, carry him in."

"Yes Yes."

Qi Lengzi did not dare to disobey and carried Li Zhen in naked. Along the way, people kept whispering and laughing.

Qi Lengzi walked with his buttocks naked, his face turned red from suppressing it, but he didn't dare to say a word. He is afraid of people from the government. He would do whatever others asked him to do, and he would not dare to disobey.

After entering the door, we came to a very wide place and followed the guidance of the official all the way to a big house in front. After an official explained Qi Lengzi's identity, others let him go.

As soon as he entered the house, Qi Lengzi was no longer shy because the room was full of bare butts. The only regret is that others came in and took off their clothes inside, while I took off my clothes outside.

Except for the officials who have clothes, no one else is wearing them, so it doesn’t matter...

"Put him down and take off all his clothes."

An official shouted. Qi Lengzi quickly put down Li Zhen and peeled off Li Zhen's clothes. Naturally, an official registered him and then took away Li Zhen's clothes.

Immediately, a person came forward to check Li Zhen to see if there was anything on his body and whether there was any cheat sheet written in pen on his private parts. The examination was extremely careful, including the mouth and eyes.

The girl's room was in another room, and she checked more carefully. Qi Lengzi wanted to see it, but couldn't see it.

After checking Li Zhen, Qi Lengzi was asked to carry Li Zhen on his back to queue up to draw numbers. Naturally, the official already knew Qi Lengzi's identity as the 'examination accompaniment', so he handed Qi Lengzi a bamboo stick and said, "You can help the candidates draw exam numbers."


Qi Lengzi smoked an 'A0916'

"Examination room A, examination room 0916. Go and get in the car."

The official shouted. Qi Lengzi, who was naked, hurriedly carried Li Zhen, who was also naked, and walked out. When he left the house, he saw a partition behind the room. Many candidates who were also naked looked over there with their heads pricked, but what? Can't see it either. Everyone knows that on the other side of the partition, there are girls who are equally naked...

"Candidate No. A, get on the bus!"

Ahead, a convoy of more than a hundred horse-drawn carriages called out. Every carriage has an 'A' written on it. Each carriage is a six-horse carriage, and each carriage is large and large. It seems that one can hold twenty or thirty people.

Qi Lengzi was sweating profusely and hurriedly carried Li Zhen onto the carriage. As soon as he got on the carriage, the other naked candidates who had already sat down in the carriage immediately gave up their seats, fearing that Qi Lengzi would accidentally sit him down. .

Soon, amid a burst of alarm bells, the No. A carriage team left the 'inspection site' at high speed and headed towards an unknown place. The carriage had no windows. Once the door was locked from the outside, it was dark inside and nothing could be seen.

None of the candidates in the same carriage dared to speak. They were all quiet, for fear of being overheard and accused of cheating and talking to each other.

In the quiet turbulence, Qi Lengzi's heart was racing. Where can you explain this weird experience? Carrying Li Zhen on his back to rush for the exam, he somehow got on the carriage going to the exam.

No one knew where the examination room was, and no one knew which direction the carriage was going. Southeast State takes extreme precautions against cheating.

About an hour later, the carriage stopped, and Qi Lengzi got out of the car again carrying Li Zhen on his back.

After getting off the bus, I finally saw the examination room. It was a row of small temporary houses built with bricks and stones, just like a prison. But you can't go in now, get off the car, enter a big house again, and check for the second time whether there is any entrainment and whether there are cheat sheets.

Qi Lengzi, a person who has never been to school, checked whether there was any entrainment...

After the inspection, they started queuing up to verify their identity to prevent taking the exam on behalf of others.

When it was Li Zhen's turn, the examiner looked at a different roster. After seeing Li Zhen's information, he immediately let him go: "There is a guarantee from the merchant, the examination fee has been paid, and entry is approved."

Li Zhen is allowed to enter, but Qi Lengzi is not allowed to enter. Immediately, an official took over the unconscious Li Zhen and carried Li Zhen to the examination room No. 0916. But someone stood in front of Qi Lengzi and shouted coldly:

"you left."

"Ah... this me, I..."

Qi Lengzi looked left and right, then up and down. He was naked, where were he going to leave

The official didn't care about you so much, so he used his sword to force Qi Lengzi to go out. Qi Lengzi didn't dare not leave, so he walked out with his hands covering his private parts.

After passing through a gate, I finally came out. As soon as I walked out, the official immediately locked the door: "We are waiting for you, approach the examination room, you will be punished for cheating!"

When Qi Lengzi heard this, he ran away, fearing that others would label him. The Kyushu Empire attaches great importance to the college entrance examination, and the crime of cheating is very serious. Qi Lengzi is not afraid of committing murder, but is afraid of being charged with cheating.

After running for a long time, I saw darkness around me, a dense forest, and a wilderness.

Qi Lengzi was naked, covering his buttocks and crying, "Where can I go to reason with you?"

"What the hell is this place!"

"What should I do!"


Under the night sky, in the wilderness, only Qi Lengzi's roar could be heard.

What are you talking about? I just sent Li Zhen to rush for the exam, but he was stripped naked for no reason, and then he was sent to the examination room inexplicably somewhere, and then he was kicked out again for no reason...

(End of chapter)