Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 29: The edict has arrived


In Hangcheng County, Zhang Meng announced: "Three days of carnival."

As a result, all businesses, large and small, in Hangcheng County had a three-day holiday. The entire Hangcheng County entered into a carnival.

Li Zhen passed the first prize, just as if each of them had passed the exam. That feeling of being happy for him and proud of him was not an act at all.

Those who have not lived in this era cannot understand the thoughts of people in this era.

Of course, there are bad people and good people, kind people and evil people.

But everyone in this era has a touching simplicity in their hearts, and this simplicity is - revival and rise.

Ten thousand years ago, the fault line of civilization was lost. Ten thousand years later, everyone began to pursue the revival of culture. Because of loss, we know how to cherish.


"I won't come home until I get drunk today."

"I am very happy that I am the champion of Hangcheng County."


The restaurant was crowded. The largest restaurant in Hangcheng County, 'Xiangmantian', has launched a sign: To celebrate Hangcheng County's winning the top prize, it will offer a 20% discount for three days. No matter how much money you spend in the restaurant, everything will be discounted at 20%.

The restaurant is packed with people every day and the restaurant is full of diners every day. Every day, the topics discussed in all directions are inseparable from Li Zhen.

Someone said: "Li Zhen, I grew up watching him. You don't know that on the day he was born, dark clouds were rolling with thunder. I knew at that time that a great person must have been born."

Others said: "Yes, I guarantee this. I also remember that rainy night sixteen years ago. The thunder that night made all the children in the city cry. I remember it deeply."

Someone else said: "But I remember Li Zhen was born during the day."

"I am Li Zhen's neighbor. You are all talking nonsense. I know that on the day Li Zhen was born, there were colorful auspicious clouds in the sky. People say that the Wenqu star has arrived... "

A restaurant offered free meals for three days to celebrate the occasion and hosted a banquet for all the people in Hangcheng County. A wine shop owner put up a sign: I am Li Zhen’s distant uncle. Looking back on my family roots, Li Zhen is considered my nephew. To celebrate my nephew's passing the top exam, we gave him free food for three days and allowed him to drink as much as he wanted.

There was prosperity and joy.

My Jiuzhou is so strong, and my Hangzhou is so strong.

Scrap yard.

The female boss hired a skilled painter to draw a poster with a layout of five or six square meters. The poster was hung at the gate of the scrap yard.

The portrait on the poster is in the style of ink painting. In the painting, there is a silhouette of a young man carrying a bamboo pole on his back. He is a little miserable and lonely. But there seems to be an endlessly powerful aura in the back.

I don’t know if it’s the painter who is smart or the female boss who is smart. This painting was drawn under the constant description of the female boss. Just a back view.

The whole painting is extremely simple, but the artistic conception is profound.

On the side is a line of small words:

When the sky is full of stars, outstanding people are shining in the distance. And I want to be a bright moon...

Some people say that this sentence seems to be said by Li Zhen. But the female boss never said a word or smiled.

The huge poster was hung in the most conspicuous position of the scrap station, and a large sum of money was spent to build a plaque. In the past, the scrap station had no name at all, but now it has a golden house.

Since doing this, the scrap station has a huge flow of people every day, and there is an endless stream of people. The wealthy people in Hangcheng County no longer dump garbage into Qiantang Valley. Instead, they often get bottles, cans, or metal objects from time to time and carry them to the scrap station to sell. He couldn't bear to go to Qiantang Valley.

They said they wanted to come here to get a taste of the No. 1 scholar.

Three years ago, the No. 1 scholar in Kyushu, whom I recognized personally, was picking up rags in Qiantang Valley and panning for gold here. After three years of self-support, he became famous.

The female boss would say to everyone she met: "Li Zhen has been selling scraps here for three years. Why did he get the top score in the exam? It's because he was contaminated with the dragon spirit here."

"I'm not kidding you. When Li Zhen came to my place for the first time three years ago, I knew he would definitely be the top pick."

"If I hadn't comforted him every day, cheered him up, and encouraged him to study hard, he would definitely be admitted to the top spot. Maybe Li Zhen would have given up."

"Yes, this is the most important place where the Number One Scholar once was, the Golden House. Do you want to sell scraps?"


Qiantang Valley.

The group of teenagers who picked up rags surrounded the entire southeast area of the Qiantang Valley Scrap Depot with red ropes.

Spontaneously, they stuck wooden sticks in the ground and surrounded the entire southeast area, and then surrounded it with red lines. No one is allowed to enter this area, and no one is allowed to dump garbage in this area anymore.

The young people proudly say to everyone they meet:

"Once upon a time, the Number One Scholar was picking up rags in the Qiantang Valley. We fought with him several times to grab territory. I am the one who fought with the Number One Scholar, so don't mess with me."

"The southeast region is the territory we finally agreed upon. The entire southeast region belongs to Li Zhen."

"That is the old site of the area where Li Zhen used to collect rags. No one is allowed to enter. No one is allowed to enter now. It must be well preserved."

"Who said you can't get ahead by picking up rags? Our classmate Li Zhen used to pick up rags in the southeast area. In three years, he picked out a top pick. How awesome is that."


Every day, many people from Hangcheng County, even people from neighboring counties, or people from a county under its jurisdiction come here to admire it.

Go to Qiantang Valley to visit the southeastern area surrounded by red ropes. Pay homage to the old site where the 'Shattered Champion' spent three years prospecting for gold.

Just because of the reputation of a champion, even the stench-filled Qiantang Valley shone brightly. Even the scrap metal seemed to everyone to be shining with golden light.

Some people secretly picked up a piece of rag from the enclosed area in Qiantang Valley when no one was around. Hanging it in the bedroom of his children who are still in school is said to let their children imbibe the dragon spirit of the number one scholar, but the more purpose is to encourage their children to work as hard as Li Zhen.

When I was tired of studying, I looked up at the tattered junk hanging in the room. Thinking about the three years Li Zhen spent studying by himself, I felt motivated again.

It is no exaggeration to say that the pursuit of the No. 1 pick in the entire Kyushu far exceeds that of the superstar ten thousand years ago. It's fanatical, it's crazy.

A businessman found Li Zhen and was willing to pay 500,000 coins to buy the shabby shack where Li Zhen had lived for sixteen years.

There were also businessmen who came to Li Zhen and were willing to pay 100,000 coins to buy the large pile of old books that Li Zhen had piled in the corner.

The reason why it is so valuable is because Li Zhen, the number one scholar, had a very rough life. The story of him becoming the number one scholar was made up by a storyteller in a wine shop with twists and turns. However, with only slight processing, it turned out to be wrong with the real situation. Not big.

From sleeping on a salary to taste courage, to self-study, to Huangpu to rush for exams, to the great disaster of life and death in Yanziji...

Those who heard it cried. Only then did they realize that it was not easy for Li Zhen to become the top pick.

How does a person stand upright in the midst of the collapse of the earth

How can a person be reborn in a difficult situation

How did a person, in the lonely yellow sand sky, rush for the exam alone, suffer alone, and finally become famous all over the world


On the third day, Li Zhen, who had been forcibly taken to live in the government office, put on the precious silk robe Zhang Meng bought for him. I took a bath and burned incense and walked out to face the rising sun.

Opposite the door, Qi Lengzi strode out in a golden armor. The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Good morning, champion."

"Morning, I'll send someone."


The sound of iron hooves rolled in, and dust filled the sky in the distance.

More than a thousand royal palace guards stormed into Hangcheng County brazenly, and became solemn amid the joyful singing and dancing:

"The imperial edict has arrived!"

(End of chapter)