Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 49: humane


"After walking through these barren mountains and ridges, you will reach the Bahe River in Chang'an."

Mingkang said weakly.

Li Zhen got off the carriage and walked on foot with the imperial soldiers. The terrain is really dangerous, all are low canyons and covered with dense forests.

Although there is soil and greenery, places are very rare in Kyushu, which is now full of deserts. But this place is really not precious. Anyone can see at a glance the dangers and harsh conditions here.


Qi Lengzi burst into rage.

Everyone looked sideways, and saw Qi Lengzi, who had rolled up his trousers, holding his right leg and screaming in pain, with tears streaming down his face.

The thorns buried deep in the grass were bloody, and the blood was covered with flesh.

Li Zhen hurriedly ran forward, opened his hand and took a look, only to see that the skin of Qi Lengzi's right calf was torn, and a scar as thick as a little finger was pulled out by thorns. Not a wound, but a scar.

"I fucked your mother, it hurts me so much. I...ah!"

The journey was boring and upsetting, and under the thorns, Qi Lengzi suddenly became mentally ill.

The whole person began to lose his mind, his eyes were red under the stimulation of pain, and he jumped to step on the thorns without any reason.

Mingkang was dumbfounded. Looking at Qi Lengzi, who was yelling and cursing, jumping angrily and stepping on thorns, he asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with him?"

Li Zhen's eyes were crying and laughing: "He is a bit manic."

"A bit?"



Mingkang looked at the Imperial Guards who moved away one after another, fearing that they would be misled, and then looked at Qi Lengzi who was blaming the sky and the earth. I felt a little scared in my heart. If this tall man, who was over 1.9 meters tall, went berserk, he might be able to kill himself with one punch, right

"Stay away from him."

Li Zhen carefully warned the people around him.

Fortunately, after Qi Lengzi vented the breath that was blocked in his heart, he quickly relaxed and said breathlessly: "It hurts me to death."

No one from the surrounding Forbidden Army dared to answer the question, and no one dared to approach.

Li Zhen gave a wry smile: "You should keep an eye on the road as you walk. Watch the road more and keep your distance."

Qi Lunzi rolled his eyes: "It's all my fault, this Mingguan man, what kind of road is this? There is no big road, so I have to go here."

Mingkang also smiled bitterly, glanced at Li Zhen, and said helplessly: "We can't leave Zhashui County. We have to climb over the bridge, and we can only reach Chang'an by taking the mountain road."

Qi Lengzi sighed, he also knew that no one could blame him for this. The only person to blame is the person behind the scenes who spread the rumors. This caused the people in Zhashui County to resist Li Zhen so much. If they were to forcefully march into Zhashui County and the officials provoked a rebellion among the people, a few lives might have been lost.

"Let's go, let's go, the Bahe River is not far away. It's easy to hit the road when we reach the Bahe River. Once we cross the Baqiao Bridge, we will gallop towards Chang'an."

Mingkang quickly changed the topic and once again injected everyone with chicken soup for the soul.

Li Zhen rolled his eyes. This guy has been repeating this sentence since yesterday. After climbing this mountain, he will reach Bahe River. After climbing this ridge, he will reach Chang'an.

What's on the other side of the mountain

Still a mountain…

This road is really dangerous. Li Zhen can't even figure out how such a terrain and environment appeared in the desert-ridden Kyushu

He didn't even dare to ride in the carriage for fear that the carriage would crash and people would be killed.

While walking, Li Zhen suddenly felt a flutter in his heart.

'Bang, bang, bang', my heart beat violently.

Li Zhen's expression was frozen, his breathing was frozen, and his movements were frozen. He was covering his heart as if he was stupid.

'Why do you feel this way? '

Mingkang saw that Li Zhen was unusual and asked with concern:

"What's wrong?"

Li Zhen shook his head and said nothing. He just continued to cover his racing heart and walked forward mechanically.

He felt like something was going to happen, but he wasn't sure. This is a very strange premonition that cannot be explained or explained.

It seems... there is a very important person waiting for me on the other side of the mountain.


A scream came.

Li Zhen woke up with a start, but there was already a commotion ahead.

Several people hurriedly ran forward, only to see the Forbidden Army roaring crazily: "Big Qiang!"

"Da Qiang!"


It was a cliff more than twenty meters deep, and a group of forbidden soldiers were lying on the edge of the cliff, calling.

The cliff is not high, only twenty meters. But at this time, everyone was shocked.

Li Zhen asked hurriedly: "Who fell?"

A forbidden soldier said with red eyes: "It's Da Qiang. Da Qiang fell. He was walking in front, and there was a piece of grass in front of him. He stepped on it, who knew there was no road under the grass, so he fell."

"Quick, why are you standing still? Save people."

The forbidden soldier who was being questioned suddenly cried: "We have no rope."

Li Zhen thought for a while and said quickly: "Waiter belt. Come on, everyone, tie the belts together and hang everyone down to take a look."

One word awakens the dreamer. Everyone took off their belts and tied them together. Two forbidden soldiers volunteered and tied the ropes made of trousers around their bodies. They worked together to grab one end and then dropped it.

Li Zhen lay on the edge, watching the imperial army descend slowly, and shouted: "Pay attention to safety, be sure to..."


Before Li Zhen could finish his words, the descending imperial army suddenly turned red and his eyes widened.


The people above all took a deep breath, and their blood ran cold with fear as they looked at the descending imperial army.

As he was descending, no one expected that a bright black venomous snake sprang out from a dead vine on the edge of the cliff, and bit him on the neck without anyone expecting it. Hold on tight and don't let go.

The forbidden soldier's face flushed red from suppressing it, and he grabbed the poisonous snake with both hands, but he didn't dare to pull it out at all.

The scene fell silent. After a minute, just a short minute, the forbidden soldier started twitching all over and his face turned gray. The neck is thicker and purple.

"Pull him up, pull him up quickly!"

Li Zhen roared.

The frightened Forbidden Army hurriedly pulled the rope. As soon as the people came up, someone immediately came forward and beat the poisonous snake to death. But people can’t survive either.

No matter how he called, the forbidden army only trembled and never woke up.

"Mingguan, how far is it? Find the doctor, hurry up and find the doctor."

Li Zhen shouted while helping the forbidden soldier squeeze the poisonous blood in his neck.

Mingkang murmured: "No one can be saved by gods... If someone is bitten by a snake on his hands and feet, he can still be saved. But this is the neck. The neck cannot be saved. Even if the doctor is found immediately now, he is dead."

Li Zhen clenched his fists in great sadness, feeling panicked. Extremely uncomfortable.

As the saying goes, how can we be ruthless if we are not just grass and trees? Even a pair of pants will have feelings after being worn for a long time. What’s more, it’s between people

When Li Zhen was admitted to the first prize, these forbidden soldiers lay on the ground to pave the way for Li Zhen to step over them. When Li Zhen wanted to destroy Yanziji, these imperial troops accompanied Li Zhen and wiped out Yanziji.

When Li Zhen went to Balong City to report, these more than a thousand forbidden troops loyally guarded Li Zhen all the way, taking care of Li Zhen's three meals a day and his daily life.

The most touching thing was sleeping in the desert one night and there was a wind and sand. More than a thousand forbidden troops were afraid that the wind and sand would hit Li Zhen in the carriage, so they surrounded the carriage with a human wall, preventing any ventilation. They stayed overnight. At that time, Li Zhen was heartbroken, but Mingkang forcefully told Li Zhen repeatedly, "Your life is life, their life is not life. This is what they should do."

The more solemn they are. Li Zhen felt even more uncomfortable. What the Imperial Guards believe most is that one general can achieve great success, and what they believe most is that they can become a stepping stone to a great scholar. But Li Zhen can't.

Detour to Zhashui County. Accompanying him on the mountain road, both of them died in the blink of an eye. Li Zhen felt a fire in his heart, a breath of anger that could not be released.

Regardless of the reason, Li Zhen untied the rope from the forbidden soldier. Seeing the forbidden soldier twitching in pain, Li Zhen tied the rope around his waist and said in a trembling voice: "Give him a good time!"

Li Zhen, who was extremely emotional, couldn't bear this scene. His eyes were a little hazy. He didn't even know the name of this forbidden soldier. He is very soft-hearted and does not want to see anyone around him injured or killed. At the same time, he is ruthless and can use the most cruel methods to make those who touch those around him regret coming to this world!

"what are you doing?"

Mingkang asked sternly.

Li Zhen ignored him, grabbed the rope with one hand, and jumped down the cliff regardless of instructions. Slowly descend. Before the imperial army could react, Li Zhen grabbed the rope and slipped four or five meters below.

"Quick, pull him up. The number one scholar must not lose anything. If Li Zhen has an accident, you will all die!"

Mingkang's eyes turned red and he jumped wildly.

The imperial guards reacted and pulled the rope, trying to pull Li Zhen up. Li Zhen yelled from below: "We came together and left together. You have to hold me tight. Don't waste time. What if he still has breath?"

When the Imperial Guards on the cliff above heard this, they paused in their movements. After a moment, Li Zhen quickly grabbed the rope and slid to the bottom of the cliff. Mingkang sighed bitterly, saying that the sky was not responding and the earth was not functioning properly.

The Imperial Guards fell silent and looked at the bottom of the cliff with some emotion. The vegetation blocked their sight and they could not see anything.

The feeling of being cared about is very precious. In power, the Custodes are the dry bones that stand on their feet. In the eyes of great scholars, they are just a group of tools. But today, they saw a powerful scholar who dared to sacrifice his life to save their companions.

They can understand why Li Zhen went down. It was because there were poisonous snakes when going down the cliff, which had left a psychological shadow on everyone. No one else would dare to go down again.

That's why Li Zhen went down.

Mingkang sighed, glanced at the still twitching Imperial Guard, closed his eyes and said, "Give him a good time. If he can't survive, don't let him suffer anymore."


One knife and it calmed down.

Falling off the cliff, the sight is unsightly. Li Zhen frowned, not knowing where to start.

The Imperial Guard who fell off the cliff happened to fall on a rugged rock, his head smashed and broken into pieces.

Holding back the bloody nausea, Li Zhen closed his eyes and lifted the strong body, put it on his shoulders, and yelled: "Pull me up!"

Li Zhen was covered in blood with his mangled body on his shoulders and his hands tightly grasping the rope formed by his waistband. He was pulled up by the people above.

Went up. Put the body down. Li Zhen couldn't bear it any longer and spat it out with a 'wow' sound, his face turned pale.

The Imperial Guard looked at the corpse with a sad face and sighed.

Ming Kang hated the iron and shouted: "It's so dangerous down there. Why did you put yourself in danger? Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Li Zhen shook his head: "I don't know what the consequences will be. I only know that they all entered this mountain with me, so they must go together one by one."

"you… "

"Also, I also know that my life is life. Their lives are also life."


No one said anything more.

Putting the two corpses on the car, the team carefully set off again.

Mingkang sighed along the way and was afraid.

Qi Lengzi patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "That's why I followed him without paying a penny."


Mingkang was stunned, na na, and was speechless for a long time.

The more than a thousand Forbidden Army members were moved. From time to time they looked sideways at the young man walking quietly in the team, feeling a sense of emotion in their hearts. It seems that if Li Zhen pointed at a fire pit and said jump, they might jump in without hesitation, right

Imperial way? Kingly way? overbearing

He is a human being from among the common people.

(End of chapter)