Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 73: Tragedy


"Do you think this steam engine project is successful?"

Li Zhen stood in front of the blackboard and looked at the 31 people in the field.

Liu Jinghong said calmly: "The theory is successful. It can complete the power work and operate, so it is successful. But experimentally it is not successful. Perhaps it can be said that it is not perfect."

Li Zhen nodded: "Reflect on why you failed?"

Hou Qiang stood up and said in a deep voice: "The air in the cylinder can expand extremely much, generating terrible pressure. The pressure is only pushing the piston to run, but there is no release at all. And when the pressure reaches the critical point, then The high-speed rotating disc will actually get stuck suddenly because there is no space inside the cylinder to accommodate the piston to reset. In fact, the mass of the disc is too large and the inertia is too strong, which forces the piston to reset.

The piston is forced to reset continuously, constantly squeezing out the energy of expansion. As a result, the energy accumulated more and more, so leakage and explosion suddenly occurred. "

Some people were writing in their notebooks with heavy faces, while others were confused and thoughtful.

Someone else said: "We emphasize the pursuit of the internal energy of the air, but forget that the internal energy of the air also needs to be released. In a closed space, it continues to generate power and expand, which is wrong."

Li Zhen nodded and was about to say something when a student came running quickly from outside: "Qin Enze is awake."

Li Zhen and others quickly stood up and asked, "How is it?"

"What's going on over there?"

"How is Qin Enze's condition?"


The classmate handed a note to Li Zhen: "As soon as Qin Enze woke up, he wrote a note and asked me to give it to you as quickly as possible. Here it is."

With that said, the classmate handed a crumpled note to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen opened the note and took a look. He felt his whole body trembled, and there was an extremely shocking feeling in his heart. The words on the note were crooked, and it looked like it was written by Qin Enze in a very painful and urgent state.

There are a lot of words written. It is unimaginable that Qin Enze said so many words in such extreme pain.

The content is:

The air in the cylinder can continue to expand and generate pressure, but it cannot discharge the pressure. Due to process reasons, the increasing pressure caused the cylinder to burst, resulting in steam explosion and leakage.

What we overlooked before is that the most important thing is to channel the steam pour. Set a 'vent and air plug' in the cylinder. Monitor the pressure inside the cylinder in real time. When the pressure reaches the critical point or danger point, open the air plug to release the pressure.

The steam engine needs to be reimagined, the cylinder structure needs to be reimagined…

The words written on the paper were incoherent and scrawled, but they were not Qin Enze's handwriting. Li Zhenneng could guess that Qin Enze couldn't write, so he had to find someone to write for him.

Pass the note to Liu Jinghong and ask everyone to pass it around one by one. Everyone was moved after watching this, and the atmosphere in the venue was dull and depressing.

Li Zhen sighed in his heart, Qin Enze, Qin Enze, why do you make people feel so distressed.

The leaked steam sprayed on his face, causing severe burns and severe burning pain. He is about to face a state of disfigurement. The first thing he did when he woke up from a coma was to write a note about the shortcomings of steam engines and ideas for improvement.

In this case, do you only think of everyone’s scientific research results

Li Zhen felt incomprehensible and wanted to cry, but he held it back.

"Take the steam engine back, seal it, and don't let other students touch it. That's not mature yet."


"Then." Li Zhen paused, looked at everyone, and said in a serious tone:

"Everyone writes a review about this mistake. This review should not focus on emphasizing personal mistakes, but look for errors in a general direction. In this review, please focus on the improvement of steam engines. Plan. Then, we took this review and the future improvement plan for the steam engine to the doctor to find Qin Enze.

I think maybe we reflect on our mistakes, don't be affected by any mentality, and continue to study hard with more frustration. Take Enze with you and start over immediately. This is the best analgesic for Enze right now. He is afraid of being abandoned by us. He is afraid of lying there cultivating alone and missing every process of science. He is not used to days without sleep and food. "


Everyone answered loudly, and many people were red-eyed.

Without any delay, 31 people from the Kyushu Institute of Physics collected the remains of the steam engine, cleaned up the scene, and walked into the auditorium again. Everyone buried their heads and began to write their own reflections.

Guilt, everyone is guilty. After all, it was a lifelong disfigurement for a 17-year-old boy.

The first person to bear the brunt was Li Zhen, who regretted it the most. What he regretted very much was that he didn't cover everything, and in his ecstasy, he didn't pay careful attention to the details that the steam would explode. Oversight. forgotten.

Everyone, at the moment when the idea of crank connecting rod appeared, they just thought of energy and constantly expanding energy. Everyone ignores that energy needs to be released...

I've heard of it but never seen it, so I forgot about it.

In the evening, after everyone had a hurried dinner, they walked into Quancheng County together.

During the walk, Li Zhen and Fang Hanxian gritted their teeth and felt heartbroken.

Li Zhen, whose body was relatively thin and weak, turned pale in this excruciating pain, but remained silent.

"I'll carry you on my back." Qi Lengzi said distressedly.

Li Zhen shook his head.

"Then let me pop the blisters for you."

Li Zhen smiled bitterly: "It's already broken."

After tearing off his clothes, Qi Lengzi took a breath of air. But he saw that the blisters on Li Zhen's shoulders had all burst due to friction from clothes and the friction of his skin during movement. The blisters on the neck were almost removed, revealing the tender meat inside.

"Does it hurt?"


Qi Lengzi sighed and looked at Fang Hanxian. Fang Hanxian was not much better than Li Zhen.

Entering the hospital, everyone saw Qin Enze at first glance.

There were many people in that ward. Xu Shenxue was in charge here personally, and there were many teachers from the school, surrounding the ward.

Li Zhen and others rushed forward, only to see that Qin Enze's hands and feet were tied at this time, and his whole body was twitching continuously, and his expression was confused.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Jinghong asked.

Xu Shenxue sighed: "He is in too much pain. There is no good spot on his whole face, and his neck, hands, and chest are all burned. He keeps trying to rub it, but the doctor is afraid that he will tear the skin and it will be more painful, so he just Can tie him up. And..."

Xu Shenxue's tone became serious: "When the steam sprayed on him, he didn't have time to close his eyes. His left eye was blind and he couldn't see anything. Fortunately, his right eye is still fine, but now he can only open one." Sew.”

When Li Zhen heard this, he choked up and held back his tears.


Blind in your left eye

"Master Li, are you here?"

Qin Enze suddenly shouted. He couldn't control his tone when he spoke, and his voice was very loud. It seemed that only speaking loudly could relieve the pain.

Li Zhen hurriedly stepped forward: "Here we are, we are here, we are all here."

"Well, did you see that note?"

"I see it, I see it. What you said is very good, you are right, and your understanding is very good." Li Zhen couldn't help but trembling in his tone.

"That's good… "

As he said that, Qin Enze suddenly yelled: "Doctor, give me some, give me some more of that thing. It hurts and I can't stand it anymore."

Li Zhen asked: "What?"

At this time, a young doctor came over with a frown: "No. If you use it too much, you will become addicted."

"It hurts, it starts to hurt again. Give me more, hurry up, give me more."

Li Zhen walked forward and asked in a low voice: "What is it?"

The doctor frowned a little: "Analgesic opium."

(End of chapter)