Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 56: The critically ill imperial court


It's night.

Deep inside the palace.

Xun Jiayuan stood with his hands behind his hands in the study room of the palace. Under the bright light, he looked at the watercolor paintings on the entire wall.

Watching it from beginning to end, sometimes I feel sad, sometimes full of pride, and sometimes very happy.

On that wall, there are portraits of Xun Jiayuan, all of them.

The first picture shows the scene when Xun Jiayuan ascended the throne decades ago. The throne was solemnly decorated with treasures, thousands of officials came to court, the nine states were reunited, and the surrounding countries presented their tributes. That year, he was in high spirits.

The second picture shows Xun Jiayuan's heroic spirit riding on a horse, with fire in his eyes, looking at the scene of Rakshasa corpses lying on the ground. That year, he was invincible.

The third picture shows Xun Jiayuan and another person standing on the top of Mount Tai, laughing and pointing to a luminous object. That other man was the president of the National Academy of Sciences and the father of direct current. That year, direct current came out, and under the governance of Xun Jiayuan, someone led the world from darkness to light. He and the father of direct current announced the world on the top of Mount Tai, and finally Kyushu was one step ahead.

That year, he was full of hope and enthusiasm for the future of this country!

In the fourth picture, he is a little older. He is wearing a dragon robe and standing in the Jinluan Palace with a cold expression. A man with yellow hair is kneeling at his feet. It was the British ocean-going ship that crashed the Nanzhou fishermen's boats. The whole country in Britain was frightened, fearing that Kyushu would send troops to another continent, so they sent envoys begging for mercy and apologizing.

That year, his invincible blood was flowing, shocking the world.

In the fifth picture, his temples are gray. Sitting on the Golden Palace, a young man appeared on the golden throne next to him. On that day, he was crowned the crown prince, and his proudest son became the number one scholar in the Nine Provinces and the crown prince of the Nine Provinces.

That year, he felt old. The future still depends on the younger generations.

In the sixth picture, he has wrinkles all over his cheeks and his hair is completely gray. He is sitting on a golden throne, with a majestic golden sword and a majestic look. However, the skill of the artist has painted his twilight atmosphere.

That year was last year. That was Xun Jiayuan's last painting after more than fifty years of reign. It is a painting that will be hung in the ancestral hall of the Xun family in the future, a portrait painting...

Six paintings record his life, from the time when he was heroic and high-spirited to the present day when the sun sets in the west.

Am I old

A voice appeared in Xun Jiayuan's heart.

His face became extremely ferocious, and he suddenly roared crazily: "The Emperor will never grow old!"

Sighing: "Where is the seventh painting? Why is there no longer a seventh painting? Can six paintings end my life? No, I am the son of God, I am the God of the Nine Provinces, I will create something that will let the world again Sing the glory. I am the most powerful person in the world, and I will never grow old. The future does not belong to future generations, the future still belongs to me!"

He used the first person. Didn't say me.

Taking a deep breath, Xun Jiayuan wiped his face, and walked out of the study room where no one was allowed to enter, as energetic as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

He is already dying, but he does not accept this fate. The future belongs to the next generation, and the green and yellow will never stop. He doesn't believe it. He believes that he will always be the greatest god in the world, and will always be the god who stands at the highest place, praised by the world, and supported from the bottom of his heart by the people. He even thinks that he can never die.

But I don’t know when it started... It seems that he has never stood at the top and been praised by the world again. The fall of God? Can't.

I don’t know since when, the person praised by the world no longer seems to be me. Have you become a person with no sense of existence in the deep palace? Don’t you even know I exist? Doesn't anyone sing my praises anymore? Why am I no longer the one being praised

No one in the world will know the secret buried deep in Xun Jiayuan's heart.

The common people could not feel the emperor's joy, anger, sorrow, and joy because they were too far away.

Only the officials in the court felt that this once heroic emperor had changed. They didn't know where the change occurred or when it started. He became jealous, stubborn, persistent, and stingy.

Some people still remember that ten years ago, when the prince became the number one scholar, when Emperor Xun consecrated the prince in the Golden Palace, the first words he said were not: My son, my father is proud of you.

Instead, he was afraid that someone would take away his credit, and declared to the world: "Son, all your achievements are the hard work of your father. You must work hard and don't let me down."

It seems that he has changed since then, right

He always felt that he had no sense of existence, and he always wanted to constantly declare to everyone that he was still alive, even if no one ever felt that he was dead.

"Huh? What has your Majesty experienced? Why do I think you suddenly have a new look and are full of vitality?"

The old official who had been waiting outside the study for a long time came forward, looked at Emperor Xun up and down and said.

Emperor Xun laughed, shook his body, and strode forward: "You Yuan Cheng, you should praise yourself whenever you find an opportunity."

The old official chuckled: "I really can't hide it from you. You can see what the old slave said so obscurely. Alas, no one else can praise me, and I can't even praise myself for my sharp eyesight."

Emperor Xun laughed: "Okay, I praise you. Your eyes are bright even in this dark night."

"That's not true. Otherwise, how could I see the domineering spirit in Your Majesty?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Emperor Xun laughed heartily. I appreciate this old official more and more.

He asked casually: "Has Li Zhen left Beijing?"

"Leaving Beijing."

"When did you leave?"

"Leave as soon as the morning is over."

Emperor Xun was silent for a moment, then smiled: "He is not that clever. It is probably Xu Shenxue, the old gangster, who gave him a hint. Okay, it's good to leave now, so as not to be an eyesore in this Eight Dragon City."

The old official Yuan Cheng smiled softly: "I heard that the number one scholar was very majestic. He beheaded ten people on Ba Bridge."

"I know."

"One of them is the eighth prince's bodyguard, and another... is Du Taiping's sister-in-law."

"I know it too."

Yuan Cheng's face showed surprise: "Your Majesty has magical powers. I just spent a lot of money to find out the news, and I came to report to you like a treasure. I didn't expect that Your Majesty knew about it in advance. Your Majesty has so many magical powers. What? I can’t hide it from you.”

Emperor Xun smiled proudly: "This is natural. Now, I am going to continue studying the books from ancient times. Yuan Cheng, please help me review the memorials of various states."

Yuan Cheng nodded quickly: "Yes, Your Majesty. Alas, no one in the world knows your Majesty's painstaking efforts."

Emperor Xun sighed with deep understanding and said: "Yes, the ministers in the court are constantly admonishing me to stop being obsessed with the legendary ships that can travel the universe in ancient times. They know nothing, and I don't even bother to study it. Some obscure things. If you want to study it, you have to study the peerless science that can break out of the surface of this planet and shock the world in one fell swoop. Hum, let the world know that the wisdom of me, the emperor of Kyushu, is astonishing to the past and the present."

"Yes, I have always believed that Your Majesty can always build the kind of boat from ancient times. Hey, when the time comes, you will take me to travel the universe with you. You sit on the bow of the boat and I will row the oars for you."

"Inevitable. Now we have some ideas. As long as we get rid of gravity, we can fly into the universe. Now I just need to study how to get rid of gravity. It's fast. In three to five years, I will definitely be able to fly into the universe. The universe. By the way, Yuan Cheng, after you finish approving the memorial, come to the palace. I drew another blueprint of a 'ship' yesterday. Come and taste it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Watching Emperor Xun and the others go away, Yuan Cheng's eyes flashed with a hint of sneer, he didn't say anything, and went to review the memorial happily.

Emperor Xun wanted to fly without even learning how to crawl.

It is a good thing that scientists have such fantasies and obsessions.

But for an emperor to have such fantasies and obsessions, it is the sorrow of the country.

Call him naive. He has been in office for more than fifty years, so he is so old.

You may call him stupid, but he masters the art of power and emperor.

His problems actually stem from two factors - conceitedness and naivety.

The requirements for myself are too high. I always want to be a god praised by the world, but I don't have such a big mind to embrace all rivers and swallow up mountains and rivers.

The things in the fantasy are too far away and beautiful, but they cannot see how far the current scientific foundation has developed, and they forget that they are not a scientist, but an emperor who carries the burden of the country on his shoulders.

Ten thousand years ago, there was an emperor who liked to study carpentry and loved to create all kinds of gadgets, but he was too lazy to take care of the government. Therefore, when he was in power, the country was in sorrow and all the people suffered. The country was covered in scars and bruises, and a few decades later it was replaced by a different dynasty.

Ten thousand years ago, there was an emperor who loved studying calligraphy and painting. His calligraphy and painting are as famous as Wang Xizhi's, and he devoted himself to calligraphy and painting. So he almost perished.

Whatever you shoulder, you take responsibility for what you shoulder...

Few people know that Emperor Xun Jiayuan has actually rarely reviewed memorials since five years ago.

Few people know that since five years ago, the operation of this empire has depended entirely on Yuan Cheng, an old official who only learned to read six years ago...

In Yuan Cheng's residence, the emperor's seal was still casually on the table, poked by candlelight, and a memorial more than one meter high was placed on the bank.

He is very serious and stays up until early morning every day.

"Is there another flood in Nanzhou? Oh, why is there another flood? I feel sorry for the people of Nanzhou."

Looking at this memorial with worry, Yuan Cheng couldn't help crying. After thinking for a long time, he replied in the memorial:

"Order, all officials in Nanzhou are to be serious, and the first priority is to save the people's property. Mobilize all the garrison and government officials in Nanzhou to rush to the front line to fight the flood, and do not neglect it. Official food and official banknotes will be given priority to the families of the people who are most affected by the disaster. The imperial court temporarily allocates ten Ten thousand gold coins, every cent must be used for the people. In the current national destiny, corruption must be severely punished. The imperial court will dispatch inspection teams to investigate the whereabouts of every imperial relief fund... "

Very organized and steady.

After all, he was an old official who had reviewed memorials for five years (officials were actually eunuchs, but they were not castrated.)

Yuan Cheng, who is next to Xun Jiayuan, can be considered a big traitor. But Yuan Cheng has never been embezzled or corrupt in his life, and he loves the people like a son. Compared with Xun Jiayuan, the emperor of Jiuzhou, he cherished the people of Jiuzhou even more.

What an irony.

This is also a great blessing for the country. Yuan Cheng embarked on the same path as Wei Zhongxian more than 10,000 years ago, but he was honest, wise and far-sighted.

He doesn't like women, doesn't like eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and has no interest in money.

He's not even interested in power, as shown by his lack of cultivating henchmen.

However, his only hobby is reviewing memorials... He loves the feeling of being in control of the lifeblood of this country.

Oh, it's the kind of soul sublimation that ordinary people can't experience. It's that feeling of detachment. Oops, I can’t put it into words, it just feels like all the pores are about to open. The feeling of being a god for a moment...

He worked very seriously until late at night. This old official was worried about the running of the empire.

Emperor Xun also studied spaceships very seriously until late at night. This emperor was also worried about when humans could land on the moon.

This is an absurd empire, this is an absurd court. Maybe if the two of them were in a different position, the country would be better off.

'Dong dong dong'

There was a knock on the door.

Yuan Cheng, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly sat up, hurriedly ran to the desk, hid all the memorials under the bed, and quickly hid the emperor's seal in the pillow, and then hurriedly put it on: "Here it comes. ."

Opening the door, there was a handsome young man standing outside.

Yuan Cheng looked behind him and felt relieved when he saw that he was the only one coming.

Yuan Cheng himself knew it very well. If word spread that he helped the emperor review the memorial, he would definitely be cut to pieces tomorrow. Court officials will drink their own blood and eat their own flesh. Not to mention that he served the emperor comfortably and had the emperor as his backer. When the news spread, the Emperor of Kyushu did not dare to protect him. In order to clear his name, the Emperor of Kyushu would say one thing: "It was this traitor who deceived me."

"Eighth Prince, is there something wrong at this late hour?"

Yuan Cheng smiled calmly.

The Eighth Prince clasped his fists and smiled: "Master Yuan, may I ask... where is Li Zhen? Why don't he live in the guest hall? The big man with him is also missing."

Yuan Cheng frowned and looked at the Eighth Prince with confusion: "Li Zhen had already left the capital before sunset."


The Eighth Prince gave a sharp shout, bared his teeth and roared: "Leaving the capital? How could that happen? Why did he leave so fast? Did he leave the capital?"

"Yes." Yuan Cheng said calmly.

The eighth prince's pupils immediately became bloodshot, and his whole body trembled with anger: "This grandson runs so fast, and his nose is so sharp. He runs so fast, and you are just one step behind."

Yuan Cheng was very well-informed. He naturally knew what was going on between these young people and did not want to get involved. He said calmly: "Go to rest early, Eighth Prince. If nothing happens, I will go to bed first."

"Oh my Lord Yuan, why didn't you notify me when he left?"

Yuan Cheng was stunned. Do you blame me

He really wanted to say something, why should I inform you? But because this was the eighth prince, he didn't say that.

"I didn't know you were looking for him. Haha, the Eighth Prince's blame is completely unfounded."

"I'm offended. I was too hasty and said what I said but didn't mean it. Master Yuan, don't be offended. Alas, good night, Master Yuan."

"go to bed early."


After closing the door again, Yuan Cheng sneered and murmured: "I have the same virtue as you. If you don't look for problems within yourself, you will blame others for everything. Still want to fight for the crown prince? What if you become the emperor? Alas. "I am not afraid that the imperial court will make the same mistakes again. What I am most afraid of is that the younger generation will no longer have such a loyal, just and wise person like me."

Yuan Cheng looked up and sighed. He began to worry about the empire again and couldn't sleep all night...

PS: In order to thank 'Mild Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 945' for the 70,000 starting coins, he became a fan with the highest 'Grandmaster' level in this book. More updates today, and two more updates in the afternoon. Thanks Hao. And to all the lovely readers who tipped me off.

We only have one earth, please cherish it. There is only one Baoju on the earth, please cherish Baoju~ Hey.

(End of chapter)