Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 37: I'm here waiting for you


Ten thousand years ago.

A high-end community in Hanzhong.

"Admission notice from Xi'an Jiaotong University. Here it is."

The vicissitudes of life of the middle-aged man had a cold face, but deep helplessness in his eyes.

Holding a Zhonghua cigarette in one hand, he slapped a courier on the coffee table with the other hand.

Zhang Zhi smiled: "Thank you dad for helping me pick up the express delivery."


The middle-aged man sneered, turned around suddenly and kicked the coffee table over. With a 'bang' sound, the glass coffee table shattered into pieces.

In the kitchen, Zhang Zhi's mother ran out in surprise.

"Ah. What are you doing? You scared me."

Zhang Zhi, on the other hand, sat on the sofa calmly, with a smile in his eyes that no one could understand.

"Prodigal! This is a prodigal. I want to beat her to death. Such a prodigal!"

"The top scorer in the Shaanxi College Entrance Examination with a score of 720. She chose Xi'an Jiaotong University. She actually filled out Xi'an Jiaotong University in her application form behind our backs. She was talking about Peking University, Peking University!"

"Beijing University. How can I explain it to my friends? Do I still have face in front of my relatives? People will say that I am a stupid ass. My daughter won the top prize in the Shaanxi College Entrance Examination, but she did not choose Peking University... "

Zhang Zhi's father was a little hysterical, with deep heartache in his eyes. He couldn't understand his daughter's behavior. He also couldn't understand what his daughter, who had been stubborn since childhood, was thinking deep down. This is the source of his anger.

Zhang Zhi's mother lamented and persuaded her husband to leave.

Zhang Zhi took a deep breath, put on his cap and quietly walked out of the house. Walking on the artificial lake in the community, watching the sunset in the distance, I chuckled and murmured:

"According to the geographical map you mentioned after 10,000 years, will Zhongzhou be Shaanxi? Is the Eight Dragon City Xi'an? You will be the Imperial Institute of Technology in Chang'an County 10,000 years ago, and I will be in Xi'an 10,000 years ago Jiaotong University in the city.”

"You're so close, can I hear your breathing?"


Zhang Zhi sat in the pavilion and spread out a large piece of paper in his hand.

It's a map.

It took half a year to copy and imagine a map of Kyushu ten thousand years in the future based on some of Li Zhen's words.

"Is Balong City Xi'an? Is Hangcheng County Hangzhou? Is Qiantang Valley the Qiantang River? Is Huangpu County Shanghai?"

"Tsk, tsk, there is water and soil, and feng shui reincarnates. Xi'an, the ancient capital of the 16th dynasties today, will still become the imperial capital 10,000 years later?"

"Then, where will you be in Xi'an..."

Under the silhouette of the setting sun, Zhang Zhi's face cannot be seen. Only the white chin could be seen from the shadow of the peaked cap, and a smile seemed to be forming at the corner of the mouth.


Three days later, there was no farewell, no reluctance. He did not enjoy the treatment of being the top scholar in the province.

Wearing simple sportswear and a white baseball cap, he left dragging a suitcase.


Zhang Zhi burst into tears from the moment the security door was closed. He looked back with complicated eyes.

In this life, I want to pursue the person I love. No matter where he is. Even if the timeline is different - ten thousand years!

In the house, Zhang Zhi's father sat on the sofa and sighed. He did not say goodbye, but was surrounded by the rich nicotine and helplessly looked at the tightly closed security door.

"Daughter, she must be in love, right? Following her sweetheart?"

Zhang Zhi's mother also walked out of the bedroom. Parents are never stupid, and they can feel Zhang Zhi's purpose from all kinds of abnormal behaviors.

The man didn't speak, just sighed.

"The deal is done, don't think about it."

"I'm just miserable."

"Why are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Think about a question."

"what is the problem?"

"I gave up my future for love. Do you think it's worth it?"

Zhang Zhi's mother stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at her daughter dragging her suitcase into the car and leaving, and said quietly: "As long as you feel happy."

"Will she regret it?"

"She won't regret it."


Setting off from the Xihan Expressway, Zhang Zhi, who was very afraid of the outside world, left this quiet town where he had lived for eighteen years for the first time. The first time I went out was not to study or have fun, I just wanted to follow my sweetheart. Her sweetheart will be 10,000 years later.

A few hours later.

Stopping inside the Xi'an city wall and looking out at the Sifang City that connects the north, south and east from the city tower, Zhang Zhi showed a tiger tooth and looked forward to it in his eyes.

"I'll wait for you here."

"From today on, I will visit every corner here. I wonder if I can hear your breathing."

"Perhaps, I can leave my mark 10,000 years ago. When you walk through the footsteps I walked, you can feel it."



Ten thousand years later.

Shangluo County.

A horse carriage with a cloud of entourage came rolling in dust, coming from the direction of Balong City.

We have booked the most luxurious restaurant in Shangluo County and plan to stay there permanently.

Everyone is guessing, which way did the great immortal pass through Shangluo? There were so many followers, and every one of them had a murderous look on their faces. At first glance, they looked like they were no ordinary military armor.

The visitor’s name is Ge Qingping.

People may not recognize him face to face.

But when he says his name, the world will be shocked by him. No one in Kyushu knows it, no one knows it. This is a scientific pioneer in Kyushu, a figure who will shock even the Eight Dragon City with a stamp of his feet.

"Vice dean, are you waiting for him here?"

Ge Qing lay flat on the rocking chair and drank a bowl of iced sour plum soup, enjoying himself:

"He will always pass by Shangluo County. This place is not close to Balong City. Alas, avoid suspicion, avoid suspicion."

"You can't be so solemn and considerate of a young man. What's your status? What's his status?"

"Hahahaha, I am a young boy from Kyushu who is so strong. Always believe that the future belongs to young people."

"No, a pioneer of your generation."

"When young people reach my age, they have become pioneers. I have too many questions that I don't understand, and I have too many doubts that I can't solve. I need to ask him, if he can answer me."

The attendant was confused and asked in surprise: "Are there any problems you can't explain?"


After Ge Qingping finished speaking, he stopped talking.

His eyes were a little ethereal, and the charm in them was actually a bit helpless at his own incompetence.

He had too many doubts. No, to be precise, all the top scholars in this world have too many doubts.

'I restored the sulfuric acid based on the steps in an ancient book. But I don't know what the principle of sulfuric acid is... What an irony. '

'Radio has been around for so many years, but no one in this world can explain clearly what the principle of radio is. It appears just like a cat or a tiger. But what is the specific principle? Everyone knows that radio waves are sent and received, but what are radio waves? '

'There are ancient books mentioning steam engines. And what is a steam engine? '

'There is a subject called quantum mechanics in ancient books. What is quantum mechanics? '

'Besides direct current, there is something called alternating current. What is alternating current? And what exactly is the principle of direct current? There is another thing called solar energy. What is the principle of solar energy and what does it look like? DC has been around for so many years, but who can explain the specific principles of DC? '

'Sadly, scientific pioneers have restored many things from 10,000 years ago by imitating cats and tigers. Only the common people think that scientific pioneers are truly knowledgeable people. '

'Pity. From the relics that are constantly being unearthed, we are just a group of people imitating it step by step according to what was told ten thousand years ago. '

'How many academic gaps are there? '

Ge Qingping's thoughts were wandering, his eyes were a little hazy, he kept sighing and looking into the distance:

"Maybe you are the only one who can hopefully explain some of my doubts. You seem to have discovered a great ancient book. Is it a very detailed one?"

"I'll wait for you here."


(End of chapter)