Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 39: Xun Shifei


This was Li Zhen's second long journey in his life. A month's journey by car and horse allowed him to see the mountains and rivers of Kyushu and see the cultural customs. I also got to appreciate the various talents of talents from all over the world.

There is a feeling that a hundred flowers are blooming, and he is proud of Kyushu.

"The number one scholar will arrive at Shangluo County in about three days. Once you enter Shangluo County, you will not be far from Balong City."

Li Zhen nodded and said with a smile: "We are about to enter Beijing, and I am actually a little nervous."

Mingkang smiled: "This is human nature. After all, there are tens of thousands of people in Kyushu, and not all of them have the honor of being the number one scholar to experience the splendor of the Emperor in person."

"Isn't the Emperor majestic?"

"That's nature. Don't be angry and be powerful, the gods are in the form of diamonds."

"Is the emperor amiable?"

"Amid the majesty, there is also a courteous and virtuous corporal who is like a spring breeze."

Li Zhen began to imagine the scene of meeting the emperor, full of great expectations, and asked: "How old is the emperor that day?"

"The emperor's age should not be revealed, but I can tell you that the emperor is almost seventy."

Li Zhen sighed and shook his head: "What a great change. It is said that many years ago, the emperor was so brave and powerful that he personally led his troops to the northeastern state to wipe out the Rakshasa army that invaded the border. He personally beheaded the generals of the Rakshasa army. How coquettish? Times have changed in the blink of an eye. Back then, The heroic and heroic emperor is already in his sixties."

Mingkang covered his mouth and smiled: "No. 1 Scholar, you can't say these things in public. You mean 'the emperor is old'. If word spreads, it will affect your career."

"Hahaha. Yes, let's talk about it here with Brother Ming."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling quite sympathetic to each other.

This dynasty is hereditary.

But this dynasty was not feudal. Unlike in the ancient times ten thousand years ago, the affairs of the emperor's family could not be discussed. Here it is.

Even if you say it in front of the emperor, he will not convict you. After all, there is no such crime as "forbidden to talk about the emperor" in the criminal law.

Of course, it’s better not to say it or not. Although it will not lead to a conviction and is not as strict as in ancient times, it will also affect your career. After all, no one likes others to say negative information about themselves, and the emperor will also give you small shoes.

But in general, it is still relatively wide. Speech is relatively free.

The cavalry escorted by the Forbidden Army stopped in Shiyan County to rest for the night.


At the junction of Shiyan, Shangluo and Jinzhou counties, Jinzhou County and Xunyang County.

Xun Shifei soaked in the artificial hot spring with his eyes closed and rested his mind. The green smoke curled up and he smelled the scent of rose petals. The pores in his body relaxed, but it was an unparalleled enjoyment.

A maid moved lightly, lowered her head and said, "Prince, the number one scholar has arrived in Shiyan County."

Xun Shifei opened his eyes quietly and turned around, looking at the maid with an explosive figure and an outstanding appearance. A greedy look like a wolf flashed in his eyes, but there was a helpless expression on his face. He smiled bitterly and said: "I know. , please... please go out for a while."

The maid's face turned red, but there was a sly smile in her eyes: "Here."

"Oh, this annoying little goblin serves me every day and night, but I can't see it but can't touch it. This is so annoying."

The prince sighed helplessly, wiped it with water, looked down at his high-spirited brother, and felt aggrieved in his heart.

Among the hereditary traditions of the Kyushu Empire, one of the most terrifying rules for selecting successors is the test of beauty.

After the prince is elected, the court will select ten maids to take care of the prince's food, daily life and serve him personally. This is not a welfare for the heirs of the world, but a test that tortures human nature.

Because when the previous emperor was dying and the prince was about to ascend the throne, there would be court officials checking whether the ten maids sent out were still virgins. If it is found that one of them is not a chaste person, the prince will immediately be considered whether he is suitable to inherit the world.

The most hated thing in the world of Kyushu is the incompetent emperor, and beauty is the most important thing. This is a rule that has been passed down for thousands of years. It is a very testing human nature and very tortures people's psychology.

Only if you have good psychological quality, can endure what others cannot tolerate, and are unparalleled in your magnificence can you possibly inherit the position of emperor.

Unlike the feudal dynasty 10,000 years ago, the Kyushu Empire did not implement the castration system and had no eunuchs. This was a more humane rule that conformed to contemporary moral standards.

So you can't imagine that in a hereditary dynasty ten thousand years later, the 26-year-old prince is still a virgin.

Some scholars once pointed out that such a system that suppresses human nature is unscientific and will be very abnormal. However, because this system has won the support of the people and people all over the world, this system has never been abolished and has been passed down to this day.

There was once a generation of princes whose father died at the age of fifty, but he was still a virgin at the age of fifty!

Therefore, every generation of princes are very hungry men. More terrifying than the gangsters released from prison.

But don't think that he will release himself after becoming emperor. No, there are too many courtiers who are driven by the rules of the past to supervise. There is a limit to debauchery. After every generation of princes inherits the throne, the first thing they do is to avoid sexual intercourse. Because for the sake of the emperor, they had endured it for many years without committing suicide, but after ascending the throne, they would be afraid of falling short of their achievements.

Because a great man once said thousands of years ago: If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

No one forces you to be the emperor. Since you want to be the emperor, you must be responsible for the empire. You alone need to bear the pain, happiness, sadness and joy of the entire Kyushu.

Xun Shifei came out of the hot spring and quickly took another cold bath to extinguish the fire in his heart. Then he said calmly: "Okay, I will go and experience the style of the number one scholar. Xuan, please don't enter Shangluo County. Transfer directly to Jinzhou County and hurry up to see me."



Several fast horses set out from Jinzhou County overnight to attack Shiyan County.

Shangluo County cannot be left, and if the plan cannot keep up with the changes, Ge Qingping is destined to wait in vain...

Xun Shifei was very curious about Li Zhen. He was the top scholar in the country ten years ago, and the prince also had to take the college entrance examination. The emperor has so many sons, how does he choose his successor? It is not that the eldest son is respected. But talent comes first. How can an incompetent person inherit the throne of emperor

The No. 1 scholar cherishes the No. 1 scholar, and the No. 1 scholar looks down on other No. 1 scholars.

Xun Shifei was not convinced by Li Zhen at all. He didn't think Li Zhen had any real talent or learning, at least he didn't think Li Zhen's talent could surpass his own.

"Haha, I want to give you a good test. Can you bear the title of the number one scholar in Kyushu for a hundred years? I didn't even become the number one scholar in Kyushu, but you actually surpassed me?"

Xun Shifei murmured to himself, becoming more and more urgent. I'm looking forward to the arrival of the top pick, and I hope I won't let myself down.

PS: "Three updates today, there will be two more chapters at 6pm on time"

It was strongly recommended in the category of Science Fiction Channel. Well... the results seem to be a bit disappointing. I've been in a depressed state of mind for quite some time, and I'm actually a bit unmotivated. But it doesn't matter. Seeing you eagerly waiting for updates makes me full of motivation. I will work hard to write this book well.

I looked at the data of this book, as well as the reading rate and reader evaluation rate. In fact, I can feel that the popularity of this book is very good.

That is to say, as the saying goes, good reviews are not popular...

Well, I don't know why.

Work hard to write, and I will continue to maintain the most authentic Kyushu style.

In the outline, I was shocked by the Kyushu I built with my own hands, and I hope that you will also be moved by my writing.

There is no depressing plot in this book. What you will experience in this book is a kind of heartfelt happiness. It's the kind of tears that have been suppressed in the city for a long time and suddenly come out, because it will touch you. It often touches me. Maybe you can’t understand how an author sheds tears on his hands while typing on the keyboard...

After looking at the pirated software, I found that the data was even better than that of Qidian. It only had 100,000 words. The number of readers who watched the pirated version actually exceeded Qidian's genuine readers. Madan, I feel so tired.

Maybe after the strong recommendation in this category, this book will no longer be recommended. Perhaps, this style of novel itself is not suitable for the fast, white, cool and pornographic style of commercial novels. Maybe this is the reason why it is not popular.

Forget it, I will quietly stand alone until the book is finished. Maybe this book will always be hidden in the sea of books at Qidian, and remain unknown. But I am very grateful to you who saw it here and dug it out at this time...

There is no such thing as abandonment and eunuchs. In the archived manuscript, I have written more than a hundred chapters. I was deeply shocked by the world I drew. I want to present it to you perfectly and completely.

Thank you to all the readers who support me here. Thanks.

(End of chapter)