Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 218: Reinforcements arrive


late at night.

Inside Sanmenxia Pass.

Alarm bells are ringing.


"All alert."

"The enemy is attacking. The Dongzhou Army is attacking."


In the entire Sanmenxia Pass, all the people and soldiers raised their heads. But I saw four or five flaming hot air balloons rising into the sky, floating over Sanmenxia.

Ma Junqi looked up for a while and said angrily, "Shoot them down for me."

"It's too far, it's impossible."

"Assemble the siege machine crossbow."


The soldiers stood on the tower and began to use the winch to wind up the crossbows, and then aimed at the hot air balloons floating in the sky.

"Fire arrows."

"Bang, bang, bang," there were several explosions, and the arrows of the crossbow exploded out at a speed close to the sound barrier, making a huge explosion.


More than a dozen arrows advanced toward the sky from different directions.

But the soldiers on the hot air balloon had a look of ridicule in their eyes. From a thousand meters in the air... could an arrow shoot it? At a distance of one thousand meters, the huge hot air balloon can only see a little flame. How can it accurately shoot from a distance of one thousand meters? This is impossible.

The arrow started to fall when it reached eight or nine hundred meters. When it fell, due to the gravity of the earth's center and the unique streamlined design of the arrow, the falling speed was even more astonishing. Greater mass.

'Pfft' An unlucky soldier didn't know anything, and was directly inserted into the head by an arrow falling from the sky, and died tragically on the spot.

"They're out of range."

Ma Junqi pursed his lips, with a look of helplessness in his eyes. There is no way, people from Dongzhou can fly and can engage in air combat. Sanmenxia can only watch and do nothing.

"Haha, there is nothing we can do to dry them out. There are only four or five hot air balloons. How can they cause any damage to my huge Sanmenxia?"


In fact, this batch of hot air balloons had no intention of attacking Sanmenxia. They float in the stable air, and specialized people use telescopes to look down, overlooking the entire Sanmenxia from a high altitude. Then draw and make a specific map of Sanmenxia.

In order to obtain the accuracy of the map, four hot air balloons were drawn simultaneously and four copies of the map were drawn. The accuracy can be higher and the precision can be higher.

After drawing the picture, one of the hot air balloons flashed its signal light several times. Suddenly, the four people on the hot air balloon began to untie the bundles of paper in the basket and throw them down.

'Hua Hua Hua'

Papers flew down like snowflakes and fell into the Sanmen Gorge below.

"what is that?"

"Is it a flyer?"

"The troops in Dongzhou are dropping leaflets."


There was a lot of discussion inside the pass.

Ma Junqi reached out and picked up a leaflet, only to see it read: People from Kyushu do not make things difficult for people from Kyushu. Dongzhou had no intention of killing too many innocent people. Fight to the death the day after tomorrow and break the barrier. It is hoped that the uninvolved people will leave Sanmenxia as soon as possible. I hope that those who have no intention of being our enemies in Dongzhou will leave Sanmenxia as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in consequences at your own risk. Dongzhou people don't want to hurt innocent people, but if they don't leave before tomorrow night, we won't be blamed.

Ma Junqi tore the leaflet into pieces: "How dare you disturb the morale of our army."

People in the city received the flyers, and many people were shaken when they saw what the flyers said. The soldier's eyes began to dodge.

No one wants to die.

Everyone knows how powerful Dongzhou's power is. It's hard to guarantee whether they have any secret means or how much energy they have. Dongzhou's troops are mysterious and unpredictable in everyone's eyes.

Especially the people in Sanmenxia were in a panic.

"Quick, run away."

"Dongzhou can fly. I don't know what methods they have. Let's escape Sanmenxia first."

"We will come back after Dongzhou and the people from the imperial court are finished fighting."

"That makes sense. When gods fight, mortals suffer, so taking advantage of them is the best strategy."


Late at night, all the people in the city packed up their belongings, gold, silver and soft goods, and prepared to run away.

The next day, tens of thousands of people gathered in front of the city gate leading from Sanmenxia to Balong City.

"Open the door, open the door."

"Let us go, we want to leave Sanmenxia."

"We are common people, why should we be locked up here?"

"I have to leave. I have something very important to leave."


The city gate was closed tightly and would not be opened at all. The people in the city are completely shaken and panicked. If they don't run for their lives today, they will have no chance.

Someone found Ma Junqi and said anxiously: "General Ma, the people in the whole city are in a state of confusion now and want to leave the city. They are all concentrated at the city gate to cause trouble. What should we do? Can the city gate be opened?"

Ma Junqi's face was stern: "Don't open it."

"If we don't open it, there will be no peace in the city. It makes sense for the people to leave. There is no need to involve ordinary people in the battle between the imperial court and Dongzhou."

Ma Junqi sneered and said extremely arrogantly: "First, I don't believe that Dongzhou can really break into our Sanmenxia. The leaflet last night was just a threat, just to undermine the morale of the army, a paper tiger. Second, no one is allowed to leave. We must let everyone know our determination to stick to Sanmenxia and stick to Sanmenxia to the death. No dog is allowed to be let out in this pass. Thirdly, if the people leave the city, the soldiers will be panicked and they will want to leave. Deserters will It started to show up. How can it be that the morale is gone before we even fight?"

"makes sense."

"Go ahead and pass the order. All exits from Sanmenxia will be blocked. Anyone who trespasses will be killed. No one can destroy our military morale in Sanmenxia. No one can."

There was a sense of solemnity in Ma Junqi's eyes. He stood on the tower and looked at the Dongzhou Camp in the distance. He sneered and said, "Just call it a waste. I want to see how long your supplies last."

Now there are many troops in the Dongzhou camp going out to find water sources and prey. When Ma Junqi discovered that Dongzhou Camp began to store water, he secretly thought that Dongzhou Camp might be running out of supplies.

Ma Junqi made up his mind to kill Dongzhou Army here.

At this moment, Ma Junqi suddenly felt as if the ground was shaking. He raised his head and looked into the distance in horror, only to see a continuous motorcade approaching from a distance amidst the sound of "rumbling".


"Is this Dongzhou's reinforcements?"

"There must be at least more than 100,000 people in this dense crowd without the first one, right?"

"Is this Dongzhou's regular army?"


The main force of Dongzhou has arrived.

One hundred thousand people, led by Liu Jinghong, arrived to reinforce Li Zhen.

The two armies met. A total of 130,000.

The number of people is actually more than the people in Sanmenxia.

Everyone in the entire Sanmenxia Pass was stunned. We don’t have reinforcements, why do they still have reinforcements...

The 20,000 Dongzhou troops, fully armed, have put everyone in Sanmenxia in danger. This time, another hundred thousand people came, and they were all well-equipped.

"what to do?"

"What should we do? Dongzhou is already so strong, why are there reinforcements?"

"No wonder the Dongzhou troops were silent when they arrived at Sanmenxia. It turned out they were waiting for reinforcements."

"These are hundreds of thousands of people!"


Ma Junqi took a few deep breaths and said in a deep voice: "Hold on!"

(End of chapter)