Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 254: maintain


And the answer is actually no.

Because the mold contains not only Penicillium, but also many other bacteria. Penicillium must be extracted.

But Lin Guofu was even more confused. In fact, the effects of Penicillium have been observed.

But... it's not easy to extract it at all.

The method Li Zhen gave was to use carbon powder to absorb Penicillium. But the question arises again, how to highly purify the Penicillium that has been absorbed into the charcoal powder, and then extract the Penicillium from the charcoal powder

This is not easy. You can't let Li Zhen eat charcoal powder directly, right

Lin Guofu looked at the calendar hanging on the wall and became anxious. Every day that passed now, Li Zhen's life span was reduced by one day.

By the time everyone figures out how to purify penicillin from charcoal powder, Li Zhen may not be able to bear it anymore.

"Find a weak death row prisoner or a spy from other forces!"

Lin Guofu ordered with a cold face.

In the afternoon, a death row prisoner who looked as thin as Li Zhen was taken out of the prison.

Without any nonsense, Lin Guofu and others directly locked him in a water tank filled with cold water. There is currently no way to prevent him from contracting pneumonia, because pneumonia is not contagious, which makes it difficult to deal with.

So Lin Guofu could only inadvertently ask Li Zhen how he contracted pneumonia. After asking for the details, he was ready to start the "playback" process.

Let this thin death row prisoner soak in the water tank to make him weak, hypothermic, high fever and cold.

A very cruel method, directly conducting trial and error experiments on human subjects. But I have to say that this world is often so cruel...

On the third day, the death row prisoner could no longer survive.

After completely imitating Li Zhen's route, he successfully suffered from pneumonia, but he also suffered from a more serious disease-heart disease.

Jiuzhou has no classification for heart disease. It only knows that he has pneumonia accompanied by heart disease. There are also symptoms of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular blockage.

This doesn't matter to people in the School of Biochemistry, as long as you have pneumonia.

There are no technical tests. Lin Guofu and others directly let the condemned prisoners drink the diluted charcoal water. These carbon powders all contain penicillin, but there is no way to extract them. Anyway, carbon is non-toxic and will not cause death.

After drinking a lot of charcoal water, everyone discovered that the death row prisoner's disease had actually improved.

His daily coughing frequency did not increase as his condition worsened, but began to stabilize.


Everyone was shocked, this was simply an unexpected surprise. Does that mean that if there is an emergency now, there is no need to purify penicillin at all? Because there is currently no way to purify it.

Lin Guofu became excited and tried a bolder method again. Collect the original mold containing penicillin directly, collect several large bowls, and let the death row prisoner eat it directly. Even the purified charcoal powder is omitted and the mold is eaten directly.

the next day.

The death row inmate's pneumonia improved significantly.

The fever began to subside, the number of coughs decreased significantly, and the symptoms of pneumonia began to subside.

Fang Hanxian was ecstatic: "Yes, yes. There is no need to refine and separate it at all. We only need to let Master Li eat the mold containing penicillin directly."

Lin Guofu's heart suddenly tightened: "No. Keep observing."

Penicillin mold continued to be fed to death row inmates.

On the third day, the pneumonia continued to improve significantly.

But on the afternoon of the third day, the death row prisoner died.

Died of dysentery.

This undoubtedly poured cold water on everyone...

Dysentery is also a terminal disease in Kyushu...

This is simply a treatment method that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred.

It turns out that penicillin mold works. But if you don't purify it, there is no way to achieve the ultimate goal - recovery.

Because you took the effective mold, the pneumonia will get better. However, they can be infected by other bacteria in the intestines and stomach and suffer from other malignant diseases.


'cough cough cough'

In the middle of the night, Li Zhen was woken up by a cough. When he reached out and wiped it, his hands were covered with blood.

He sighed weakly: "My life is short."

The trachea has been cracked by coughing.

The vocal cords were also damaged during the cough.

Li Zhen's speaking voice has become completely hoarse now. Sometimes he even opens his mouth, but can't speak.

There is a hint of melancholy in his eyes. If he continues to cough, even if the disease is cured in the future, he will become mute, right

The vocal cords are broken...

Outside the door, everyone was anxious, listening to the coughing in the room, but there was nothing they could do.

Lin Guofu took a deep breath and said: "Mold cannot be eaten directly. But the charcoal powder we have purified can. I feel that Master Li is getting worse day by day. In theory, there is still more than a month left. But in fact, Every day may be the last day. If this continues, Master Li's lifespan will be less than two months... "

Fang Hanxian said in embarrassment: "As for the charcoal powder...can I eat it directly?"

Lin Guofu shook his head: "I don't know. But the theory is possible. Now there is not enough time to find another death row prisoner to test. I am afraid that Master Li will die suddenly. He even has trouble talking now."

"Hey, let's try it."


Among the medicinal materials he drank the next day, Lin Guofu and others added charcoal powder containing Penicillium to Li Zhen, making the liquid thicker. Li Zhen was still cackling his teeth when he drank.

Li Zhen picked up a pen and wrote on the paper: "Why are there so many dregs of medicine in today's medicine?"

Now that he could not speak, he tried his best not to speak. Use writing instead.

Ding Zhenzhen smiled and said: "Master Li, the Institute of Bacteriology has now refined pure penicillin. However, the last step of penicillin separation and purification is currently not possible. There is charcoal powder containing penicillium. After experiments, these charcoal Powder is effective.”

Li Zhen nodded and said nothing.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what kind of medicine you drink. The purpose is just to hope that I can live longer.

On this day, I drank three bowls of medicine containing Penicillium charcoal powder. In the evening, everyone was excited to find that the number of Li Zhen's coughs late at night was 70% less than usual.


The Bacteria Institute is ecstatic!


The doctor who participated in the study of penicillin said: "It's effective. But don't be careless. Charcoal powder can easily cause gastrointestinal blockage if it enters the stomach."

"Yes. There is a problem. Charcoal powder is not digested by stomach acid."

The doctor shook his head: "No. Charcoal powder was actually used for medicinal purposes before. It was used for laxatives. Local doctors like to use charcoal powder to 'scrape away oil and water'. When treating 'rich diseases', charcoal powder is used. Remove a layer of oil and water to help defecation. But Dean Li is weak and doesn't like eating meat. I'm worried that he will have diarrhea. :"

"What should we do?"

The doctor sighed: "Oh, there is no way. Use the 'defeat' method to treat the disease, and the 'supplement' method to eat. Let's make up for the loss while doing it. From tomorrow on, Dean Li's food will be all big fish and meat."

"But Master Li doesn't like meat."

"Find a way to make him eat."


As a result, Li Zhen began to be forced to eat meat every day. In order to get Li Zhen to eat more meat, everyone tried their best: puree the meat and stir it into the rice. All dishes are cooked with lard instead of vegetable oil.

Li Zhen was also helpless.

But he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was starting to get better now...

When Li Zhen opens his eyes every morning, he is in high spirits and full of energy.

No matter how weak he is, he will say in his heart the first time he opens his eyes:

"I didn't die suddenly last night. I can live another day today."


Li Zhen's life was saved for the time being. And the great changes in Kyushu have begun.

There are still sixteen days until the founding day of the Jiuzhou Party.

The storm is surging, and all forces have entered into the final conflict...

PS: Let me explain here: During the war years when medicines were scarce, such a situation actually happened. Someone was suffering from fatal inflammation. He boiled moldy cakes in a pot and ate them, and was cured. There is such a real incident.

Theoretically, this is tenable.

However, a novel is a novel after all, and there is no way to verify what Bao knows. Don't try it. If you are sick, go to the hospital.

Li Zhen's current situation can only be treated as a living horse. Don't imitate the plots in the book at will, you will learn bad things...

There's more to come, please wait a moment. I just got home.

(End of chapter)