Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 78: Then let him fly


When 32 people returned to Fuxing University, the whole school was shocked. Everyone at Fuxing University has received the news that they are going to drop out of school en masse.

Li Zhen stood at the school gate and said, "Everyone quickly pack your luggage and gather at the school gate in ten minutes."

Liu Jinghong asked softly, "Where are we going?"

Qin Enze scratched his itchy face and said nonchalantly: "Go anywhere. We have to do this experiment as soon as possible. I can't wait."

"Me too, nothing can stop me."

"Now I just want to find our new base quickly and start preparing for the second experiment immediately."

"Don't worry about money for now, let's all raise it together. We will definitely be able to raise enough."

"Go back and pack your things quickly."


On the main road of the campus, dense crowds of students silently watched the thirty-two people walking towards the dormitories. Nothing to say. Nothing to ask.

I was shocked that they had such strong determination to drop out of school.

I was shocked by the magic power of Kyushu Institute of Physics.

What is the fascination of being shocked by the research on steam engines

A student from the Department of Physics who had been rejected before chuckled lightly: "It's a good thing I didn't join, otherwise I would have dropped out now."

"Haha, a bunch of fools. They are destroying their own future."

"No, no, no, this is a group of lunatics. Just be glad that you didn't join them."


"Look at these pathetic people."

"Look at these poor people."


Fang Hanxian walked in front, listening to the discussions around him, with a somewhat pitiful expression on his face. Suddenly, Liu Jinghong grabbed his shoulder, pointed at the dense crowd of classmates around him, and laughed in a mocking tone:

"Han Xian, look at this group of pathetic people."

Fang Hanxian was stunned, looked at the beings surrounding him and others, and smiled:

"They say we're pathetic."

"That's the real tragedy. Just look at it, one day we will be glorious, and they can only be ashamed of the ridicule they once had. That day is not far away."

The two looked at each other and smiled. The belief became stronger.

"Qi Lunzi."

Qi Lengzi, who was sleeping in a separate dormitory, woke up in surprise: "Huh?"

"Packing up, tidy up."

"What are you doing?"


Qi Lengzi rubbed the shit in his eyes and asked, "Where are we going?" while getting dressed.

"Leave Fuxing University."

After speaking, Li Zhen picked up a piece of paper and a pen in front of the desk and started writing. The title is—Application for Withdrawal from School.

He wrote hundreds of words eloquently and smiled disdainfully while writing. It seemed like he didn't care.

Only he knows in his heart that in fact I am not free and easy, I am just pretending to be a hero...

The hope of the folks in Hangcheng County, but now, how long has passed. He, the only college student in Hangcheng County, is about to drop out of school.


But he just wants to pursue a bigger dream, so what is shame? So what if I'm humble

Is it just talk to educate the world about literacy

At the same time, the Fuxing University Board of Trustees held an emergency meeting. After listening to Vice Principal Liu's somewhat embellished report, everyone was shocked.

Xu Shenxue stood up abruptly, with veins on his neck rippling, and roared: "You actually forced Li Zhen and others to drop out of school?"

Vice President Liu's face was full of grievances and guilt: "I... I didn't expect it to develop into what it is now. The 32 of them are so ignorant that they just got into steam science and insisted on continuing to study. They would rather Dropping out of school, I would rather give up all my brilliant future than plunge into that bullshit steam engine full of dangers and unknowns."

Another vice-principal said calmly: "The matter has already happened, and it is useless to talk about it now. Think of countermeasures. How to save it? Or how to show dignity?"

Xu Shenxue gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean?"

"There are only two options before us. One is to approve the withdrawal application of 32 people, and Fuxing University will lose face, become someone else's talking point, and accept the review, cross-examination, and even anger of the court commissioner. The second option is to approve it. They continued to study steam engines. But the consequence was that Fuxing University lost its face and set a precedent for students to unite to force the emperor to marry. Will students be more unscrupulous in the future? Fuxing University will lose its majesty... "

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

It's a tough choice.

Xu Shenxue said: "I will advise Li Zhen and ask him to organize people to withdraw the application for withdrawal. Then suppress the matter and handle it in a low-key manner."

Vice Principal Liu sighed: "Principal Xu. I took two classmates from the student union with me. Now the news has spread throughout the school. Look out the window. Keep it low-key?"

Xu Shenxue quickly opened the curtains and looked down, only to see that the entire campus was crowded, and everyone was running to tell each other. At a glance, there is a head full of melon seeds.

A teacher stood up and said: "Now, are we going to set a precedent for students to be forced to have sex and allow them to continue research? Or what? Everyone has seen it. They don't even care about dropping out. Will they care about Principal Xu's order to ban research on steam engines? ? Do they care about getting major demerits and deducting credits? They can even destroy their futures, so do they care about you drawing a few stains on their white paper? They don't care."

"No. We can't set a precedent. Once the school compromises, then students in the future will become unscrupulous. It will make students think that since joining forces to force the school to obey can make the school submit, then they can do whatever they want? This precedent cannot be set, otherwise I will revive The university will lose its face, otherwise I, Fuxing University, will become the laughing stock of the world. It is not terrible to be the laughing stock. They will continue to study that thing. If they cannot stop it, they will intensify their research. If a few more are injured by then, Well, how many more will die? Who can bear the consequences? Once this happens, the court will purge all the leadership of Fuxing University."

Xu Shenxue sighed, his face full of sadness, but his heart was filled with inexplicable joy.

He couldn't tell why. Why are you happy? Is it because... Finally, the sea is high enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly? Could it be because Li Zhen was finally allowed to return to nature? He finally no longer needs to be imprisoned in Fuxing University

Has he, who lurked in the abyss, finally become a flying dragon in the sky


Isn't it

wonder if it is or not.

"Make a decision."

Vice President Liu spoke: "I have a compromise plan."


"The school cannot be so passive and should take the initiative. This incident has already reached a point where it is difficult to escape. Any measures taken will cause serious problems for Fuxing University. And this is the only compromise plan that can work."

"Say it quickly."

"Select the few who take the lead, and the school will not wait for their applications to withdraw from school, but will expel them on their own initiative. For the rest, they will adopt a gentle strategy, using affection and reasoning to convince them to come back and continue attending classes. Use soft and hard tactics, and use counter-intuitive tactics. The plan is to break their internal unity and then defeat them one by one."


"If the leader is fired, then Li Zhen must be among them."


"Li Zhen cannot be fired!"

"Li Zhen cannot be expelled, and the number one scholar in Kyushu cannot be expelled."

"Time is tight, so let's use this method. Eliminate Li Zhen, select a few of the most active ones for expulsion. Then reject the rest's applications to drop out, and then explicitly prohibit touching the steam engine project."

"Okay, that's it."

"Sigh... I really shouldn't have agreed to Li Zhen's establishment of the Kyushu Institute of Physics at that time."

"What a scourge. This Kyushu Institute of Physics is a scourge to our Fuxing University. It is also a scourge to Kyushu."


Xu Shenxue walked out of the school board office silently, sitting alone in the stairwell in a daze, taking a deep breath, feeling sad.

Feeling distressed.

I feel sorry for these young people with dreams. I feel sorry for them that they are out of tune with this mainstream thinking. I also feel bad that they are not understood by the world.

I feel even more distressed that they were obviously the sparks that illuminated Kyushu, but when they were about to shine, they were extinguished.

If everything goes well, they will become the brightest existence in the east of Kyushu. Now, that's a pity.

Fortunately, Xu Shenxue felt that Jiuzhou Institute of Physics might not resort to counter-intuitive tactics. Hope they won't...

My expectations for Li Zhen were too high. I knew from the beginning that Fuxing University was not qualified to keep him!

Let him fly! Go chase your dreams, boy!

(End of chapter)