Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 36: Flatten Yanziji


for a long time.

Dong Shixiang, who was looking forward to the stars and the moon, finally saw Li Zhen and Wang Jixiang come out.

Li Zhen's face was extremely calm, and Wang Jixiang's whole body was trembling. Dong Shixiang could feel Wang Jixiang's overwhelming anger and the depression that had nowhere to be released.

Wang Jixiang walked to his horse silently, glanced at Li Zhen with a bitter look, and shouted: "Jiahe County."


The military armor who came with Wang Jixiang shouted in unison.



Dozens of horses rode away on the yellow sand. Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. What kind of tacit understanding had been reached? What deal was reached

Wang Jixiang left without leaving a word


Did he not even care about these horse thieves who were captured alive and kneeling on the ground

Dong Shixiang was confused: "This..."

Li Zhen smiled and said, "It's okay. Sir, please instruct the armor to retreat first and wait here."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait until I erase a place from the map of Jiahe County!"


Everyone present was panicked, making noises, and exclaiming.

How can he be so virtuous? Want to wipe a place off the map? Was it Yanziji who was erased? How can he be so virtuous

Everyone couldn't help but look up and look at the two towering peaks in the Gobi Desert, which merged to form a canyon more than a mile long. It was so majestic... How to erase it

Li Zhen stopped talking, took off the mattress from the saddle, spread it on the ground, and took a nap in a cool corner. He ignored anyone who called him.

Mingkang was frightened on the side. He regretted a little. He shouldn't have gone into this troubled water with Li Zhen. This...what should we do? It's a big deal. Big hair.

Before this, no one thought that such a crazy heart was hidden in that thin body. Is his hatred so strong

Dong Shixiang couldn't do anything. For the first time, he felt that he, the governor of the state, was so useless and incompetent. Looking at Li Zhen who was sleeping, he could only sigh helplessly: "Withdraw the troops. There are 13,000 Huangpu troops, retreat five miles."



More than 13,000 people immediately began to retreat, completely retreating to the plains on the sandy ground, far away from Yanziji.

The seventy-six horse thieves were completely panicked, and everyone was trembling.

"What... is going to happen?"

"What's wrong?"

"What's going to happen?"


Time passed minute by minute, and in the afternoon, tens of thousands of people came out of the yellow sand.

All the military troops in Jiahe County, including government officials, came.

It wasn't just horse teams that came, but horse-drawn carriages.

Every carriage is loaded with something, I don’t know what it is.

When Dong Shixiang saw what was being pulled on the carriage, his pupils shrank and his whole body trembled uneasily. Those are Jiahe County's military explosives.

Everyone understood what Li Zhen was going to do. Everyone understood what price Wang Jixiang would pay if Li Zhen didn't bite.

When he arrived at the venue, Wang Jixiang paid no attention to anyone. He just turned around and shouted: "These two mountains have been leveled by me! Leveled."

He was slightly demented, and his whole body was roaring hysterically.

Li Zhen smiled and watched as more than 10,000 people rushed into Yanziji in silence, using tools to dig out two peaks, dig holes, and pits. Then fill the hole with explosives.

Because there are some talents in Jiahe County who have mined and blasted mountains and know a little about blasting. Under the command of these people, it is not difficult to level two mountains.

More than 10,000 people poured in and worked under orderly command.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone was silent and said nothing. The Huangpu Army sat on the ground, each of them looking at the scene in Yanziji with bright eyes. Many people are excited.

Some people also discussed:

"This champion... is so cruel."

"The explosives needed to level two mountains can empty out Jiahe County's arsenal, right?"

"Money and armaments are trivial matters. Do you know what will happen to Wang Jixiang in the future if Yanziji is defeated?"

"He will become the laughing stock of Jiuzhou, and the Wang family will be humiliated along with him."

"Yes, a horse thief in Jiahe County intercepted and killed the number one scholar, and the number one scholar came back to take revenge. However, under the pressure of the number one scholar, the princess of Jiahe County personally led a team to directly blow up two mountains. When word spread...the Wang family became Kyushu is a laughing stock.”

"But there is nothing Wang Jixiang can do. If Li Zhen really bites him and bites him regardless of anything, he will be doomed. Now, who can still see through that the horse thief was organized by Wang Jixiang? ? It’s just that everyone sees through it and doesn’t say anything. There are too many involved."

"Oh, the number one scholar can be said to have hung up the Wang family and slapped him hard in front of the world."

"I am impressed by your courage to defeat Yanziji!"


Time passed quickly and everyone stayed up all night.

People from Jiahe County planted explosives throughout Yanziji and organized directional blasting. Buried all night.

The people of the Huangpu Army did not dare to sleep, for fear that if they fell asleep, they would miss the grand occasion that was about to open up the world.

No one could sleep. Dong Shixiang didn't even dare to blink his eyes. He sat on the horse for a whole day and a whole night without getting off.

Mingkang always stood in the corner without saying a word, for fear that any casual words would implicate him.

Li Zhen, on the other hand, held his arms and watched intently as the people from Jiahe County buried explosives.

Let's say that the seventy-six horse thieves have completely understood what is about to happen, and their hearts are trembling.

Regret, regret that I should not have robbed this batch of candidates from Hangcheng County.

I regretted even more that I let Li Zhen escape.

What I regret most is that he was left alive, but he grew into a giant in the cracks. Rather than strangle him in the cradle.

It's a pity that time cannot be turned back, and regret is useless.

One night, seven o'clock in the morning the next day. When the first ray of sunlight shone in the canyon of Yanziji, Wang Jixiang, whose eyes were bloodshot, shouted hoarsely:

"Everyone, withdraw from Yanziji and retreat five miles."

With a crash, everyone ran away, not daring to stop for fear of being left behind in Yanziji.

Evacuation began.

Li Zhen smiled and ordered the imperial army to lead the seventy-six horse thieves who had knelt for a day and night into the depths of Yanziji.

Seeing that the seventy-six horse thieves had their blindfolds removed, screaming and struggling crazily, Li Zhen showed a relieved and relieved smile.

Whispering softly:

"Liu Quan, before you died, I promised you to wipe out Yanziji, and I did it."

"Teacher Wang, before you died, the students promised you that they would be worthy of you, and they have done so."

"Teacher Li, I still can't forget your kindness in educating me along the way, so I did this today."

"Teacher Xu, you entered Hangcheng County to teach at the age of 21. You have never married and devoted your life to teaching and educating people. You just hope to bring out a student who can pass the exam and go out of Hangcheng County. The student did it. "

"Teacher Zhang, you used your broken limbs and blood to rein in your horse and made a young man who crawled out of the sea of blood become the number one scholar. Today, I will use honor and the blood of my enemies to commemorate your belief at that moment."

"Teacher Liu… "

He kept telling and whispering, calling out the names of every teacher who died here, and even the name of the groom.

Mingkang looked deeply at the champion standing there in condolences, and was extremely shocked in his heart.

"A month ago, the horse thief erased you from my life. Today, I erased an area from the map."

"May you rest in heaven forever."

Li Zhen looked up and watched the blood-like morning sun rising with hazy colors from the distant sky, tears streaming down his face. At this moment, we once again remember the kindness of those who gave their lives for themselves.

I got on the horse and waved the reins for the second time in Yanziji - drive!

Under the morning sun, the silhouette is very long. Looking back, I seemed to be back to the way I had escaped from here a month ago. It seemed that one could still see them being surrounded and chopped into pieces by horse thieves.


"Ah, let us out."

"Please, don't kill me."

"I beg you."


The seventy-six horse thieves screamed pitifully and fiercely, looking at the deep pits dug out everywhere on both sides of the canyon, and in each deep pit were buried explosives connected in series with leads.

They roared in despair.

However, the imperial guards tied them up in a circle, like seventy-six dogs, in the deepest part of Yanziji.


The Imperial Guard gave the order and ran out quickly.

Seventy-six horse thieves were tied tightly with ropes, struggling wildly and screaming miserably.

With Wang Jixiang's furious roar, the smoke disappeared - "Blow it up!"

'Bang! '


The whole world is shocked and trembling.

Yanziji raised a huge amount of dust, and with a deafening muffled sound, the two mountains were shattered, cracking continuously, and turned into huge stones falling to the ground.

'Boom' explodes again.


The two peaks began to tilt in opposite directions and began to break apart.


The entire ground was shaking crazily, like the roar of heaven.

Li Zhen was riding on the horse, clenching his fists tightly, watching the two mountain peaks in the distance shatter, tilt, and collapse with the series of explosions. Stones flew and dust filled the sky.

Jiahe County could feel the ground shaking.

How noisy was the yellow sand flying all over the sky.

All the Huangpu soldiers who were sitting on the ground stood up and looked at Yanziji, which had existed for who knows how many thousands of years, disappearing into thin air.

Everyone in Jiahe County who arranged all this with their own hands was shaking crazily. Looking at their own hands and the collapse of the towering mountain in the distance, they wondered, did they do all this with their own hands

More than 20,000 horses all panicked and struggled frantically to escape from this terrifying place. But he was held tightly by the experienced military armor.

An hour later, the smoke disappeared and the dust settled.

Yanziji has become history.

There was only gravel on the ground.

He did it to level Yanziji.

Wang Jixiang looked at Li Zhen with red eyes and asked in a trembling voice: "Is it okay?"

Li Zhen said expressionlessly: "It's settled."

Mingkang walked up to Li Zhen with weak legs, his body shaking like chaff and said: "Please, please get the champion in the car, I, I... and the imperial decree has been sent to enter the Eight Dragon City immediately."


A clean sweep.

Huangpu's army numbered more than 10,000, and Jiahe County's army numbered more than 10,000. They quietly watched the group of imperial guards go away.

PS: There is another chapter later

(End of chapter)