Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 240: Two months


Zhongzhou earthquake.

Everyone was excited and shocked by the news.

"Li Zhen is not dead. He was discovered by a passing soldier in a place called Huilong Village near Yangling."

When Xun Jiayuan got the news, he slumped in his chair: "That's good."

Although Xun Jiayuan felt very sad, he saw the reality clearly. People, sometimes you have to submit and bow your head. The current leader of Kyushu is the well-deserved Li Zhen. No one can shake this position and no one can replace him.

Xun Jiayuan immediately sent an order: "Send heavy troops to protect Li Zhen and make sure no more accidents happen. March in a hurry and escort Li Zhen to Dongzhou to take charge of the overall situation."


"Within the imperial court's sphere of influence, military armor will clear the way. People along the way are not allowed to hinder Li Zhen's return to Dongzhou. Violators will be severely punished."



Orders were passed on one after another, and the entire Zhongzhou immediately took action.

Escort Li Zhen back to Dongzhou.

In Yangling, Li Zhen's cough was no longer enough. Both the Dongzhou Army and the imperial army brought famous doctors from Zhongzhou to consult with Li Zhen.

A large group of people gathered outside the house, waiting quietly for news.

Everyone's heart felt a little heavy. They didn't know what kind of disease Li Zhen had, and he was coughing so violently and vomiting blood

This kind of medical disease is simply a terminal illness in Kyushu. Because basically no one in Kyushu gets sick, and getting sick means death. Medicine is also extremely underdeveloped. There are only means to treat trauma, but there are basically no means for internal medicine.

And this coughing up blood is obviously a medical problem.

"that whoever."


A soldier came over.

Li Zhen handed him the plants the woman gave him: "Go find these herbs. Only these herbs can cure my disease."

The soldier took the dried plants, took the matching diagram and left quickly.

The doctors in the room began to line up to consult Li Zhen.

When the first doctor asked about the situation, his expression changed drastically. Seeing the first doctor's expression, Li Zhen already knew it. It seemed that what the woman said was true...

After all the doctors diagnosed and examined Li Zhen's pulse, they came up with news that made everyone despair.

"Dean Li."

Li Zhen sat calmly on the bedside: "Please tell me directly."

"Your disease... is really rare."

"Is it pneumonia?"

"Yes. Symptoms include severe coughing, coughing up blood, persistent fever, and difficulty breathing. You all have it... so it can basically be diagnosed as pneumonia."

Li Zhen nodded and asked calmly: "Has it been cured?"

The doctors looked at each other and said, "There is no cure."

"How long can I live?"

The doctor looked embarrassed and could not give a definite answer. This was too serious. Don't dare to talk nonsense.

Li Zhen frowned and urged: "But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter."

"You still have a fever. But we have no means to reduce your fever... If the fever cannot be reduced within three days, you may become unconscious. It's hard to say when the time comes."

"That means I only have three days to live?"

"That's not what you said. Was the herbal formula you just given given by an expert?"


"Then after you drank that medicine, did it have any effect?"

Li Zhen thought for a while and said: "She said that my disease is incurable and terminal. But when I drink the medicine, it can be used up and maintain the status quo. I have taken it several times before and it has an effect. After drinking the medicine It will reduce the fever and relieve the cough. But there is no way to improve the difficulty in breathing. So I often feel dizzy due to lack of oxygen."

Several doctors looked at each other and did not dare to make a decision easily. They just said that they would observe on the spot after Li Zhen drank the medicine again.

After about an hour, the medicine was prepared and brought in.

Li Zhen held his nose and drank it. At the doctor's request, he huddled in bed and slept.

Li Zhen was extremely sleepy now, and fell asleep soon after closing his eyes.

Half an hour later, the doctor saw that Li Zhen's breathing had stabilized while he was sleeping. The diagnosis was started immediately, the pulse was felt again, and the symptoms were checked again.

They looked at each other in amazement.

"Which miracle doctor is this?"

"The prescribed medicine can even relieve pneumonia?"

"This medicine... actually works."

"The fever is gone."

"It's effective if it can reduce fever."

"However, this medicine cannot cure the disease. Dean Li still feels very labored to breathe. There is no cure for this. It should only be used to survive."


After a long consultation, the doctors came to a conclusion.

If he continues to drink this medicine, Li Zhen will have two months left to live...

Two months!

Li Zhen knew that his life span was only two months, and he suddenly became anxious. What can he do in two months

"Please keep this matter confidential, doctors."

"It's natural."



The doctors have left, and the consultation has no meaning. They can't cure this disease.

Forget about them, ten thousand years ago, before the invention of penicillin, pneumonia was a terminal disease. Not to mention that 10,000 years later, there will be no market for medicine in Kyushu.

Li Zhen didn't dare to put all his hopes in the research and development of penicillin. He just drank the medicine and could hang on for a day.

Set off immediately to return to Dongzhou without any delay.

The Dongzhou army scattered across Zhongzhou to look for Li Zhen gathered together, and more than 100,000 people resumed escorting Li Zhen back to Dongzhou.

After reaching Balong City, everyone suddenly didn't want to change dynasties. There is no point in changing dynasties now, and Li Zhen has never wanted to dominate the world. Knowing that he has at most two months left in his life, he becomes inexplicably anxious.

Two months should be spent doing more meaningful things.


The sound of steam filled the sky, and the powerful convoy from Dongzhou began to leave Zhongzhou.

Along the way, people stood on both sides of the streets, and the imperial troops guarded them to maintain law and order.

At the same time, the news spread throughout Kyushu.

People in Kyushu were shocked, Li Zhen was back. The person in charge of Kyushu is back.

Everyone has clearly recognized the reality. The current person in charge of Jiuzhou is not Xun Jiayuan. Not Xun Shifei. Not even Du Taiping of Xinyuan Kingdom. It's Li Zhen.

A true person who has reached the pinnacle of his life.

Insiders sighed.

A person like a shooting star. In just two years, it rose from Hangcheng County and reached the pinnacle of the entire world within two years.

Then, like a meteor piercing the darkness, the brilliance shocked the world, and the brilliance of that moment shocked people. Then it was annihilated in an instant.

Is it impossible to be a Haoyue after all

Yang Yuan, Liu Jinghong, Qi Lengzi and others felt heavy in their hearts. Extremely manic.

They are insiders, Li Zhen only has two months left...

Liu Jinghong clenched his fists, his eyes red: "Master Li, no matter what, the entire Kyushu Academy of Sciences will use all its strength to develop penicillin within two months."

Li Zhen remained silent in the steam car and did not reply.

Liu Jinghong burst into tears: "Master Li, heaven has assigned a great responsibility to this people, and your mission has not been completed yet. We place our hope in you to lead Jiuzhou further. Please... you must persist in living." "

'cough cough cough'

There was a violent coughing sound in the carriage, and Liu Jinghong quickly shouted hysterically: "Medicine!"

The people accompanying him trembled and rushed over with a bowl of steaming medicinal soup. Ever since it was known that Li Zhen could only use this medicine to take a breath, the whole army regarded brewing medicine as a top priority. Someone is brewing the medicine every minute and preparing it at all times.

In the car, Li Zhen stretched out his hand, took the medicinal soup and drank it.

After a moment, he said weakly: "Jinghong. This is the idea of an internal combustion engine. I am just a guess now. I will continue to improve more details. You have a look first."

Liu Jinghong reached out and took the blueprint handed over to him. He looked at the blood stains on the blueprint. The drawing was extremely sloppy and showed the structure of a plum blossom piston. Five pistons surround a rotor, and through internal combustion, the five pistons jointly squeeze the rotor to rotate.

This is the 'heart' that everyone needs with stronger maneuverability, lighter weight, greater torque and higher speed. The final heart of the airship.

Liu Jinghong had no intention of looking at the drawings. He just stared at the blood stains on the paper in a daze.

In the carriage, Li Zhen was huddled by the stove with a pale face, a drawing board on his knees, and a carbon pen in his hand with eyes full of contemplation.

After knowing that life has begun to count down, it is meaningless to worry about life or death. Doing unlimited meaningful things in limited time is what you should do now.

Li Zhen somewhat understood the meaning of what the mysterious woman said: do meaningful things.

Maybe what I am doing now is something meaningful.


The pen tip flew and a few more strokes were added to the paper.



More than a dozen fast horses galloped towards Laoshan Mountain.

This is the fast horse in the Dongzhou Army that goes to Laoshan to report the news. After a long journey, we finally arrived in Dongzhou.

Everyone heard the news that Li Zhen had been found. On the way back to Dongzhou.

Fang Hanxian, Jia Liping, Xiao Shengnai, Ruan Mingxue and others were already waiting anxiously at the entrance of Jiuzhou Academy of Sciences.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves in the distance, I became energetic. Under the setting sun, dozens of fast horses shuttled by.

"Where is Fang Hanxian?"

"I am here."

"Liu Jinghong, Dean Liu asked us to deliver the news urgently. The message: Master Li has been found and is safe. He is on his way back, so don't miss him."

Fang Hanxian breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

"There is another letter, written by Liu Jinghong and Dean Liu, saying that it should be given to Fang Hanxian for personal acceptance."

Fang Hanxian took the envelope solemnly, opened it and read it again, his eyes turned red, and tears began to roll down.

"What's wrong?"

"Han Xian?"

"What's wrong?"

"Han Xian, why are you crying?"


Han Xian personally informed: Master Li is critically ill, and the result of consultation is terminal pneumonia, for which there is no cure. There are still two months left to live, so you should be ready immediately. First, quickly arrange people who can succeed Li Shi and prepare to take over. Master Li is no longer interested in the Ten Thousand Years Consortium. There will be more knowledge to be taught within two months. Everyone at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences must not slack off. Prepare a special person to start recording every word Master Li said from now on, without missing a word.

Second, Master Li said there is a medicine that can cure the disease. It's called penicillin. The Institute of Biochemistry immediately began preparations. Below is the specific development process of penicillin mentioned by Master Li. We must start preparing now and race against time!

Also, keep it confidential. Only the top management knew about this and kept it strictly confidential.

Fang Hanxian murmured: "Seize against time."

After giving the letter to several other people to read, everyone was shocked. Two months

Is this the news all of a sudden

Bad news!

"Lin Guofu, the Institute of Biochemistry began preparations immediately. The whole institute worked hard to develop penicillin."

"Collect all the melons on the market, collect steamed buns, corn starch... "

"Follow the above process to cultivate the mold."

"The Department of Physics will develop the most professional microscope immediately."

“The Kyushu Academy of Sciences immediately opens an emergency college—Bacteriology.”


All the senior officials of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences were shocked to hear the bad news and acted hysterically.

Two months. Only two months left!

Today, the backbone team of the Institute of Bacteriology, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Chemistry, began to be formed.

People in the entire Kyushu Academy of Sciences who have not received the news do not know what is going on, but they just feel that there is a rumor...

Two months.

PS: There is also. please wait.

Thanks to silencegood for the reward of 100,000 starting coins. Become the third ally in this book.

I will add five more chapters for S League.

The updates over the past two days have been a bit unstable because the biological clock has been completely turned upside down recently, so please forgive me. It will return to normal updates tomorrow and will be updated at 6pm every day.

Thanks again smeng.

Don't go away, there are others behind you

(End of chapter)