Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 7: Let’s go, Huangpu County!


The principal became extremely serious. He looked at Li Zhen with an expectant look:

"The school has decided to fully support Li Zhen in taking the college entrance examination. All Li Zhen's expenses will be covered by the Hangcheng County Public High School. This includes examination fees, board and lodging, and travel expenses. I personally decided to contribute 1,000 yuan for Li Zhen to take the college entrance examination. There is no other choice. I just hope that Li Zhen’s food and accommodation along the way will be of the highest standard. Eat the best and use the most expensive."

The principal suddenly spoke, surprising everyone in the auditorium. What shocked me was not that he supported Li Zhen, but that the principal actually invested a thousand coins himself. What kind of attitude is this

It was a passive and negligent heart that suddenly saw the light after twenty years.

Teacher Wang also spoke: "I personally contributed five hundred coins to help Li Zhen rush for the exam."

Another teacher also said: "I will invest two hundred coins."


Teachers and other school leaders continue to contribute funds, whether it is for the principal's sake or not, and no matter how much money it is. In short, no matter how much money was spent, it showed that everyone in the entire Hangcheng County High School changed their views on Li Zhen and had high hopes for it.

The students looked at each other and made a calculation secretly.

The school's public funds contributed 1,000 coins to Li Zhen so that he could take the exam.

The principal and other teachers personally donated more than 3,000 yuan...

Then wouldn't it cost four to five thousand Kyushu coins for Li Zhen to take the exam this time? Eat the best, live in the best, use the best, everything should be the best.

What a luxury.

Everyone can understand what is hidden behind the luxury. What is hidden is that after being passive for twenty years, Hangcheng County has placed high hopes on a young man again. All hopes were placed on Li Zhen alone.

Liu Quan had some inexplicable complicated emotions in his heart. Looking at Li Zhen who was so admired by the stars, he wanted to hate him, but he couldn't. All he could do was sigh in depression.

When others looked at him, Liu Quan exploded: "What are you looking at me for? Didn't I also invest a hundred coins?"

"That's what you lost to others."

"I don't care, the hundred coins can be considered as my support for him. Damn it, go home, go home."

What makes Liu Quan really depressed is that this time he is not the protagonist...

The pie in the sky fell so suddenly that it almost knocked Li Zhen unconscious.

Yesterday, I was still worried about not being able to raise a thousand yuan for the examination fee. Today, pie fell from the sky. Whatever I thought of, it came to me.

The money subsidized by the school has not been received yet, but all the money donated by school leaders and teachers has been received. Li Zhen looked at the wad of banknotes in his hand, which amounted to 3,500 coins. He couldn't believe that all of them belonged to him

The principal smiled bitterly and said: "Come on. You don't have to go to class during this period. You will wait for the notice at home. Someone from the school will pick you up on the day of departure. During this period of time, you can review hard at home, study your knowledge, and strive to get good results in the exam." … Don’t be too stressed. It doesn’t matter if you fail the exam. Well, Hangcheng County has not produced a college student for 20 years. Experts say that it may be because Hangcheng County’s dragon vein is not good and it does not produce educated people. .”

The principal was a little confused and said a lot of weird things, with no clear central idea.

But Li Zhen felt the pressure on his heart was heavy. In the blink of an eye, rushing for the exam became everyone's business...

He made no promises, took the money and went home.

The first thing I did when I got home was to bury the 3,500 coins in my hand, put it in an iron box, and bury it underground.

"Now, I also have a fortune of 4,200 coins..."

Li Zhen giggled.

If the proprietress of the scrap station knew that he had so much money, she would definitely advise him not to take the exam. Don't waste your money. Four thousand five hundred coins is enough to open a shop in the busy city of Hangcheng County.

But Li Zhen will never give up on the college entrance examination. Not to mention one thousand coins, he will also take the exam for ten thousand coins.

Even if you don’t have enough money later, even if you kill people, set fires, steal or rob, you will definitely be able to collect enough money to take the exam...

There was no review of homework today, so he had a rare day of relaxation. At half past ten, I fell asleep on time.

In the unknown dark space, I saw Zhi again.

"Good news, great news, I have enough money to pay for the exam."

Zhang Zhi looked at him with a smile, his eyes were full of joy, and he was happy for him: "Oh? How did you do it? Have you collected enough for such a big sum of money?"

"Today the school organized a preliminary examination and selected me as the school's key support target. Hangcheng County has not produced a college student for more than 20 years, and they think I can pass the exam. I also think so..."


The two talk.

Tonight, Zhang Zhi neither chatted with Li Zhen nor taught him any knowledge. She is a very sensible woman, and she knows that this period of time is not suitable for teaching him, and the Lord is having a heart-to-heart talk. Try to comfort him not to be nervous or anything like that.

Somewhat eerie.

Ten thousand years ago, a top student who was about to take the college entrance examination advised the top student who was about to take the college entrance examination ten thousand years later not to be nervous and to relax.

In the end, the two developed a mutual persuasion.

There is always endless things to say and endless topics to talk about. When the two of them meet together, it is a heartwarming drama...

The tearing feeling comes, is it going to end again

Li Zhen suddenly said: "What's your name?"

Li Zhenyou saw her open her mouth to shout, but couldn't hear her. When I woke up, she had disappeared...

When I woke up, it felt like a lifetime ago.

Li Zhen was lying on the sandy ground, muttering absentmindedly: "I forgot to ask her last name again... What's the matter?"


When I woke up, it felt like a lifetime ago.

Zhang Zhi curled up in the bed and felt lost: "Finally, I shouted to him, my name is Zhang Zhi, Zhang of the article, Zhi of this. Did he hear..."


In the next few days, Li Zhen did not go to school. Review history books at home every day.

If Li Zhen has a shortcoming, it is only history.

His other academic level, from 10,000 years ago, far exceeds that of today's world. But history is on the same starting line as everyone. Have to review, have to memorize by rote.

To put it simply, the college entrance examination in this world is divided into three factions.

Liberal arts, science, ancient science.

Liberal arts subjects only study four subjects: Chinese, elective foreign languages, history, and poetry.

Science subjects only study four subjects: history, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

It is worth mentioning that ancient subjects only learn two subjects: history and Chinese.

The liberal arts and sciences are easier to understand, but the 10,000-year-old ancient science of the New Calendar is unprecedented in the history of the earth.

The ultimate goal of students of ancient science is to study the ancient books left by their predecessors. Their goal is to explore why humans became extinct 10,000 years ago. Explore what the ancient times were like 10,000 years ago. Explore the fragments left in ancient books and tell about the humanities in ancient times.

Five thousand years after the New Calendar, the science of ancient science appeared. Different from ordinary archaeology, they want to explore, and they want to lay the foundation for the revival of mankind.

Li Zhen is somewhat not good at history, but this lack of expertise only refers to comparing his other three disciplines. A single history, compared to other students, far exceeds.

Life these days has returned to three o'clock and one line, eating, reviewing, and dreaming.

Very regular, very comfortable.

Li Zhen also used that money to fully improve his clothing and food. The nutrition that has been lacking for many years cannot be replenished temporarily. But I have eaten all the things I haven’t eaten in years.

"It's nice to have money."

This is his heartfelt emotion.

On the third day, Liu Quan didn't go to school either. He started reviewing by himself at home, and he silently made a vow in his heart that I would definitely not be worse than Li Zhen. I am definitely sure that I will be admitted to university.

"I want to surpass Li Zhen. Anyway, I will definitely surpass him. I am at least 40% sure that I can get into college, which is no worse than him."

"But Li Zhen's item-splitting method is really easy to use... and the conversion and reduction methods are so useful. Well, I have learned these methods from Li Zhen, and I can at least increase the probability to 100%. Forty-five."


Liu Quan was as if he was in a daze. He didn't think about food or tea every day. He had a white cloth tied around his head and his buttocks were tingling while he was doing his final review.

The fourth day.

There are still six days left before the college entrance examination.

The school was completely deserted and no one went to school. Those who should take the exam have gone back to review. Those who did not take the exam were too lazy to stay in school. Although they felt disappointed, they knew that rushing for the exam had nothing to do with them...

What made the principal furious was that this year, there were only two students who were determined to take the exam!

One is Li Zhen and the other is Liu Quan!

"Presumptuous, presumptuous. How can they do this? In previous years, at least there were at least ten people in our school rushing to take the exam, but this year there are only two. How can this be done!"

"Ah, those poor students that the school decided to support, after giving them the money, they actually used the money to do other things, and after taking the money, they said they would not take the exam? How could they do this?"


In fact, I don’t blame those students for doing this. This year's batch of students are generally not confident, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the school's support is not full support. Except for Li Zhen, other students only support a few hundred coins.

The exam costs more than a thousand coins.

Some want to take the exam, but their families can’t scrape together the remaining money. Just take a few hundred coins for no reason and forget about it.

I didn’t want to take the exam, but I thought it was just right. I had no intention of taking the exam, and I got a few hundred coins, which is even better.

If you don't pass the exam, you will have to pay a large amount of money to enter.

It's better to just quit when it's good, get a few hundred coins to graduate, and then go do something else.


"They are a bunch of unruly people. They don't want to take the exam, but they want to refund the money subsidized by the school!"


The principal was furious. But he had to sigh, forget it, Roubaozi beats the dog and there is no return, forget it.

Day five.

At the gate of the public high school, all the school leaders and teachers stood neatly at the gate.

Li Zhen arrived belatedly wearing a decent robe bought with the money he received.

After a while, Liu Quan's father formed a carriage convoy and arrived in great numbers.

The principal glanced at the two of them and said his final speech: "You must relax, and you must not be nervous. You must take the exam well. The most important thing is... pay attention to safety on the road."

Liu Quan smiled and said, "I will definitely do well in the exam." He glanced at Li Zhen proudly, with a strong sense of provocation.

Liu Quan's father said proudly: "My Liu Quan will definitely become the first student in Hangcheng County to be admitted to college in 20 years. I have confidence in my son."

As soon as the words fell, all the people in the Liu family's carriage convoy got out of the car. They looked at Liu Quan expectantly and shouted in unison: "Come on, young master!"

"Young Master, you are on your way to victory!"


Li Zhen stood aside and watched this scene silently without saying a word.

Liu Quan's father stepped forward, patted Li Zhen on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I heard that you are a genius. Take the exam well. Both of you strive to pass the exam. Tsk, tsk, Hangcheng County won't be able to get out of school for twenty years. College students, you will have to pay two at once. Li Zhen, take the exam well. If you pass, my uncle will help you go to college. I will cover all the expenses. Please look after each other with Liu Quan on the way."

Li Zhen smiled and nodded: "I understand, Uncle Liu."

The teachers also stepped forward to give the two final lectures. Not only Li Zhen, Liu Quan also felt immense pressure...

"Okay, Teacher Wang is leading the team this time. Ten teachers from the school will escort you all the way to Huangpu County to take the exam. They will provide you with food, clothing, housing and transportation along the way. Pay attention to your safety. You two, get on the carriage and set off."

Li Zhen and Liu Quan nodded, took two steps forward, and then turned back in unison.

Facing the main entrance of the public high school, I looked at the school teachers and leaders, as well as the large number of people from Uncle Liu and the Liu family standing there.

The two took a deep breath and bowed in unison.

The young man blurted out passionate words: "We will definitely win!"

With apprehension and nervousness, the two teenagers stepped onto the carriage that was driving away. They were escorted by a horse team, and there were more than ten vehicles in total loaded with the supplies they needed on the road. Ten teachers took care of them and headed towards the main road in a mighty manner.

When leaving Hangcheng County, Liu Quan patted Li Zhen: "Look!"

Li Zhen turned around and saw the princess of Hangcheng County standing at the highest point of the city gate, looking at the two young men solemnly.

Along the streets on both sides of the road, some people spontaneously stood on both sides, some carrying eggs in their hands, and some carrying various kinds of food, all wrapped in red cloth.

When the two teenagers were in a daze, they saw an old lady stuffing a red cloth package over her. Her wrinkled old face broke out into a smile, a grin with a few missing teeth. No words were spoken, everything was left unsaid.

Liu Quan held the red cloth package in his hands, and his body began to tremble unconsciously. He couldn't stop it anymore, and tears burst into his eyes.

A young man handed two eggs tied with red thread to Li Zhen and said expectantly: "I heard that you two are the most likely to pass the exam in Hangcheng County in the past twenty years. You must work hard. Fight for words and let outsiders..."

Before he finished speaking, an old man pushed the young man away and threw two red pillows into the carriage: "Don't listen to his nonsense. Don't be stressed. Keep this. I heard that you can use red pillows under your head." , you will get good luck."

Unknowingly, Li Zhen's eyes were filled with tears. Everything is blurred, and the world in my eyes seems to be filled with water...

Someone kept passing items symbolizing luck and auspiciousness to the two of them. He kept saying blessing words and casting expectant eyes.

Ten thousand years later, everyone has a dream of revival in their hearts.

There are fundamental differences from 10,000 years ago.

Ten thousand years ago, the college entrance examination was a matter for each student and each family. There are too many talents to choose from.

Ten thousand years later.

One person's rush to take the exam is a matter for everyone in the entire county. Everyone has a dream of revival in their hearts. When they are unable to do it themselves, they hope that outstanding people can accomplish it. But cultural faults have resulted in very few talents today...

Everyone is twisted together in this environment, with only one dream of revival, and they just want to work together to bring this broken world back to its glory...


Firecrackers went off.

In the smoke, more than a dozen carriages passed through the crowd and left Hangcheng County.

The two teenagers huddled in the carriage, hugging each other, trembling in tears.

At the highest place in Hangcheng County, the princess watched more than a dozen carriages sweep away in dust on the sandy road. Don't leave for a long time.

Until the cavalry disappeared and could no longer be seen, they still did not leave.

Want to see a thousand miles away. Just want to take one more look.

No words of blessing were spoken, no encouragement was given. The deep expectation in the vicissitudes of life represents so much...

(End of chapter)