Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 276: Early morning


It's night.

No one could sleep.

Tonight is the day with the most insomnia in history.

Xun Shifei, Xun Jiayuan and Du Taiping didn't feel sleepy at all. I kept carrying the manuscript and reciting it over and over again. Afraid of missing a word, afraid of saying a wrong word.

Each member of the Kyushu Party now has a more important task. They have to decide in their hearts who will be the first new emperor of Kyushu.

Election Election means that everyone must come together to elect someone.

We cannot let the people choose. Being too democratic is actually not conducive to national policy.

Because people usually decide whether they like someone through their own subjective consciousness. They don't know clearly whether a person is capable or not. They only think whether they like a person.

Of course, there are also wise people who think about many things. But the proportion of such people is too small after all.

The preliminary plan is for intra-party elections. Jiuzhou Party insiders voted.

But this can only work for the first session, when everyone is not familiar with it yet.

Li Zhen and Jia Liping knew that money and silk were very attractive, and some people would take risks under the temptation of high status. To win over forces within the party and use coercion and inducement.

So this can only be used in the first election.

Jia Liping’s idea is that future elections will be held jointly by party insiders and outsiders.

Businessmen with assets of more than 50 million can have one vote.

Representatives of various industries and classes were selected from various regions. Can have one vote.

Choose top-notch people from the masses who can at least think rationally. The phenomenon of blind casting will be reduced.

But for the founding ceremony tomorrow, an emperor must be chosen on that day. In the haste of the world, and because this was the first term, it was decided that the first term would adopt the model of intra-party elections.

There are more than 200 members of the Jiuzhou Party, each of whom has one vote. They have no sleep tonight, not only facing the grand founding ceremony tomorrow. Most importantly, they are about to choose a leader for the country.

Everyone has a crucial vote.

But who to vote for

Many people were scratching their heads, switching back and forth between Xun Shifei, Xun Jiayuan and Du Taiping. Can't make a decision.

Although Du Taiping is sinister and cunning, his ability should not be underestimated. He is definitely a qualified politician.

Although Xun Shifei is young, he has built a team by himself and is also a qualified politician.

Although Xun Jiayuan is older, he has done stupid things before. But now he has woken up, and as he has been the emperor for decades, his experience is extremely mature and he is even more qualified.

Everyone tries to put aside all preconceived notions about the election.

Don't care if a person has a criminal record. History is not important.

What they are deciding now is who can be better for the country after taking office.


"Dean Fang, it's bad. The front line is overcrowded, and our transport truck can't even drive into Quancheng County."

The steam train carrying ten airships encountered a blockage. No one thought that the area around Quancheng County would be overcrowded.

Fang Hanxian broke out in a cold sweat on the spot, and looked at his watch: "Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock for the founding ceremony, we must be in place at six o'clock. It's already 10:30 in the evening. Time is running out. Hurry, think of a way, do everything we can to do it." Arrive at Quancheng County."

"Make them all give way."

"They won't give way. These people are crowded and rushing towards Quancheng County. They can't get in."

"There is nothing we can do. Put up the police lights and ask the soldiers to clear the way."


The steam car was immediately equipped with flashing lights. Soldiers maintaining security were urgently deployed from nearby areas to clear the way.

"I order you to wait for your troops and immediately abandon the task of maintaining public security. Urgently clear the way and escort us into Quancheng County."

The leader in charge of public security in this area frowned: "Who are you? We have a mission, you..."

"I'm telling you, what's in the car is what will be used for the military parade tomorrow morning. We can't afford to waste a second."



A moment later, hundreds of soldiers appeared in front of the steam convoy, shouting:

"People in front get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

It was a chaotic scene and no one could hear it.

'Bang bang bang' the firecrackers kept firing into the sky. The surrounding area was immediately quiet.

A soldier shouted: "Everyone, get out of the way. They are going to participate in the military parade. There must be no delay. Let them go first."

"Get out of the way quickly."

"Give Way!"

As soon as the people in front heard this, they quickly began to squeeze to both sides, forcing a road that could accommodate the convoy.

The entire steam convoy was dripping with cold sweat, and their whole bodies were shaking from nervousness.

If they are not in place before six o'clock, they will be in big trouble. Li Zhen extended the Army Day by five days for the sake of the airship. If they were not in place yet, the consequences would be disastrous.

About an hour later, a river appeared ahead.

What's disappointing is that the bridge across the river was broken.

Because there were too many people, the bridge was broken. Several people had even died here before.

As soon as they saw the leaky house and the continuous rain all night, Fang Hanxian and Liu Jinghong wanted to die.

"Why is it happening like that!"

"what to do?"

"Quick, build a bridge."


"Brothers and sisters, we are going to participate in the military parade now. Please help us build a simple bridge for us to cross the river."

Liu Jinghong said to the people rushing to Quancheng County from all directions. Tears of anxiety came out.

After those soldiers spread the word, thousands of people spontaneously came over not long after.

Hold chains, tools. Cutting wood everywhere.

With the cooperative efforts of thousands of people, a bridge was built, allowing Liu Jinghong and his convoy to cross the river safely.

Four o'clock in the morning. Arrive at Quancheng County. Liu Jinghong wiped his tears: "It's so fucking difficult."

"Oh, we've finally arrived."

Under the guidance of the security soldiers, the convoy drove into Quancheng County. Where the armies are stationed.

At this time, all the soldiers in this large area were urgently training to walk. And talking about various compliance regulations.

"Unload the truck!"

Ten airships finally appeared.


There was a sound of exclamation all around.

"All pilots assemble!"


"I'm telling you, in a few hours..."


In the dream, under the full moon.

Zhang Zhi encouraged Li Zhen: "Don't be nervous."

"Yeah! I'll try my best."

Li Zhen cried and laughed: "But what should I say to start?"

"There is no need for any complicated opening remarks, just a simple sentence that will sink in deeply."

"What to say?"

A sly smile flashed in Zhang Zhi's eyes, and he whispered a few words in Li Zhen's ear.

"Is this... okay?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. Believe me, what you are about to say will definitely become a classic."

Zhang Zhi straightened Li Zhen's collar: "You really make me proud."

Li Zhen took a deep breath and felt a tearing sensation. He took a deep breath and said, "Zhang Zhi, I'm going to build my country."

Zhang Zhi said with a smile: "Go. My pride."


'Dong dong dong' there was a knock on the door.

"Party leader, it's already four o'clock in the morning. You can get up and wash up."

Li Zhen sat up: "I know!"


Outside Quancheng County, the cold wind howled, and the audience was so cold that they sneezed.

But I am getting more and more excited to start.

(End of chapter)