Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 42: Make trouble


Li Zhen opened his eyes from the carriage and burst into tears.

Anxiously, he got up and found a pen and paper, and spread out the paper with trembling fingers: "Zhang Zhi, her name is Zhang Zhi. Her name is Zhang Zhi. I will never forget it. This time, I will never forget her name again." ”

With trembling hands, he wrote 'Zhangzhi' a hundred times on a stack of paper.

Mingkang and Qi Lengzi looked at Li Zhen in confusion, wondering what was wrong with him.

Mingkang glanced at it and said in confusion:

"Zhang Zhi? What does this mean?"

"Her name is Zhang Zhi."

"What a strange name. Is there someone important to you? Who is it?"

Li Zhen suddenly blushed and couldn't speak. He didn't know how to explain to the two of them. I just looked at the paper I had written on a hundred times and muttered repeatedly.

He always seemed to feel a strange feeling in his heart, a stinging and itchy feeling.

Somewhat strangely, he lifted up his shirt and looked down. There was a red mark on his left chest, where his heart was.

"Wow, you got such a big mosquito bite." Qi Lengzi exclaimed.

Li Zhen was confused and looked at the red mark on his heart in a daze, murmuring in his heart: This mark... seems to be a drop of tear.


Ten thousand years ago.

Zhang Zhi opened his eyes with tears streaming down his face. As soon as he got up, he hurriedly found the paper.

Because he was too anxious, Zhang Zhi fell over and hit his forehead on the corner of the wall, causing his head to bleed.

But he even forgot the time to wipe the blood. He hurriedly found a pen and paper and kept writing those two words - Li Zhen.

I wrote it a hundred times. I wrote until I could never forget these two words.

"His name is Li Zhen. I always call him Zhen, Zhenzhen. His original surname is Li."


Smirking, Zhang Zhi felt a strange feeling in his heart, and couldn't help but unbutton his shirt to check.

Looking in the mirror, she looked at a red mark that suddenly appeared on her chest near her heart, feeling a little dazed.

The red mark was only as big as a pinky fingernail, irregularly round, with a pointed upper end and a rounded lower end. Like a drop of water, like a raindrop.

"But why does it feel like a tear?"

Inexplicably, Zhang Zhi remembered a line from a movie shot by Stephen Chow. He laughed out loud at himself, and repeated the line in a self-deprecating tone:

"The one I loved left a tear in my heart."



Jinzhou County is at the foot of the Emperor.

Radiating from the center of Balong City, the entire Zhongzhou is adjacent to several counties, and every place is extremely prosperous.

In addition to Shangluo County and Hanzhong County, Jinzhou County is full of flowers.

When he was in Shiyan County, Li Zhen had not yet felt the aura of the emperor, but as soon as he entered Jinzhou County, the aura of wealth and imperial power hit his face.

The entire Jinzhou County is divided into two areas. One area is the main city within the city wall, and all the well-planned private houses outside the city wall. It is similar in style to the Eight-Armed Nezha City in the Eight Dragon City.

In ancient times, the entire Zhongzhou was mainly a war city.

Several counties adjacent to Balong City all have the architectural style of Babei Nezha City, integrating Feng Shui, military science, geography, and transportation.

In metaphysics, the Eight-Armed Nezha City emphasizes the function of hiding wind and gathering energy and solidifying dragon veins. Legend has it that among the architectural styles of the Eight-Armed Nezha City, there are many outstanding people.

In fact, in terms of geographical theory and architectural theory, Li Zhen could see through at a glance the real role of the Eight-Armed Nezha City in addition to its role in war.

It extends in all directions.

First of all, in the Eight-Armed Nezha City, the southeast, southeast, northwest, and middle are all clearly separated, with strips running from east to west, and transparent from north to south. First, the transportation problem was solved. Because it is connected in all directions, all roads are main roads. If there is congestion in one place, it can be evacuated as soon as possible through another road. And it has the effect that all roads lead to Rome.

Second is the alleviation of urban waterlogging. During natural disasters such as heavy rain. Congested sewers will flow upward, causing urban waterlogging and turning into floods. However, the water channels underground in the Eight-Armed Nezha City can be discharged from eight directions, playing an excellent dispersion role.

These are also several important points that must be improved in large cities and extremely densely populated areas.

The second is the role in war. The Eight-Armed Nezha City is different from ordinary cities in that it is almost impossible to break through. As for why it can't be broken, it's a long story...

"This is Jinzhou County. Look, everyone is welcoming you."

Mingkang stood on the luxurious carriage and pointed at the people on both sides of the road with high spirits.

Li Zhen stuck his head out and couldn't help but feel the light on his back. He was still a little unaccustomed to being watched and paid attention to by so many people.

The road into the inner city of Jinzhou County can be as fast as eight people. And along both sides of the road, there were all kinds of ordinary people standing.

It was extremely crowded. They were all pointing at Li Zhen curiously and talking about it.

"Is this the top pick in Kyushu? Haha, this is the legendary top pick who won with weird answers? Someone at the same time got a perfect score, but he failed. Is it opportunistic?"

"The person who got perfect marks in the exam seems to be named Xun Shitian, right?"

"Some of them have seen it. The eighth prince who got perfect scores in the college entrance examination in the same period has come to Jinzhou County to compete with the prince in knowledge. This top pick is so majestic."

"The champion's body seems to be very weak... Haha, a gust of wind can blow him down. He is far worse than us Guanzhong men."

"Well, we are from the southeastern state after all. People in coastal areas are short in stature."

"This is not short. Too thin..."


Li Zhen felt a little blushing after listening to those discussions. When I was young, I was undernourished and suffered from poor health. I am now helpless.

Mingkang said with a smile: "No. 1, please say hello to the folks in Jinzhou County."

Li Zhen nodded quickly: "Oh, yes, yes."

Then standing on the platform outside the carriage, Li Zhen stood up straight and clasped his fists in all directions: "I'm Li Zhen in Xiahang City. I'm new to Jinzhou County and I'm not familiar with the place. I want to say hello to everyone."

The people laughed in good faith, and some scattered voices shouted:

"Hello No. 1 pick!"

Li Zhen pursed his lips in embarrassment and shouted: "If I cause trouble to you, you must tell me."

"No trouble!"

"You are the top pick, why are you in trouble?"


Li Zhen smiled and was about to continue talking. Suddenly, a discordant voice came from the crowd and shouted: "I heard that the prince looks down on your knowledge and wants to compete with you. Who do you think is more knowledgeable, you or the prince?" ?”


There was silence in the field, and all the people looked around to find who had shouted these words. But I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked.

Mingkang narrowed his eyes and whispered: "Someone is causing trouble. Don't respond to this question."

Li Zhen sighed inwardly. He couldn't figure out who he had offended? When I first entered Jinzhou County, why did someone immediately raise such a sharp issue? Still shouting in front of so many people, this is to make it difficult for me to get off the stage.

Someone else started making noises: "No. 1 Scholar, who is more knowledgeable than the Prince?"

"Number One Scholar, do you think the Crown Prince is knowledgeable?"

"Hahaha. Number one pick, what do you think?"


Standing on the carriage, Li Zhen pondered for a while and smiled:

"It has been said since ancient times that there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. If I insist on being competitive, I think I will lag behind the prince."

The people frowned, extremely dissatisfied with Li Zhen's answer. Are you lagging behind the prince? How can you say yourself that you are lagging behind the prince? You are the number one scholar in Kyushu in a century appointed by the emperor, and the prince is not. If a scholar is too humble, isn’t it a bit hypocritical

Someone started making noises: "Do you think it's wrong for the emperor to appoint you as the number one scholar in Kyushu? In fact, you are not number one?"

"Does the number one scholar mean that the emperor has poor eyesight?"


Mingkang's eyes flashed coldly, and he felt extremely anxious. Someone was obviously taking the lead in guiding public opinion. Make it impossible for Li Zhen to come to Taiwan. It doesn’t matter if you admit it, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it.

Li Zhen laughed and said loudly: "Of course I lag behind the prince. The prince is the heir to the Nine Provinces and will rule the world in the future. And I am a scholar who works for the empire. The whole world is not the kingdom, so I am naturally inferior to the prince."

The stone in Mingkang's heart fell to the ground. Although this answer was suspected of being self-deprecating, it finally made sense.

In the crowd, Qian Mao, who was wearing cloth clothes, looked at the young man on the carriage with a smile and murmured: "It's still a bit good. Here."

He raised his chin and shouted to a young man wearing a gray cloth hat:

"Does the number one scholar mean that the prince is stronger than you just because he was born rich? If the prince loses his royal aura, will he be worthless in your eyes?"

Li Zhen stared, no matter how well-mannered he was, he would go crazy now. He, who has always been very well-educated, couldn't help but want to curse, "Who the hell is this?"

(End of chapter)