Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 20: Exam starts


That night, I did not dream of Zhang Zhi. A bit unaccustomed to it.

Li Zhen dreamed of the dead Liu Quan, dead Teacher Wang, Teacher Li and others.

They were covered in blood, and Liu Quan still had no head.

A group of people stood behind him, saying nothing, always looking at him.

Then a group of dead horse thieves appeared opposite him. Li Zhen saw the half-body head of Yanziji and the horse thieves he killed today.

The horse thief whom he beat to death stretched out his hands and pinched his neck. Li Zhen struggled in horror, but found that he could not speak or move.

"Come and die!"

The horse thief roared ferociously.

Li Zhen seemed to feel a cold approach on his neck, and was extremely frightened. At this moment, the headless Liu Quan suddenly stood up from behind, silently rushed towards the horse thief and hugged him.

Then both disappeared...

At this time, the head master also rushed towards him with a ferocious expression. At the same time, a large group of horse thieves in front of him were rushing towards him in a swarm. He grinned, as if he wanted to tear himself into pieces.

Li Zhen couldn't speak or move, and watched in horror as these ghosts rushed towards him.

At this time, the ten teachers behind him, Teacher Wang, Teacher Li, and Teacher Zhao, who had accompanied him to take the exam, all stood up from behind him.

Teacher Wang yelled: "Go to hell!"

Teacher Li yelled with splitting eyes, "Don't even think about meeting Li Zhen!"

"Don't even think about harming him."


The teachers rushed towards the horse thieves. The death of the teachers was even more miserable, and they seemed to be more ferocious and ferocious.

But Li Zhen didn't feel the slightest fear in his heart at this time.

Then the two parties collided and disappeared.

The sky turned white, and Li Zhen lay on the bed shivering. His clenched teeth and trembling cheeks proved that he was having a nightmare.

After a while, the body returned to calmness, and two lines of clear tears flowed from the closed eyes...

When he woke up, it was bright outside. Li Zhen felt relaxed all over. Except for being a little weak, he felt like he had been reborn. The high fever has gone away, my head is no longer dizzy, and my body has regained its energy.

At this time, a pair of eyes were extremely deep, and with a calm expression, he seemed to be unafraid of anything.

After eating a bowl of porridge provided by the examination room, within an hour, the person handing out test papers came.

The first test paper is physics.

Also handed out are the carbon pens provided in the examination room, correction fluid, and two blank pages of draft paper.

'Boom, boom, boom'

The bell rang, and the examiner's voice came from the electric loudspeaker: "There are four subjects in liberal arts and science, and two subjects in ancient science. The examination will last for two days and two nights. I hope all candidates will not make any noise. If you are found cheating, you will be escorted to Huangpu County Prison immediately." Do not talk to neighboring candidates. If you are caught, you will be punished for cheating. Plan your time reasonably, go to bed early and get up early, hand in the paper after two days, and leave by car. The most important thing is, don’t forget to write your name, exam number and other information at the beginning of the paper."


After the examiner finished speaking, the atmosphere in the entire examination room suddenly became solemn.


The paper rustled, and Li Zhen concentrated on grading the papers.

No one is in a hurry to do the questions. It lasts for two days and two nights. There is plenty of time, and marking is a must.

Time passed minute by minute, two hours later. Li Zhen already knew the content on the test paper by heart, but he was not in a hurry to write.

Instead, he rubbed his temples and went back to the wooden bed to lie down, close his eyes and start to rest and relax his brain.

The questions are not difficult, but you have to relax your brain and don't make mistakes because of wrong writing.

After resting for another hour, Li Zhen got up to do the questions.

Reading break rolls, getting a God.

Amidst the rustling sounds, I wrote smoothly without encountering any obstacles. Unlike other candidates who were scratching their heads and scratching their heads, as soon as he came into contact with the test paper, his whole person became particularly refreshed and his mind was clear.

In front of the horse thief, he was a weak young man. But in front of Ti Hai, he was a confident and fearless academic master.

"The three forms of water are ice, water, and water vapor."

"Under standard atmospheric pressure, water turns into ice below 0 degrees. At room temperature, it is liquid water. Above... "

"Light propagates in a straight line. If it enters the water at a non-vertical angle, it will be refracted... "

"Both natural magnets and artificial magnets are called permanent magnets, and they can attract iron objects. This property is called magnetism."


Li Zhen wrote with great concentration, but not every candidate has such strong knowledge as him.

The examinee next door got stuck as soon as he came on stage, scratching his head and pacing back and forth.

"Oh, how should I write this?"

"Two conductors A and B carry positive and negative charges respectively. If a wire R is connected between them, what will happen to the free electrons?"

"Nima, what do you mean? I feel dizzy. What do you mean?"


Many candidates fainted under this extremely convoluted question. Electricity and magnetism are two subjects that are only studied in universities in Kyushu. They are only dabbled in in high school, and most candidates cannot answer the questions at all.

Not just next door. In the entire Huangpu County, ABCD, most of the candidates in the four examination rooms were confused by this question.

Li Zhen's expression remained unchanged, and he flicked the tip of his pen: "The two conductors A and B carry positive and negative charges respectively. If a wire R is connected between them, the free electrons will move directionally along the wire under the action of electrostatic force. .B will lose electrons, A will gain electrons, the surrounding electric field will weaken rapidly, the potential difference between AB will quickly disappear, and the two conductors will become an equipotential body and reach electrostatic equilibrium."


From the examination room next door, the voices of examinees who collapsed kept coming: "Ah! What kind of formula is this!"

"Damn it, why are you so perverted? What the hell are these topics!"

"I can't even understand it. I haven't studied it at all!"


Li Zhen could hear the roars and screams of pain, but he could hear everything. He had sunk into the sea of questions and couldn't extricate himself.

“Average speed V flat=S/T… Vt/2=V flat=(Vt+V.)/2…”

"F=GM1M2/r2 (G=6.67*10-11NM2/kg2)"

"T2/R2=K (=4π2/GM)"


next door.


"I'm going crazy, what the hell is this."

"What is it? I remember memorizing it, why did I forget it? Why can't I remember it!"

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to fail this time."

"This is completely incomprehensible."


The last question in physics made Li Zhen pause for a long time without writing the answer. It's not that he can't, but that Li Zhen doesn't know what answer he should write.

Question: "According to legends from ancient times, we know that humans in ancient times realized their dream of flying into the sky. Facts have proved that humans can fly into the sky. So based on your discussion, how do you think humans can fly into the sky? ?From a physics point of view, what kind of physical devices need to be installed?"

Having learned this question, Li Zhen still remembered this point in his physics textbook: "According to scientists' discussions, it has been proven that humans do not have the body structure of birds, so the possibility of flapping their wings and flying into the sky is ruled out. Among speculations, humans are the most capable It is possible that the phenomenon of flying into the sky is to install a fixed wing suit and dive downward from a high place to glide... "

This passage is from a physics book.

Li Zhen looked at this question and understood that this question may not ask you to make conjectures or assumptions. It may test whether you have carefully read the physics book and whether you have written down this casual sentence.

Just looking at the test paper, the correct answer to this question may be to recite the sentence in the physics book.

"However, my ultimate goal is not just to be a college student..."

Li Zhen sighed: "Maybe writing the truest answer is not the "correct" answer in everyone's eyes. But I am a scholar, go against my own heart and write a wrong answer that only I know? Well, if I lose points for this question, If you lose points, you lose points.”

Li Zhen did not write the generally accepted 'correct' answer to this question. He wrote this:

"If there is such a physical device, it does not necessarily use a wingsuit to perform dive gliding. If we can assume this, then a device that can fly into the sky must meet two major elements: lift and thrust. By changing the wingsuit, we can obtain It can break the air like a flat wingspan. By adding a thrust device, from an aerodynamic point of view, it pushes the air and obtains forward power.

It consumes its own power and causes lift to appear on the wingspan..."


I checked the test paper several times and saw that the handwriting was neat and there were no traces of erasure or modification. Li Zhen was very satisfied.

"But I don't know if the test paper is neat and tidy. Will I get extra points?"

Whispered. At this time, the person handing out chemistry test papers came.

Looking at the chemistry test paper, Li Zhen sighed and said, "I have been bored for so long, and finally I have new questions to answer."


Next door, the examinee had collapsed and cried bitterly: "I haven't finished physics yet, ah, the test paper has been distributed again. How come time flies by so fast."


The exam is in full swing.

(End of chapter)