Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 41: your name


Ten thousand years ago.

Zhang Zhi dragged his suitcase to Xi'an Jiaotong University. After completing the freshman registration, he came to the apartment he rented outside the school.

She doesn't like living in the dormitory because night is her own time and there are other people in the dormitory.

After the hot bath, I felt relaxed and tired.


He stretched out and snuggled up on the sofa.

Unknowingly, an inexplicable wave of sleepiness came over her, and she was also surprised why she suddenly felt so tired. The sleepiness came so suddenly, and it's only noon, okay

Suddenly, Zhang Zhi frowned, covered his left breast with one hand, and murmured:

"It... hurts a little here."

Amid a stinging pain that he didn't know was in his heart or somewhere else, Zhang Zhi couldn't resist the sleepiness. He closed his eyes unconsciously and fell asleep unconsciously.


Ten thousand years later.

'Squeak, squeak, squeak'

The carriage travels on the Gobi Desert.

"How do you feel about meeting the prince?"

"No idea."

"The prince wants to compete with you in knowledge. I have never heard of a royal son in so many years. He can't wait to compete with the sons of ordinary people. You are so powerful."

"Haha, right."

"What's wrong with you? Are you hot? Are you suffering from heatstroke? There's a lot of sweat on your forehead."

Mingkang reached out and touched Li Zhen's forehead with some worry, but found that Li Zhen was weak at this time, his eyes were sunken, and he seemed a little haggard and lacking in energy.

Li Zhen took a deep breath with some difficulty, subconsciously covered his heart with his hands, and forced a smile: "I'm okay."

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Why do you always yawn? Did you not sleep well last night?"

Li Zhen nodded absently: "Maybe."

"Then get some sleep."


Mingkang and Qi Lengzi looked at each other and walked out of the carriage, making more space for Li Zhen to sleep.

Qi Lengzi poked Mingkang and whispered: "Did he get sick during the long journey? You may not know that Li Zhen has never been in good health. I think he is always weak and fragile."

Mingkang rubbed his chin and murmured: "It's a bit. He is too thin. This may be due to long-term malnutrition in his youth, right? I heard that before Li Zhen was admitted to the top prize, his daily staple food was basically a dry steamed bun? "

"I only know that when he was in Hangcheng County after taking the exam, he had a bowl of porridge every day. He was very economical."


Mingkang glanced through the window of the carriage and saw Li Zhen, who had fallen asleep unconsciously. Looking at the body that was so thin and fragile, he sighed with emotion: "Snail."

"Huh?" Qi Lengzi was extremely confused.

Mingkang smiled: "He looks like a snail?"

Qi Lengzi suddenly said: "You mean, he is slow?"


"Then you mean that he likes to eat vegetable leaves?"


"Does it mean that his white and tender body is like a delicacy?"


Mingkang rolled his eyes and was no longer interested in chatting with this illiterate person.


Familiar scenes, familiar darkness, and familiar moonlight.

"I didn't expect to meet you at noon."

"The first time I saw you during my nap."

Zhang Zhi and Li Zhen stood face to face, holding each other's hands and looking at each other with joy in their eyes.

"Haha, if we can meet you as long as we fall asleep, from now on, I even want to see you all the time."

"Why don't you sleep forever."

"You are so stupid. Sleep is death."

"Isn't it a great happiness to die in one world and live with you in another?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The lover in the dream has an inseparable relationship.

He has always respected her, like his teacher, like an enlightener, more like a sister and a daughter-in-law.

She has always felt sorry for him, like a child in a disaster area, like an upright hero, and more like a young man with dreams who leads the family, and is also her own man.

It sounds a bit childish to say, how can things in dreams be taken seriously? But they took it seriously.

It feels like a world away.

They all regard this empty space and empty dream as the purest and cleanest world in their hearts that belongs to two people.

Why not

Li Zhen said with a sad face:

"The prince summoned me to Jinzhou County to compete with me in knowledge."

Zhang Zhi chuckled: "Really, this is a good thing. It proves to the world that you are the best. You are a man who can even compare with the prince."

"But I'm a little worried. If the prince is a person who 'can't lose', how should I choose?"

"In an era when a hundred flowers are blooming, even the sons of emperors need to admit their shortcomings. If they can't even see their own shortcomings, then this dynasty can only become an arrogant maniac with only a superficial appearance, and will eventually collapse from within. And From what I understand, your Renaissance era does not seem to be such a dynasty."

"No one wants to lose. This is human nature."

"You are very politically intelligent now."

"You taught me well. By the way, maybe I will be an official soon. I heard Mingkang vaguely reveal to me... Mr. Qian Maoqian of the Jiuzhou Education Bureau seemed to be advising me and wanted me not to study in the sixth grade of university. Years of wasting time, let me take office directly and conduct direct inspection. I am a person who is about to become an official. How can I do it without any political IQ? "

"Hahaha. That's good. What I fear most is ignorant nerds. Obviously, you are not."

"The idea of 'governing by inaction' from ten thousand years ago is a great subject. I also have to thank you for always instilling these ideas in me. Now I find them more and more useful."

Zhang Zhi walked in circles around Li Zhen with his hands behind his back, and joked: "The Doctrine of the Mean, which has been included in the Four Books and Five Classics and has been circulated for thousands of years, isn't it that simple? If it were rubbish, it would have been abandoned by the times. But it has been passed down. Come down. However, in the compulsory education here, we do not learn the Four Books and Five Classics, and they have become some extracurricular readings. It is more suitable for what Confucius said to be "those who learn when they are tired" to study. Because those who learn when they are tired, they Knowing their own shortcomings and knowing that they need to gain nourishment, they will take the initiative to look for these books to read.”

"With such a good book and such precious ideas, why didn't you learn it ten thousand years ago?"

"In ancient times, learning was the enlightenment of children. But in modern times... people say that there is some foolish wisdom of the ancients in it, and it is easy to become a nerd who cannot keep up with the rhythm of the times. It is not suitable for teenagers to study. But only after reading it thoroughly can you appreciate these books. How great. I feel that these books are too deep, divided into two realms: superficial and deep. The officials in charge of education may be afraid that contemporary young people are not well-literate enough in literature and cannot read it thoroughly. And the book Zhongyong, reading If you are not clear, you will be misled.”

"Oh? Misleading?"

"Yes. The whole article talks about how to be moderate. People who don't understand it will think that it is to let people learn to be shy, and let people learn the idea of 'don't strive for first, don't fall for last, and always pass the test.' In fact, it is wrong Yes, how could the ancients be so stupid?"

Li Zhen smiled softly with his teeth: "Yes. Maybe what you taught me is the essence. I think the meaning of it is actually to make a peerless sword that is extremely sharp but hidden!"

"What's the meaning?"

"If you compare people to swords, then some people are extremely sharp, but they don't have a scabbard. People admire them, but they will be afraid of them and stay away from them. Some people curl their blades everywhere, and the blades are full of gaps. It's like a sword. The broken sword has no scabbard. So people don't appreciate him, despise him, hate him, and don't bother to care about him.

And for some people, it is a sword with peerless sharpness and peerless murderous intent. But he has a plain scabbard that covers all his sharpness, and he will only spit out his sword to kill people at critical moments. Because of the scabbard, people appreciate him, fear him, like him, and worship him, but they dare to approach him and get close to him.

It seems... knowledge, courage, and courage are the edge of a sword. And the mind of moderation is trying hard to build a plain scabbard for itself, right? "

Zhang Zhi opened his mouth in astonishment and said: "You... summed it up well. So?"

"So I'm a bitch!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

This time, there was no talk about mathematics, physics, or the future direction. Zhang Zhi didn't tell him that he was waiting for him in Xi'an 10,000 years ago. Li Zhen did not confide his heart and pain to her.

This time, they talked about "The Mean" in depth. Sharp and mean.

Finally, they talked about a question they had wanted to know all year.

"what's your name?"

Zhang Zhi was stunned for a moment, with a hint of excitement and a hint of impatient anxiety in his eyes, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to speak again after a delay. Yes, I finally remembered it...

"Zhang Zhi, Zhang Zhi. My name is Zhang Zhi. Zhang Zhi of the article, Zhang Zhi of this article. Zhang Zhi, remember my name, my name is Zhang Zhi."

Li Zhen was inexplicably shocked, and burst into tears for no apparent reason. He didn't know why he shed tears. Why did he suddenly feel a sense of loss, discomfort, reluctance, and pain in his heart

Why? Why do you feel like this

Looking at Zhang Zhi, tears were streaming down his face.

Zhang Zhi didn't know why he was crying, it was a kind of sad tears.

"Li Zhen. My name is Li Zhen. My surname is Li, and my name is Li Zhen. Remember my name."

Zhang Zhi touched Li Zhen's face, wiped away his tears, and said softly: "Li Zhen. I will remember that your name is Li Zhen."

Li Zhen hugged Zhang Zhi in his arms and shouted: "Zhang Zhi! Your name is Zhang Zhi. I will remember you and remember your name forever."

It had been over a year since they finally called each other's names.

Suddenly, the two of them felt their hearts sting inexplicably.

wake up…

PS: Friends who have created a book list, if you can, help me add a book list. Ha, thank you.

(End of chapter)