Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 209: Shooting stars are tears falling from God



"Say it."

"The imperial court could no longer hold on to the stalemate. Xun Jiayuan was afraid and sent an order to Hebi County, telling Li Zhen that we would discuss it another day. Let Li Zhen leave."

Hearing this, Xun Shifei and Wang Sandao looked at each other and laughed.

Wang Sandao breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, okay. I didn't let Li Zhen enter the capital, so I finally let them get rid of this deal."

Xun Shifei also breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Li Zhen would go to renew the life of the court. Even if Li Zhen doesn't renew his life for the court, Li Zhen seeing Xun Jiayuan is something they don't want to see.

Xun Shifei showed a relaxed smile and said softly: "Let's make arrangements to gather all the leaders of the Taiping Regiment in Huangpu County. We can discuss the big battle plan."

"yes… "


Ten thousand years ago.

"I heard from astronomers that we can observe the meteor shower in Xi'an tonight. This location should be excellent."

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhang Zhi brought her little Maza to the square where she often frequented. People nearby have long known this silent girl who often looks at the moon here and are used to her presence.

If she doesn't come for a day, even the nearby vendors will miss her.

After setting up the pony, Zhang Zhi set up the astronomical telescope lent to him by his classmates. There is a cheerful smile on the corner of his mouth. It is not easy to borrow an astronomical telescope. It is the beauty of wandering in the universe and the stars.

"Let's take a look at our moon first..."

Zhang Zhi fiddled with it according to the instructions. After searching for a long time, he finally found the existence of the moon.

In the astronomical telescope, the moon that I often watch is so beautiful. It is like a shining jade, hanging there forever and everlasting.

Ever since a mark appeared on her chest, she fell in love with the moon.

"You are so beautiful."

She murmured, feeling a little drunk.

Suddenly, under the camera, a group of meteorites appeared from beside the moon.

Zhang Zhi was pleasantly surprised: "I observed meteorites with an astronomical telescope. Is this the meteor shower that is coming to the earth? It's so shocking that I can see it so clearly... "

From the side of the moon, a group of meteorites flew over, not very large in diameter. But the greater number is still extremely shocking. The rows of meteorites were attracted by the earth and flew towards the earth. Only then will you realize that the universe is really vast, and no one can guess how many light-years these meteorites have wandered in the universe...

Gradually, as the meteorites got closer and closer to the earth, they came into contact with the air and began to burn. Glow and shine.

"Ah, look, the meteor shower!"

"It's so beautiful. This is a meteor shower. It's my first time to see a meteor shower."

"Quick, make a wish."

"Meteor Rain, please let me meet my Mr. Right!"

"Meteor Rain, please let me get out of singleness!"


There were cheers and cheers in the surrounding square.

The dark sky was pierced by meteors, and the meteorites trailing bright tails came from the eternal universe and took root on the earth.

Zhang Zhi adjusted the lens and followed the movement of the meteor shower. What she saw was not a swarm of meteors, but two meteors entangled and falling in a spiral.

You can see more clearly with an astronomical telescope that the two meteorites have been entangled with each other from the moment they fell to the earth, and they have never left each other. Then with the friction of the air, they continue to burn each other and wear each other out.

"Is this a fight till death do us part?"

He murmured inexplicably, and suddenly, Zhang Zhi's whole body froze, and a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

'Bang, bang, bang;'

The heart beat wildly.

She suddenly covered her chest and heart with both hands, her eyes showed pain, and her tears rolled down in the intense stimulation.

The mark of that tear suddenly became hot, seeming to burn everything. It also burns my heart.

The heart seemed to be twitching, trembling, and beating crazily in severe pain. All the blood in the body seemed to be flowing backwards.


Unable to hold back, he let out a soft cry.

The meteor shower is getting closer and closer to the ground, and their direction should be somewhere in the wilderness. But they will never be found, because this small group of meteorites has been almost wiped out by the friction of the atmosphere. Some meteorites have turned into a ball of flame and dissipated forever while they were still at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Some of the bigger ones can fall a little further.

The two meteorites that are always entangled are also constantly shrinking, shrinking crazily. Burning and boiling in the high temperature. The astronomical telescope could no longer see them, only burning fires could be seen.

Somewhere, a meteor shower fell.

There were almost no meteorites that fell, because they almost turned into slag and were burned and rubbed away.

Maybe no one will ever find out. There was a 'pop' in the sea water, and white smoke curled up.

A burning flame fell into the sea water, and the flame went out. Gradually sank to the bottom of the sea.

No one will ever discover that they fused together under high temperature and entanglement when there was only the last residue left. Only thumb size.

From a scientific point of view, these are two magnetic meteorites that are attracted to each other. So entangled.

Closed his eyes. At this moment, some pictures appeared in her mind.

This is a picture of two intertwined meteorites in an astronomical telescope.

"Li Zhen, my name is Li Zhen. Remember my name."

A voice echoed in my ears like thunder.

Unable to help herself, she said into the empty air: "My name is Zhang Zhi, Zhang Zhi, Zhang Zhi!"

Memories flooded into her mind, and she felt heartache. The pain of lovelorn, the pain of wanting to cry.

I remembered his name.

"I suddenly knew who I was waiting for here. Li Zhen!"

Zhang Zhi took a deep breath, his eyes extremely shocked.


Ten thousand years later.

Former Dongzhou camp in Hebi County.

"Look, meteor shower!"

"It's so spectacular, the meteor shower."

"It is said that meteor showers are tears from the sky. If a meteor shower falls in a certain place, it must be because there is something evocative and touching, and it will move the sky to tears."

"Don't be superstitious. Meteor showers are meteorites floating in the universe."

"I don't care anyway, I just think they are tears from God."

"No matter who it is, even Master Li proved it to me that that thing is a meteorite. I also firmly believe that it is the tears of God."

Hebi County, Dongzhou Troops. Everyone looked up at the meteor shower in fascination, and the two attendants argued with red faces.


Outside the camp, Li Zhen sat on the ground and looked up at the meteor shower falling slowly. Tears also fell with it.

"Zhang Zhi... I know why I want to go to Balong City. Someone named Zhang Zhi."

"A very important person."


Li Zhen took a deep breath, stood up and walked to the two followers who were still arguing.

When the two of them saw Li Zhen, they subconsciously stood up straight and did not dare to breathe.

Li Zhen suddenly turned around and looked at the younger follower seriously:

"You're right, shooting stars are the tears of God. They are the tears of God for the beautiful things that happen in the world."

(End of chapter)