Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 230: warm


Amid waves of coldness. Li Zhen was awakened by the water.

When he suddenly opened his eyes, this turned out to be a dream.

He didn't have time to regret too much, so he could only keep flopping in the water.




The surroundings were dark, and no one could hear his cry. There was only the sound of water rushing in his ears, and Li Zhen's body floated downstream uncontrollably.

The water resistance is not very good.

Because Li Zhen has been thin since he was a child, he doesn't dare to go into the water easily for fear of catching a cold. So I almost never go into the water, unlike the talented people from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences who go straight to the beach to swim when the weather gets hot.

Not knowing water is a big problem. He could only try his best to calm down and use his legs to tread water instinctively to ensure that his head floated on the water.

Manpower was sometimes scarce, and Li Zhen soon felt that his body was suffering from severe hypothermia, and he felt extremely cold.

Ordinary people can survive in this water for at least half an hour, but Li Zhen can't survive in ten minutes. His body has been indebted since he was a child, and he is weak from the core.

"Help… "

An unconscious cry came from exhaustion.

Li Zhen felt that a floating object was coming over, as if he had grasped the life-saving straw in his life, and hugged the thing tightly.

When he opened his eyes, he found that it was a wooden board floating down from the upstream. There are still traces of burning on it, probably because the boat used by the imperial army to cross the river was blown up by a bomb.

Hugging the wooden board tightly, Li Zhen gradually lost consciousness.

He could no longer open his eyes.

Soaking in the cold water in November, my whole body was shivering, and it was bone-chillingly cold. Fatigue is not the first priority now. The first thing is that his body temperature is dropping rapidly.

Li Zhen knew that this should be the death knell of the God of Death.

When a person begins to lose body temperature, it means that he is about to die...

In a daze, he passed out.

In the coma, he still hugged the wooden board tightly, his survival instinct not letting him let go.

I don’t know how far I have drifted, I don’t know where this place is, and I don’t know how long I have been unconscious.

Li Zhen woke up.

This time, I was awakened by the heat.

The heart-piercing heat was as if the blood in his body was filled with flames. It's like being exposed to the sun in the hot summer.


With a soft cry, Li Zhen opened his eyes weakly. Did he feel like he was in a furnace, being roasted over the fire

When he reached out and touched it, his face was covered with water stains. That's not river water, that's sweat!

When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was still soaking in the river, still drifting with the rolling river to an unknown place.

"What? Why does the river feel so hot?"

Li Zhen was surprised and felt that his spirits were rising. I tried hard to start swimming towards the river, to get ashore first, but I couldn't.

The river water suddenly became boiling hot, and Li Zhen was so hot that he wanted to peel off his skin. Want to escape.

But even though he was mentally strong, his body had no strength at all, and he no longer had the strength to even move his two legs soaked in the water. I just have the strength to open my eyes.

It's strange that this happens.

"Why do I feel so hot?"

I murmured in my heart. Suddenly, Li Zhen's pupils shrank.

I'm dying.

Such a phenomenon is often found in the snowy mountains of Northeastern states. There were many people who died in the ice and snow. When their bodies were found, they were all naked and had taken off their clothes. There are many such phenomena.

Finally, specialized personnel studied this phenomenon and said that when a person is in an extremely cold state, his body will start to lose temperature crazily. Dropped to dangerous temperatures.

If relief is not obtained by this time, the person's life will be in danger.

People with good physical fitness will fall into coma and freeze to death due to this kind of hypothermia.

But people with poor physical fitness will experience a more wonderful change in their bodies - an increase in temperature.

Because of poor physical fitness, he can reach that critical point very quickly. At this time, the brain will release a signal to give the body the illusion that it is in a very hot place. The brain wants to use this to allow the body to survive longer.

When the brain releases this kind of physical signal, the body of a person in an extremely cold place will start to heat up. Will sweat.

Therefore, it is very likely to find naked dead bodies in places covered with ice and snow. That is the phenomenon of taking off clothes and pants in order to cool down after being hallucinated before death.

Li Zhen once heard about this phenomenon by chance, but he thought it didn't make sense. But at this moment, this extreme heat appeared on his body. He felt that all the water in the river was boiling hot.

But why is the river water so hot


"Where will I go when I die?"

Li Zhen murmured, with a look of compassion in his eyes. He still had many things to do. Jiuzhou has just got on the right track and still needs its own guidance. Would it be too regrettable to die like this

He hopes to go to the world ten thousand years ago after his death. But does time travel exist? Probably doesn't exist...

In the intense heat, Li Zhen suddenly felt a violent convulsion in his body, and then his heart began to spasm...

Gradually closed his eyes. But he still clung to the wooden board.

Among the mountains, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties stood by the river, holding a lantern and looking for something in the river.

I saw a careless man floating down the river holding a wooden plank in the distance. He showed an intriguing smile and plunged into the river. The flowing water blocked Li Zhen's drifting. Towed it to the river bank.

He placed Li Zhen on the shore, checked the pulse on his neck, sighed, and quickly took off his clothes to wrap Li Zhen.

Then he picked up Li Zhen and walked quickly into the mountains.

Feeling that Li Zhen's body was getting colder behind him, a look of anxiety flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and he also quickened his pace.

If Li Zhen could wake up at this time, perhaps if other people who knew Li Zhen were present at this time, they would definitely be shocked, scream, and feel terrified all over.

This middle-aged man's appearance is 70% similar to Li Zhen's. Just like Li Zhen in his forties or fifties...

This man was dressed in sackcloth and barefoot.

He didn't speak from the beginning to the end, he just carried Li Zhen on his back and shuttled crazily through the mountains and forests.

Half an hour later, a dilapidated Taoist temple appeared in a mountain col.

In the 10,000th year of the New Calendar, no one has believed in various gods and Buddhas for a long time. It is very unusual for a dilapidated Taoist temple to appear here.

Putting Li Zhen down, the middle-aged man quickly raised a blazing fire. Then Li Zhen was stripped naked and placed next to the fire.

He took out the quilt again and got into the quilt himself. Hug Li Zhen to warm him.

The best way to recover after hypothermia is to use human body temperature to warm up.

About an hour later, it was late at night. There was a noise outside the door, and a man also wearing linen clothes and barefoot came in with two bags of rice in his hands: "I'm back. I went to the city to buy rice."

This is a woman. A peasant woman in her forties.

"Shhh" the man's head emerged from the quilt and made a silent sound.

The woman saw her man and a boy lying on the quilt next to the fire. He was stunned for a moment at first, but after seeing Li Zhen's appearance clearly, a look of distress flashed in his eyes. He quickly put down the rice, took off his coat and got under the quilt. Together with his man, he surrounded Li Zhen and hugged him to warm him.

The couple looked at each other under the campfire.


(End of chapter)