Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 211: The world is shocked (fifth update)


I don't think about whether this is right or wrong.

Right or wrong is not a consideration.

beat! Just fight!

If they don't open the door, they'll open the door.

"It's time Li Zhen."

Qi Lengzi said anxiously.

Li Zhen stood up and looked at the outline of Hebi County with a pair of emotionless eyes: "How long will it take to defeat it?"

The person in charge of protecting Li Zhen hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Go back to Dean Li. Occupy Hebi County within an hour."

Li Zhen nodded indifferently: "If we can't fight it within an hour, you don't have to come back."


"The general knows."


"Assemble the entire army!"

"Be prepared to press forward one kilometer and advance the entire army."


All 20,000 people formed an array, all unarmed, and all departments prepared.

The general named Yang Yuan suddenly shouted: "Is it possible to capture Hebi County within an hour?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Twenty thousand people uniformly erupted into thunderous shouts of killing.



A large-scale steam sound and an unknown huge movement suddenly came from the army. Twenty thousand people began to press into Hebi County.

The troops stationed on the tower of Hebi County were all frightened when they saw the roaring sound in the distance and the roar of countless large machines.

"This this… "

"Can you survive this fight?"

"You have absolutely no power to fight back."

"This is asking us to die. We are fighting with knives, and... the steam monsters have come out."

"What should I do?"


The entire Hebi County was frightened. They only heard the terrifying roar outside the city and the uniform shouts of killing, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

Every soldier's legs felt weak. Some of the timid ones were even trembling.

Hebi County is in the hinterland, and the soldiers here have never fought in a war. Dongzhou is on the coastal border. Although it has not fought many battles, it has a lot of actual combat experience because it has to fight pirates.

Morale was almost overwhelming.

Many soldiers almost collapsed.

The people in the city were in a panic and did not dare to go out. They knew that Dongzhou's troops were coming, and they also knew that Hebi County could not resist it.

Every common person posted words about Dongzhou on the door of their room, hoping to tell the Dongzhou Army that they all surrendered to Dongzhou wholeheartedly.


Jiang Tian shouted hysterically: "Say!"

"The reinforcements from Xinxiang County are 5,000, and they will arrive at Hebi County in three hours."

Jiang Tian's whole body started to tremble, and he ran around every corner of the tower like crazy: "Two hours, everyone only needs to hold on for two hours, and the reinforcements will arrive."

"It only takes two hours."

"Everyone must hold on for two hours. It only takes two hours."

"Can't we last even two hours?"

Jiang Tian ran around and personally carried out various pre-war mobilizations. The news said it would arrive in three hours, but he said it would be two hours. This was an unspoken deception, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Sure enough, the anxious soldiers felt relieved when they heard that reinforcements would arrive in two hours. What he fears most is Lin Ke's fate, with no help in the future.

Finally, the Dongzhou Army approached the Hebi County Castle Tower, five hundred meters away from the city gate. At this place, stopped.

Jiang Tian held his breath nervously, and said softly: "Quick, tell all the archers. Release arrows when you are close. Don't waste an arrow. When you reach a hundred meters, I will release the arrows."

"What about the Fire Gun Army?"

"There is no need for the fire gun army now. They can only be effective when the distance is tens of meters..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian stopped speaking.

I heard thunderous shouts coming from the Dongzhou Army: "Explode!"

At this moment, everyone in Hebi County held their breath...

But they saw flaming arrows flying towards Hebi County like locusts under the fire of the giant crossbow. There was green smoke coming out of the end of every arrow, and every arrow was blazing into the sky.


'take take take'

The arrow flew forward, and then was hit by the huge inertia and unique characteristics of the arrow. It was easily nailed to the heavy wooden city gate.

Almost a large number of arrows are flying towards the city gate.

In an instant, the city gate was turned into a hornet's nest.

A few arrows landed on the city tower. When everyone saw that there was a burning fuse at the end of the arrows, they all changed their colors in panic.

Jiang Tian screamed: "Run!"

'Boom boom'

I don't know how many arrows, all exploded.

The explosive arrow was a weapon developed by the Dongzhou navy through their own research.

Every arrow is filled with explosives. This explosive is not the gunpowder commonly used in Kyushu. It's a new formula developed in the School of Chemistry - nitroglycerin!

Hundreds of arrows were nailed to the city gate or landed under the city tower.

At that moment, everything exploded.

Nitroglycerine is 16 times more powerful than gunpowder commonly used in Kyushu. The explosive yield of those hundreds of arrows is no different from the bombs commonly used in Kyushu that are filled once or twice at the city gate.

Jiang Tian was still thinking that Dongzhou's troops might use trebuchets to throw bombs over. Or send dead soldiers with bombs to blow up the city gate. I've thought of ways to deal with it.

The result was not…

They created a kind of "explosion arrow". Each arrow was filled with a terrifying chemical explosive, and was fired in a volley by the machine crossbow that fired the siege chisel. There is no suspense at all.

Too underestimated, too underestimated of the strength of the Dongzhou Army.

This equipment is disastrous for any existing force. It's an incredible piece of equipment.

This also means. The city towers and city walls are about to disappear from the stage of history...

They will serve no defensive purpose.

Only a 'bang' was heard, and the entire ground in Hebi County trembled.

Some people who were hiding in the house saw the dust on the ground jumping up. His face turned pale with fright. Let's end it quickly. Surrender immediately. The momentum of Dongzhou's troops is not something that the imperial court can compete with.

In that loud noise, the city gate of Hebi County flew away like a bed of tattered cotton wool.

The entire magnificent fire brick and cement-cast city tower cracked quickly like tofu dregs.

A gap was directly blown out of the city gate. The gap was forty or fifty meters wide, like a natural chasm. With just one salvo, a groove was plowed out of the tower in Hebi County.

Jiang Tian was shaken by the huge earthquake and fell to the ground. He got up and ran, shouting hysterically: "Run. The tower is about to collapse."



The soldiers who were not dead on the tower threw away their weapons, screamed, cried, collapsed and ran down the tower;

Not long after Jiang Tiangang came down from the city tower, he saw several huge cracks appearing on the city wall, and then began to spread.

With a 'bang', the city wall that Jiang Tian thought could defend the Dongzhou Army for two hours collapsed.

The messy soldiers stood in the city, looking at the ruins of the city tower, their faces turned pale with fear.

Dongzhou didn’t even send a single person!

No one was dispatched!

Just five hundred meters away, a salvo fired, and the entire Hebi County's main defense force became a joke...

Everyone can't help but ask themselves, is this power still the bomb we once knew

It would take an overwhelming amount of bombs to blow down the tower, right

What the hell is this

The Dongzhou Army took a deep breath and collectively relaxed. Only now did they realize that they had become so powerful without knowing it

I thought there was going to be a fierce battle. The result was a single salvo and it was a draw.

They have never had the opportunity to participate in the battle, and Dongzhou's armed forces have no idea what their strength is. Today, they pulled out a salvo and fired a round, and they finally knew their own strength.

Li Zhen stood in the camp, looking at the raging fire in the distance. He took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Those who surrender will not be killed. The common people will not be killed. All those who resist will be executed."

Qi Lengzi was shocked: "Yes!"


Fifty kilometers away.

The five thousand troops that were marching suddenly stopped.

The big flag with the words "Xinxiang County" trembled in the night wind.

A general in armor was riding on a war horse, staring into the distance with his mouth open. The sound of "boom" was still echoing in his ears. At that moment, it seemed that the ground was shaking, right

"General, ahead... ahead is Hebi County. I wonder what the loud noise is about?"

"General? General? Why did you stop?"

"That sound just now was thunder, right?"


After a moment, a look of fear flashed in the eyes of the general on horseback, and he cleared his throat: "Withdraw. Return to Xinxiang County."


The three armies were in an uproar. They were almost reaching Hebi County. Why did they have to go back

The general said with a red face: "I received an urgent message from the court, ordering us to retreat to Xinxiang County. Just guard Xinxiang County."

The banner of Xinxiang County was turned around, and the three armies returned the same way.

Although everyone was wondering, when did they receive the emergency order from the court

But everyone breathed a sigh of relief...

This sound. It resounded throughout Kyushu.

This night, Kyushu was shocked!

One piece of news spread from Hebi County to all parts of the world and all forces.

The world is shocked!

PS: It’s the last day of September, comrades.

I strongly request a monthly ticket here. I strongly request a reward, comrades.

I strongly request rewards and monthly votes. It's been so long since the fifth update, are you still impressed? Don't say you don't dare to move...

(End of chapter)