Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 281: The longest thirty seconds


Someone looked up. It feels like the clouds in the sky appear to be forming a nine-link pattern.

Some people lowered their heads and felt a pattern of nine interlocking rings appearing on the ground beneath their feet.

Someone looked at the crowd and found that the sea of people formed a nine-link pattern.

As Li Zhen said, ten thousand years from now, this pattern will be forever imprinted on this deep land.

Another way of saying it is also true.

Ten thousand years from now, this pattern will be integrated into the blood of this country, this nation, and everyone. This pattern will also be integrated into their souls and engraved.

This pattern will become an eternal belief. It seems to be similar to the five stars ten thousand years ago...

In front of the main entrance, the ambassadors from various countries had complicated expressions.


There is a corner of this world called the East. In the Far East, a giant beast is rising.

This is not what they want to see. This is not a good thing for them.

When this giant beast rises, it means that the world will surrender.

This was a scene that excited tens of millions of people, moved millions of people, and shocked millions of people. For them, it's not a good thing. They hope that Kyushu will fall apart, and even more hope that it will fall apart.

And when Li Zhen said those words, and when tens of thousands of people shouted those words, they felt very uncomfortable and complicated.

Could it be that for ten thousand years from now on, we will all surrender to the breath of this nine-ring pattern

In these nine states, shouldn’t the nine ethnic groups be in charge of their own affairs

Shouldn't this Jiuzhou be as dying as the previous emperor

Why is there unprecedented unity and why is it reunited

And they will never understand the concepts of blood and nation that exist in this.

The Rakshasa Kingdom envoy sighed: "There is a saying circulating among the people. It was just a joke before, but when it became reality, it turned out to be a nightmare for us."

The envoy from Yamato whispered in his ear: "What are you talking about?"

"If heaven had not given birth to Li Zhen, eternity would be like a long night."


The envoy from Yamato Kingdom also fell silent. He looked at the man standing on the tower watching the national flag rising with extremely complex eyes.

Within Yamato, the people of Yamato also have a complicated attitude towards Li Zhen. Because Qin Enze's status in Yamato has surpassed that of the emperor. However, the teacher Qin Enze respected all his life has never wavered in his stance, and now he is even more serious about Li Zhen.

Before that, Yamato launched a war against the coast of Kyushu. Now I can't figure out what the attitude is. Li Zhen's attitude was even more hazy.

Everyone is wondering what Qin Enze's stance will be if the Kyushu Army attacks

And what is Li Zhen's attitude and stance towards this matter, which is a fanatical belief among common intellectuals in Yamato

Tell a joke.

At this moment, the envoy of Yamato suddenly felt that peace was so good. No more wars, we want peace.

After being silent for a long time, the envoy of the Rakshasa Kingdom suddenly sneered: "If I am not mistaken, the first thing after the founding of New Kyushu may be to launch a war against our Rakshasa Kingdom."

After saying this, he turned to look at the envoy of Yamato Kingdom.

The envoy from the Kingdom of Yamato looked sideways and smiled bitterly: "I'm delighted."

The envoy of the Rakshasa Kingdom smiled again and said, "I suddenly had an idea."


"Otherwise, you and I should simultaneously suggest to our country's political leaders that Yamato and Rakshasa should unite? The lessons learned from the White Robe Country are really shocking."

"I think if the Rakshasa Kingdom is willing, the Emperor of Yamato will definitely not refuse."

"At this time, only the two countries unite to gain some say in front of this new country. Haha, but our Rakshasa country has a huge territory. Not everyone can fight it. Even if this new country is No matter how strong it is, it's just the Dongzhou Army that's strong. I don't believe that the entire Nine Provinces are all this kind of army."

"I don't believe it either..." The envoy from Yamato agreed with a smile.

A sneer flashed in the eyes of the Rakshasa Kingdom's envoy. Under such a scene, his mentality had collapsed.

"We, the Rakshasa Kingdom, are not afraid of a mere New Kyushu. Because in the entire New Kyushu, only Dongzhou has well-equipped soldiers. However, when these soldiers are thrown into the battlefield of our Rakshasa Kingdom, they are like sinking a needle into the sea. I can't find them all. We, the Rakshasa Kingdom, can defeat Kyushu, but Kyushu cannot defeat our Rakshasa Kingdom. The most fundamental factor is that our Rakshasa Kingdom's territory is too large, and there are natural chasms and dangers everywhere."

"But our country, Yamato, is different... its territory is too small, and Dongzhou Navy can flatten Yamato."

"So let's unite?"

"How to unite?"

"There is nothing to hide. I have another mission this time. In fact, it is to find people from Yamato to discuss this matter."


"The best defense is to attack. So we, the Rakshasa Kingdom, will no longer defend. We will use all the strength of the country and divide our troops into two groups to attack New Kyushu. We will continue to attack Northeastern States all the way and learn from previous mistakes. This time we will focus on Disperse the troops and try not to gather them. The other way will march from Xizhou. There are only a handful of Dongzhou troops. I wonder if they are looking at the head or the tail. Of course, now that the new country is established, it will definitely not be able to defeat this country, so Fight as hard as you can and try to get bargaining chips in the future."

The envoy from Yamato asked: "What next?"

"Then we need the cooperation of Yamato to continue attacking the southeastern coast. Let them continue to be attacked by enemies from three sides. Hahaha, this country is newly established. I don't believe that it will fight against us head-on at the cost of its vitality. This country's beliefs are too fanatical, I I’m a little scared. I’m afraid that when he really rises in the future, he will be invincible in the world. He needs to be checked and balanced.”

Yamato suddenly looked at the envoy seriously: "I want to know, what is your identity? Are you really an envoy?"

The red-haired middle-aged man smiled softly: "Don't tell others. I am the second son of the Emperor of Rakshasa Kingdom."


When the nine-ring flag reached the top, the music stopped suddenly.

Li Zhen lowered his head and looked at the clock in the corner. At this moment, it had reached the position of seven fifty-nine minutes and thirty seconds.

My heart was extremely nervous at this moment, and the most critical moment finally arrived.

At this moment, everyone on the tower held their breath and stared at the clock closely. Watch the stopwatch keep changing.

Some people think this is the longest thirty seconds in history.

Some people also think that this is the most precious thirty seconds in history.

Some people believe that this is the most meaningful thirty seconds in the history of the world.

After these thirty seconds, a sleeping lion will awaken in the Far East. In these thirty seconds, someone will announce that this corner of the world will be the brightest in the East!

Final timing.

Li Zhen closed his eyes, and the noisy voices in the venue gradually became quiet.

In the last five seconds, Li Zhen opened his eyes.

He took a deep breath, and then his tone was calm, yet full of strength.

Word by word.

A meal and a sinking.

His eyes began to become sharper, sharper, and softer. This look will be remembered by history.

He spoke:

"I declare: The New Kyushu Party, the New Kyushu Armed Forces, and the New Kyushu National Government will be established today."

'Bang, bang, bang'

At eight o'clock sharp, the mouth of the Yellow River.

The warships fired thousands of guns. Landslides and landslides.

At eight o'clock sharp, Quancheng County.

Thousands of people waved the nine-ring national flag and shouted hoarsely:


At eight o'clock sharp, New Kyushu Kingdom.

From every corner, countless fireworks shot into the sky.

At eight o'clock sharp, the Eastern Ocean Fleet of the General Naval Division fired in the distance in the ocean. The sound was loud.

At eight o'clock sharp, army artillery regiments from all over Dongzhou fired into the distance. The sky collapsed.

At eight o'clock sharp, people from all corners of the New Kyushu Kingdom heard Li Zhen say these solemn words from the radio. Throughout the nearly 10 million square kilometers of soil, hundreds of millions of people rushed to tell each other and shouted long live the New Kyushu Kingdom.

Firecrackers went off.

At the same time, flowers bloomed all over the nearly 10 million square kilometers of soil, and flags with nine-ring patterns were raised all over the place and fluttered in the wind.

At the same time, all soldiers, current and former civil servants and officials of the New Kyushu Kingdom. Everyone solemnly saluted in the direction of Quancheng County.

At the same time, the world trembled.

At the same time, the entire nation is proud.

"Long live the New Kyushu Kingdom!"

"Long live the New Kyushu Kingdom!"

"Long live the New Kyushu Kingdom!"

The sound lasts forever. The roar of the mountain and the tsunami broke through the sky, causing the mysterious god to bow his head under these words.

PS: It took me a long, long time to write this chapter. After revising and revising, I finally presented what I think is the most perfect version. The mood is stirring.

(End of chapter)