Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 238: Yahong River


The flag of Kyushu is flying.

The Rakshasa Army was a little panicked. The strength of this Kyushu Army actually exceeded the Rakshasa Army by twice as many people. The people of Kyushu fight extremely bravely, and every one of them fights with passion to kill the enemy. The morale of the Rakshasa army is not as good as that of Kyushu.

There is no advantage in numbers either.

Elmer was a little panicked and immediately ordered to fight in the northeast direction. Only by occupying enough territory can you have enough chances of winning.

Elmer has decided to start a war of attrition. As long as Chifeng and Tonghua counties are not lost, use this as a barrier. There is also a material transportation channel in Rakshasa. You can afford it yourself.

It coincides with Japan 10,000 years ago, which started from the northeast and radiated to Kyushu.

The troops in Northeastern Prefecture were completely outflanked by the Rakshasa people, and the main force was unable to join the Seventh Route Army. On the contrary, as the Rakshasa Kingdom advanced, the more people were beaten, the fewer people were beaten.

This situation is a critical situation for Northeastern State. While trying every means to join the Seventh Route Army, they must defend the existing city and prevent the Rakshasa Kingdom from invading.

But everyone underestimated the fierce firepower of the Rakshasa people.

The Rakshasa Kingdom has thoroughly mastered the use of explosives, including artillery, muskets, bombs, and landmines. Firearms are emerging in endlessly and in new styles.

The conventional weapons of the mainstream army are basically cold weapons, and the Kyushu Army cannot defeat the Rakshasa Kingdom at all.

Li Zhen has proved more than once that now is no longer an era of fighting for numbers and fighting for bravery.

After a day of fighting between the Seventh Route Army and the Rakshasa National Army, the death toll in Kyushu rose sharply, with approximately 100,000 people dying in one day.

The Rakshasa Kingdom guarded those three points and one line extremely firmly, almost impregnable. The Kyushu soldiers were even a little timid...

The house leaked and it rained all night, and the situation that Kyushu people were most worried about appeared.

On this day, a small-scale contact occurred in Dandong County.


A border guard from the White Robe Kingdom said that his wife ran away with a Dandong man. I want to chase them into Dandong County and chop down those two bastards.

Naturally, Dandong County refused to let him go.

During the pushing and shoving, a conflict broke out, and ten soldiers from the White Robe Kingdom died. Five Dandong County border guards died.

Qin Daren, the governor of Northeastern Prefecture, was furious after hearing the news.

"It's such a dog country. Normally, I'm pretty arrogant, but when my Kyushu is in trouble, I immediately take advantage of it and come to rob it."

"What kind of bullshit wife ran away with a man from Dandong County? This is completely an excuse to start a war."

"Pass my order, 50,000 troops will attack Dandong and Tonghua. Heavy troops will guard the gates of Kyushu."


The messengers under his command were filled with bitterness and were busy making preparations.

"Why don't you go and deliver the order?"

"State Governor, Northeastern State can no longer mobilize 50,000 people."

Qin Daren narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "I, the great Northeast State, can't recruit 50,000 people?"

"Before, we stationed 120,000 troops in the Northeast Prefecture. After the war with the Xinyuan Kingdom, 70,000 people were killed and wounded in the battle. Then we recruited 50,000 new soldiers. We just trained them and fought against the Rakshasa Kingdom. Now we have a total of 100,000 soldiers. A is scattered throughout the Northeastern state and is on tight defense. Because the Rakshasa Kingdom has begun to expand its territory. People on the front line must not be mobilized."

Qin Daren took a deep breath: "I don't care. Get 50,000 people out for me, and the gate of Jiuzhou cannot be breached. If the White Robe Kingdom dares to fish in troubled waters, then the world will be completely in chaos."

"It is really impossible to mobilize 50,000 people. In the previous counterattack against the Xinyuan Kingdom, 50,000 recruits were recruited from various counties in the Northeast. More than 30,000 people were recruited, and the remaining 10,000 or so were captured from strong men. Now Northeastern State cannot send out a single soldier, and the garrison in each county cannot be withdrawn, because the Rakshasa Kingdom may attack at any time. So with 50,000 people, all of them need to recruit new soldiers... That means that we need to recruit Northeastern State. Fifty thousand strong men who had never been on the battlefield were immediately thrown into the battlefield."

The messenger sighed: "Let the recruits go directly to the battlefield. This is not a war, this is asking them to die. A war is not a fight..."

Qin Daren roared with red eyes: "This move from the White Robe Kingdom means that a call will come soon. What do you think we should do? Say it, say it."

The messenger lowered his head and remained silent.

Qin Daren gritted his teeth and was silent for a long time: "Send an order to all counties, and draw fifty people from each county. Come to Dandong County quickly to gather. Can the fifty people be in charge?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem..."

"Another order was issued to inform the entire Northeast Prefecture that all men over the age of sixteen and under the age of fifty must join the army."


A massive recruitment drive in Northeastern states began.

Different from the previous raids on Xinyuan Kingdom, many people came here on their own initiative this time. There was civil strife before, and people were unwilling to sacrifice their lives for various forces. But now is a national crisis, and everyone is willing to sacrifice for the nation.

After the order was passed, within one day, a total of 20,000 troops were recruited throughout Northeast Prefecture.

Three days later, fifty people drawn from each county arrived in Dandong County. A total of five thousand people.

The veterans plus new recruits, plus the original garrisons in Dandong and Tonghua, totaled 40,000.

And on the fourth day, what was supposed to come finally came.

'Boom, boom, boom' The iron hooves were like a torrent, rushing from the plains of the White Robe Kingdom.

Two hundred thousand white-robed troops arrived.

The national flag of the White Robe Country flutters in the wind, and the morale is like a rainbow. Using the power of a whole country to defeat the broken Northeastern state, the White Robe Country feels that it has the ability to double the territory of the White Robe Country within a month!

That tiny land is now going to be king!

At the pass gate of Dandong County, Qin Daren wore a battle cloak and personally guarded the gate of Jiuzhou.

"Who is coming!"

The army of the White Robe Kingdom was stationed and lined up quietly outside the city.

The general of the White Robe Kingdom came out on a war horse and laughed loudly: "I have admired you for a long time, Governor of Qinzhou. I heard a few days ago that the wife of a soldier from our country eloped with a wild man from your Dandong County. Is this the case?" thing?"


"Haha, you said there is no one? Yes! This matter is certain. Moreover, our people are going to Dandong to kill that wild man. The revenge of taking his wife must be avenged. But ten people died because of it. So what? Explain? What do you mean by saying that the wells of Kyushu and Baipao are not in conflict with each other?"

Qin Daren was silent, wanting to be irritable, but he had to swallow his anger at this little character who once had a flea-like appearance: "Please tell me the name of that wild man, and we will help you get him out of Dandong. We will never protect him."

"I don't know what his name is. Only when our people enter Dandong and recognize each one can they recognize him."

Qin Daren said coldly: "The country's gate is not open. Don't mention it at this time."

"Hahaha, then I'll fight you!"

The general of the White Robe Kingdom laughed heartily and retreated on horseback.

Qin Da sighed heavily: "Get ready to fight."

"Guard to the death!"


The three armies shouted in unison.

Most of the 40,000 people in Dandong were new recruits who had not yet had time to practice and train. With one move, the swords in their hands shocked everyone.


The wave is coming.

The 200,000 white-robed troops were like a swarm of ants, heading towards Dandong County desperately. City-breaking pestles, trebuchets, siege chisels, and bombs all roared.

Dandong County, which had been peaceful just now, was now in flames of war.

When two hundred thousand white-robed troops threw meadow seeds and driftwood into the river called the Yalu River.

The battle to cross the river began.

By ten minutes there was no need for meadows or driftwood to cross the river, the river was already crowded with corpses. You can cross the river by stepping on corpses...

Half an hour later, more than a dozen dead soldiers tied bombs to the city gate. Then there was a loud bang, the tower collapsed, and Dandong was destroyed.

Qin Daren wore a red and white cloak. It was originally a white cloak, but now it is red and white when stained with blood.

He holds a wolf-tooth sword and rides on a tall horse. Standing in Dandong County City, behind him are the remaining twenty or so recruits.

'Tata Ta' The horse's hooves are neither fast nor slow.

The White Robe Kingdom's 200,000-strong army was almost unscathed. Under the leadership of the White Robe Kingdom's general, they elegantly and arrogantly stepped into the city that the White Robe Kingdom had never dreamed of for thousands of years...

The tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by the dog.

I have to say, it feels really wonderful to bully a sick tiger.

After entering the city, stop immediately.

The general of the White Robe Kingdom was riding on a horse, looking at the buildings in the city that were almost flattened by bombs, as well as Qin Daren, who was the only one left in front, and more than twenty new soldiers on horseback. He couldn't help laughing: "Qinzhou Governor, I thought you were dead."

He stepped back and waved.

'Da da da'

Two hundred cavalry came forward.

Qin Daren took a deep breath, looked at the blue sky and white clouds today, and just said in his heart: I am not ashamed of Jiuzhou.

More than 20 people, more than 200 people, looked at each other. Qin Daren suddenly roared:

"Northeast Army!"



'Da da da'

Qin Daren twitched his spurs and rushed out hysterically.

More than twenty new recruits rode on horseback and rushed out, trembling with fear and madness.

All the white-robed cavalrymen sneered and followed the leader's wave. Two hundred cavalrymen suddenly rushed away.

'ding ding ding'


The sound of gold and iron clashing came.

Rivers of blood flowed.

More than two hundred white-robed cavalrymen waded over the Dandong people, and all twenty recruits fell to the ground with broken limbs. Twenty horses stood still, their backs empty, and they looked around in confusion. Then he was at a loss and just stood there motionless.

Qin Daren was the only one left.

Qin Daren's left arm was cut off, and he was sitting on the horse, still holding the spur in his hand. The spur was bleeding, and he killed two people.

The two exchanged positions and looked at each other again.

One person looked at two hundred people. Outside the city, the two hundred thousand White Robe Army was silent.

Qin Daren took a deep breath and roared ferociously: "Northeast Army."



'Da da da'

There was another sharp sound of horse hooves, and two hundred cavalrymen waded over him again.

After a while, only a horse with an empty back was left, looking around in confusion...

At this point, the White Pao Kingdom's 200,000 troops were driven directly into the Northeast Prefecture by the Dandong County Chief. This was the first time in the history of the White Pao Kingdom that they had entered the borders of Kyushu.

Qin Daren, the governor of Northeast Prefecture, died in battle.

Forty thousand new and old veterans were all killed in the battle.

In Dandong County, half of the city was massacred to show the power of the white-robed army. Fifty thousand people from Dandong County were beheaded, and 30,000 were beheaded...

Blood flowed like a river that day.

The duck's red river contrasts with the beauty of the sunset.

PS: Also, later.

(End of chapter)