Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 4: test


Public high school, today is a very important day.

The reason why Teacher Wang went to look for Li Zhen was because the school made a temporary decision today to select the most outstanding student in the senior year of high school and support him to take the college entrance examination.

Hangcheng County has not produced a candidate for twenty years. The top official of Southeast Prefecture scolded the leaders of Hangcheng County and put the greatest pressure on them, requiring Hangcheng County to train another college student within three years to become the pillar of Jiuzhou. .

The senior officials of Hangcheng County also felt that they had lost face, so they put pressure on the leaders of public high schools and conveyed the imperial edict.

The school authorities in Hangcheng County are also in a dilemma. This is not a college student that you can just ask him to do. All this depends on the level of the students and the hard requirements for their level of knowledge. There is no cheating at all in the empire's college entrance examination, otherwise the school leaders in Hangcheng County would be tempted to cheat.

Thinking of the college entrance examination in previous years, there were only a few dozen students taking the college entrance examination in each class of high schools in Hangcheng County. They saw hope, and perhaps support from the side could increase the chance.

In the college entrance examination in previous years, some students who studied extremely well would give up the college entrance examination because their family conditions simply did not allow them to pay the fee of more than 1,000 yuan.

Most families are well off, but their studies are poor. With such a vicious cycle, it is natural that no college student will be born in twenty years.

Someone had an idea, why don't schools support students with both good character and academic performance to take the college entrance examination

The original plan was to select ten high school seniors who were good at studies but whose families were poor to take the college entrance examination.

In the end...the school leaders couldn't bear it anymore. Ten people, that's ten thousand coins, which is a huge amount of money.

After careful consideration, they reduced the ten spots to one. Choose the one who studies best and provide comprehensive support.

After selecting the next five, side support will be provided, with a maximum subsidy of 300 yuan...

Then select ten who are good at studies and have good family conditions. Instead of providing support, we mainly use verbal encouragement to encourage them to take the college entrance examination...

In order to save money, the school went to extreme lengths. It’s no wonder that Hangcheng County has not produced a single college student in twenty years. It also has a lot to do with the attitude towards education. And since there have been no college students in twenty years, everyone's attitude has become more negative, and they pay less attention to it. They can't graduate anyway...

This vicious cycle has been affecting us to this day and is getting worse. Even if the regulations are given by the above, the school can only save as much as possible.

Li Zhen's amazing performance in history class yesterday spread throughout the school's teacher circle. In the past, a transparent person like Li Zhen would not be remembered by the school at all.

But today, the school decided that Li Zhen must also participate in this selection.

After arriving at the school, Li Zhen discovered that all the fresh graduates were gathered together in the entire auditorium. The school leaders were all sitting quietly, waiting for me.

After Li Zhen arrived, the classmates received unkind looks, and some whispered:

"The school leaders are stupid, why are they waiting for him?"

"Li Zhen doesn't stand out either. He usually lives with his tail between his legs. He doesn't even have parents and picks up trash all day long. He obviously won't take the college entrance examination."

"I really don't know what the use is of everyone waiting here for a trash picker."


When the school leaders saw Li Zhen coming, they said nothing. The principal was silent for a while and then said the opening remarks:

"The annual college entrance examination starts in ten days. But in fact, we only have five days to prepare. After five days, candidates who take the college entrance examination must go to Huangpu County, the main city of Southeast Prefecture, to take the exam, which will cost two days on the way. Three days, it takes two or three days to adapt to the new environment. So to be precise, the action should be taken in five days. Are the students excited?"


A sparse voice sounded.

Those students who did not plan to take the college entrance examination were casually perfunctory, while those who were planning to take the college entrance examination were tensing their necks and shouting.

Li Zhen said nothing.

The principal added: "Today, the school selected a total of fifty top students based on the recommendations of teachers. Then we will select ten students from the fifty to focus on supporting the college entrance examination. Next, I will Read the list here."

Li Zhen's heart suddenly jumped, and he remembered that Teacher Wang ran to find him for no reason, and murmured in his heart, could it be... am I on the list

"Li Zhen!"

"Wang Haigui."

"Liu Yuzhu..."


The first name is Li Zhen!

Li Zhen took a deep breath, his eyes widened, and a surge of ecstasy filled his heart. What followed one after another were passionate tears...

No one understands this mixture of ecstasy and sourness better than he does. I have been picking up garbage for three years, just for what will happen ten days later.

One penny stumps the heroic man, and so far, he has only saved more than 700 coins. He was struggling to make up the remaining money, but the school was the first to read his name...

The surrounding students looked at Li Zhen with puzzled faces, and there was a huge chaos.

"I'll go, right?"

"Li Zhen was the first name that was read?"

"Which teacher who has eaten shit would recommend him?"

"A psychopath, can such a person be recommended?"

"Sorry, I can't see the shining point in Li Zhen anyway. He rarely speaks in class and has no sense of presence. Can he be selected?"


After reading the name, a sudden voice rang out: "I don't accept it!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw a well-dressed male classmate yelling.

The principal sighed: "Liu Quan, what are you dissatisfied with? Weren't you also chosen?"

Liu Quan is the son of a wealthy businessman in Hangcheng County. His family is rich and he is good at studying. He is also included in the support list this time.

Liu Quan sneered: "I am dissatisfied with the other students."

"Who are you dissatisfied with?"

"I'm not convinced by Li Zhen. Why was this Li Jun recommended? Wouldn't it be a waste of resources to give him a spot? Wasting a resource on Li Zhen will delay another student who is good at studying and whose family is poor. I'm not convinced. I feel dissatisfied for other students.”

Liu Quan took the lead, and those students who were not selected also started making noises.

"I don't accept it either!"

"Why choose Li Zhen?"

"He's not good at studying."

"Yes, Li Zhen is busy picking up garbage all day long. He has no time to study. Why was he chosen?"


The principal frowned with a headache: "This matter is the result of unanimous discussion among all the teachers. It has been decided. The fifty selected students will prepare immediately, and you will be arranged to take a thorough examination and question and answer immediately. Then we choose the people we support.”

After the principal said this, the students could not say anything else and just looked at Li Zhen fiercely. I feel that Li Zhen stole his spot.

Everyone wants that spot. After all, if you are supported, you will save more than a thousand coins. For many people, this amount of money is astronomical.

Li Zhen squinted his eyes and looked at Liu Quan with a cold light, feeling extremely angry. His big plan almost got messed up by him. Fortunately, it had been decided in advance, otherwise... it would be hard to say.

If he failed to take the college entrance examination, Li Zhen would be so angry that he might even have the intention of killing Liu Quan.

Liu Quan also looked at Li Zhen and became angry.

Whether Li Zhen chooses or not has nothing to do with him. He just sees Li Zhen being unhappy. Why can a trash picker be in the same classroom as me? Why is a garbage picker, because of his remarks yesterday, all the teachers in the school are discussing him, and they all look at him with admiration

I have excelled in both reading and writing since I was a child, and have been the focus of my teachers’ care since I was a child. Why did you surpass me just by saying a few words

Liu Quan refused to accept it.

Regardless of whether you are convinced or not, half an hour later, the test papers for the basic test were handed out.

As for the proficiency test, high schools in Hangcheng County have never done this.

I used to do this in the past, and would often give students quizzes, weekly exams, and monthly exams.

But since I haven't been a college student for more than 20 years, I am too lazy to do this. Anyway, I can't pass the exam so many times, so what's the point? Teachers also find it troublesome, and the school is reluctant to waste money.

After all, the rule of the Kyushu Empire is that after students pay the registration fee, the school is not allowed to charge any other fees.

Printing test papers and setting questions all cost money. So he doesn't do that in schools in Hangcheng County... If you can save money, save money, if you can avoid trouble, don't make trouble.

This also resulted in that no one in the school had any idea of Li Zhen's strength. No one knows that he usually doesn't talk or speak, but he is actually a hidden super academic.

Four courses.

Physics, chemistry, mathematics, history.

The fifty candidates who were tested each found a corner in the auditorium to sit down and write questions. The school leaders and teachers were chatting and slapping each other while invigilating the exams.

Because drawing a picture is faster and saves trouble, the principal decided to let everyone finish the four test papers at once. Finish it quickly, correct it quickly, select it quickly, and then do whatever you have to do when you’re done.

We should have a rigorous attitude towards learning and education. But everyone in Hangcheng County has a free and easy attitude. It doesn't matter, as long as it saves trouble.

How can this happen to college students

Looking at the four test papers handed out at once, Li Zhen felt dumbfounded. It was so simple...

He has never taken any examination of any scope, and has never written any papers. Strictly speaking, this is his first time doing a question. The first time, he felt it was really simple.

Li Zhen's current knowledge is at the level of a serious high school student in the 21st century. But the test papers here are really at the elementary school level. You can do it with your eyes closed.

The pen is free to write and draw at will. Four test papers were written. After I finished writing, I looked back and saw that other students were still scratching their heads.

Out of boredom, Li Zhen silently memorized the dozens of newly calculated digits in pi today.

Li Zhen not only had to calculate pi, he also had to memorize it. Memorize as many digits as you can count. He had a hunch that this pi would be of great use in the future...

Soon, everyone had finished writing and collected the papers.

Some people looked unwilling, some students were sad, and some looked angry.

Li Zhen's face was expressionless, neither sad nor happy. Is it something a person with a high school education should be proud of after writing a test paper at the elementary school level

At this time, Liu Quan walked up to Li Zhen and sneered: "You are like this, and you want to take the college entrance examination with me? Li Zhen, I..."


At this time, the teacher who was correcting the test papers suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone in the auditorium waiting for the results turned their heads.

(End of chapter)