Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 225: Fireworks


If Li Zhen doesn't leave, no one can go against his will.

Yang Yuan had no choice but to send Qi Lengzi to protect Li Zhen personally. The order was conveyed and all the "special forces" from the arsenal were mobilized to station in this place and form a circle to protect Li Zhen.

No one can impersonate someone from the arsenal. Each of them has a bald head, and each of them carries several state-of-the-art firearms on their backs. No one can impersonate them.

Yang Yuan roared loudly: "The whole army obeys the order, no one is allowed to approach this place. Anyone who comes close will die!"

No members of the Dongzhou Army or other armed forces are allowed to approach the team protecting Li Zhen. Once approached, treat them as spies.

The second command.

"The whole army obeys the order, searches all over the place, and catches spies. I want to live. I want to know how many there are in them!"


Yangyuan really exploded. Everyone knows that they are here for Li Zhen, but there is no way. This method is a bit insidious, pretending to be a regular Dongzhou army.

The most angry people are actually the people stationed in the Dongzhou Navy.

Because the Dongzhou Army was composed of more than a dozen forces gathered together. Such a team of 100,000 people includes more than a dozen forces. Dongzhou Naval Garrison is just one of them.

No one in the imperial court pretended to be anyone, but they pretended to be them. What does this make the brother troops think

They are the angriest people. Each one roared like a wolf and went crazy to catch the spies.

"Hahaha, come and kill me. I really want to die. Do you want to die? Let's die together. Hahaha."

A spy whose left hand was chopped off and whose face was slashed roared wildly and laughed wildly.

More than a dozen Dongzhou troops surrounded him.

"Catch them alive!"

"Keep me alive!"


A dozen Dongzhou troops gradually turned into hundreds of Dongzhou troops, surrounding him. Surround but not kill. Don't dare to attack rashly.

This spy is crazy. I am not afraid of death at all, I even want to die. What can you do against him

A Dongzhou general walked over quickly, holding a snake spear more than three meters long in his hand, and shouted: "Open it for me!"

The surrounding Dongzhou troops retreated one after another.

The general grinned and looked at the dead soldier holding a military spear in one hand in the crowd. He stabbed his thigh with a spear and shook the wooden pole suddenly.

With a 'stab' sound, the meat on the thigh was cut open, and a groove was carved into the bone by the tip of the snake spear.


The dead soldier let out a hysterical scream and fell to his knees on the ground.

The general raised the snake spear again and stabbed the knee of his other leg fiercely.

With a 'Gah' sound, the meniscus in the knee was directly smashed, and both legs were disabled.

The general was furious and said, "Tie him up for me. Damn, you are useless. Hundreds of people couldn't even handle one person, and one or two died for me."


The soldiers around him didn't dare to speak.

The general looked at the tied up dead soldier and saw that cotton cloth was stuffed into his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue and killing himself. He rushed forward and kicked his foot in anger: "Send it to General Yang. Let him bite it. Give it to me." Bite out the others. Tell them how many came!"

In a short time, the entire army was swept away. More than fifty spies were captured alive. Two hundred people were killed on the spot. Everyone was shocked, what a team this was. It's really dangerous. If the three armies had not had slogans, it would have been a big deal.

It would be too easy to capture more than fifty people alive and make them spit out what was in their mouths.

Don't mention their families on the other side.

To their minds, the oppression from the opposite side is just a matter of risk and they are not afraid of death.

But... In fact, there are many people in this world who are not afraid of death. But wanting to die is not that easy. People who are not afraid of death do not mean they are not afraid of anything.

More than fifty dead soldiers were tied together, and in the same room, one by one shouted hysterically: "We don't want to say anything!"

Yang Yuan ignored their confession. He held a knife in his hand, walked up to one of them with murderous intent, and shouted: "I'll ask them one by one. If one of them says anything, everyone else will die. And I will cut him to death with a knife. The person who told you can live, and we can even help you save your family on the other side. You'd better hope that others don't tell. I wish you good luck."

The first sentence is heartbreaking.

Yang Yuan tore off the first man's clothes and stabbed him in the chest. The tip of the knife sliced the skin of the meat and squeaked.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi'

'ah! '

A scream like a slaughtering pig rang out. The soldier's belly was torn open.

Yang Yuan shouted loudly: "Say it or not?"

The dead soldier gritted his teeth.

Yang Yuan laughed evilly, sheathed his sword, and pointed at a soldier next to him: "Come here for me."


"Take his heart out for me!"

"ah… "

"hurry up!"

"Yes Yes!"

The soldier walked forward cautiously, his whole body trembling like chaff. But he didn't dare to disobey General Yang's order. He shouted and thrust his palm into his chest. With a 'pop' sound, just like that, a thing that was bleeding and beating was pulled out with a lot of blood vessels attached to it.


The soldier himself was frightened.

The dead soldiers in the room were all frightened.

No one dared to look carefully, and they didn’t even know if what was taken out was a heart.

Yang Yuan laughed evilly and tore off the second person's clothes again. Slit his chest open again. The soldiers behind him were already a little numb and went to dig out their hearts again...

Extremely bloody.

The third dead man collapsed completely. Before Yang Yuan came, he screamed in horror: "I said, I said!"

When the dead men in the room saw someone speaking, they were afraid that they would die for others so unjustly.

In an instant, everyone in the room was screaming: "I say!"

"I said so too!"

"Give me a good time, I say."

"I want to live, don't kill me, I say, I say."

: "..."

Yang Yuan sneered and threw away the knife: "Let me interrogate you!"


What is inhumane? Yang Yuan doesn't care about you. He is a general and is responsible for the lives of his soldiers. He can be cruel like a snake or a scorpion, or he can be soft-hearted like a loving father.

As for not saying anything about death, would you rather die than surrender

These are a joke on a real battlefield. After the two parties fell out, they resorted to any means. Don't tell me how hard-hearted you are, you would rather die than surrender. There are many things more terrifying than death.

After learning that there were a total of 360 people coming, the purpose was to attack and kill Li Zhen. Yang Yuan and other generals were furious.

Yang Yuan found Li Zhen and told the situation: "Dean Li, the court is at odds. What should we do?"

Li Zhen sat on the edge of the river and just said lightly: "You figure it out."


Yang Yuan was overjoyed.

"Send the order to the three armies. Load the crossbows, load the explosive arrows, and aim them at the other side of the river."


More than a thousand machine crossbows were pushed to the Bahe River.

The Bahe River is only one or two hundred meters wide. The range of the crossbow is at least more than 800 meters. The imperial court thought that guarding the waterway was a line of defense. In fact, it was not the case. If Dongzhou wanted to attack Balong City, it didn't even need to cross the river...

"Fire arrows for me!"

Yang Yuan suddenly drew out his saber and looked fiercely at the bright lights on the opposite side.


One after another, flaming arrows were thrown at a forty-five-degree angle and shot through the air towards the other side of the river.

Li Zhen looked up numbly, only to see in the dark night, arrows that looked like meteors tore through the night.



"This is Dongzhou's explosive arrow!"

"Escort, escort!"


"Everyone spread out and run!"


On the opposite side, all the troops stationed by the imperial court became frightened. Only then did they remember that it was said that when the Dongzhou Army broke through Hebi County, there was a volley...

An explosive arrow came from the other side of the river and penetrated the chest of a court soldier. People nearby were stunned for a moment and then lost consciousness.

There was a bang.

Explosive arrows filled with nitroglycerin are released at an explosive speed dozens of times faster than black explosives. The iron nails, iron filings, and steel balls inside the explosive arrow were ejected during the explosion, forming shrapnel that radiated in all directions.

'Boom boom boom'

A salvo. A sea of fire formed on the other side of the river.

The reflecting sky lit up.

This is the Sea of Fire Battalion.

The world is shocked.

Li Zhen couldn't help but feel moved. He looked at the clusters of fire on the opposite side. There was a sense of guilt in his eyes, but in a moment he turned into cold-blooded and ruthless.

Ten thousand years ago.


A new store opens. Fireworks take off.

Scattered fireworks tore through the darkness and reflected in the sky.

Zhang Zhi looked up and felt that the fireworks were particularly beautiful.

Walk onto Baqiao.

"I am coming."


(End of chapter)