Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 24: Like the bright moon, never defeated


Officials from the General Administration of Education, as well as professors from Imperial College, began intensely reviewing the test papers.

A total of more than 100 people joined forces to grade four test papers, including the history paper that had been graded to full marks, but also overturned it and re-graded it.

The official arrived at the first-level general administration and conducted on-site supervision, and we are looking forward to it strictly.

Kyushu Empire has always been nervous, rigorous, and not afraid of trouble when dealing with academic issues.

Perhaps this kind of rigor in the Kyushu Empire has never been seen since the birth of civilization on the earth, right? I lost it ten thousand years ago, so I know how to cherish it ten thousand years later...

"The answer to this chemical judgment question is correct. But the candidate chose wrong and left an extremely complicated formula to explain. What should we do?"

"Immediately conduct a field trial of the formula he left behind."


Someone immediately brought the corresponding equipment and started matching on the spot according to the elemental formula left by Li Zhen.

From distillation, they obtained hydrochloric acid.

The professor from Imperial College was so excited that he shouted regardless of the occasion:

"The formula is established, and hydrochloric acid does exist. Unexpectedly... it is actually established?"


"Ah, the formula for extracting nitric acid also holds true. I can solemnly announce that a third inorganic acidic substance has appeared in the world, nitric acid!"

"Aqua regia is established!"


The General Administration gasped. A true or false question on the test paper actually allowed the Kyushu Empire to discover the New World and prepare three inorganic acidic substances that had never appeared in the 10,000-year history of the New Calendar—hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and aqua regia!

"Conduct a test immediately. Isn't this man brazenly saying that aqua regia can melt gold? Immediately send someone to get a tael of gold for testing."

The general administration ordered in a deep voice.

Someone immediately went to get the corresponding things and started testing. When the prepared aqua regia with yellow smoke was poured into the beaker containing two grains of gold, something strange happened.

However, the yellow smoke became more intense, and a chemical reaction occurred in the water, and bubbles began to appear.

Everyone in the room gathered around, and suddenly, someone screamed: "The gold is melting!"


"It actually... really works!"

"No wonder he calls it aqua regia, the king of water. Gold is so strong, how can aqua regia melt gold?"

"What scientific reason is this? Does such a terrifying liquid exist in the world?"


The General Administration breathed rapidly and slumped down on the chair, excitement flashed in his eyes, it was established, everything was established. This candidate from Southeast Prefecture, Hangcheng County, was shocking!

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and an old man wearing glasses walked in and asked nervously: "Have you heard about the emergence of a genius in Southeast China?"

No one paid any attention to him. The old man went to look at the test paper and was shocked to see it. When looking at the prepared 'neotriacetic acids' that have been established, I can't help but take a breath of cold air.

Someone said: "Principal Xu, what do you think this candidate's score is?"

This person is Xu Shenxue, the deputy invigilator of Jiuzhou and the president of Dongzhou Fuxing University.

At the same level as him is Wang Zhongshu, the president of Imperial College and the chief deputy invigilator of Jiuzhou.

There is only one person above them, and that is Qian Mao, a member of the Jiuzhou Superintendent Kao, the General Administration of Education, the General Administration Officer, and a first-class official!

Xu Shenxue looked at the office in full swing, and then took a peek at the candidates' information. His eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Report to the General Administration that the new mathematical formula appearing in this sub-test paper is correct and established. However, it cannot be verified because we cannot understand the specific principles."

Qian Mao, the General Administration Officer, nodded when he heard this and fell into endless contemplation.

How, exactly, is it graded

These answers of this candidate are contrary to the teaching materials of Kyushu Empire, especially the chemical judgment questions are the most contradictory.

Is sulfuric acid the most corrosive in the world

According to the textbook, the answer should be yes.

But he chose wrongly. But his answer turned out to be right.

If his answer to this question is judged to be correct, wouldn't that mean that he would overturn everything in Kyushu's previous chemistry textbooks? Negate the answers of all candidates in the world

If he answered this question incorrectly, wouldn't that mean he was lying

How to choose between the standard answer and the correct answer? This is no longer an academic issue; it is a very complex dialectical ethical issue.


Hangcheng County.

A month has passed, and Li Zhen's expression has reached the bottom. He looks at Qi Lengzi, who is wearing a robe and chatting with his colleagues: "In previous years, the results were issued within one month, right?"

Qi Lengzi shook his head: "Who am I going to ask? I have never been to school. Hey, don't worry. If you can't pass the exam, you can't pass the exam. That's nothing. Didn't Princess Zhang already say that in the new semester, you will Will you immediately take up a position as a teacher in a public high school?"

Li Zhen smiled bitterly and shook his head without saying anything.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that I am only sixteen. The students in public high schools are generally fifteen or sixteen years old, some start school late, and some are even older than themselves. I don’t know what they think, but they actually ask a person of their own age to teach their peers. Can they convince the public

Moreover, the principal was so generous that he actually asked himself to teach three subjects: mathematics, chemistry, and physics.

It’s hard for them to think of one teacher taking charge of three different classes. It’s a rhythm that is simply going to tire you out.

Li Zhen jumped to his feet and looked towards the outside of Hangcheng County, with hope in his eyes. Everyone knows what he is looking forward to. He is looking forward to good news...

Seeing Li Zhen looking outside the city as usual, Qi Lengzi said in shock: "Don't look at it, the results have been out a long time ago. It's been a month and there's no news, so it's just hopeless."

Li Zhen sighed, that's it, admit it.

When I wrote down those answers, I had already thought about the outcome of failing. It’s no wonder that the world tends to favor the standard answer. It’s because I’m one step ahead of others.

Back in his shack, Li Zhen felt that he could plan a second route for himself.

Since the college entrance examination is not feasible, I failed. Then... after hearing this, I will become a pillar of Kyushu from another perspective.

"Besides passing the college entrance examination, what else can I do? Serve as a teacher? But Hangcheng County is a place where nothing matters... When will I be able to survive? What I want to teach is not just in this school. But the world!"

Li Zhen smacked his mouth and couldn't help but feel sad again, let's do business, he has no money.

Let's make inventions, there's no money.

Let’s engage in scientific research. Who will give the scientific research results to

Suddenly, Li Zhen thought of an idea: "Hey, if I can't become a world-famous scholar, but I can become a world-famous inventor. My level of physical chemistry is enough to shake the current generation, right?"

"Invent what?"

Li Zhen thought for a long time with a frown on his face, something far away was unrealistic. Some of the closer ones are a bit tasteless. Moreover, I am just a soft-spoken teacher who has not yet taken up the post, so I am in a hurry.

"How about... make a steam engine?"

With a murmur, Li Zhen felt excited. Yes, if he could make a steam engine, he would be able to lead the Kyushu Empire to take a big step forward.

"Then I need a factory workshop, and I need CNC machine tools... Well, Kyushu has no concept of CNC machine tools at all. I, well, before I invent the steam engine, I will first tinker with the CNC machine tools."

Li Zhen immediately started sketching on paper, designing the CNC machine tool himself, and setting up the parts himself.

CNC machine tools. Jiuzhou does not have this concept, and Li Zhen also heard what Zhang Zhi said.

And because Li Zhen has never seen it with his own eyes and only heard descriptions, he can only design CNC machine tools half based on experience and half based on imagination.

"The blades of machine tools require diamonds. Diamonds...are so expensive."


The next day, Li Zhen returned to his old business. Continue to collect waste in Qiantang Valley.

After a quick exam, I only had 5,000 coins left. However, according to Li Zhen's estimation and budget, if he built a CNC machine tool by himself, he would need at least 10,000 coins to build it.

As a result, a new big plan and a new blueprint were laid out in front of him.

Three years ago, I started collecting scraps to save money and pave the way for the college entrance examination. It took me three years.

This time, I took a sideways approach and used other channels to serve the motherland. Let’s set up a five-year blueprint.

In five years, CNC machine tools were built.

It will take another three years to build a steam engine!

The first step is the same as three years ago - save money.

The good thing is that three years ago I was working part-time and studying, so I could only rely on my free time to collect scraps. But now, I can soak in the sea of waste every day, and my income will increase exponentially.

If you ask Li Zhen why he doesn't do other jobs, it's because you don't understand the inside story.

In collecting waste, as long as you are diligent enough and are not afraid of getting dirty or suffering, the money you can earn will be several times that of other coolies. Li Zhenneng calculated that the scrap he collects for one month is definitely higher than the salary of being a teacher for one month.

And now, I have begun to earn the salary of a public high school. The teacher's salary, plus the savings from collecting waste. Within five years, it is very possible to build a CNC machine tool with a savings of 10,000 to 20,000 coins.

So, life returned to peace here. Return to three years ago.

The female boss of the scrap yard can laugh at Li Zhen again:

"I told you a long time ago, you will definitely fail the exam. If you still don't believe it, you are not here to sell scraps now."

Li Zhen also thought about it and said freely and casually: "Haha, before the liberation of the First World War, I knew I would have listened to you."

"Hmph, if you don't listen to me, you will suffer the consequences. Now my money is gone, my life is almost gone, and my reputation is gone..."

"But no regrets, at least I took the college entrance examination."

"Does it make sense?"

"Yes. Very profound meaning."

"What's the point?"

"You do not understand."

"Tell me about it. I might understand."

Li Zhen put down his backpack and sat in front of the scrap station, his eyes suddenly deepened: "If we say, what is the value of a person living in this world, do you understand? It's not about getting up early and working late, nor is it to survive. In fact... it's to let people live. My life becomes more meaningful. A difficult dialectical question."

"Then tell me." The female boss sat on the stone pier opposite him, holding her chin in her hands.

Li Zhen squinted his eyes and murmured: "You see, there is nothing in the sky. But at night, stars will appear one after another. If each of us represents a star, then some people are far away and some people are dark. Some people seem to not exist. A high official wants a bright spot, and the emperor of the Kyushu Empire is the brightest one. Outstanding scientists are comets, and pioneers in the academic field are meteors."

"Then what are you?"

"I want to be... Haoyue."

"Hahahaha. I won't argue with you anymore. The price of brass has increased in the past two days. Go find some wires and see how many pounds of brass you can peel off. Don't tell others, it's a trade secret."

Li Zhen smiled and picked up his backpack: "Thank you for telling me this business secret."

The female boss watched him go away. Inexplicably, she suddenly felt that Li Zhen's slightly stooped back was shining with a dazzling light.

"It's a pity. Maybe you just missed the last step. Maybe you were only one point short of passing the exam? If you really pass the exam, I really believe you can be a bright moon."


When the world gets dark, what can we do to prove that we will shine in the darkness? Why should we let others see us

When the endless cycle of birth, old age, illness and death, what can we use to prove that we have ever lived in this world

The shooting star will tear through the night, and it will be remembered by the world at that moment.

The bright moon is everlasting and high in the sky, no matter how many years have passed, it is still praised...

Now, Haoyue is exploring her second dream in Hangcheng County, Qiantang Valley, where the stench fills the sky.

Never get frustrated!

(End of chapter)