Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 3: PI


When I woke up, it felt like a lifetime ago.

Li Zhen lay on the sand and took a deep breath of air, feeling a little unmotivated.

We met a year ago, and now that we know each other, I don’t know if we are in love.

But it always feels short-lived. I will always miss her. But I still can't remember her last name.

She taught Li Zhen too much knowledge. In order to teach Li Zhen more knowledge, she changed from a poor student to the first in the grade...

Sixteen-year-old Li Zhen had never been in love before. He was addicted to it, and he really had humble feelings. It's about the girl in the dream, the girl who lived in the paradise era in ancient times.

After a year, Li Zhen couldn't even tell whether the world he was in was real. Because the dream was so realistic, it was like I was in this world during the day, but at night, I went to another world...

"Why was that just a dream?"

He sighed softly, his eyes getting redder and redder.

But what is your last name? I will definitely ask next time, write it down, and remember it forever.


When I woke up, it felt like a lifetime ago.

Zhang Zhili sat in the warm bedroom under the air conditioning, on the soft bed, straightening his shawl long hair, his almond-shaped eyes filled with mist.

The feeling of disinterest is very strong.

miss him.

In one year, I have changed a lot for him. From a poor student like a gangster, he became number one in the school. For him, thank him too.

Thank you also for bringing great waves to your life. I have never looked forward to going to bed at eleven...

In the dream, it is another life.

"Why is that just a dream... Is it possible to meet?"

Zhang Zhi murmured, raised his head, and his tears fell down, falling on the luxurious velvet quilt, printing water splashes.

'Dong dong dong' the knock on the door sounded.

"go to school!"

"I know dad, he's getting up."

Zhang Zhi quickly wiped away his tears and shook his long hair, adjusting his sad expression.

As I brushed my teeth and washed my face and took the bus to school, I kept murmuring absently in my mind: But what is your last name

Really...what real

I will definitely ask next time, note it down, and write it down.


Early in the morning, public high schools started classes again.

Yesterday, I mainly talked about history.

But today, we mainly talk about mathematics.

For Li Zhen, who has already learned calculus in mathematics, mathematics in public high schools is really at the elementary school level. While the school teachers were still using formulas and using their fingers to calculate X, Li Zhen could already mentally calculate all existing math problems in an instant.

This day is spent on getting money quickly. The college entrance examination starts in ten days. That is my top priority, I must take the exam, I must pass it.

I once analyzed the importance of the college entrance examination to Li Zhen during the 10,000-year period of the New Calendar.

In this era, imperial power reappeared, and the entire country was completely controlled by hereditary centralized power. Therefore, the largest resources in society are not dispersed, but centralized, with most interests in the hands of a few people.

And entering a university that is highly valued by the empire is the only option to get ahead. Only those who become the empire can be cared for by the empire. Only when you have mastered most of the benefits can you use these things to spread the knowledge you have mastered more efficiently.

Money is the only problem. In the 10,000th year of the New Calendar, the problem of corruption is more serious than imagined.

Rich people are extremely rich and poor people are extremely poor. The gap between rich and poor is quite large.

Early in the morning, Li Zhen went out again to pick up garbage and scavenge for scraps with a bamboo pole on his back.

By noon, a basket full of metal products, waste paper, and plastic products had been harvested. It is mainly these things that can be sold for money.

"Why didn't you go to school today?"

The female owner of the scrap yard laughed.

Li Zhen said: "Today's class is boring, why not come out and make some money."

"Hahaha, didn't you threaten to take the college entrance examination? Are you impetuous now?"

"Haha. Not really."


Without too much explanation, Li Zhen went to Qiantang Valley again with the bamboo pole on his back.

In one noon, I harvested another basket, but I was already exhausted. He hadn't eaten all day, and now his chest was pressed against his back due to hunger, which was really painful.

Under the scorching sun, I almost collapsed, so I found a shady place to rest.

I was reluctant to spend money to buy some food, so I just picked up some edible leftovers from the trash to satisfy my hunger.


Lying on my side in a cool place, but not sleeping. Instead, he picked up a black tile and wrote and drew on the ground.

After a while, a large number was written on the ground.


After this new calendar, the concept has never been proposed again.

Li Chen has been calculating pi for several months. He is closer to the culture of ancient times than contemporary people. Li Zhen can know the future use of pi better than anyone else.

"To say the least, pi is an unsolved mathematical mystery that even their time could not solve. I don't expect to be able to solve this mystery, but its uses are extremely great."

"No one can accurately calculate the area of a circle now, but the area of a circle can be calculated using pi. Astronomers cannot calculate the area and size of a planet, but pi can be calculated. It can even be calculated with calculus. Out of the orbit of the planet.”

"I heard that professors at Fuxing University want to restore calculators from ancient times. I even said that they want to know whether the calculation results of the calculator are accurate. They must study pi. Before entering university, if I calculate pi With 10,000 people, many problems will be solved by then..."

He kept listing rows of mathematical formulas on the ground, and kept writing Arabic numerals on the ground with tiles.

Once he calculates pi, he becomes easily addicted to it, and time passes quickly without realizing it. It was already afternoon in a blink of an eye.

"3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 821480865 1…”

He was so entranced that he kept writing numbers on the ground and calculating.

Li Zhen was doing mental arithmetic and verbal arithmetic, a concept that had never been mentioned before in this era.

He started calculating pi a few months ago, and now, Li Zhen has calculated more than 3,700 digits after the decimal point...

What Li Zhen didn't know was that an hour ago, an old man wearing reading glasses stood behind him, staring at Li Zhen who was lying on the ground and calculating.

Li Zhen unknowingly calculated here for several hours, but never found anyone behind him.

Calculating pi is now a hobby, and it is also paving the way for the future. As soon as he has time, Li Zhen will continue to calculate.

When he was tired from picking up scraps, he said he would lie down here to rest, but he couldn't rest at all.

'cough cough'

The old man had a scratchy throat and coughed, instantly waking up Li Zhen.

Li Zhen looked back and exclaimed: "Teacher Wang!"

This is the math teacher from a public high school named Wang.

Teacher Wang pushed up his reading glasses and said with a smile: "You didn't have class today. I heard from your classmates that you were picking up garbage in Qiantang Valley, so I came out to look for you."


Li Zhen was a little flattered: "I still bother you, Teacher Wang, to come to me, this..."

"I'm so heartbroken. I heard that you made some shocking remarks in yesterday's history class. I was looking forward to class today and wanted to ask you a few more questions. But you didn't come, so I came out to look for you. Because I heard After what you said yesterday, I feel that you are not as simple as I thought before and had high hopes for your college entrance examination. Unexpectedly, you, like other students, gave up early... "

Li Zhen smiled sarcastically, really not knowing how to answer. He had endless questions in his mind. Why did he bother Teacher Wang to look for him when he had always had a very low sense of presence in school? Before that, Li Zhen even thought that Teacher Wang didn't even know that there was a student like him.

"I didn't give up."

"I haven't given up. Why are you picking up trash and not going to class? The college entrance examination is in ten days."

"Haha, it's nothing."

Teacher Wang took a deep look at Li Zhen and changed the topic: "What kind of calculation are you writing? I thought you were writing randomly at first, but I also divided the two numbers by each other, and unexpectedly... I couldn't get the answer. . How can such a number exist? It seems that it can never be divided... But it is equally indivisible as 10 divided by 3, but it is different. Your number is actually an irrational number and does not cycle. This is incredible. What kind of number is this? ?”


"Huh? What kind of pie?"

Li Zhen was silent for a while. He was not going to announce the pi issue now. He smiled and said, "I discovered it by accident, so it's not worth mentioning."

Teacher Wang became a little anxious: "Child, you have to tell me, what are these two numbers? Where did they come from? Why does this phenomenon occur? After the decimal point, there are thousands of units. How many units are there? Thousands, did you calculate it all? Oh my god, what kind of mathematical genius are you... "

Li Zhen smiled, said nothing for the time being, and took out a small book. After the more than three thousand digits calculated previously, dozens more numbers were written. These dozens of figures were calculated today. Gotta record it.

So, in a few months, Li Zhen has calculated the 3,800 digits after pi... There will be accumulation and progress every day.

He felt that he would always be able to calculate to the last 10,000 digits of pi.

After recording the dozens of new numbers obtained today, Li Zhen put the small notebook into his pocket in the eyes of Teacher Wang and said with a smile: "Then I will go back to class after processing these. Teacher Wang, the environment here is No, you should go back to school first."

Teacher Wang pushed up his glasses, took another deep look at Li Zhen, turned and left, saying: "Come to school quickly. I have many questions to ask you. Other teachers also have many questions. The school also has some problems and things .”


(End of chapter)