Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 199: rumor


At Li Zhen's signal, people from the seven major groups gathered again to borrow as much as they wanted from Xinyuan Kingdom. A heated discussion ensued.

In fact, to be honest, the seven-member group had no confidence at all. Because what they have to face is lending to a country. That country has military strength and people, and it is a very complete country.

It's easy to lend money out, but the question is, how to collect it when it's time to collect the debt? Who will collect it

If a country wants to rely on you as a non-governmental organization, it is almost the same as playing tricks.

Ma Fei sighed: "I have never done such a big deal before. I am very worried."

"Who says it's not the case? In the past, we did business with businessmen and ordinary people. Now the business is getting bigger and bigger, and we have even started to lend money to a country."

"Will we become the sinners of the nation? The Xinyuan Kingdom borrowed money to attack the Northeastern states. If this causes the destruction of lives, will we become the sinners of the nation?"

Jia Liping became nervous. He was the one who cared most about this big order. He cares more about the rise of the Ten Thousand Years Consortium than Li Zhen. Li Zhen is just paving the way for the long-term existence of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences in the capital and acting as a back-up.

But Jia Liping is the main person in charge of the Ten Thousand Years Consortium. Jia Liping is responsible for running errands, thinking of countermeasures, and operating capital. He put a lot of effort into the Ten Thousand Years Financial Group.

Of course, Jia Liping doesn't like money at all. Like Li Zhen, he feels that money is just a number, as long as it is enough, and there are not so many pursuits.

But Jia Liping found his destiny in life. He felt that his destiny was the world of finance and capital. He is obsessed with the kind of currency that looks at the world, and it is constantly flowing to all directions, or gathering from all directions, under his own control.

This loan to the New Yuan Kingdom is a big one, and it is an important milestone in laying the terrifying foundation of the Ten Thousand Years Financial Group. If this order is completed, the Ten Thousand Years Financial Group will become famous from now on, and the terrifying financial power of the Ten Thousand Years Financial Group will also be revealed. After all, this is the first case in history where a non-governmental organization lends money to the state.

Upon hearing that everyone was a little negative and timid, Jia Liping became anxious:

"Everyone, this loan is of great importance. We must do this. Ma Group has the ability to distribute goods all over the country instantly and set up huge outlets all over the country instantly. But even if money has been established all over the country Okay, what should I do if no one comes in to save money? What should I do if no one trusts the bank? Are the gold reserves enough to compensate? People need more trust, and this trust comes from the first big money we released. Single. The Xinyuan Kingdom dares to borrow, why don’t we dare to lend?”

Liu Jianye sighed: "That's the truth. But... if Xinyuan Kingdom defaults on the debt and doesn't pay back the money, who can do anything about it? We can't send troops to attack others, right?"

Jia Liping frowned, this is a problem. Reputation? We are all capitalists, and everyone knows what credibility is. He keeps saying that he operates with integrity, but when he reaches the critical point of profit, this is bullshit.

Everyone turned their attention to Li Zhen, who had not spoken. But seeing Li Zhen smiling and looking confident, everyone's eyes were full of hope.

"Dean Li, do you have any good ideas?"

Li Zhen laughed and said: "These are not problems. He cannot afford to default on his debts. Our main problem now is that the consortium cannot actually come up with that much money. Even if it does, the economic chain will be affected. The top priority should be The best thing to do is to open money banks all over Dongzhou immediately, and use the power of Dongzhou to lend money to the New Yuan Kingdom."

Jia Liping raised this issue and asked in shock: "Is there really a way?"

"The method is very simple, that is, mortgage loans and installment repayments."

"Mortgage? Installment?"

Everyone frowned a little. It was understandable that mortgage lending was involved, but what did the New Yuan Congress mortgage to Dongzhou? Mortgage land area? That's useless. When the time comes, if the Xinyuan Kingdom really wants to default on its debt, it will send troops to take back the land sooner or later.

Li Zhen said calmly: "I can't rely on you. Don't worry about the loan."

"Then what's the mortgage?"

"Gold. Population."


Everyone was stunned.

Li Zhen laughed and said: "Of course they are not ordinary people. We do not engage in human trafficking business. If you want to mortgage, you can mortgage the important ministers of Xinyuan Kingdom, even Emperor Jiang."


Everyone in the whole room took a breath of air and looked at Li Zhen in fear. Only Li Zhen can think of this method, right

The top priority is not how to lend money to Xinyuan Kingdom at all, but to immediately put the money bank on the agenda.

Li Zhen predicted that money banks would bloom all over Dongzhou in early October, and it was already the end of September.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Before making money, printing money is the top priority.

In Laoshan, a money printing factory just appeared. Everyone is a little curious, printing money? As expected, only a group of people like Kyushu Academy of Sciences can do this.

A large group of people from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences used the most advanced anti-counterfeiting technology to print new Kyushu coins. Of course, its name is not money for the time being, but 'Jiuzhou Voucher'. There are also denominations, divided into: 1 gold cent, 2 gold cents, 5 gold cents, 10 gold cents, 20 gold cents, 50 gold cents, 100 gold cents; 1 gold cent, 2 gold cents, 5 gold cents, 10 gold cents, 20 gold cents, 50 gold cents Money, 100 money, 500 money.

100 gold points equals 1 money. The maximum denomination is 500 yuan.

The value of five hundred coins is equivalent to more than three thousand Kyushu coins. It can be said to be full of gold content.

Before the new currency was issued, when the entire Dongzhou had not yet heard about Qianxing, rumors and comments began to spread throughout the entire Dongzhou.

"Have you heard? The Kyushu coins will no longer be used soon?"

"Ah? Why?"

"Wang Sandao is about to attack the imperial court. The Kyushu imperial court is about to collapse. Kyushu coins are about to become useless paper?"

"Oh my god, it's over, what should we do? Our whole family has worked hard to earn so many Kyushu coins, and we can't see it becoming waste paper. What should we do?"

"It doesn't matter. The right way is to sell the Kyushu coins now. The outsiders don't know the news yet. It's business for us to take the Kyushu coins and buy gold in other places and hoard it."

"Yes, outsiders are not as smart as us Dongzhou people. Go buy gold."

"As soon as the Kyushu imperial court fell, the Kyushu currency would be useless. Fortunately, only we people in Dongzhou know about these problems, inflation."

"What is inflation?"

"It's a concept put forward by Jiuzhou Institute of Finance and Mathematics, that is... one pound of money can only buy one pound of rice. That means prices have increased."

"It's not an increase in prices, you're wrong. Inflation is a devaluation of banknotes."

"Whatever he means, the Kyushu coins will be useless soon."


In an instant, all the capitalists and economically minded people in the entire Dongzhou ran out of Dongzhou in a swarm, frantically buying gold in all directions.

(End of chapter)