Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 31: Complex situation


Zhongzhou, Chang'an County, Balong City.

In the inner court of the imperial palace, Emperor Xun, the ruler of Kyushu, convened relevant departments to hold a unique discussion meeting.

On how to place Li Zhen.

The royal surname is Xun, and the emperor is collectively called the Son of Heaven. His subjects and common people all respected him as the Son of Heaven. It means Son of God.

Only the emperors of other countries and the emperor's elders can add the surname - Emperor Xun before the emperor.

Emperor Xun of Kyushu, who lived in the 10,000th year of the New Calendar, is now nearly 70 years old, and his aura is extremely majestic. When he was young, he laid the foundation for his decisive killings. He personally conquered the Northeastern state and personally killed Erbes, the current general of the Rakshasa Kingdom, which brought peace to the border of the Northeastern state for forty years.

But now that he is old, Emperor Xun has become dull, a bit arrogant, and is good at listening to the lies of evil people, and has committed many sins. This is the empire's misfortune.

"In the past hundred years, Jiuzhou has rarely produced geniuses. Now that Li Zhen is born, how do you think he should be placed?"

Emperor Xun glanced at the officials sitting on both sides of the conference room, and asked a little out of breath.

Qian Mao, the director-general of the Education Department, smiled and said with a smile: "I think Li Zhenzhi's knowledge no longer requires him to go through college or waste another six years."

Emperor Xun raised his eyebrows: "What does General Administration of Finance mean?"

"Li Zhen's knowledge is astonishing, and our Kyushu University system is a six-year system. After graduating in six years, only the best can be assigned to work for the empire. That refers to ordinary people, and I believe that Li Zhen is different from ordinary people. He doesn't need to waste six years."

Emperor Xun gradually frowned: "Without going to university...he is sixteen. How can a sixteen-year-old boy be of great use?"

"Emperor, who is not a novice? The Emperor just said that he has no experience, but his mind is very mature. It is enough to be used for great purposes, and for him, six years of college is equivalent to a waste of six years. Simply It is better to work directly for the empire, or enter a national institution to learn and work. After the same six years, he will be able to stand alone. If he is still a novice after six years in college, it will also take six years to polish himself again. "

"I don't agree with what Mr. Qian said."

A rich middle-aged man frowned and shouted coldly.

This person is none other than the president of Zhongzhou Imperial College of Technology, a high-ranking official in the imperial court in name only - Wang Zhongshu.

Wang Zhongshu stood up and said in a deep voice: "No matter how talented you are, it takes time to polish it. And when you serve the empire, any position is of great importance. Young people have no hair on their lips and can't do things well. I must be here." He studied at Imperial College for six years and received guidance from famous teachers who taught him the experience of being a person, the experience of doing things, and the experience of doing learning. Only then can he make progress."

As soon as he finished speaking, another person stood up. It was Xu Shenxue, the president of Fuxing University.

Xu Shenxue chuckled and said, "I don't like hearing what you are saying. What do you mean you have to study at Imperial College for six years? Is Imperial College the only one in Kyushu?"

"Haha, of course there is also Fuxing University in Southeast State."

A sentence called "Southeast State" bites very hard. The meaning couldn't be more obvious: I am Zhongzhou Imperial College of Technology, at the feet of the Emperor. You are Southeast State Fuxing University, you are nothing but a bird.

Xu Shenxue smiled and sat down without saying anything else.

Qian Mao had a look of irritation in his eyes: "Principal Wang's words are biased. People are different. Do extraordinary things to extraordinary people. Sometimes too much polishing will destroy the future of a genius."

"But if it is not polished, genius will even perish."

"Let me ask you, Hangcheng County is located in a remote area, and Li Zhen's schooling environment is extremely poor. Has he been polished?"

"not at all."

"Then all his knowledge is from learning from local teachers?"

"Well, it is said that he is self-taught."

"Is he polished?"

"Hahaha, it's just because it hasn't been polished, so I have to polish it properly."

Qian Mao frowned: "Sometimes, free growth is far better than greenhouse cultivation."


No one answered, Wang Zhongshu shrugged his shoulders and sat down.

Qian Mao clasped his fists again: "Emperor, I am not saying that I want Li Zhen to take on a big role immediately. I just... don't want him to waste six years, so I want to recommend Li Zhen to enter the National Academy of Sciences."


As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the venue took a breath of air.

Wang Zhongzhu stood up with red ears: "Impossible!"

Other officials were also very excited and said: "This precedent cannot be set."

"You can get into the National Academy of Sciences with just four test papers? It's a fantasy."

"The top pick is only a future talent. It is a potential, not an established fact. It is impossible to send him to the National Academy of Sciences with just four test papers."

"That's too careless. Anyone can enter the National Academy of Sciences?"


The Kyushu National Academy of Sciences is a transcendent existence that is superior to the two universities, and even superior to the government and opposition parties of Kyushu.

Anyone who can enter the National Academy of Sciences can stamp their feet and shake the world. Everyone's name is of a thunderous level in this era.

There are only 79 people in the entire National Academy of Sciences. Among the 79 people, 20 are mentors. Those who can be mentors are all resounding figures who have made great contributions and sacrifices for the empire.

The president of the National Academy of Sciences restored "direct current" fifty years ago. When direct current came out again after a lapse of 10,000 years, he changed the structure of the entire world. Let this world no longer be dark. Let the whole world cross a level as a whole.

Decades ago, a student at Imperial College proposed a theory of the bomb and restored it. Six years after graduation, he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences and became a student.

Everyone in the National Academy of Sciences is a great person who can be randomly selected to shake the world.

The father of the bomb, the father of direct current, the father of semiconductors, the father of sulfuric acid...

If the imperial power is still the strongest in this era, then there are some deviations, because the National Academy of Sciences has surpassed the government and the opposition.

If there is a reason why the people in the conference room are so excited now, it is because there is no way they can watch a sixteen-year-old kid instantly rise above them with just four test papers. Even they are not qualified to touch the level of the National Academy of Sciences.

Qian Mao remonstrated again: "Emperor, Li Zhen has such knowledge. Although there are four test papers, these four test papers are different from others. In chemistry, he proposed the new three acids, in mathematics, he proposed the split term method. In physics, He came up with aerodynamics... things that were enough to qualify him for admission to the National Academy of Sciences."

The emperor was silent.

Everyone was silent. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make some sense. But... still too young.

After a long time, Emperor Xun made the final decision: "Enter the university."

"The Emperor..."

The emperor interrupted: "He is too young. I want him to be steady and steady. I am afraid that he will succeed in one fell swoop and become famous at a young age and then fall."

"Isn't it true that the emperor also became famous at a young age?"

The emperor narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Does the General Administration of Finance compare him with me?"

Qian Mao felt a chill in his heart, and his hair stood up in fear. Only then did he realize that he had said the wrong thing, and he quickly knelt on the ground and said, "The emperor is angry, I have no other intention. I just meant what I said but didn't mean it..."


The emperor slapped the table, stood up and said: "I am the son of God, how can I be compared to ordinary people? Let's settle it, six years of college."


All the people stood up quickly and bent down to accept the promise.

At this moment, an official came over in a hurry: "Something's going on."


The emperor said a little impatiently.

"Ge Qingping, Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences, has arrived."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar. Ge Qingping.

That is also a great man level figure. Forty years ago, sulfuric acid was restored based on the incomplete periodic table of elements from 10,000 years ago. A great man who successfully used sulfuric acid in industry and brought about huge changes in industry. Asphalt was created thirty years ago when bitumen was extracted from petroleum residues. Twenty years ago, a complete method of refining gasoline was invented, making a huge contribution to the empire's industry.

The emperor looked anxious and said quickly: "Please, please quickly."

After a while, an old man with a red face came over with a smile, ignoring everyone present, looked at Emperor Xun and said: "I heard that a genius came out of Hangcheng County? I am very interested in his new three acids. When will you enter Beijing?"

"Haha, it's rare that Academician Ge is interested. He should be here soon."

"Okay, please send someone to inform me after arriving in Beijing. I have several issues that I want to discuss with him. I am also following the dean's order to investigate whether I need to be admitted to the National Academy of Sciences for further study."

As soon as Ge Qingping said this, the place was silent for an instant, and everyone looked at each other in shock.

Surprised, yet holding back anger.

Except for Qian Mao, no one here wanted to see Li Zhen enter the National Academy of Sciences at the age of only 16. The issues involved here are too complicated, and even the emperor is not willing to let Li Zhen go to further study at such a young age. Because Qian Mao said, "The emperor is also famous at a young age", which made the current Emperor Xun very embarrassed.

Even Emperor Xun had not entered the National Academy of Sciences. If Li Zhen had entered, it would not be whether he could compare with himself. Wouldn't it mean that he was inferior to him

Everyone was silent for a while, then Emperor Xun smiled: "The decision has been made. This boy is young and frivolous and needs to spend six years in college to polish himself. Time can make people calm down, and it will not be too late to leave then."

Ge Qingping was stunned, and looked at the faces of everyone present. He laughed with a high emotional intelligence and said, "Well, I'm just here to visit relatives in the capital, and I'll pay a visit by the way. Since the court has made a final decision, I will leave tomorrow."

Emperor Xun's eyes flashed with a hint of comfort, and he felt that although Ge Qingping was a scholar, he also had an extremely rich political IQ and was truly enlightened.

"Okay, Vice President Ge, let's go visit relatives first. There will be a dinner at the palace in three hours. Vice President Ge is also invited to attend."

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

Ge Qingping smiled, saluted the emperor, then turned and left.

After going out, the attendant asked in confusion: "Vice Dean Ge wants to visit relatives? The Dean said that he must visit Li Zhen."

Ge Qingping shook his head with a smile: "After a ground-breaking shock, it may not necessarily be followed by good things. If he is of royal blood, if he is born into a wealthy family in Zhongzhou, tens of thousands of people will definitely be asking for him to be admitted to the National Academy of Sciences, without even an examination. . But he was born into poverty, but it is shocking. He compared all the candidates from all over the world, which is one step ahead of Kyushu. If he enters the National Academy of Sciences, he will be two steps ahead of Kyushu.

The world can tolerate those who are one step ahead of them, but will be frightened by those who are two steps ahead. The empire needs talents, but is afraid of geniuses. No one in Zhongzhou wanted him to stand out. I don't want to cause trouble for myself. I will leave Beijing tomorrow and return south, and rob him halfway in Shangluo County. Not inspecting in the capital, but inspecting on the road does not seem to be disobeying the emperor's order, right? "

"Aren't you going to invite me?"

"Visit first."

Ge Qingping said with some inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

I just saw it today. Thanks to 'Yijunuo' for the reward of 10,000 starting coins. Became the first helmsman of this book. Thank you Hao.

There was also a reward of five thousand starting coins from "two slaps", and he became a deacon.

Thank you to the readers who rewarded me. This is the greatest recognition of my work. Really, when I see these recognitions every day when I type, I will be very motivated. I have never dreamed that you would reward me.

(End of chapter)