Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 182: Your sea is the sea of stars


Once Jiahe County was defeated, Southeast Prefecture was quickly captured.

At this time, Lin Ke and the regular army of the imperial court finally arrived at Southeast County.

The situation is extremely dangerous.

The flooding in Nanzhou has subsided, and Wang Sandao's troops have regained Nanzhou. The southeastern state was captured. Occupying two states.

Lin Ke had no choice but to confront Wang San Daobu.

But Lin Ke also knew that he could not afford to fight a war of attrition. The imperial court didn't give him any money at all. He sold all his family property, looted many giant businessmen along the way, and robbed Qiu Feng of military expenses. Come out and fight to the death.

But Wang Sandao was secretly supported by the Taiping Regiment, and he occupied two places and was self-sufficient. Can't fight.

Lin Ke had a premonition that there would be a long way to go to regain the lost ground this time.

The tug-of-war began. Extremely tragic. The two sides entered into a life-and-death fight.

Wang Sandao was restrained and could no longer expand his territory. He had to defeat Lin Ke's regular army before he could proceed.

And Lin Ke didn't have any choice. He came here with the mentality of looking forward to death...

Southeast State immediately fell into a sea of war and chaos, but the good thing is that Southeast State was too barren and too panicked. No matter how hard the two sides fought in the vast tracts of desert and hilly areas, ordinary people could not be affected.

Civil war is different from foreign invasion. People basically do what they are supposed to do, just be careful and they may be accidentally killed.

But the economy is failing, and many people from southern and southeastern states have fled. Escape to Dongzhou.

Today, Dongzhou is the most developed and safest place. The Kyushu Academy of Sciences has its foothold here, and tens of thousands of capital started from here. Compared with the other eight states, Dongzhou is simply a paradise-like place.

Li Zhen issued an order to use the people who fled to develop into the first labor force.

Various factories began to recruit workers at lower prices, and the exploitation of capital began.

There is nothing that can be done about this. Even if Li Zhen does not issue this order, capital will still plunder and exploit.

When Li Zhen issued an order, he would at least set a rule for everyone to standardize.

Feng Naien is the leader of the two, and he loves and hates Li Zhen. Now Dongzhou is completely protected by Li Zhen.

If I'm not joking, Li Zhen is really covering me up. He promoted industry with one hand and controlled it with one hand.

Nowadays, Feng Naien has no final say in Dongzhou, because the power of the imperial court has weakened and the officials are no longer useful. The people of Dongzhou will follow whoever has the money.

It has evolved into a situation where Li Zhen controls Dongzhou. Basically, Feng Naien has the final say on people's livelihood and border defense. The economy and capital are all controlled by Li Zhen.

Feng Naien also thought about it and couldn't understand that Li Zhen was just one person, but there were so many capitalists, factories, and companies popping up in the entire Dongzhou. Why do so many people just listen to Li Zhen

Li Zhen's words can even change the entire Dongzhou business world. Li Zhen's every move can even affect whether Quan Dongzhou will stop production today or whether Quan Dongzhou will work overtime.

No one can figure it out, this is simply an unsolved mystery.

Only students from the School of Financial Mathematics understand why Li Zhen can control Dongzhou so perfectly

Because of the Ten Thousand Years Financial Group, because Li Zhen controls the Ten Thousand Years Financial Group. So he can control the entire Dongzhou. Even in the future, he may control the entire Kyushu economy.

It is no exaggeration. Although capitalists have sprung up in Dongzhou, there are also seven capital oligarchs in Dongzhou.

Seven capital oligarchs wear a pair of pants, involving various industries and industries. The small ones say they have daily chemicals and textiles, and the big ones say they have transportation and sales channels. Ju said there is heavy industry.

It is difficult for outsiders to understand what this situation is like. Generally speaking, these seven groups monopolize more than seven industries.

Although there are suddenly more capitalists in Dongzhou, they must rely on the breath of these seven giants. Without him, your factory can produce large-scale things, but where will you sell them

The Big Seven have the final say.

To produce something, you need a lot of raw materials. Where do the raw materials come from

The Big Seven have the final say.

You don’t have to do business with the Big Seven, but if you do business with others, because others are not that big at all, so the prices are high, then your costs will double. The current situation in Dongzhou is overproduction and various price wars. Doubling costs means going out of business.

Only by doing business with the Big Seven can you get more benefits.

This is capital.

Dongzhou has formed a capital monopoly situation, and obviously, Feng Naien has never seen this form before. I have no idea about giant merchants at all.

He just felt that these capitalists listened to Li Zhen's orders because of their beliefs? Then Li Zhen's personality charm is too great.

Not really.

The result of excessive production is that prices throughout Eastern Continent are astonishingly low. In the past, a sweater would cost as little as two hundred coins. Now that textile machines have appeared, a sweater can be bought for only ten or twenty coins. Almost all factories are making small profits but quick turnover.

But Dongzhou's market is limited.

Li Zhen also had to give another order for the Ma Group to start paving the way across the country.

Mainly invested by the Ma Group, all daily necessities and various appliances produced in Dongzhou are sold throughout Kyushu.

Kyushu is not enough. To be sold overseas.

Opening up the market of the White Robe Country is the first step. Among them, more than 100 million investment is needed. Ma Group has no money, what should we do if we have no money? The Big Seven get together.

When the market of Baipao Country was opened, Dongzhou was relieved. Capitalists can continue to make money again.

The development of Dongzhou is simply booming. You are so rich that everyone wants to come and enjoy the autumn breeze.

Xinyuan, who had just founded Beizhou, sent a "messenger" to find Li Zhen: "Dean Li, our Emperor Jiang wants to cooperate with you."

"How to cooperate?"

“Can we introduce some factories and big bosses to Beizhou?”


"Dean Li, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You only need to pay a little technical support and a little word of mouth, and you can get huge rewards."

Li Zhen smiled and said: "Beizhou can do business with Dongzhou. I can have people distribute items to Beizhou at a discount. Other than that, don't have any extra thoughts."

"So, Dean Li doesn't give you any face?"

Li Zhen sneered: "Who are you? Why should I give you face?"

The messenger sneered twice: "Then... can you sell some armored ships to Beizhou?"

Li Zhen was suddenly startled, an armored ship

No, Beizhou borders the Rakshasa Kingdom. There is no sea at all, just large tracts of grassland. Is it the sea of stars? Still need an ironclad ship

"How much do you want?"

"A thousand ships."

Li Zhen narrowed his eyes and knew a great secret in his heart. I'm afraid Beizhou has a close relationship with the Sea Wolf Gang, right

"Haha, not for sale."

(End of chapter)