Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 23: Chang'an County, Balong City


Two weeks have passed since I came back from Yanziji for the second time.

During this period of time, Li Zhen seemed to have lost his soul, sitting there silently every day and night.

Outsiders felt distressed, knowing that he was greatly irritated, but they did not dare to persuade him.

He just dreams every night, crying about everything to Zhang Zhi in his dreams.

"I finally saw clearly the weight of a man who speaks lightly."

"Don't cry."

"I saw a very familiar horse thief next to Princess Wang, but I didn't dare to identify him. Princess Zhang also warned me at the time not to identify him. Do you understand this powerlessness?"

"I understand, I feel sorry for you."

"That day, I watched so many teachers die for me, and Liu Quan died for me. I couldn't do anything. I went with Princess Zhang to find Uncle Liu. I watched my enemy in front of me and didn't dare to identify him. Ming Knowing that Uncle Liu and 50 other people would definitely bury their bones in Yanziji, I didn’t dare to step into Yanziji. I felt my heart was broken.”

"My heart breaks for you too."

Zhang Zhi stroked Li Zhen's cheek, and both of them burst into tears.

Li Zhen burst into tears: "I shouldn't stick to my own beliefs and fill in the correct answers. I should conform to the world and write the standard answers. In this way, I can at least enter the university, and I can at least have a chance to avenge them."

Zhang Zhi's shoulders trembled and he said: "Who said that only college students can become the pillars of the country? Who said that if you fail to pass the exam, your future will be dark forever? You stick to your true heart, you have the courage, perseverance, and the courage to do so. Soul. Will a seven-foot man worry about his future? Your beauty and prosperity are something others can never imagine."

"That's all."

The words fall and the dream wakes up.

Once again, I burst into tears in my sleep, and my pillow was wet when I woke up.

Qi Lengzi didn't seem to be planning to leave, and Li Zhen didn't plan to urge him, and of course he didn't pay him.

Zhang Meng took notice of this silly thief. He thought he was a soldier due to his rugged aura, and took him into the government office.

As a result, Qi Lengzi finally became the person he once feared most - an official.


Huangpu County, Qianlong Tower.

Thousands of teachers carefully graded tens of thousands of test papers.

A physics teacher was grading a test paper. He was surprised to find that the test paper was all correct. He was overjoyed. Could it be that he was going to correct the paper to get a perfect score in physics

But on the last question, he was completely stunned:

The physical device for humans to return to the sky is not wingsuit gliding, but must meet two conditions: lift, thrust... aerodynamics...

The physics teacher took off his eyes and quickly opened the book to compare the answers. After a moment, he murmured:

"He clearly knows that the correct answer is wingsuit gliding... Why did he write these things in superfluous ways?"

"Lift, the power to rise."

"Thrust, the driving force to move forward... This seems right. Why can't I explain it, but I feel it is right. It's strange."

"Aerodynamics? What kind of subject is this? Why have you never heard of it?"

"Hi-that's weird."

He struggled for more than 20 minutes. He was troubled by the last question and couldn't decide how many points he should give.

Putting on his glasses, the physics teacher's expression became serious: "No, this test paper is different from others, so don't be hasty."

A moment later, there was a knock on the office of the chief examiner of Qianlong Building: "Registering to teach, I encountered a strange test paper."

"Oh? Have you encountered it too?"

"Huh? Has anyone else encountered him?"

"There is a chemistry test paper, the answers are simply shocking, and the superfluous explanations are actually horrifying."

The examiner stood up and said: "There is also a math paper that has an unprecedented problem-solving method. The math teacher said that he has never heard of it, but it is wonderful. It is earth-shattering, but it is I can’t explain its principle clearly. What kind of strange thing did you encounter?”

"It was a question answered by a candidate about the flight of physical devices. He actually brought up three viewpoints that I have never heard of: lift, power, and aerodynamics. I have never heard of it."

The examiner quickly took the test paper with the name covered, looked at it carefully, and slumped down on his chair in shock:

"Look at the handwriting, the neatness of the paper, and the explanation. This... this is a test paper written by the same candidate."


There are two test papers on the examiner's desk, one is chemistry and the other is mathematics. The two test papers were not graded, and the physics paper was not graded either. The three papers were put together, and the handwriting was basically the same person's.

"Oh my God, there is a genius in my Southeast State."


The three test papers alarmed the princess of Huangpu County and the highest-ranking official in the southeastern state, the governor.

The princess and the governor came hand in hand, walked into the Qianlong Building in a hurry, and carefully read the three test papers.

The governor of Southeast Prefecture gasped: "Wizard."

The princess' expression also changed wildly: "If these answers are proven to be correct, then the entire Kyushu Empire and the correctness of some disciplines will be overturned."

"But... based on these problem-solving ideas and the dense formulas this guy left on the test paper, we can vaguely see that 90% of the possibilities are correct."

"If these formulas were not left, if these explanations and problem-solving ideas were not left, we might immediately get the answer wrong."

"So, this person deliberately left these seemingly superfluous explanations?"


The examiner was worried: "Then how should I judge this score?"

The governor of Southeast Prefecture thought for a long time and slapped the table: "Don't judge easily. In the entire Southeast Prefecture, I don't think anyone is qualified to judge these three examination papers."

"Hurry up and send the three test papers to Balong City in Zhongzhou immediately. Only the national examiners in the imperial capital are qualified to review these three test papers. Southeast Prefecture will not mark this boy's test papers. Lift the seal and look at his name. If It's the same person, so I immediately found his history answer sheet. All of this boy's test papers were marked by the examiners from Balong City."


When Li Zhen still thought he failed, he didn't know that a seal covering his name had been lifted on his test paper. Then he sealed it with fire paint, rushed on horseback, heavily guarded, and headed towards the imperial capital of Zhongzhou.

In the entire southeastern state, there were tens of thousands of candidates, but his test paper was rushed to Zhongzhou!


Three days later, Zhongzhou, Chang'an County, and Balong City.

Balong City was the imperial capital, formerly known as 'Chang'an County'. It is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, among the nine states, so it is called Zhongzhou.

There are eight large rivers outside Chang'an, which is known as the "eight rivers surrounding Chang'an". So it gradually evolved and was renamed Balong City.

Royal Palace, Ed. (In the Kyushu Empire, the Education Department oversees all education, students, teachers and cultural communication in the world. It is divided into the "Ministry of Education" of each state, and then the "Education Department" of each county.)

"Report, one hundred thousand urgent news, one hundred thousand urgent news from Southeast Prefecture!"

Heavily armed soldiers rode directly into the Palace Education Department.

The Education Department, the director-general's pupils shrank, and he thought something serious had happened

"Hurry, report."

Bing Jia quickly handed over the test paper sealed with fire paint, along with a letter.

The General Administration official opened the letter first, but saw that there was only one sentence written on the letter: "A prodigy from Southeast Prefecture has emerged. Scholars from all walks of life in Southeast Prefecture are not qualified to judge the right or wrong, grades, and scores of this child's four science subjects. A hundred thousand urgent reports were sent to the General Administration of Education. I hope the Jiuzhou Supervisor Examination will be reviewed."

"Oh? A wizard has come out?" The general administrator raised his eyebrows and became interested.

He immediately returned to the office and opened the sealed test paper. He took out the historical test paper and took a look at it. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "All correct. But it's not surprising."

I took out the physics test paper and looked at it. The first half was still not surprising. But when I saw the last question, my pupils suddenly shrank, and I couldn't help but exclaimed: "Aerodynamics!"

Then he opened the chemistry test paper and saw the densely written formulas on it. The general manager couldn't help but feel numb: "This... this..."

I opened the math test paper again and saw the same dense formulas and problem-solving ideas written on it. The blood all over the director-general's body ran cold.

"Quick, someone is coming!"


"Convene all officials from the General Administration of Education in Beijing, including all professors from Imperial College. They have a half-hour time limit to come to the conference hall of the General Administration for a meeting. Those who are late will be demoted!"

The messenger was startled and ran out.

In just twenty minutes, all the serving officials and professors from Imperial College rushed to the conference room with faces full of panic.

When the general administrator presented the letter and the four test papers in front of everyone, he said, "Who can judge whether this paper is right or wrong? Who can judge whether this paper is right or wrong?"

At this time, the physics professor from Imperial College suddenly took a breath of air and stood up: "The last question in this physics paper... I, I, I got it right. Not only did I get it right, I also suggested it in my own name, breaking the rules. Add 20 points!"

The General Administration's pupils shrank: "Why do you judge it right? What is the basis?"

"Please ask the general administration official to grant me permission to enter the palace library."

"Bai, I'll go with you."


The general administrator accompanied the physics professor to the palace library, an extremely confidential place. After rummaging for a moment, the professor put on a pair of gloves and took out a wooden box from a glass cabinet.

Lying in the wooden box were several yellowed and extremely damaged pieces of paper. There are faint writings on the paper.

"This is... an ancient book dug out from the ground in Beizhou by a paleoscience scholar?"

"Yes, General Administration, look..."

The professor pointed at a blurry text on the torn piece of paper. The general administrator's eyes widened on the spot and he couldn't help but read out:

"According to aerodynamic theory... it is better if the fuselage is streamlined... and the thrust generated by the propeller can make the aircraft... "

In a paragraph, many words are blurred. Only one side can be seen, and only some legible handwriting can be seen.

But just these few legible words made the head of the Education Bureau numb: "Aerodynamics! These words are recorded on the paper from 10,000 years ago. Aerodynamics, is it really such a thing? A subject?”

The physics professor was even more horrified than him: "Does this guy know aerodynamics from ten thousand years ago?"


(End of chapter)