Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 64: Kyushu Institute of Physics


The female classmate who had previously proposed the concept of energy conversion put away her notebook and said sincerely: "Master Li, can I join you?"

Li Zhen nodded: "Welcome."

Another classmate came out: "I want to join you too."


"I want to join you too."

"I want to study steam with you."

"I also want."

"I think this basin of water is really an amazing experiment. It's close, infinitely close. I want to join."

"Please, let me join you."


In an instant, the entire auditorium was filled with people, and all the students were vying to join Li Zhen's team.

Afternoon dusk.

After a water basin experiment, Li Zhen's scientific research team grew from three people to thirty-two people.

The team expanded dramatically.

Someone suggested: "We already have so many people, why not set up an organization?"

"Yes, set up a student union."

"No, no, no, we are a scientific research institution, and we want to name an organization. Not a student union."


Li Zhen had already had the idea to set up a special institution to study physics. Someone suggested it, and the team had a large number of people. Simply, let’s establish it today.

As soon as he made the decision, Li Zhenlang shouted: "Let's establish a Kyushu Institute of Physics!"

"Kyushu Institute of Physics!"

"What an impressive name!"

"Okay, I agree. That's the name, it's so impressive."

"Kyushu Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences. Hahaha, do you think our people here will one day be as famous as the National Academy of Sciences?"

"Hmph, we are determined to surpass the National Academy of Sciences."

"Okay, Kyushu Institute of Physics!"


Everyone worked together to hand-carve a plaque and hang it on the lintel of the auditorium. In the future, that world-class scientific research institution will appear here hastily. The first place it took root was in a large auditorium in the southeast corner of Fuxing University.

There were only four people in the first batch to join the Kyushu Institute of Physics, including Li Zhen. The second batch of people who joined, thirty-two people.

In the future, the world-renowned palace-level institution was established because of a 'steam engine research project'.

In the future, people will become world-class scientists and scientific pioneers. In the future, they will become the great people written in the textbooks. Today at dusk, we are in high spirits in this auditorium.

They are still teenagers.

First there was a little cold light, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!


Three days later, the auditorium was in full swing.

Students continue to apply to join the newly established Kyushu Institute of Physics, but it is no longer as easy as it was back then.

When Kyushu Institute of Physics gathered 32 outstanding people from the Physics Department of Fuxing University, it no longer needed too many manpower. The school also cherished Li Zhen’s sudden idea and took advantage of the situation to establish the Kyushu Institute of Physics. The school personally checked and set enrollment restrictions.

Because of special funds, it is actually not good to have more people. When it comes to science, too many people can easily cause chaos.

And now, every student who has joined Jiuzhou Institute of Physics is proud.

Li Zhen saw their seriousness, their forgetfulness of food and sleep, and saw some people who stayed up for two days and two nights, sitting there constantly drawing drawings and imagining the working principle of the pusher connecting rod. Lose sleep and food.

He sighed sincerely: "Actually, our scientists in Kyushu are not bad."

What is lacking is actually being led in the wrong direction by social trends. What is lacking is someone to correct them and lead them further and further down the wrong path. What is lacking is just too much theoretical knowledge and divergent thinking.

"Master Li, based on the energy conversion you mentioned that day. I guess, does this steam need to be converted again? I have done some experiments privately in the past two days, and I found that whether the container is bigger or the fire is bigger, The vent is even smaller. There is no way to purely use naked steam to advance to a higher level. So... is there another energy conversion?"

Li Zhen smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's right. There is also an energy conversion."

He saw the students in the newly established School of Physics, who were all full of passion and enthusiasm. Li Zhen did not intend to completely explain the principles of the steam engine. He wants everyone to delve into it and let everyone delve into the principles themselves.

After all, they will just suddenly realize, 'Ah, that's how it is. '

What Li Zhen needs is that they spend all their time studying "why".

For three days, everyone was thinking hard about how to convert steam into mechanical power. They are all thinking about how to double the steam utilization rate. And Li Zhen is actually thinking about a huge problem. He is troubled by


Clapping his hands, Li Zhen gathered all the staff of Jiuzhou Institute of Physics and walked to the blackboard: "What I want to say is that a steam engine has two energy conversion processes."

Liu Jinghong said: "The first energy conversion is from the chemical energy of water to the internal energy of air. This has already generated thrust. Is there another one? So what is the second energy conversion?"

Li Zhen didn't say anything. He drew a circular container with white chalk on the blackboard, and a pipe was connected to the circular container.

The white container uses blue to represent water, and red to represent heat energy and air internal energy. But this time Li Zhen used red chalk to draw a few strokes on the pipe connecting the container.

"After the air can escape from this pipe, what will happen if I block the end of the pipe?"

When faced with Li Zhen's questions, no one dared to be careless.

Qin Enze thought for a long time, but stopped talking.

Li Zhen nodded at him: "Enze. What do you want to say?"

Qin Enze frowned and said: "I think the container will still explode because the energy in the air cannot be released. But I think it is not that simple. I boldly say that the pipe is smaller and more airtight than the container, so Will the air pressure inside it actually be greater?"

Li Zhen did not comment on this sentence. He drew a horizontal bar in the middle of the pipe with white chalk: "So, what if I block the pipe from the middle part now?"

Everyone looked at each other and wanted to say something, but they couldn't think of an idea. I always feel like I have figured it out somewhere, but I still feel like something is wrong.

Li Zhen laughed, drew a few dotted lines on the horizontal bar with white chalk, and asked: "Then what if this thing blocking the pipe can move?"


Fang Hanxian exclaimed, and everyone turned to look at him. Fang Hanxian immediately turned red with embarrassment.

Li Zhen said quickly: "Han Xian, tell me. What will happen?"

Fang Hanxian hesitated for a while and asked weakly: "If the blockage in the pipe is movable, then under the pressure of the internal energy of the air, will it fly out? Will it erupt under the action of pressure?"

Li Zhen smiled and said nothing.

With a 'buzz', the whole scene exploded.

All the people who come here are smart people. After such a little bit of advice, they all suddenly understood.

"Is that so?"

"If the blockage is movable, it will be ejected. The force it generates under the pressure of the internal energy of the air will be extremely large."

"If this blockage is used as power, its power will be dozens of times that of pure steam!"

"I understand, is this the second type of energy conversion?"


Li Zhen smiled and looked at Fang Hanxian: "Hanxian, you are very smart."

"We call this movable blockage a piston. The first known energy conversion is to convert the chemical energy of water into the internal energy of the air. Under pressure and movement, the internal energy of the air will pass through the piston. , converted into mechanical energy again. If a transmission rod is connected to the piston, the transmission rod will move under the push of the piston, which will generate a driving force that is tens or hundreds of times greater than pure steam!"

Li Zhen transferred the chalk to the bottom of the container again and drew the shape of the flame:

"If there is always enough water in the container and it is heated back and forth by the flame below, then the piston will reciprocate."

(End of chapter)