Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 217: SMX


Jiaozuo County.

Marching all the way, Dongzhou's large army arrived here the next day.

Like Xinxiang County, Jiaozuo County did not dare to resist Dongzhou's troops. Li Zhen's team was stationed in Xinxiang County for one night, and almost everyone knew what happened here.

Those who resist will die.

If they don't resist and everyone comes out to greet them, Dongzhou will just pass by.

Far away, the princess of Jiaozuo County had already led all the staff to greet them. They profoundly imitated the essence of Xinxiang County's emphasis on strength, holding banners and scattering flowers.

The people applauded and warmly welcomed Dongzhou people passing by.

With the Jiaozuo people on tenterhooks, the Dongzhou troops ignored it and sent someone to negotiate with them, and the large troops went directly over.

No stops at all along the way.

There is no fatigue of long marches.

Most of the main forces of various forces in Kyushu still use two legs to travel. Dongzhou is already full of steam vehicles, and every transport steam vehicle is full of soldiers. The soldiers only ride in the vehicles and do not walk.

The generals ride in small steam cars. The smaller generals rode horses.

There was no one walking.

So there is no fatigue at all, everyone is full of life, except for those who get motion sickness.

Other forces are called armies.

And Dongzhou's power is directly the convoy.

It's so continuous that you can't even see the end at a glance.

After leaving Jiaozuo County, this is already within the scope of Zhongzhou.

Li Zhen sat in the car and looked at the map: "Further ahead is Sanmenxia. If I guessed correctly, the imperial court should have made corresponding arrangements. Sanmenxia is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so there should be heavy troops stationed to defend it. "

Yang Yuan sat in the car and summed up: "I just don't know how many people are stationed there."

Li Zhen said calmly: "When I was reporting from Hangcheng County to Balong City, I passed by Sanmenxia. The terrain of that place... Even if only ten thousand people were stationed, they could stop us. And the imperial court must have more than ten thousand people. Have the scouts stationed here returned?"


"Let's wait until the scout comes back."


A few hours later, several fast horses rushed forward and immediately reported the specific situation of Sanmenxia to Li Zhen.

"Report to Dean Li that Sanmenxia has integrated the military and civilians. All the people have evacuated into Sanmenxia. The imperial court has sent 40,000 troops, plus the original 25,000 troops stationed in Sanmenxia. A total of nearly 70,000 people are stationed in Sanmenxia. With the mountain It is a cover and uses the geographical location as a barrier. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. The entire Sanmenxia has been put under martial law and no one is allowed to enter, not even businessmen or civilians. Our spies cannot be sent in and we cannot understand the internal situation."

Li Zhen nodded: "Go down and rest."


Yang Yuan frowned and said: "There are sixty or seventy thousand people stationed in Sanmenxia. This... is not easy to fight."

Li Zhen asked: "How many hot air balloons did we bring?"

"About a dozen or so."

Li Zhen nodded: "Wait for the wind to come."



Sanmenxia. Within the pass.

Ma Junqi, the newly appointed military marshal after Lin Ke died in battle, is here. Standing on the tower of Sanmenxia, looking at the sea of people all over the pass, he chuckled: "So what if you can defeat Hebi County in three minutes? Can you blow up mountains? Can you blow up all the nearby mountains?" ? If it doesn’t blow up, I can kill you here."

"If you know what's going on, turn around and leave. If you don't know what's going on and drag me here, it will cost you until you run out of ammunition and food. At that time, with an order from the imperial court, soldiers from several places in Zhongzhou will surround you from the rear. Want to enter the Eight Dragon City? Just fly there!"

Ma Junqi was not worried at all. As long as Li Zhen dared to come, he would be prepared to be dragged to death here. He didn't believe that Li Zhen could even break Sanmenxia. That would be unscientific.

After a quick march, it took half a day.

Suddenly the alarm bell sounded in Sanmenxia.

"The Dongzhou people are coming!"

"Everyone is ready to fight, the Dongzhou people are coming."

"Trebuchet ready."

"Guard this canyon. If the Dongzhou Army dares to make a surprise attack from here, they will push down the boulders and crush them to death."

"So what if the Dongzhou people are armed with heavy firepower? We have a geographical advantage."


Sanmenxia was tense and solemn.

At this time, Li Zhen ordered the troops to be stationed.

We are stationed on the plain outside Sanmenxia and will not go deeper. The deeper you go, the more you enter the mountain. Passive.

The camp was quickly set up, and Yang Yuan and others immediately found Li Zhen to discuss countermeasures.

Yang Yuan asked: "Sanmenxia seems to be ready. This place is indeed a place that cannot be opened by one man. But what should we do now?"

Li Zhen said calmly: "There's no rush."

"It's a pity that we can't bring the armored ship. Otherwise, the armored ship will go directly to the Yangtze River and go straight to Balong City by water. Can they help me? But I guess the court also knows that we can't take the waterway, alas. The Yellow River Valley is more Can’t leave…”

Li Zhen laughed and said: "The waterway cannot be used. Sixty or seventy thousand soldiers are hoarded here, and the defenses have been prepared long ago. There must be many ambushes in the waterway. The waterway is even more dangerous. As for the Yellow River Valley, don't consider it. That was ten thousand years ago. A river dries up into a valley, with a lot of mud and swamps at the bottom. It’s almost like a canyon, and even more dangerous.”

"Then how do we cross Sanmenxia?"

"Wait for a wind, and then walk into Sanmenxia openly."

"Waiting for a wind? Are we going to use hot air balloons? But a dozen hot air balloons can't hold many bombs. It will have little impact on the overall situation."

Li Zhen smiled and said: "Qi Lunzi. When we left Dongzhou, did Lin Guofu and the others load a truck full of glass bottles?"

"seems like it."

"Ah That's good."

"What's in the glass?"

Li Zhen smiled and said nothing, and then said: "If so many people are stationed here, where does the food source come from?"

Yang Yuandao: "Logically speaking, Sanmenxia has grain depots and reservoirs. It can be self-sufficient. The grain should have been transported in advance, and the reservoirs and reservoirs may have been prepared in advance."

"Don't you get drinking water from the Yangtze River?"

"Haha, Dean Li, how is that possible? There is a reservoir. Sixty-seven thousand people drink water, such a large amount of water. The number of people who carry water from the Yangtze River alone is at least five to six thousand There are enough talents. Who is willing to use the troops to carry water? They are all pumped into the Sanmenxia Reservoir or the reservoir in advance by water trucks."

Li Zhen said: "Two hot-air balloons will be sent out tonight, equipped with telescopes to conduct reconnaissance from high altitudes. We will draw a map of the entire interior of Sanmenxia, focusing on the reservoirs, grain depots and other places."



The cruel look in his eyes was felt by everyone around him...

No one can stop me!

(End of chapter)