Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 21: Return


Time is passing quickly.

Four test papers were placed on the table. Li Zhen sat cross-legged on the wooden bed in a daze, looking at the four test papers with dull eyes.

"There are still two hours until the exam ends..."

"Change it?"


Continue to be in a daze.

The physics question about mankind's return to the blue sky accounts for thirty points. The full score is 120. If he loses these 30 points, it is possible that Li Zhen will miss the university.

"Aren't you going to change it?"


There is no answer.

This is a question that embarrasses Li Zhen not only in physics, but also in mathematics and chemistry.

The chemistry title is: "Sulfuric acid is the most corrosive liquid in the world, right?"

It's a true or false question, just choose right or wrong.

Li Zhen made a cross.

He knew this question, and he might have given it away. Because it was mentioned in chemistry textbooks that forty years ago, someone at Fuxing University recovered sulfuric acid, which became the most corrosive liquid in the world. Nothing more powerful than sulfuric acid has yet been invented.

Li Zhen still rejected the correctness of this question.

But it was not a wrong choice for no reason. Li Zhen wrote in the blank:

"Corrosiveness is a broad concept. H2S04 sulfuric acid is the most corrosive to the human body. But in terms of corrosiveness to metals, it is not as strong as hydrochloric acid. In terms of corrosiveness to glass, it is not as strong as hydrofluoric acid. Aqua regia can even dissolve gold... "

Li Zhen knew that no one in this era had ever heard of hydrochloric acid, aqua regia, hydrofluoric acid and other things.

So Li Zhen wrote in the blank space:

"Hydrochloric acid: Nacl+H2S04 (distillation) = Na2S04 (sodium sulfide). Absorb the overflow gas with water = HCI (hydrochloric acid)."

"Hydrochloric acid + nitric acid = aqua regia."

"4NH3 + 5O2 = Catalysis △ = 4NO + 6H2O. 2NO + O2 = 2NO2. 3NO2 + H2O = 2HNO3+NO. 4NO+3O2+2H2O=4HNO3. 4NO2+O2+2H2O=4HNO3… "


These formulas occupy a large space in Li Zhen's chemistry test paper, which greatly affects reading. Li Zhen sighed: "Maybe if the roll is not neat, points will be deducted?"

As for the math test paper, the answers are even more controversial.

Li Zhen not only used the split term method to solve problems, but also used the 'Pythagorean Theorem' that has never been mentioned in this era.

Not only did he use it, in order to avoid being drawn an 'X' directly, Li Zhen left problem-solving formulas and problem-solving ideas everywhere in the blank spaces.

Li Zhen no longer had the confidence to win the most important exam in his life.

Most of the answers he wrote had never appeared in the New Calendar Era. He didn't know if any teacher could understand them, and he didn't know if any marking teacher would tell him that he was talking nonsense.

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed, looking at the four test papers on the table in a daze.

"Change it? Won't you change it?"

"If I change it to the 'standard answer' that everyone recognizes, I will get full marks."

"If I don't change, I might fail."

"Change it?"


Whispering, his mind fell to the bottom, and he was full of entanglements at this time. But he never doubted his original intention.

In the endless entanglement of sorrow, the time has come and the winder has come. Junjia took away the test paper and glanced at Li Zhen, who was in a daze. He naturally thought that this person must have failed the test.

Li Zhen raised his eyes, watched the military armor leave, took a deep breath, and sighed heavily:

"Perhaps life and death are determined by destiny and wealth. I still have no way to meet the public's 'standard answer'. I once commented that I am a rigorous scholar, so a scholar must always stick to what he knows in his heart to be the most correct. answer, instead of pursuing so-called standards for test scores, right?"



While asking and answering questions, Li Zhen lined up and boarded the leaving carriage.

He returned to the inspection site, collected his clothes, and walked out again.

After walking out of the inspection site and returning to the streets of Huangpu County, Li Zhen looked up at the blue sky and white clouds and exhaled heavily.

Forget it, it’s still the same sentence, life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in heaven. I did what I was supposed to do, and I wrote the correct answers I was supposed to write. Let all standards disappear. I have no regrets if I fail the exam. In the end, I chose my heart.

"How did you do on the exam?"

Qi Lengzi came to pick up Li Zhen.

Li Zhen smiled: "Just do what you have to do, and there will be no regrets if you fail."

Qi Lengzi thought that Li Zhen did not do well in the exam, and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged. Think about it, there are tens of thousands of candidates in Southeast Prefecture, and only a few hundred people apply for college. It's normal if you don't pass the exam."



Li Zhen jumped on his horse and left immediately before Li Zhen could report the Yanziji incident to his hometown.

Looking back at the huge city that he had entered confidently, he sighed quietly.

Forget it, returning in embarrassment is also a gesture.


Qi Lengzi rode a horse to chase him out.

Li Zhen smiled and said nothing - drive!

Two people and two horses left Huangpu and disappeared on the official road filled with yellow sand...

Two days ago, eight horse thieves came, seven died and one escaped.

If the guess is correct, the horse thief will report back to Yanziji. It will take more than a day to travel from here to Yanziji. In other words, Yan Ziji had already received the news when he was still in the examination room a day ago.

If nothing else happens, the Yanziji horse thief's urine will definitely entangle more people to come for revenge. They would choose to divide their troops into two groups, one to intercept on this road, and the other to search in Huangpu County.

"If they are intercepted, they must have come from the official road. There is only one official road. The other mountain roads are complicated, but there are several. But Jiahe County. Let's take a detour and go back to Haining County. It will take an extra day, but safest."

Li Zhen looked at the map and said.

Qi Lengzi said expressionlessly: "I listen to you. Send you back to Hangcheng County. You pay me the money and I will go back to Huangpu."

"You are not a fool of Qi, you are a fool of money."


Li Zhen's prediction was not wrong at all. As expected, the new head of Yanziji gathered his troops again and came to take revenge.

But instead of dividing the troops into two groups, they divided into three groups.

Take the official road all the way to Huangpu County.

Detour all the way to Huzhou County to intercept.

The other way went to Hangcheng County.

The horse thief just made a wrong choice. There are actually more than two or three routes from Huangpu County to Hangcheng County. There is not only the one in Haining County, but also the one in Huzhou County, and the one in Haiyan City.

However, the horse thieves also had limited manpower. They could only block one path and chose to intercept them in Huzhou County.

Li Zhen and his wife walked through Haining County without any obstruction. Although they took many detours, they arrived at Hangcheng County five days later without any trouble.

What is regrettable is that he came to intercept Li Zhen's horse thief on the county official road in Hangcheng, but he also missed it. Li Zhen just passed them by and entered Hangcheng County.


As soon as Li Zhen entered Hangcheng County, there was a sensation in the county.

"What? Why are you the only one back?"

"what's going on?"

"Why did the school suddenly receive news from Huangpu County, asking why our candidate named Liu Quan was absent, and why Liu Quan applied for the exam but did not go to the examination room."

"Li Zhen, what happened?"


Zhang Meng, the lord of Hangcheng County, a man of about forty years old, arrived. He looked at Li Zhen and Qi Lengzi in shock and said in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Accompanying Zhang Meng was Liu Quan's father.

Li Zhen looked at everyone, took a deep breath and knelt on the ground: "When I went to Huangpu County, I met horse thieves on the way to Yanziji. Everyone was killed by horse thieves."


Uncle Liu rolled his eyes, sat down on the ground, and asked with red eyes: "Liu... Where is Liu Quan?"

"the late."

With a trembling voice, Li Zhen told everything about Yanziji and what happened to him in Huangpu County.

Including killing six horse thieves outside Huangpu County.

At the city gate, there was silence. Everyone is turned to stone.

(End of chapter)