Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 210: I just want to see her


Mencius once put forward an idea - human nature is inherently good.

It is said that human beings are kind from the time they are born. Nature is good.

Xunzi put forward the rebuttal philosophical thought that human nature is inherently evil.

It is said that people are greedy and selfish. People are born with evil nature and their nature is bad.

Some people support Mencius, while others support Xunzi.

After thousands of years of debate, this philosophical paradox suddenly became a mystery.

Later, Song Dynasty put an end to this false proposition. Thousands of years of philosophical debate have evaporated.

Human nature is not good, and human nature is not evil.

The proposition that human nature is inherently good and that human nature is inherently evil are all false propositions. Because human nature is constantly changing as the situation changes, and everyone is just revolving around one 'I'.

As soon as the baby is born, he needs to take in nutrients from his mother's body because "I" am hungry.

As an adult, I see my friends fighting with strangers. I will help my friends because they are "my" friends.

If a beggar comes to ask for money, he may give him some charity, or he may give him a cold look. Because "I" don't want to, or "I" think.

So human nature is instinct.


If you are with someone who is unforgettable to you, the price is to give up the whole world. Are you willing to give up the whole world

It will make everyone else in the world disappear and only the two of you will be left. The choice is yours. Will you give up this world and only pursue the one you love

To the rest of the world, the answer is brutal.

I can.


Qi Lengzi looked at Li Zhen with a horrified face, and couldn't help but tremble violently: "Seriously...seriously."

Li Zhen looked at him with an expressionless expression: "Go ahead."


The next moment, a message came from the telegraph machine that had just been developed by the Kyushu Academy of Sciences and was still in the experimental stage. The entire Kyushu Academy of Sciences became nervous.

Because this telegraph machine was originally only in the experimental stage and verification stage. But after Li Zhen traveled, he handed it over to the team that protected Li Zhen for emergency use.

At this moment, the telegraph machine rang.

In the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, Liu Jinghong, who was in charge, shouted in horror: "Call the governor of Dongzhou, Feng Naien, all the heads of the Ten Thousand Years Consortium, and the commander-in-chief of the Dongzhou garrison, to assemble quickly."

"Here, send 50,000 troops. Assemble Hebi County quickly."

Translated, it's just a short sentence.

But it made the entire Dongzhou turbulent.

Feng Naien rushed to the Kyushu Academy of Sciences overnight, and before anyone arrived, the voice came first: "Li Zhen had an accident? Oh my god, I told him not to let him go, but he insisted on going. What should I do now?"

Everyone gathers.

Liu Jinghong showed the telegram to everyone, but he could not analyze literally whether there was an accident. But Li Zhenrang sent 50,000 troops to assemble in Hebi County.

They tried to send another telegram to Li Zhen to ask about the specific situation. However, the telegram that was sent fell into disarray without any response.

Fang Hanxian from the Institute of Electromagnetics was sweating profusely. He just said: "This radio transmission is originally in the experimental stage. I still don't know whether it is because there is no way to respond, or because the telegraph machine is faulty."

Feng Naien gritted his teeth and stamped his feet: "Send troops!"

The people of the seven major groups were also sweating. If something happened to Li Zhen, the entire Dongzhou would collapse.

There was no discussion with the official people at all. After returning, he immediately counted the armed forces of his group and rushed to Hebi County in batches to assemble.

The commander-in-chief of the Dongzhou garrison withdrew all the naval forces. All the naval forces were temporarily converted into infantry and rushed to Hebi County with sufficient supplies.

Without much discussion, the entire Dongzhou military force was assembled and divided into more than a dozen forces, which quickly went to Hebi County to assemble.

Dongzhou stayed up all night, and all the people and capitalists felt that the storm was coming.

Just watching the large transport steam vehicles loaded with supplies, or troops setting off from all over the East Continent.

Just watching the war horses galloping rapidly.

I just watched large steam vehicles carrying long guns and short cannons, and even temporarily unloaded artillery pieces from battleships, leaving Dongzhou.

Said it was 50,000 people. In fact, 100,000 people.


Hebi County. There was a cry of mourning, and everyone felt the suffocation of despair.

Just watching a steam car coming quietly to the foot of Hebi County, a general wearing armor shouted with a trembling voice:

"Order Hebi County to open the city gate within five hours to let people go. If they don't open the door after five hours, Hebi County will be overthrown."


Jiang Tian, the princess of Hebi County, jumped up and down on the tower in her pajamas and shouted hysterically: "Misunderstanding, there must be a misunderstanding. There must be some misunderstanding here. Is there a small friction somewhere? Don't fight. Is there anything you can't do? Would you like to calm down and talk?"

"Where is Dean Li? I want to see Dean Li. Let Dean Li come and talk."

"The imperial court did not say anything excessive. The imperial court did not say that there would be friction with Dongzhou. The imperial court just said that we would discuss it another day."

"Oh, my Dean Li, why are you so ready to attack the city?"


Jiang Tian was jumping on the city tower, but he could only stare. The Dongzhou camp was just mobilizing for war preparations, and no one paid any attention to him.

Within an hour, forty or fifty batches of envoys had been sent out to understand the situation. The envoys were not killed, but the envoys could not enter the camp where Dongzhou was stationed at all. They were all blocked and disappeared.

Jiang Tian broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. The troops from the three counties in Xinxiang were still on the way. Hebi County alone had about 10,000 troops stationed there. It is simply impossible to stop Dongzhou's tiger and wolf power.

What kind of army is that in Dongzhou

Everyone in Dongzhou, even ordinary soldiers, wears invulnerable alloy armor.

What about Hebi County? Only those with good conditions can wear leather armor, and only older officials can wear light armor. As for heavy armor, only cavalry is equipped with it, and there are only a few hundred cavalry!

Let’s talk about weapons. Dongzhou’s troops are all equipped with firearms, which are basically firearms.

What about Hebi County? Ten thousand troops, thousands of guns and guns.

Don't talk about city walls, don't talk about towers. If Dongzhou really wants to attack Hebi County, he can basically ignore these.

People just throw bombs from a distance, and the tower can be reduced to ruins. What are you guarding

The people of Dongzhou have proven more than once that fighting for manpower and bravery is a joke. Fighting for equipment is the last word.

Jiang Tian was so anxious that he was covered in cold sweat and said in a trembling voice: "Has the news been passed on to the imperial court?"

"Passed it."

"When will the reinforcements from the three counties arrive?"

"No... I don't know."

"Fuck you!"

Jiang Tian was furious, kicked the secretary over, and asked: "How long...how long is left?"

"Four hours have passed since the five-hour time limit Li Zhen said."

Jiang Tian's body trembled when he heard this. He swore that he had never felt that time passed so fast. The god of death's knife was placed on his neck.

In Dongzhou Camp, Li Zhen was sitting there alone, no one dared to approach.

Just obey.

The results are out and we need to fight. This is much better than leaving people wondering whether to withdraw the troops or not, right

Come on, no one in Dongzhou is afraid. Everyone's nervousness is only based on the fact that Li Zhen's safety is not guaranteed as he goes deep alone.

But after that telegram was sent, everyone felt relieved. Instead, everyone started gearing up.

This is a very strange and abnormal psychological activity. Maybe, being invincible is a kind of loneliness...

With a small table and a small stool, Li Zhen sat quietly under the moonlight and drank by himself.

"Zhang Zhi, I will conquer everything to see you."

"Even mountains of corpses and seas of blood can't stop me."


He belongs to the type of person who brings out his 'human instinct' to the fullest extent.

Neither good nor evil.

He can shed his blood and sacrifice his life to make the world a better place.

He can also sacrifice a lot to pursue what touches his heart.

'If the imperial court doesn't open the door, then there will be a bloody path. '

I just want to see her.

(End of chapter)