Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 77: Kyushu young man is strong


No one dares to take responsibility for the safety of 32 students. No one dares to take responsibility for their life and death.

Xu Shenxue was in a contradictory state and could not object to the show of hands vote of everyone present.

Sighing: "Abolish Kyushu Institute of Physics. Take back the auditorium laboratory. Take back the funds allocated by the school and order to stop researching the steam engine project. Anyone who violates it will have their credits deducted and a major demerit will be recorded."

After saying that, Xu Shenxue left with his hands behind his back in a daze.

He couldn't resist the opinions of everyone on the school board.

It's like he can't be responsible for the safety of 32 classmates. The steam engine is marked with red letters, it is a dangerous project!

Even Xu Shenxue could not refute Vice President Liu’s last words:

"Students should behave like students. If they do what they should do at their age, they will be perfect. Learn the existing knowledge well and remember the existing knowledge well. They are not required to innovate or pioneer. Gu Ke's The powerful ones will naturally be like eagles who go out hunting, returning with prey to feed the group of eaglets that are waiting to be fed. All the young people have to do is to digest the food brought by the eagle for them. This is their duty.

The school doesn't expect them to discover great things, and neither does Kyushu. The empire relied on the National Academy of Sciences, not the Kyushu Institute of Physics.

Crossing the river by feeling the stones? What to do if you drown? Even if you discover a phenomenon by luck, how can you prove whether it is right or wrong? What if what you find is wrong? Wouldn't that be a waste of time. Without ironclad evidence from ancient times, how can one prove right or wrong? "

Perhaps, Vice Principal Liu's exaggerated words were just a bargaining chip to determine Xu Shenxue's decision-making. Perhaps she was deliberately talking about making trivial matters bigger and big matters bigger.

But it can also be seen from this that there are differences in thinking as a whole.

The boy from Kyushu wants to be strong.

Kyushu does not allow young people to be strong.

"It's just one step away, just one step away."

Liu Jinghong was so excited that he shouted in the ward with red bloodshot eyes.

Everyone has not had a good rest in the past few days, and has returned to the obsessive state in the auditorium. Finally, last night, a breakthrough was made, which was the gas valve theory proposed by Li Zhen.

"An air valve is installed on the cylinder. When the piston does not move, the air valve is in a closed state. When the piston returns to the rear, the connecting rod on the piston drives the air valve to open the air valve. When the piston returns, the cylinder exhausts and reduces pressure. Piston When moving forward, the air valve automatically closes and the cylinder is filled with pressure again. The exhaust is performed while the piston is resetting, which effectively reduces the resistance when the piston is resetting and once again increases the power of the flywheel... "

This is the automatic balancing valve theory proposed by Li Zhen.

After this statement was put forward, everyone at Kyushu Institute of Physics became energetic and began to perfect the illusion of this automatic air valve overnight.

Finally this morning, a breakthrough was made.

These days, the blisters on Qin Enze's face have been broken and have begun to scab. He was no longer in so much pain, but his face was no longer visible to anyone.

With a scary face, Qin Enze jumped crazily and laughed: "Quickly, rebuild the cylinder as soon as possible..."

Liu Jinghong nodded and said: "In addition, the boiler also needs to be modified. An exhaust outlet with a manual switch is set up on the boiler, and a pressure detector is built internally. When the internal pressure exceeds the line, the boiler air lock is manually opened Carry out manual pressure reduction. Or set up automatic pressure reduction on the boiler. When the pressure gauge crosses the line, the internal mechanism automatically opens the air plug to deflate."

"Yes, Brother Jinghong's suggestion is very perfect, double insurance."

Everyone was discussing enthusiastically, and the ward door was pushed open.

Vice President Liu walked in with two classmates from the student union, smiled and greeted everyone, and then cared about Qin Enze's injury.

After greeting for a moment, Vice President Liu said: "Li Zhen."

"Principal Liu."

"How's the progress?"

Li Zhen couldn't help but smile: "We have made breakthrough progress. As long as we install the air valve, we can solve it perfectly..."

Vice President Liu interrupted with a smile: "That's it. The school held a meeting to discuss and decided after research. The Kyushu Institute of Physics will be cancelled, the remaining funds will be recovered, and you will be ordered not to continue this project until it is allowed."


In the room, everyone looked at each other.

Li Zhen's smile froze on his face, and he said with a dry smile: "What do you mean, Principal Liu? I..."

Vice President Liu smiled and repeated: "What the school means is that because of the steam engine project and its dangers, students' safety must be considered. All students are ordered to immediately stop the steam engine research project and refund the school funds. If any student violates the rules, credits will be deducted and records will be recorded." Big mistake. It means, Li Zhen, you must stop, stop studying this, and study hard. Your road ahead is still long. How much money is left?"

Li Zhen sat down with astonishment on his face and said: "Why did it stop suddenly? We have just made progress."

Vice Principal Liu still said gently: "The school is thinking about the safety of all the pillars. The school is doing it for your own good."

Liu Jinghong stared at his bloodshot eyes and roared:

"Oh. You gave up when you told us to give up? Do you know how much we have paid for this steam science? Do you know that Enze is living for it now? Do you know how many days and nights we forget to eat and sleep? Do you know that we have Do you love it so much? You just made us give up with just a few words? Why?"

Vice Principal Liu frowned: "Student Liu Jinghong, the school understands your difficulties and understands your dedication and hard work. But you also need to understand the pressure of the school, okay?"

Liu Jinghong's tears rolled down and he shouted hysterically: "Why! Why! Why!"

Li Zhen gritted his teeth and took out the remaining 45,000 coins from his arms, as well as an account book for expense reimbursement: "The remaining funds are here, and every transaction is accounted for. I will return the funds approved by the school. but… "

Vice President Liu put the funds into his pocket: "But what?"

"However, we don't need these funds anymore. We will figure out how to deal with the money ourselves. Can we not cancel it?"

Vice Principal Liu patted Li Zhen on the shoulder and said with a wry smile: "Li Zhen. You are making things difficult for me. This is a document issued to you by your teacher."

A piece of paper was handed over.

Li Zhen looked at the red-lettered title "Abolish Kyushu Institute of Physics Immediately and Stop Steam Engine Research Immediately." The content was, stop immediately, stop immediately, stop immediately. If the research continues, participants will have their credits deducted and a major demerit will be recorded.

Below is Xu Shenxue's autograph.

Recording a major demerit is a very severe punishment. After graduation, you will basically be insulated from good jobs.

Looking at this document, Li Zhen's hands were shaking.

Qin Enze stood up tremblingly, his terrifying face twitching, and he struggled to open his eyes. His left eye had no energy, but his right eye was full of yearning. He looked at Vice Principal Liu with a humble attitude:

"Principal Liu...can you please don't take it away from my life?"

"Haha, what did Enze-san say?"

"Principal Liu, does the school really not give you any room for maneuver?"

Principal Liu smiled and shook his head, but did not answer: "If nothing happens, I will leave."


"Is there anything else?"

Qin Enze said tremblingly: "I apply to drop out of school."

"Enze, you..."

Fang Hanxian said with a livid face: "I also applied to drop out of school."

Liu Jinghong panted heavily and shouted in an almost roaring voice: "I apply to drop out of school!"

"I also apply to drop out of school!"

"I apply to drop out of school."

"Principal Liu, I apply to withdraw from school."

"I apply to drop out of school."

"You all applied to drop out of school? Okay, I also applied to drop out of school. It's better to take the initiative to drop out of school than to have a major demerit and be expelled from school, right? Haha."

"Apply to drop out of school!"

Li Zhen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice with all his determination: "I also apply to drop out of school."


32 people, Grand Slam.

Standing in a row, there is no longer any trace of pleading or humility. It is a kind of determination and yearning.

Vice President Liu and the two students from the student union took a few steps back, looking at the determined looks of the 32 people in front of them in astonishment and listening to the determined voices.

Is researching an extremely dangerous steam engine with no guarantee of 100% success more important than a bright future? Is it more important than a diploma from Fuxing University and a glorious future


The answer is yes.

No one can have any other thoughts in the fanatical atmosphere of Kyushu Institute of Physics. They are a group of people who share the same beliefs.

Kyushu does not allow young people to be strong.

The boy from Kyushu must be strong!

Vice Principal Liu knew that the matter was serious and the fuss was too big. Fuxing University cannot afford the safety of 32 students. Likewise, it cannot afford the consequences of 32 students dropping out of school at the same time. That will soon be the ruin of reputation, that will soon be the anger of the court, and that will soon be the terrifying spread of rumors among the people. That will soon be a lifelong pain for the leadership and those high-end intellectuals.

Principal Liu almost ran back wildly.

Li Zhen closed the door of the ward and said loudly without any emotion: "Jiuzhou Institute of Physics is still established! No one can ban us, and no one can stop us from taking this last step."

"Kyushu Institute of Physics is still established!"

"The project of Kyushu Institute of Physics is still going on!"

"Let's go, leave."

"The scab has formed on Enze, is it okay?"

"Okay, leave."


32 people packed up all their belongings from the ward and strode out of the hospital. But they found that the corridor was already full of people, and all the patients and medical staff were silently looking at these 32 teenagers who had a promising future, but who suddenly announced that they would drop out of school just a moment ago.

There is an indescribable feeling in my heart. Do you feel sorry for them? Or are you proud of them

What is sad is their future. They are proud of their beliefs.

It wasn't until they all walked out that the medical staff shook their heads and sighed: "What a stubborn group of people."

“Having been in contact with them for a long time these days, my heart is full of vitality.”

"There is a disease in Kyushu, and these people are the medicine. It's a pity that their power is too small to cure the terminally ill system."

The girl without legs in the wheelchair had bright eyes and murmured: "These brothers can give up everything for the unknown results. Is this living? Living with faith. They will definitely do it." successful."

"They will definitely succeed."

"Nothing can stop them, they will definitely succeed, I believe."


The onlookers felt sorry for them.

But he has great trust in them.

No one here understands the complex principles they are discussing, but the people here somehow know that they will definitely succeed.

(End of chapter)