Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 32: Return


The situation in Balong City is strange. Just for Li Zhen.

The southeastern state also surged, but only for Li Zhen.

Huangpu County, within the state government.

Dong Shixiang, the governor of Southeast Prefecture, urgently summoned the Princess of Huangpu County and asked hurriedly: "I got a tip that the Zhuangyuan Lang who escorted Li Zhen to Beijing suddenly turned back. He was heading towards Huangpu County. Did something happen?"

Princess Huangpu looked stunned and murmured: "Shouldn't we be coming towards Huangpu County?"

"Information reports say that during the hurried march, the imperial guards in the capital were full of murderous intent. It didn't look like they were here to do business, but like they were here to kill people. Have you ever talked about Li Zhen's background? When he was in Huangpu County, did he have any enemies? Is there anyone? Have you ever offended him?"

The princess of Huangpu County thought about it carefully and said in horror: "I know. He is not coming to Huangpu County, he... is going to Jiahe County."

"What? Has anyone in Jiahe County offended him?"

"Folk news said that Li Zhen was fished out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. The storyteller compiled a book and there is a chapter called "One Man's Horse Team". It said that when Li Zhen came to take the exam, there were ten people accompanying him. There was another candidate in the remaining carriages. However, when passing by Yanziji, they encountered horse thieves. Everyone died trying to let Li Zhen escape, and only Li Zhen escaped. If... he had an enemy, then It must be Yanziji."

Southeast Prefecture Governor Dong Shixiang was stunned for a long time, and he breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it didn't happen in Huangpu County. Jiahe County... doesn't matter.

But I was still a little shocked. This top pick was really decisive in killing. If you have a grudge, take revenge. A gentleman will never wait until ten years to take revenge.

"Prepare horse racks and brave soldiers, and march quickly to Yanziji. The imperial decree states: 'Wherever the champion goes, officials from various states and counties along the way must greet and escort him.' He was originally going out of Southeast Prefecture, but now he has turned back. You I have a duty."

"Should we inform Wang Jixiang?"

Dong Shixiang hesitated for a while, waved his hand and said, "No notification."


It was a dusty day.

The next day.

Wang Jixiang, the princess of Jiahe County, still received the tip, and the number one scholar who had left turned back and came towards Jiahe County.

Wang Jixiang has a clear mind. He knows better than anyone why the number one scholar turned back. But just because he knew it, Wang Jixiang panicked.

"No...he wants to destroy me, Yanziji."

Wang Jixiang sat on the chair absentmindedly and muttered.

The horse thieves in Yanziji are indeed official bandits, and they are indeed Wang Jixiang's men. The previous head of Yanziji was the bodyguard Wang Jixiang brought from the capital, but he was killed in a bomb.

The reason why Yanziji Horse Thief was formed was based on three aspects.

First, Wang Jixiang has just taken office. If he wants to develop Jiahe County, he needs a lot of money. And he arranged for two parties of horse thieves to set up residence on the two roads into Jiahe County. The purpose was very simple, which was to steal money. Those who enter Jiahe County all want to go to Huangpu County, and most of those who go to Huangpu County are businessmen. Businessmen have money. A vote is a vote. Nothing beats a quick grab for money.

Second, it is because Wang Jixiang has just taken office and the people in Jiahe County are still relatively unfamiliar with him. Then this requires word of mouth. He personally developed the horse thieves and wanted to make the horse thieves bigger and make the horse thieves famous far and wide. Then he personally led the troops to exterminate the horse thieves. Then the local people will praise him. In terms of political achievements, this is also a significant achievement.

Wang Jixiang can completely blame the rampant horse thieves on his predecessor's poor governance. Because I had just arrived, the horse thieves were so rampant. That must be the disaster left by the ex. No matter where he goes, Wang Jixiang always has more advantages than disadvantages.

Third, it is because most candidates will pass through Jiahe County to rush for the exam. Then arrange for horse thieves to intercept and kill candidates from other counties. This can fundamentally prevent other counties from having higher enrollment rates than Jiahe County.

Kill three birds with one stone. This is the reason why Wang Jixiang founded Horse Thief.

And now it happened. If Li Zhen is allowed to lead the imperial army to annihilate the capital, it will instantly turn into a disaster for Wang Jixiang's interests...

"what to do."

Wang Jixiang's eyes were blood red with anxiety.

The attendant beside him said in a deep voice: "Now is not the time to think of a way. There is no other way. I heard that the governor of the state is coming to Jiahe County and will be arriving soon. Obviously I didn't think of informing you. Yanziji can't be saved, only … Hurry up and send troops to Yanziji, take the initiative to stand on Li Zhen’s side, and help Li Zhen wipe out the horse thieves.”

"Eradicate the horse thieves?"

Wang Jixiang went a little crazy: "Those are the ten personal guards I brought from the capital. They grew up with me, slaves and brothers. You want me to kill them with my own hands?"

"If you don't lose your car, you can't keep being handsome."

Wang Jixiang gritted his teeth: "Send fast horses and quickly notify Yanziji to arrange evacuation. I regret it. I should have thought that Li Zhen would come back for revenge. I should have thought of arranging Yanziji to evacuate."

At this time, soldiers from outside came to report: "Princess, the imperial guards from the capital escorted the champion, and they have entered Jiahe County and have arrived at Yanziji. The emperor has said that every time he passes by, the princess and the governor will Escort accordingly. Shall we go? He has already entered Jiahe County."


Wang Jixiang took a breath of air and said in shock: "Is it so fast?"

"Quickly, send troops to Yanziji."



It wasn't originally so fast. Mingguan people said several times along the way to rest.

But Li Zhen knew that if he rested, time would be wasted. With Wang Jixiang's cunning, he would definitely arrange for the evacuation of Yanziji. Then you lose the opportunity to catch him off guard. The tough attitude is to march all the way without rest.

Li Zhen even abandoned his carriage and rode his horse with a whip.

When the imperial guards in the capital saw that Li Zhen didn't even make a carriage, what else could they say? I can only grit my teeth and accompany him on a quick march.

"Finally, I'm back."

Li Zhen sat on the horse and looked at the deep canyon a few miles ahead, with tears welling up in his eyes. No one can understand Li Zhen's mood when he returns to Yanziji.

Once upon a time, an embarrassed young man escaped from here. Blood and tears flowed freely.

More than a month later, he set foot on this land again with more than a thousand imperial guards. Murderous.

"I have surrounded the entire Yanziji. No one is allowed in, no one is allowed out. If you let a horse thief escape, I will take it upon you!"

Li Zhen grinned, his expression extremely ferocious. A loud roar echoed in the valley.

'Eh-' the war horse neighed.

More than a thousand imperial guards drew their swords and muskets and scattered towards Yanziji.

Can more than a thousand people surround a canyon


Yanziji has two peaks on the left and right. The peak on the right has rugged rocks and is a pure Gobi. Even goats cannot jump up it.

But the peak on the left is relatively flat, with dense forest at the top. There is only one way up the mountain on the left.

It only took more than a hundred riders to block the road, and the horse thieves were completely blocked.

Considering that the horse thief had a zipline that dropped directly from the sky, more than a hundred other horsemen were scattered throughout the canyon, surrounding him from all directions. It doesn't need to be airtight, just stand scattered so that flies can't fly in.

Ming Guanren's pupils shrank and he looked at the high-spirited young man riding a war horse in front of him, and the god-of-war figure standing loyally beside him.

He murmured softly: "What a tit for tat."

There is a truth that Mingguan people understand: if wealth and honor do not return home, it is like walking in brocade at night.

Change the scene to revenge, and it works.

Thanks to 'Rainbow Team FUZE''s reward of 20,000 starting coins, I became the first hallmaster of this book. The first and biggest rich man in this book. Haha, the alliance leader doesn’t dare to ask for anything for the time being, the hall master is enough to keep me happy for a long time.

Thanks to "EMPEROR" for six thousand starting coins, the steward of this book.

Also, thank you to 'Night Shift Cock Scratcher' for the 5,000 starting coins.

Of course, there are many people who have not been mentioned, I hope you can forgive me. Because after this starting point was revised, you can only see how many people are giving rewards every day, but not who is giving rewards. There are quite a lot of people on the fan list, and I can’t remember who is added every day. You can only see people who have not appeared on the fan list on the homepage before and then suddenly appear, and you can deduce when he should have rewarded...

Sorry for those I didn’t mention.

Thank you for your support. Hold your fists, someone is here to perform the "Four Bows of Jishou" for you!

(End of chapter)