Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 221: The Bahe River is rolling


A week later, Sanmenxia was silent.

Li Zhen took off the towel that had been covering his nose for a long time: "Send troops to Balong City."


Everyone is confused, can we leave now

You didn't even need to send a spy to take a look and just left

'Woooooooooo' The steam train roared, and more than 100,000 troops set off towards Sanmenxia.

After a volley, the city gates opened wide.

The scene inside shocked everyone, but they saw corpses everywhere, each one died silently, without any bleeding, without any wounds on the body, they just died.

Li Zhen's eyes were always cold and ruthless. Turning a blind eye to the starving people everywhere.

But everyone in the Dongzhou Army remained silent and did not dare to look twice.

Liu Jinghong and others had a look of sadness in their eyes. No one said anything.

Walk straight through Sanmenxia.

At the end, Li Zhen turned around and just said: "Leave some people down and clean up all the corpses here. Station in Sanmenxia to provide support."

Liu Jinghong raised his hand: "I'll stay. If no professional people stay, these soldiers won't understand and something will happen."

Li Zhen glanced at Liu Jinghong: "Okay, you can bring some of the people to stay."


"Everyone, please note that you must wear a gas mask and rubber gloves when moving. Do not drink water at will. Drain all the water in these reservoirs and reservoirs. Do not touch the grain in the grain depot. All rice and other materials should be spread out. Drive on the road and let the sun shine.”

"All the bodies were cremated, burned, and sprinkled with white lime."

Liu Jinghong was wearing a gas mask and commanding. Everyone around me was obedient, no one spoke, and they all worked in silence.




"Dongzhou reinforcements joined Li Zhen's troops, and more than 100,000 people broke through Sanmenxia. Li Zhen led 100,000 people to Balong City."


Everyone in the court was shocked.

Emperor Xun stood up in fright: "How is this possible? There are 70,000 troops stationed in Sanmenxia. How could it be defeated in such a short time?"

"Yesterday, people from Sanmenxia fled in large numbers. Everyone was so scared that they were a little delirious. The general brought back a soldier stationed in Sanmenxia, and he was still sane."


After a while, a soldier in ragged clothes and black clothes walked in. He glanced at Emperor Xun in the Jinluan Palace with trepidation: "See the Emperor."

Emperor Xun urged anxiously: "Tell me everything about Sanmenxia quickly."

"This incident starts with hot air balloons. That night, more than a dozen hot air balloons took off and flew over Sanmenxia. More than a dozen hot air balloons dropped bombs into the Sanmenxia Pass... "

Emperor Xun asked in surprise: "Are Dongzhou's bombs so powerful? How many bombs can a dozen hot air balloons hold? They can actually level the Sanmenxia."

"There was no peace. There were enough bombs dropped that day, but less than five people were killed. Most of them destroyed buildings. But we don't know why... After the bombs were thrown, someone was inexplicably covered with blood. He died of convulsions. In the next few days, more people continued to die. Everyone seemed to have died of suffocation and could not breathe. In just three days, 20,000 people died. .”

"The next day, the general of Sanmenxia, Ma Junqi, also died. He died so suddenly, without any warning, without any warning. While walking, his whole body suddenly twitched, and then he died. Then the whole Sanmenxia I was completely panicked. Some people said that Sanmenxia was cursed and God began to extract the souls of the soldiers. After investigation, there was no reason... "

Everyone in the court was shocked and looked at the soldier.

Xun Jiayuan roared: "There is no reason? How can there be no reason? If there is no reason, will 20,000 people die?"

"Yes. At that time, General Ma said that someone might have poisoned the water. He used live dogs for experiments, and sure enough, the dogs died after a while. General Ma told everyone not to drink water, and that all drinking water should be taken from the Yangtze River. But people continued to die. After a final check, the food in the granary seemed to be poisonous. General Ma asked everyone not to eat the food again... "

Xun Jiayuan took a breath of air: "Poisoning in the granary? How did you do it?"

"I don't know. But even if we don't eat food, people are still dying. Finally, we found out that the air is also poisonous... Some military uniforms suggested covering your mouth and nose with a wet towel, but that doesn't work. Even if you use wet towels, Cover your mouth and nose with a towel, but someone still dies.”

"Everyone was desperate, and then the city gate opened. Everyone ran away frantically outside Sanmenxia. There was no problem with the escaped people and soldiers. The poison was not contagious and did not lurk. As long as they escaped, they would be fine. As soon as everyone fled, Sanmenxia was completely in chaos and became an empty city in a few days. Then Li Zhen led a team to break through the unguarded Sanmenxia... "

Xun Jiayuan turned pale with fright. What kind of poison is this? So intense

It's in water, food, and air. Wearing a wet towel doesn't work

When the two armies were fighting, poisoning the enemy's drinking water actually happened frequently. But no poison can be so powerful that it spreads throughout the entire environment. It's in the water, the air, and the food.

"Just back off."

Xun Jiayuan tiredly asked the soldier to leave and rest. After the soldiers left, Xun Jiayuan immediately ordered: "Find all those who escaped from Sanmenxia and isolate them for observation."


The ministers nodded happily, Xun Jiayuan finally started to understand now.

Things were done much more thoughtfully.

Although now they say it is not contagious or latent, and it will be fine if you escape. But who knows? What if that thing spreads the plague? What if it is actually capable of lurking

No toxins have been identified, so they must be isolated and observed to avoid causing huge turmoil.

"Where is Li Zhenbu now?"

"Back to the Emperor. Huayin County... we will arrive at Balong City in a few days."

Xun Jiayuan leaned back and sighed deeply: "All soldiers returned to defend Balong City. Deploy heavy troops in the deep palace area. Cut off Ba Bridge and prepare for a decisive battle."

"Cut off Baqiao?"

"Well, cut off the Ba Bridge. Block them out of the Ba River. Cut down all the trees along the way to prevent Li Zhen from building boats to cross the river."


Some people went to implement it, but everyone felt worried.

Xun Jiayuan was silent for a long time, and then said: "After everything is settled smoothly, all the people in the capital will be under martial law. No one is allowed to leave the house. Prepare to drive to the Ba River and negotiate with Li Zhen at the last opportunity."



All of Balong City was in panic. ,

"Li Zhen called in."

"So fast?"

"Isn't it fast? Once Sanmenxia is broken, we can drive straight into Balong City. Go straight to the capital."

"It's over, let's run away? Li Zhen doesn't like the people of Balong City. I'm afraid he will massacre the city."

"Run now? It's too late! The imperial court has completely put Balong City under complete martial law. No unrelated people are allowed to go to the streets or leave the house. There is no place to run. We must fight to the end with Li Zhen's tribe."

"What a bloody battle. Li Zhen fights with the imperial court, and it doesn't matter what the common people have to do. It's not a foreign invasion, so why not change the imperial court? Why should we drag us common people to death?"

"Bah, the world is torn apart now. Who should I follow? I don't care, I have to find a way to escape from Balong City. If Li Zhen really wants to massacre the city, no one in this world can stop him."

"Have you heard? There are more than 20,000 people in Sanmenxia, and all of them died of poisoning. We don't know where the poison came from, and people died inexplicably. If Li Zhen hits Balong City and poisons him, then we will..."


People are panicking.

The whole Eight Dragon City became a state of excitement. Teams of heavy armor shuttled through the streets, and general martial law began. Prepare for the final bloody battle to the end.


With a loud shout from the Forbidden Army.

Several soldiers lit the fuse with torches.


Baqiao, which had been circulated for who knows how many years, disappeared into thin air!

In the dust, it turned into ruins.

Below, the Bahe River rolls...

(End of chapter)