Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 242: Go wonderful


"When a person's life characteristics are about to stop, the blood flow begins to slow down. At this time, the brain will receive a signal, which means 'the host's life is coming to an end.' Then the organs throughout the body begin to fail, and death further Arrival. From the moment the vital signs completely disappear, do you know what changes will occur in the brain?"

Zhang Zhi was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't know."

The philosophy teacher patted Zhang Zhi on the head and replied in a somewhat ethereal tone:

"At this time, the brain will begin to carry out the last work in this life. Death is painful, so from this moment on, the brain will start to secrete dopamine crazily, bringing this person who has died but whose consciousness has not faded, The last happiness. At the moment of death, he will feel the happiest time in his life from birth to death. He will feel that everything is so beautiful and everything is so peaceful. He will feel that he is flying and going to heaven.”

Hearing this, Zhang Zhi suddenly felt a strong sense of misery in his heart.

The philosophy teacher continued: "This is also the last time the brain deceives us. After we experience the final pain of death, it will deceive us in a humane way, making us forget all the pain and let us enjoy the ocean of dopamine. Let us enjoy the experience in this world that is more pleasurable than orgasm. At that moment, we will become gods.

Next. Our brain cells will begin to die in droves. Classmates, do you know what it means when brain cells die in batches? "

Zhang Zhi nodded: "Everyone has a fixed number of brain cells since birth. Every time we think or imagine, some brain cells need to die. Its function is to provide us with the function of thinking."

"That's right. This is the function of brain cells. When brain cells begin to die in batches, our brains will enter the level of 'advanced thinking'. At this moment, our IQ and our thinking ability will surpass the human body. The limit. We may at this moment imagine questions like 'Why did I die?' But more likely, we will start to recall our own life crazily and quickly."

"In this rapid memory browsing of 'higher thinking', in this wonderful enjoyment of being immersed in dopamine, it is joyful. Then, slowly return to calm. Brain death begins. Consciousness begins to blur. At this moment , we will not realize that we are dead. However, in this blur of consciousness, we will truly die. The consciousness will begin to annihilate, and then there will be no consciousness anymore.”

"Return to darkness. Return to unconsciousness. From all things, return to all things. We will die in a consciousness that does not know that we are dead. Completely dead, without a soul. Not knowing anything that happens after death, forever Will never wake up, will never be conscious again. Forever and ever... There will be no such person in the world. What we think of as a near-death experience, what we think of as a soul, is just the brain at the last moment of life. The last time, humanely deceive ourselves. The last time, let us forget the pain and annihilate in happiness... "

The philosophy teacher's eyes flickered with an incomprehensible expression: "This is death. It comes back to your question, is there a soul in the world?"

Zhang Zhi was dumbfounded.

The philosophy teacher smiled and said: "Are you desperate? Are you powerless? The answer is beyond your expectation. After death, we will not go anywhere. Our behavior is like the brain, deceiving ourselves. Like the stories made up by those gods and Buddhas , people have souls. It’s just to give ourselves a spiritual comfort.”

Zhang Zhi suddenly thought of Li Zhen, and felt miserable in his heart, and said: "So, people have no souls..."

"Hahaha. Yes!"

The philosophy teacher sat next to Zhang Zhi and said with a smile: "From a philosophical point of view, people have souls."

"You just said no."

"But what I am saying now is that there is. Because from a philosophical point of view, we need souls."


The philosophy teacher laughed loudly: "Because our life must be full of unknowns. We cannot know what will happen in the future, which will be more desperate. From a dialectical point of view, no one has died in this world, so it will never be possible in this world Someone knows where people go after they die. Overturn the medical argument I made above. What if the medical argument is not reliable either?"

"Teacher, what exactly do you want to say?"

The philosophy teacher smiled and said: "Life is full of endless hope and countless opportunities. But there is only one chance of death."

Zhang Zhi's eyes suddenly became clear: "Then what?"

"There is only one chance to die, and it must be experienced. Do you look forward to the transcendence at the last moment of death?"

"If it's as wonderful as you say, I'm kind of looking forward to it."

"And that moment will definitely come. Everyone's time is different, and the end of life must be death. So from a philosophical perspective, what if we regard death as a wonderful thing?"

Zhang Zhi's eyes widened in shock. Don't know how to speak.

"That wonderful final moment will always come. It may allow us to be annihilated forever, or it may allow us to explore another world. Assume it as a sense of anticipation. So is it more meaningful for us to live?"

The philosophy teacher said: "You think, that moment will definitely come. So, let's not think about when it will come, be open-minded. In the time between the beginning of life and the arrival of death. Whether we should do it is extremely meaningful. things? Do we want to make our lives more exciting? No matter how painful it is now, you must always place your hope in the unknown future to make yourself more meaningful. The chance of death is only this one, before this opportunity comes, work hard to do something super meaningful.

Work hard to make your life extremely wonderful. Try to enjoy this world. Work hard to explore the world. Work hard and let it come unconsciously..."

The philosophy teacher is gone.

Zhang Zhi suddenly understood.

What is the meaningful thing the old man on the subway said to himself

What is the mission

In the time before the last moment arrives, use all your strength to leave a surprising glimpse of this world.

Cherish life and be unafraid of death.

Go wonderful! Go and enjoy! To work hard to achieve your mission to reach this world, to understand the true meaning of life, and to gain insight into the important meaning of 'I' in this world. Meaning that everyone has.

Take a deep breath and look at the philosophy teacher's retreating back. At this moment, Zhang Zhi was infinitely open-minded.

Zhang Zhi rushed to the library and frantically looked up the structural principles of internal combustion engines.

She smiled bitterly: "In terms of mentality, he lost to Li Zhen. Academically, I am one step ahead of him. In terms of mentality, he is one step ahead of me. He has already understood everything in advance..."

(End of chapter)