Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 214: Spirit


Zhang Qiang shouted for a long time, but there was still no movement from the other side. He was a little panicked.

"Dean Li, I sincerely welcome the brother troops from Dongzhou to visit Xinxiang County."

After a long time, Li Zhen finally spoke and asked Zhang Qiang to come into the army for an interview.

It was the first time Zhang Qiang met this legendary man. He was indeed as young as the rumors. It was this boy who had grown from a down-and-out boy to a great man in just two years, rising step by step to become the supreme king of Kyushu.

The thin body seemed to be extremely weak.

But the calmness and depth in his eyes also reveal powerful energy, and there is always a majestic aura about him. The presence of that aura made people even ignore his appearance, and even had the illusion that for a moment they couldn't see his face clearly...

Sitting there quietly, with a starry sky behind him, he was as deep as the starry sky. It is as calm as an ancient well and as majestic as the vast sea.

"Subordinate Zhang Qiang, please see Dean Li."

Zhang Qiang saluted quickly. He felt that the name Dean Li was a bit weird, but everyone called him that, and he couldn't think of a better name for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this young man only has one official identity, that is, the president of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. I can't help but marvel, this is similar to the status of a principal, and he is really the first person in history.

Li Zhen nodded: "Are you letting us enter the city?"

Zhang Qiang said quickly: "Yes, that's right. Our Xinxiang County sincerely welcomes the Dongzhou brothers' troops to visit Xinxiang County."

Li Zhen was silent for a while and said with a smile: "Let all government personnel and garrison troops in Xinxiang County withdraw. Tonight, Xinxiang County has been requisitioned, and Dongzhou's troops will rest here overnight. Do you have any objections?"

Zhang Qiang waved his hand quickly: "No, no. Absolutely no objection, no objection at all. I will issue an order right away to ask everyone in the city to evacuate. We can just set up tents outside Xinxiang County at night. Friends from Dongzhou are guests from afar. , our Xinxiang County is warm and hospitable, and we must leave the best to our guests."

Li Zhen was amused by him. This Zhang Qiang is really a wonderful person. The words spoken on the stage turned out to be so nice.

It was obvious that Xinxiang County, forced by Dongzhou's power, did not dare to resist and rebelled against the imperial court. But it is unclear. Rebellion does not look like rebellion, and hostility does not look like hostility.

But it turns out that Xinxiang people are warm and hospitable, and everyone who comes from far away is a guest.

This was a good thing to say, but Li Zhen couldn't bear to beat him, and it couldn't be justified to restrain them.

Don't hit the smiling person with your hand.

"The people don't need to withdraw. Just withdraw the troops."

"Dean Li has a deep understanding of righteousness and is indeed a contemporary hero. A generation of heroes still looks up to Dean Li today. Dean Li's spirit of caring for the people really moved me deeply. He really does love the people like a son, just like the legend says. If you don’t take advantage of the common people, you would rather go hungry than work for the common people. This spirit of fearlessness, self-sacrifice and dedication, I, Zhang, must remember and learn from.”

Li Zhen was stunned for a while after hearing this, and looked at Zhang Qiang talking intoxicatedly, just like the real thing. I don't even know what to say. I can't handle this.

Qi Lengzi led a group of people into Xinxiang County and began to check for hidden dangers and ambushes. When it was safe, all soldiers from Xinxiang County retreated five miles. Then 20,000 people from Dongzhou entered the city.

Li Zhen suddenly looked back and saw Zhang Qiang wrapped in a cloak, holding a notebook in his hand and delivering a speech to thousands of soldiers in Xinxiang County:

"I just had a conversation with Dean Li. Dean Li's speech is worth pondering. Everyone, please take note of it."

Then a group of officials, big and small, from Xinxiang County, as well as soldiers and people from the government office, all sat cross-legged on the ground with a notebook in hand and started recording. While writing notes, he looked at Dongzhou's troops anxiously.

"Dean Li is a good man who loves the people as a son. His spirit of self-sacrifice and dedication, all for the sake of the people, is worthy of careful study by each of us. This is Dongzhou's advanced experience, and everyone in our Xinxiang County must learn from it." What kind of spirit has been absorbed into Dean Li's body? Tell me."

A general stood up. Seeing that the Dongzhou troops had not gone far, he quickly pulled his neck and shouted: "Dedication!"

A loud roar made all the people in Dongzhou look sideways, looking back while walking towards the city. Tsk-tsk.

Zhang Qiang glanced back and shouted: "Yes, it is the spirit of dedication. We must implement it and study in depth. Dean Li came all the way from Dongzhou this time and brought us advanced knowledge and concepts. This is No matter how many years we have, we cannot learn it through self-exploration. We must keep in mind Dean Li’s kindness to Xinxiang County. It was Dean Li’s introduction that made us suddenly realize and let us fully understand how to be friendly and united. , manage Xinxiang County harmoniously…”

A group of big-headed soldiers sat on the ground and quickly took notes, including those who couldn't write. Even if you draw circles in your notebook and make a show of it, you still have to look like you are taking notes.

As the saying goes, one soldier is a raging enemy, and a general is raging in a nest.

You can't comment on whether Zhang Qiang is a bear, but there is no difference. Zhang Qiang's flattering spirit of "self-sacrifice and dedication" has been deeply implemented in every soldier and official in Xinxiang County. Isn't this why birds of a feather flock together

Even the people of Xinxiang County have deeply implemented this flattering spirit. Dongzhou's 20,000 troops entered the city, and the people spontaneously organized and stood on both sides of the street to welcome them.

Clapping and applauding.

The small flag of Dongzhou Army was waving in his hand. The one with the word 'Dongzhou' painted on his face.

Carrying various small gifts to the soldiers of Dongzhou Army.

This gave everyone in Dongzhou the illusion that this was not like a dove occupying a magpie's nest. Why do I always feel that I am from Xinxiang County, and I have returned victorious this time, and the people are welcoming me warmly

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome."

All I could hear was the voice of the common people like a wave.

It's impossible to tell whether they are really giving a warm welcome, whether they are sincerely welcoming the Dongzhou troops into the city, or whether it is for other reasons... Because to you, it doesn't look like they are pretending at all.

Yang Yuan and others secretly observed, and a group of Dongzhou generals secretly studied and took notes.

This is the way to be an official!

Zhang Qiang pretended to take notes and taught everyone to learn Li Zhen's spirit.

Everyone in Dongzhou was secretly taking notes and learning Zhang Qiang's flattery style.

This... is a bit too useful.

Li Zhen was sitting in the steam car, listening to the welcoming sound of the mountains and tsunami outside, his face was red and he was so ashamed.

"Qi Lunzi."

"Ah? What are you doing?"

Qi Lengzi smiled from ear to ear and walked into the car with his arms full of food and gifts while greeting the people: "Hello. Hello."

Li Zhen blushed and said, "Let Zhang Qiang clean up and go to bed early. Don't bother."

"I think Princess Zhang has done a very good job. Princess Zhang's character is incredible. She really has a spirit of learning."

Qi Lengzi said seriously.

Li Zhen covered his forehead: "You should ask him to disband those soldiers. In the middle of the night... he is in a study spirit. Oh, I am so embarrassed."


A moment later, Zhang Qiang shouted righteously outside the city: "Let's all disperse. Dean Li is not willing to let us know the good deeds he has done and his spirit. So, Dean Li really He is a person who does not show off, does not compare, and possesses traditional virtues. This low-key, mature thought is more worthy of learning by each of us. When everyone is resting, think carefully and taste it before going to bed... "



Seeing that Dongzhou's troops had completely entered the city, Zhang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body was soaked with cold sweat.

Life saved.

(End of chapter)