Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 284: Three seconds faster


The departure of the artillery regiment. There was a long silence for the messenger team.

Everyone had a moment of empathy.

If we go to war with Dongzhou, can the whole country face the Eastern Artillery Regiment


Natural danger

In front of the artillery regiment, isn't it just a joke

Bringing the cannon from the ocean to land is like a cheating device.

And is the artillery regiment over

No, among the three armies of New Kyushu, the Artillery Regiment is just the beginning of a new beginning...

Announcement: "The next ones that appear in front of everyone are the New Kyushu Three Armies, the Eastern Marine Corps of the General Army, and the 01st Division of Qingdao County."


Is there finally a conventional soldier battle formation that does not rely on machinery

Everyone became curious.

So what is the style and appearance of Dongzhou's Marine Corps

"The Eastern Marine Corps was established on January 15, 20002 in the New Calendar. Before being reorganized into the Marine Corps, all Marine Corps soldiers had participated in several battles. Only those who were strictly selected could become Marine Corps members. In just a short period of time, The establishment history of the Eastern Marine Corps cannot obliterate the merits and strength of the Eastern Marine Corps. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the strongest Marine Corps on the surface... "

The west gate of Quancheng County opens.

Followed by: "Qingdao County 01 Division, all are there."

"Here! Here! Here!"

All the discussions in the entire venue were suppressed.

Only a loud shout was heard from that direction. They were ferocious voices like tigers, leopards and jackals. The morale in this voice was enough to shock the enemy.

"The target is a circle around Raoquancheng County. We have them all, let's go together!"

'Dong, da. Boom, da. '

The sound of uniform footsteps came out from the west gate first.

Under the leadership of a general holding a sword in his hand, a phalanx of five thousand people walked out with unified steps like tofu cubes.

Everyone is wearing standard military boots.

In today's era when most mainstream soldiers still wear cloth shoes and straw sandals, this team uniformly wearing military boots can be said to be extremely luxurious.

More luxury is yet to come.

Everyone is wearing standard military uniforms.

Everyone has a tactical dagger on their military boots, grenades hanging on their waists, and bullet belts wrapped around their waists.

Everyone was carrying a huge marching bag, which contained bedding, a water basin, and various supplies of daily necessities.

Everyone wears alloy steel helmets and alloy chain mail.

In each of their hands, they held a semi-automatic rifle. Unlike other rifles, the rifles of the 01st Division all have bayonets hanging on the front. Far and near combat, close combat, all equipment is complete.

Each person's weight is about twenty kilograms. And everyone is well-trained and walks with ease, without any heaviness at all.

Five thousand people are like five thousand twins. Everyone is the same height, short, fat, and thin. People who are not face-blind will feel face-blind at this moment and cannot recognize who is who.

The movements of five thousand people were consistent and uniform. Even when walking forward, the angle of lifting the legs and landing the feet is exactly the same. It looks like it was measured with a ruler.

Everyone holds the gun at the same angle. They don't look like five thousand people, it's really like they used one person as a prototype and then copied and pasted it.

The general strode forward with his sword raised, and suddenly shouted: "Everything is available!"

Five thousand people shouted: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound shook the world.

In the venue, all the noise was suppressed. In the face of this blatant murderous intent, everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to take a breath.

"This is the army!"

"The morale is too high."

"It's like they just went through a bloody battle. Everyone has the wolf nature in their bones."

"Is this my new Tiger and Wolf Master of Kyushu?"


The soldiers who came to maintain law and order from other areas were also dumbfounded. They were so close that they couldn't help but feel their calves twisting.

They are both soldiers, but the difference is too big.

Many soldiers from other places couldn't help but secretly wipe away cold sweats. Fortunately, Kyushu was unified, and everyone would be a brother army from now on. Otherwise, he is likely to face such a tiger and wolf army on the battlefield.

Let’s not talk about weapons and equipment. Just this kind of morale of killing without mercy is already invincible.

Five thousand people, five thousand births. How do you fight this

If you think about it for a moment, even if these five thousand people are only equipped with bayonets. Let 20,000 people from other areas of Kyushu fight with them with cold weapons, and they will win without any pressure.

Because the discipline is too strong. This morale is terrible.

When they reached the bottom of the tower, the leader shouted: "Salute!"

The sound of "Hua Hua Hua" is uniform.

The movements are uniform.

All five thousand soldiers divided the movement of raising a gun onto the shoulder into three steps. Each step was neat and uniform, which was extremely visually shocking.

All five thousand people raised their hands and looked up at the tower.

Then he walked through the tower with uniform steps.

"The ceremony is over!"

The neat sound of 'Hua Hua Hua' sounded again, and then they walked past.

The envoy team could no longer sit still this time.

The second son sat on the chair and squirmed uneasily.

He suddenly felt impatient and annoyed.

He couldn't wait to leave this place quickly. Here, he suddenly felt an extremely insecure feeling.

Wriggling uneasily. Restless. He didn't want to read any more. The more I watched, the more upset I became.

But I can't leave, I have to sit here and watch. Can't go anywhere.

The envoy of Yamato's face turned pale at this moment, and he sat on the chair, his body shaking uneasily.

On the tower.

Xun Jiayuan looked at the envoys below and laughed loudly: "Party leader, haha, everyone, look. Their faces are all pale."

"Yes, the envoys of Yamato are trembling right now."

"Our new Kyushu's national power is so strong, and these wolves saw our raised shotguns. How can we be at peace?"

"Hahahaha, the happiest thing today is to show off the military power of my new Kyushu."


Li Zhen looked at the people below through the telescope and couldn't help but smile.

Announcement: "The next person to appear is the New Kyushu Army Chief, Eastern Firepower Regiment."

"Eastern Firepower Regiment, the original Dongzhou Explosive Arrow Battalion. They were established on January 15, 20002 in the New Calendar. They once fought world-shaking battles and became famous in one battle. It can be said that every member has countless dead souls under his command. They make the enemy tremble with fear. They make the world tremble."

"They are the people with cannons in their hands..."

From the west gate, a team of two thousand people walked out in goose-step under the leadership of the general.

Everyone subconsciously held their breath. Dongzhou Explosive Arrow Camp is familiar, too familiar.

Not only are the soldiers from all forces familiar with it, but also the people from Kyushu are familiar with it, and the envoys from various countries are familiar with it. Even children are familiar with it.

He once defeated the terrifying explosive arrow camp in Hebi County in one minute.

Destroy the city in one minute.

A few days ago, the White Robe Kingdom's imperial court's explosive arrow camp was destroyed in a few minutes.

It only takes a few minutes.

Their nickname in the arena is—Quick Three Seconds.

It means that the city can be destroyed in three seconds.

The country was broken in three seconds.

Break the army in three seconds.

For them, the beginning of the battle is the end of the battle. The battle lasts only a few seconds...

(End of chapter)