Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 76: Kyushu and so on


In Fuxing University, there was an outcry.

Everyone is still afraid of the steam explosion a few days ago, which made everyone deeply feel that science is dangerous.

Steam engines are even more dangerous.

Could a steam engine from 10,000 years ago explode at any time

Or is it that what Li Zhen and others restored was not a steam engine at all

Except for people from Kyushu Institute of Physics, no one understands the specific principles of steam engines. I don't understand the principle, so I'm afraid. I'm starting to be afraid of this kind of mechanical monster.

"Oh, I don't know which school leader has lost his mind and approved such funds for them."

"The research funding of 50,000 yuan, isn't this a complete waste of money? Moreover, it also caused student Qin Enze to be disfigured and blind. Not only is it a waste of money, it is also harmful to others."

"If you ask me, the steam engine project should be sealed forever. How can such high-end technology be researched by our peers?"

"Yes, a very powerful thing like a steam engine. I'm afraid only the big guys from the National Academy of Sciences can find out the clues. The principal is really out of his mind and expects a group of teenagers the same age as us to study this project."

"Unless you have super luck to get a sample of ancient technology, how can you possibly research it? No one knows how to learn it or research it. There are not even samples left by our predecessors. It's ridiculous that they still try to Want to recover?"

"If ancient technology is really that easy to restore, people from the National Academy of Sciences would have already figured it out. Are you still waiting for them?"

"The first thing to do to restore ancient technology is to get the samples left over from ancient times. You have to follow them to get it. Even if you know the principle, it's not something people of our time can figure out. . We must obtain samples. We can only hope that experts in ancient science will unearth ancient books and hope that they can unearth samples from ancient times."


This society is sick.

It’s not just the tragedy of Kyushu, but also the tragedy of this world.

When we have something that our predecessors can learn from, the state of human thinking changes. Most of them can be summed up in one sentence

"The ancients have left us a legacy. We can dig it out and follow it. Why should I study the principles? Why should I bother to think about some useless academic problems? I'm crazy. ah?"

The human mind is the most complex. It will continue to change as the environment changes.

It’s not that humans in the 10,000-year-old New Calendar don’t know how to innovate, but their habitual thinking tells them that it’s not necessary.

Some philosophers have analyzed human beings thoroughly. People in bitter cold places are generally smart and hard-working. People in wealthy places are generally unwilling to use their brains and are lazy.

People who live in bitter cold places, if you are not diligent, if you do not study. You will starve to death.

People who live in a prosperous land have no need to worry about food and clothing. There is no need for them to work hard or study. He can feel satisfied and warm.

This is a philosopher's conclusion about human nature in a broad sense.

But today's world has finally become the poor people who are defined as a land of wealth.

The ancients 10,000 years ago left them too many legacies waiting to be discovered. Therefore, in their thinking and worldview, there is no such thing as innovation and research.

Their common thinking is that learning basic science is enough for a lifetime. Because you only need to learn the basics and discover ancient products, and you will be better able to restore them.

This may not be a time of revival.

It's an era of recovery.

The era of copycats and tigers.

Most people do think that way, but there are too few people who can see in advance that science has gone astray and that the world is going in the wrong direction.

There are very few in Fuxing University, but in Kyushu Institute of Physics, Li really leads everyone to change this kind of thinking. Transform fixed thinking into divergent thinking.

Kyushu Institute of Physics is full of passion.

But this society doesn’t think favorably of it and doesn’t applaud it.

There is no way, the world is sick.

The dean of the Physics Department of Fuxing University looked at the teapot sitting on the stove, looking at the steam coming out, and murmured in a daze:

"Most likely it will end in failure, right? Otherwise, it's over... Steam seems to be very dangerous. Should students risk their lives? One has been seriously injured and two have been slightly injured. If we continue to study, If another student has an accident, how can Fuxing University be able to shoulder such a responsibility? Every one of them is a pillar of the future, and every one of them is a seedling favored by the empire."

The director sighed quietly, with a hesitant look in his eyes: "How can a group of teenagers be able to restore a steam engine? How can we expect a group of teenagers to solve the problem that has plagued Kyushu for hundreds of years? If it is not dangerous, maybe we should encourage this enthusiasm for scientific research. But... it will explode and is very dangerous."

A person pondered for a long time in the office. The head of the physics department went to the vice principal and a group of school leaders to share his thoughts.

Have a meeting!

Xu Shenxue came passively and looked at the crowd waiting for the meeting. He was the last one to be notified, and he felt a little depressed: "What's the matter?"

The vice-principal was a woman named Liu. Principal Liu said expressionlessly: "Principal Xu, we have a meeting today to discuss and reflect on something."

"What's up?"

"On whether the Kyushu Institute of Physics organization was disbanded and whether the steam engine project was stopped. Reflect on this explosion accident, which seriously injured students and caused widespread panic."

After speaking, Vice Principal Liu took a sip of hot water and remained calm.

Xu Shenxue was stunned for a moment, confused, but unable to speak.

The director of the Department of Physics stood up and said in a deep voice: "It's time to stop this project. If they continue to study it, they may cause irreparable damage again. Their first experiment caused large areas of Qin Enze's body to be damaged. Burns, disfigurement, and blindness in one eye. Li Zhen and Fang Hanxian suffered small burns. This caused widespread panic among the students in the school. They continued to study, what about the second experiment? What about the third one? Will anyone be seriously injured? Or did someone even die

All of these are full of unknowns. The philosophy of our school has always been people-oriented. Each of them is the future pillar of the empire, and each of them will grow up in the future. Maybe one day in the future, one of them will finally develop a steam engine. But it will never be now, not this group of high-spirited and passionate teenagers.

Science not only requires passion, but also experience, experience, experience, and knowledge reserves. It's not that I don't trust my young people in Kyushu, but I don't dare to let my young people in Kyushu be hurt in any way when they are growing up. "

Xu Shenxue sat on the chair and didn't say a word for a long time. He couldn't refute.

Those who have not entered the Kyushu Institute of Physics will never be able to feel the fanatical belief in it that will not look back even after hitting the wall. Outsiders cannot understand that this group of scientists are ready to sacrifice everything at any time.

At the same time, they don't know... it's coming soon. Just one step away, just one step away.

After a long time, Xu Shenxue said in a hoarse voice: "From them, I saw the breath of the morning sun rising at eight o'clock in the morning. And the spirit of facing difficulties. I can't make this decision. I want to encourage them. This is A rare group of pioneers.”

Vice President Liu stood up and said word by word: "Jiuzhou does not need pioneers. Fuxing University does not need pioneers. I just want to see these children go out healthily and safely and enter various institutions in the empire. Science The matter is their future matter, Jiuzhou can wait."

Vice Principal Liu’s words were a bit euphemistic.

But Xu Shenxue felt sad in his heart - Jiuzhou could not wait.

(End of chapter)