Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 26: Waiting for 21 years for the results


Even Zhang Meng's face couldn't help but turn red with embarrassment, and he said, "Well... that was my choice of words, he."

"How do you think he did on the exam?"

The governor continued to ask.

Zhang Meng felt irritated, he was almost done, you still want to bite him

"I don't know either. Just fail the exam." Zhang Meng didn't care anymore. He might as well be more relaxed.

The governor took a deep look at Zhang Meng, picked up the roster and began to read:

"In Huangpu County, 10,000 candidates applied for the exam this year, and 250 met the passing mark."


Everyone couldn't help but gasp. There were only 500 places in Southeast Prefecture, and Huangpu County accounted for half of them.

Especially Wang Jixiang, his heart dropped when he heard this number. Huangpu County accounts for half of it! So what should I do? Will it be worse than under the previous administration

"Haining County, 5,000 people applied for the exam, and 60 people reached the score line."


It's over.

Wang Jixiang's blood ran cold, and the second one was gone...

"In Jiahe County, 8,763 people applied for the exam, and 59 people reached the score line."


Wang Jixiang almost choked to death on his spit. There was only one person missing.

The governor continued his reading and read through all the counties in Southeast Prefecture, except Hangcheng County.

Zhang Meng was delighted. It seemed that the governor had saved some face for me. I didn't read the sentence "Two people from Hangcheng County applied for the exam, one was absent, and no one reached the score line." Fortunately.

Just when Zhang Meng was secretly pleased, the governor changed his tone and looked at Zhang Meng with a smile: "What do you think of Hangcheng County?"

"I...you, I..."

Zhang Meng's face was so red that he couldn't say a word.

The governor laughed and his tone became extremely serious:

"This year, Southeastern State has produced a unique genius. One of the four science subjects scored 120 points, and the total score of the four subjects was 480. This wizard scored a total of 530 points in the four subjects!"


The whole house exploded.

"How can it be?"

"The total score is only 480. How did he get 530?"

"How is this possible? Am I not good at math? How can I do the math and figure it out?"

"This is… "

The state governor stood up with a solemn expression: "The test papers of this genius were not reviewed by Southeast Prefecture. They were reviewed by the General Department of Education in Balong City and the Jiuzhou Superintendent Examination. Because there were subversive theories in the three answer sheets, they were created on the three answer sheets. A total of five new concepts were presented. After verification, all are correct answers. Logically speaking, they are considered full marks. But... "

The governor paused and raised his fists in the direction of Zhongzhou: "The General Administration of Education did not dare to make a decision, and the General Administration of Education did not dare to approve it. It was submitted to the Emperor of Kyushu, who reviewed it with his ink pen. Breaking the convention, the three examination papers were added The score is 50. So, the total score is 480, and he got 530."


Everyone stood up in shock. I felt that all the hairs on my body stood up and I had goosebumps.

Who is this

Southeast State did not dare to mark his test paper.

The Ministry of Education does not dare to give marks.

It turned out that the Emperor of Kyushu personally graded and graded it. And the Emperor of Kyushu personally scored, and actually... added 50 points.

Who wrote this test paper

Everyone was petrified. If it weren't for the governor who said this, they would have suspected him of being a liar and arrested him and beat him up. All these remarks are really shocking.

The governor suddenly looked at Zhang Meng and shouted: "I'll ask you again, how is Hangcheng County?"

Zhang Meng trembled and said: "I, I... Two people from Hangcheng County applied for the exam this year, and one person is a reference. I don't know the situation."

The governor slammed the table and shouted angrily: "You don't know? You tell me you don't know again? Candidate Li Zhen went home after the exam and didn't report to you?"

Candidate Li Zhen

Just four words, thunder exploded in Zhang Meng's mind. He knew what it meant to hear these four words coming from the governor's mouth. This means that the high-ranking state governor actually knows the name of a small candidate in the remote Hangcheng County.

All the princesses in the room looked at Zhang Meng with horrified expressions and disbelief on their faces.

Could it be...

Zhang Meng's body suddenly started to tremble violently, and his eyes were filled with tears. He murmured: "On the day when candidate Li Zhen returns to the city, tell me... maybe he will fail."

"Maybe he failed? Maybe he failed? Hahahaha, maybe he failed!"

The governor was furious, kicked the table over, pointed at Zhang Meng's nose and shouted: "As a princess, you don't know anything about it. The phoenix fell in the henhouse, and you almost delayed the birth of a comet in my southeast state." !”


Zhang Meng exclaimed, tears welling up in his eyes, but he still looked at the governor with disbelief.

All the princesses froze on the spot, looking at Zhang Meng and then at the governor.

The governor shook off his robe, took a deep breath, and said solemnly:

"Zhang Meng!"

"Yes, yes, I am."

"Southeast Prefecture, Hangcheng County, this year two people applied, one was absent, and one was a reference. The one who was a reference had a test score of 530!"

The governor's eyes were red and he said in a deep voice: "Li Zhen, a candidate from Hangcheng County, is recognized by the emperor of Kyushu. He has been the number one scholar in Kyushu for a hundred years, in heaven and on earth!"


Silence fell.

Dong Shixiang, governor of Southeast Prefecture, also shed tears and his whole body was shaking with excitement. This candidate is from Southeast Prefecture.

Dong Shixiang cried twice. When the letter came from the General Administration of Education, he burst into tears once when he saw the shocking news. The emperor personally proclaimed him the "No. 1 Scholar in Nine Provinces in Heaven and Earth in the Past Hundred Years." .

The second time, today, I informed Zhang Meng of Hangcheng County and the heads of counties and counties under the jurisdiction of Southeast Prefecture about this news!

Zhang Meng's whole body was twitching at this time, and tears were falling down.

In an instant, a great sense of glory, great pride, and a great feeling of elation filled my whole heart.

There has been no one who has entered higher education in twenty years. I have been humiliated for ten years, and in the eleventh year, I finally waited.

This way, he is the number one scholar in Kyushu!

Suddenly, Zhang Meng rushed out of the conference hall crying and sprinting towards the reception office of the state capital. While running wildly, he laughed crazily, laughing and crying again.

"Hurry up and go back, go back. Back to Hangcheng County!"

State Governor Dong Shixiang chased him out, shouting with a smile: "Idiot, you have no shoes!"

But Zhang Meng, who was in ecstasy, could not hear anything, and did not realize that he was barefoot and his clothes were messy at this time.

At the reception desk, the hundreds of riders who arrived were sleeping soundly when they suddenly heard a loud shout:

"Get up, everyone. Stop sleeping. Get up, everyone. Get up quickly!"

"Go back, go back to Hangcheng County. Hahaha. Go back to Hangcheng County!"

All the soldiers sighed, why don't they just take a break.

Zhang Meng roared again: "I, Hangcheng County, have become the number one scholar. I am the number one scholar in all nine states. Quickly, return to Hangcheng County!"


"Are you the number one scholar?"


More than a hundred riders immediately took a breath of air-conditioning and were equally ecstatic. The sense of glory was something that outsiders could not understand.

No one complained anymore. As soon as more than a hundred riders arrived at Huangpu, they immediately mounted their horses again. Sweeping the yellow sand, I returned to Hangcheng County with a wild smile.

When the governor and others chased him out and had something to say, they saw Zhang Meng running past with more than a hundred cavalry, without even seeing him.

All the princesses looked at Zhang Meng who was leaving in joy, with infinite envy in their eyes.

Why are you not in our county...

The governor laughed and cursed, and ordered: "He ran away before he finished speaking. You take them to Hangcheng County and tell him that the imperial edict will arrive in Hangcheng County in three days. Don't neglect it." ”


A yamen servant quickly led a dozen people, mounted their horses, and chased Zhang Meng and others.

When they arrived, the state governor ordered them to arrive at Huangpu County within three days. Under high pressure, Zhang Meng and others attacked for two and a half days.

As he was leaving, the governor told him not to worry. But it only took him two days to return to Hangcheng County from Huangpu County.

The governor's strict order was not as important as Zhang Meng's return to deliver a message!

PS: Due to the recent suggestions, complaints, and abuses from readers on various channels. I actually wanted to explain yesterday, but I hesitated for a long time and had no explanation. But today I saw some readers started to attack me personally, and I really had to come out and explain.

Most readers are confused by, 'Isn't this era ancient times? How was it possible to invent the radio? How could it be possible to invent a CNC machine tool? 'I answered in order.

First of all, this is definitely not ancient times. This is a world that has re-emerged after the wasteland and civilization was cut off. The timeline, as well as the development line, and the sequence of how many years it takes for the Cold War Age to develop into the Industrial Age will not appear. Because, please note, this is 10,000 years later, not the ancient times more than 10,000 years ago. This is not historical fiction. In this era, whatever advanced products appear to readers, or things that seem like they should not appear, are actually understandable, because people of this era can "archaeologically". Later in the plot, we will trace back to the source and why it happened. And why does something appear, but the corresponding scholarship does not appear

Second, the radio. The appearance of the radio, I will skip this, it involves spoilers.

The last question is one that many people struggle with. CNC machine tools! Please note that most of this book is written from the perspective of the protagonist. The protagonist is not a human being from ten thousand years ago. He has never seen it. All his knowledge and concepts are just-heard!

Of course, it is simply unrealistic to build a real CNC machine tool. How to do CNC without a computer? Maybe in my article, if the main character says, "I want to build a machine tool," there won't be so many problems. This is still my fault.

What the protagonist wants to build is something that can easily produce parts. And he has heard of machine tools, so the article also emphasizes a point - the protagonist has not seen it, he only heard about it, and he can only make trial and error based on existing academic knowledge and imagination.

When I wrote this, I deliberately added this sentence because I expected that many readers would struggle with this issue. But I didn’t expect that after adding this sentence, many people still didn’t understand it or ignored it...

Dear readers, I hope you will read this book with the mentality of reading a history book, because the world view and background of this book do not belong to any dynasty at all. For example, in history, which academic field emerged first in the 19th century, and which academic field emerged in the 20th century? Don’t be too obsessed with this order.

There is also the issue of destruction by World War III. There are also many people who are confused. But here comes the problem. Human beings ten thousand years from now will not know what caused the destruction of the world, and there is no record of it.

Ten thousand years ago in Zhang Zhi's time, the Third World War had not yet begun, and she didn't know. The Three World Wars may not have appeared until decades or hundreds of years after Zhang Zhi, but at that time who could have imagined the level of world-class weapons

In the second chapter of the book, this issue was already mentioned by borrowing Zhang Zhi’s words. Zhang Zhi said: I also guessed that it should be destroyed by nuclear bombs.

This is a specially given explanation in response to the criticisms that readers from various channels think are 'low IQ, brainless, loopholes, logical problems, and unreasonable'. Hope everyone can understand.

Of course, there are errors that need to be pointed out, and readers who think there are loopholes should still boldly point them out. But don't be so judgmental, and don't make personal attacks. Just like the reader 'Xia Cang' said in the book review area, I wrote the wrong wording in the title of a chapter that day, and I immediately revised it. thank you.

Thank you readers for your support. These are all the existing explanations in this book, and they will not be explained in the future. It will make everyone suddenly realize it in the article.

(End of chapter)