Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 184: Pirates are coming (first update)


"Brothers, we are about to arrive at Laoshan. Do you all remember the mission clearly? Kill everyone you see on Laoshan and leave no one alive. Capture Li Zhen alive."

"Capture Li Zhen alive!"

"Capture Li Zhen alive!"


The person leading the team is Fan Jiuzhou's number one confidant. Let's call him Gong Laoer for now. The name of passerby A doesn't seem to be that important.

Mr. Gong stood on the bow deck of the ship with a wolf-head broadsword in his hand and a fire gun slung around his waist. He looked at the horizon in the distance, with a hint of cruelty flashing in his eyes.

"How dare you disobey Jiang Jinchen's wishes? A mere college dares to disobey the Xinyuan Kingdom. If we can't demonstrate with blood, will the Sea Wolf Gang along the coast be disobedient in the future?"

"What bullshit scientist, what bullshit promotion of scientific development? Let me die for them all. But... he should be very rich."


Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "Look at the sky."

The pirates all looked up and screamed like a ghost.

I had never noticed before that there were actually little bits of flame hidden in the clouds in the dark night sky.

The dots of flames looked a little hazy after being obscured by the clouds. They all thought they were stars in the sky.

But now, the dots of flames suddenly approached the earth and lowered their height. They could see clearly that it seemed to be a legendary artifact of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, called a hot air balloon.

There are many hot air balloons scattered throughout the sky. A rough count turned out to be hundreds.

On each hot air balloon stood either two or three Laoshan County fishermen, garrison troops, or people from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, wearing thick cotton robes and holding telescopes.

The pirates were completely in an uproar: "This... is really in the sky."

"Oh my god, I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. It turns out that every move we make is being observed by people in the sky."

"There are so many people above us secretly watching all the time?"

"Can actually fly into the sky.,"

"Is this the legendary hot air balloon?"


Gong Laoer spat on the ground and shouted: "Bring me the winch and crossbow."

After hearing this, several pirates quickly entered the cabin and pushed out a crossbow after a moment.

This crossbow is about two meters long and has three bows. It is absolutely impossible for people to draw it. But there are two hooks behind the bow string, and the hooks are connected to a gear-driven winch. Gong Laoer pushed the winch and easily wound up the crossbow.

A pirate handed over an arrow, but this arrow was not an ordinary arrow, but one modified by a siege chisel. It is thinner than the siege chisel, but it is still about one and a half meters long. The feathers on the arrow tail are far superior to all arrows.

This kind of bed crossbow is extremely powerful and is usually not used easily. It is not mainly a weapon used in combat. It mainly serves as a deterrent and puts psychological pressure on the enemy.

If placed on the battlefield, this crossbow can shoot through dozens or twenty people at one time, and its power is quite terrifying.

Gong Laoer visually estimated that the height of the hot air balloon was only about two hundred meters. It is far beyond the range of a fire gun, and ordinary arrows cannot shoot that high, but this crossbow can.

'Quack quack'

Moving the arrow rest, Gong Laoer's eyes flashed with a sinister smile, and he aimed through the lens at a hot air balloon made of dark gray fabric diagonally above.

People in the hanging basket saw these movements with telescopes, and shouted in horror: "Quickly, get up quickly."

"Everyone gets high and starts airdrop strikes."

"He's going to use the bed crossbow. Raise it quickly or you'll become a target."


The two naval garrisons were sharing a hot air balloon at this time. Through the telescope, they saw that Gong Laoer's crossbow was aimed at him. He was immediately frightened out of his wits.

'Boom' pulled the blowtorch suddenly, violent flames burst out from the blowtorch, and the hot air balloon urgently began to rush into the sky, rising rapidly.


Gong Laoer laughed ferociously, and pulled the bowstring with his hand, and the bow string was instantly released.

With a bang, three crossbows driven by huge bows shot out with a 1.5-meter-long siege chisel.

'JiJiJi' In the air, there was an extremely sharp sound of breaking through the air, which was the sound of siege chisels flying rapidly. At this moment, the entire night sky seemed to be quiet.

With a 'pop' sound, the siege chisel penetrated the basket under the hot air balloon.

He quickly pierced the hanging basket and headed diagonally upward. The garrison who was pulling the blowtorch didn't react at all. He only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then his body lightened up and flew out driven by a terrifying force.

The scene became completely quiet.

I just saw a man in cotton clothes being lifted into the air by a 1.5-meter-long siege chisel high in the air, flying out, and then falling rapidly into the sea.

There was a 'Plop' sound, and waves rose everywhere. People are already dead.

"Quick. Raise!"

"Fight back!"

"Start fighting back!"


The phalanx of hot air balloons immediately started counterattack.

Each hot air balloon carries a lot of bombs and incendiary bombs. Although the direction of the hot air balloon is uncontrollable, the people on top can throw it downwards. One hot air balloon can cover an attack range of thousands of square meters.

The pirates panicked and watched bombs flying from all directions. They were frightened out of their wits.

Gong Laoer was also so scared that his scalp was numb and he screamed: "Quick, ride the wind and waves to Laoshan and land. Land immediately!"

: "We also fight back!"

"Run and fight back."

"Hurry up and log in. Only by logging in can you escape."

"We can no longer float on the sea. We are simply living targets."


Aerial attacks are bombs, incendiary bombs and other large-scale lethality. But the pirates don't have that. They only have bed crossbows, and bed crossbows don't explode, they only kill one-sidedly. It feels like anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes.

Gong Laoer directed everyone to disperse and run, while working hard to organize an effective counterattack. But it was too late now.

The hot air balloons all rose to an altitude of seven to eight hundred meters. This height was beyond the reach of a crossbow. Even if there is an arrow that can reach it by chance, the accuracy is basically unclear at a distance of seven to eight hundred meters. Obviously, the chance of getting it right is extremely low.

The hot air balloon phalanx is almost in an invincible position. The pirates cannot hurt them, but they can throw weapons like locusts in the sky.



A wooden ship was riding the wind and waves. Suddenly, a pirate looked up and saw a spark-emitting thing getting closer and closer to the hull.

Time froze, and finally, he saw it, it was a huge glass bottle. The bottle contained a transparent liquid, which seemed to be kerosene, but also seemed to be extremely precious gasoline.

The glass bottle suddenly smashed in front of his feet, shattering with a 'pop' sound, and the liquid inside poured out crazily.

'Boom' The sea of fire rose. Dozens of pirates were on fire, and they couldn't be extinguished. You can only jump into the sea.

But jumping into the sea means death...

Because the ship was riding the wind and waves, he jumped into the sea and missed the ship. It was floating alone on the sea. No one will rescue them.

Perhaps, just a moment of explosion will make many people blind.

This is an incendiary bomb.

And because a large area of incendiary bombs were thrown into the sea, the characteristic of oil being lighter than water caused the gasoline to float on the water, and the water surface also caught fire. A real sea of fire.

(End of chapter)