Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 63: Literate the world


Steam utilization is low. This is an extremely important issue.

The steam engine was invented hundreds of years ago, 10,000 years ago. This problem has also been studied by scientists of successive generations for hundreds of years, and continuous improvements have been made to continuously increase steam utilization.

this is a big problem. It’s not just about saving ingredients. The steam utilization rate is low, and the main problem is that the power is obviously weak. If the problem of power cannot be solved, the steam engine will never be popularized. Because its function is useless...

Fang Hanxian raised his hand in embarrassment: "Master Li, can I ask a question?"

Li Zhen put the pen on his ear and said with a smile: "Han Xian, if you have any questions, just ask. Don't be formal. Everyone is crossing the river by feeling for the stones. No one is superior or inferior. Just call me by my name."

Whenever there is an opportunity, Li Zhen will encourage Fang Hanxian, who has a very low self-esteem. Make him cheerful. He understood that Fang Hanxian had suffered more injustices than himself in the past ten years, and his inner inferiority was deep in his bones. Scientists cannot feel inferior. They are armed to the teeth with knowledge.

Fang Hanxian laughed sarcastically, stood up and said: "I now... don't have a clear concept to understand the problem and phenomenon of 'steam can be converted into power'. Can Master Li make a rough idea first, so that we can intuitively see that steam is actually What about the manifestation of power? Maybe if you intuitively see that steam has power, the three of us can also help you and think of some questions."

Li Zhen nodded and said, "Thank you."

"Master Li is here."

"Bring a basin of water and a small wooden board."

"Yes, Master Li."

"Han Xian."


"Bring an alcohol lamp, a rubber tube and a test tube."



Liu Jinghong asked: "What are you doing with these things?"

"Perhaps you just saw a teapot boiling water and don't have a very intuitive impression of steam power. This is a new concept after all. I will do a small experiment to let you see the manifestation of its power."

"How to do it?"

"You'll find out later."

After a while, the two took their things and ran back to the laboratory. When the two of them were taking things, they attracted the attention of other students. Everyone knew that Li Zhen was leading the team to study the steam engine project. They thought there must be some progress, and everyone came to watch the excitement.

The two entered the room, and other students also came, filling the auditorium with water.

"I heard it was researched?"

"So fast? Are you kidding me?"

"It's only been a few days. Look, the sketch on the table is not finished yet."

"Then what is this for?"

"I heard that it is to let everyone see the principles and concepts of steam engines."

"What are you doing with a basin of water? What's the concept?"


Unexpectedly, Li Zhen placed the alcohol lamp on the wooden board, filled the test tube with water, covered the mouth of the test tube with a hose, and then looped the hose around the test tube twice to fix the transparent head back.


The alcohol lamp was lit, and the flame immediately began to bake the test tube.

Li Zhen placed the burning wooden board in the basin, but remained silent.

Everyone waited for a long time, but there was still no movement. They couldn't help but stare at each other: "What are you doing?"

"I thought I could move, but I can't."

"Does this show the principle of the steam engine?"

"I don't think it's possible. You see there's no movement."


But Liu Jinghong and the others suddenly understood that although the wooden board was floating quietly on the water, they had already seen the principle.

Fang Hanxian nodded and said, "Does it mean that when the water in the test tube boils, the wooden board will generate power and run forward?"

Li Zhen said: "There is no need to wait for the water to boil."

Suddenly, the students who came to see the fun exclaimed: "It's moving!"

"It's really moving. Let me go, is it really moving?"

"Windless automatic?"

"Ah, yes, is this the principle of a steam engine? Steam can produce reverse thrust, so the boat moves."

"But, the thrust is a bit too small. The power is too weak. The legendary steam engine is simply a very powerful machine."

"But he proved the principle of steam. Steam is really powerful."


In the basin, the boat started to float on its own, and soon hit the edge of the basin. But it kept moving forward, bumped off, still moved forward, then changed direction and moved forward again. Here, the power of the boat itself can clearly be seen.

At this time, Li Zhen walked to the small blackboard and drew a container on the blackboard with chalk. Water was drawn in the container with blue chalk and a few wisps of smoke were drawn with red pen.

"Come here."

The three of them quickly walked to the blackboard. The other students in the auditorium did not leave, they all gathered around and looked at Li Zhen intently.

Li Zhen pointed to the container: "This container is filled with water, and the water is represented by blue. And now, there is a flame burning water under the container. What will happen during the process of boiling water, Brother Jinghong?"

Liu Jinghong snorted: "During the process of boiling water... something happened, something happened to make the water boil?"

Li Zhen shook his head: "Han Xian?"

Fang Hanxian pondered for a while, then pointed at the blue color and said, "Did the process of heating the water cause the water to transform into another form? Is it into steam?"

Li Zhen shook his head: "It's close. Enze, please tell me."

Qin Enze smiled bitterly: "I understand what it means. But I don't know why. I can't explain it clearly. I can't tell it."

At this moment, a female classmate who was watching suddenly shouted: "Li Zhen, is it during the heating process? The water turned into an invisible energy again? Converted into another energy form?"

Li Zhenyi clapped his hands: "That's right. This is the principle of the steam engine. It is a very simple principle, but without explaining it thoroughly, it is difficult for anyone to discover such a phenomenon. First of all, what we need to know is the three forms of water; water, steam , ice. And there will be two forms of water in the steam engine, the original water, and the later steam."

"The water in this container is just water when it is not heated. But after it is heated..."

Li Zhen pointed to the blue line: "What comes out from the bottle mouth or vent is steam pressure. And steam has thrust."

"When the water in this container is heated, the air inside the container will expand rapidly under the influence of heat energy. If we block the mouth of this container and continue to heat it, the air inside will continue to expand as it continues to heat. At a certain critical point, the whole container explodes. A force emerges from the inside, which is the internal energy of the air. It explodes and expands, so it has the energy to push."

"And when we add a vent to this container, the heat energy will have a place to pour, and all the heat energy will erupt out along the pouring port. The power of this eruption is the power of steam. It is also an energy conversion. Process: Converting the chemical energy of water into the internal energy of air.”

After Li Zhen finished speaking, the whole place was silent, and everyone was quiet.

Looking up, all the students took out their notebooks attentively and hurriedly recorded these things in their notebooks.

Liu Jinghong wrote down every word Li Zhen said, and couldn't help but marvel: "Who would have thought that just a process of boiling water would lead to so many phenomena and so many incredible processes. I am truly Understand the principle of this steam."

"When I observed the kettle before, I knew in my heart that the water would boil and there would be steam. But I didn't know why there would be steam. This is the reason."


Li Zhen smiled bitterly, is this the sadness of Kyushu

Focus on results. Instead of focusing on basic academics.

The faults of ancient products are not terrible. What is terrible is the gap in ancient scholarship. The faults in ancient scholarship are not terrible. What is frightening is that there are also faults in the thinking of the people of Kyushu.

No one pays attention to academics anymore. No one pays attention to basic theoretical research anymore. Because studying theoretical academics will not make you famous, it takes time to verify.

But if you restore an ancient product, even if you don't know the principle, it will make you famous all over the world. This is the tragedy of Kyushu.

With the development of science, I don’t know how many years ago, the world has entered a wrong path...

Li Zhen watched everyone look at the simple principle of steam with shocked faces, and an invisible pressure suddenly rose in his heart. It seems that the world needs to be literate...

(End of chapter)