Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 82: That group of scientists


If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools!

Everyone at Kyushu Institute of Physics understands the importance of basic science. To improve the steam engine, one must know a concept, pressure value.

Finally, under the leadership of Li Zhen, they invented a scientific measuring instrument that had never appeared in Kyushu—the pressure gauge.

During this time, twenty extremely tight boilers were manufactured in batches. But boilers are all made of different materials. There are cylinders and pistons in every boiler, but the pistons are blocked and not connected to the crank, connecting rod, and flywheel.

Half an hour later, outside the door of Jiuzhou Institute of Physics, onlookers covered their ears and stepped back.

Yanagisawa Kei said: "Why are you running?"

"Run. It's going to explode again."

"The last explosion lasted for more than 40 minutes. It's almost time."

"The noise is very loud, run quickly!"


Liu Zehui was startled and looked at Liu Jinghong who was standing in front of the boiler. He became nervous and subconsciously shouted: "Jinghong, what are you doing there!"

Liu Jinghong, who was fully armed, raised his eyes, frowned, and shouted coldly: "Close the door!"

Immediately, several people who were hired as handymen walked out from the Kyushu Institute of Physics. They closed the door without explanation and blocked the gap in the door with wooden boards to prevent outsiders from seeing.

Yanagisawa was furious, rushed forward, kicked open the door, and yelled: "It's so dangerous, get out of the way!"

Yanagisawa's movements did not attract the attention of others at all. Li Zhen and others knew that Yanagisawa was coming. But no one looked up. Everyone stared closely and nervously at the pressure gauge hanging on the boiler, watching the pointer continue to crawl slowly, completely unaffected by the outside world.

Yanagisawa rushed forward to catch Liu Jinghong, but Liu Jinghong suddenly turned around and shouted: "Dad, are you annoyed? This is already the ninth test, and we are taking the average. Every second missed will be Have to do it all over again.”

Yanagisawa was actually frightened by her son's momentum, and said, "People said this would explode, but you are so close."

Liu Jinghong sighed: "I can't explain it to you. It has not reached the critical point yet. According to normal estimates, it will take another five minutes before there is a possibility of explosion or steam leakage. What are you worrying about here?"


Yanagisawa murmured, not knowing what to say. At this time, the master pulled Yanagisawa Megumi to the back and comforted him: "Just watch it first. I have conducted nine tests, and I know what I am doing. And I am wearing such thick clothes."

"But… "

Liu Zehui wanted to say something else, but saw Liu Jinghong no longer paying attention to him, staring at the thing that looked like a pocket watch hanging on the boiler with wide eyes. Sighing, he silently stepped back, his eyes filled with nervousness.

Li Zhen suddenly shouted: "Record. 40 minutes, the pressure passed the line of 86. No. 10 boiler leaked."

"Back off!"

"Back off and prepare the sand."

The division of labor among the thirty-two people was clear, and everyone began to retreat together. Some of them hurriedly ran to the corner, found sand and shovels, and were ready to put out the fire.

The remaining people all retreated to a safe distance, squatting on the ground and closely watching the changes in the pressure gauge.

Only then did Yanagisawa discover that there was a circle of yellow lines on the ground. The yellow line should be a safe distance.

"45 minutes, pressure value 90."

"Correction, 91."

"There was no air leakage in 45 minutes, and the pressure value increased slowly. This is the reason why the firepower was not enough this time."

"The pressure value exceeds 95. Everyone prepares!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a loud bang was heard.

A burst of white smoke billowed from the field, covering the entire Kyushu Institute of Physics. The loud noise caused the onlookers outside the door to cover their ears and run away screaming.

The white smoke filled the air, causing Yanagisawa Megumi to feel a huge sense of fear in his heart.

Amidst this loud noise, Yanagisawa Hui shouted in horror: "Jinghong!"

The master's eyes were also red. He had never seen such a huge explosion before. It was like explosives. He covered his ears and lay on the ground, not daring to move.

In the midst of this chaos, Yanagisawa suddenly saw that all the teenagers from the Kyushu Institute of Physics were squatting on the ground, motionless as a mountain.

Without even looking at the explosion, it seemed as if the boiler had not exploded at all.

Not a single boy had a strange look on his face, he was so calm and calm.

In this chaos, only a sonorous and powerful shout was heard:


"Correction, pressure 98.5."

"The pressure of No. 10 boiler reaches the critical point at 98.5."

"It's still the piston being ejected from the cylinder that causes the explosion."

"The boiler is intact."


A moment after the steam spewed out, another group of armed teenagers took shovels and spread the sand shovel by shovel to extinguish the fire.

After a while, the flames went out and the steam stopped leaking out.

The shocked people outside the door were talking excitedly and gathered around again, excitedly discussing another explosion just now.

Yanagisawa got up and looked at his busy son walking around the boiler attentively, constantly recording data, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Fang Hanxian came from a distance, holding the ejected piston in his hand: "This time the piston was ejected twenty meters away. It is not lethal."

Li Zhen recorded the data in his notebook and said, "This shows that the accumulation of steam in the boiler is a slow process, and there is no instantaneous impact of expansion. Okay, let's gather together and calculate the average."

"For ten boilers made of different materials, the average critical point for steam leakage is 89. The highest is 98.5 and the lowest is 80. Every leakage explosion is ejected from the cylinder. This shows that the structure of the cylinder is different from The material does not matter as much as you might think. Whether it is iron, steel, or mixed metals, steam will leak from the cylinder mouth.

That means it's within a controllable steam range. The expansion force of steam is not enough to break a completely sealed boiler. It is not enough to cause a boiler explosion, only cylinder cracking, piston ejection, steam leakage, etc. will occur. "


Yanagizawa Hui watched the group of teenagers immediately sit around the table and start a heated discussion. He sighed in his heart and wanted to say to his son who was sitting in the corner and thinking about it, be safe. But watching his son become extremely focused under the leadership of the young man named Li Zhen, he still couldn't bear to disturb him.

After hesitating for a long time, Yanagisawa muttered in that direction: "Jinghong, I'm leaving then."

Liu Jinghong turned around, nodded casually to Yanagisawa Kei, then stood up and continued: "The pressure gauge is extremely important. It is a pioneering product, and we must make good use of it. Then the average value has been calculated. , let’s make some statistics. At what pressure does a steam engine start to discharge? It’s more scientific?”

Seeing that her son's mind was not on her at all, Yanagisawa felt a little disappointed and inexplicably proud.

grown up.

"Oh, let's go."

After walking out of the gate of Kyushu Institute of Physics, the people around him immediately surrounded Yanagisawa Kei. Everyone asked in surprise: "Are you the father of scientist Liuzawa?"

Yanagisawa Megumi said: "Ah."

"Geez, how did you raise such an outstanding son?"

"Can you impart some educational experience? Those who can enter this Jiuzhou Institute of Physics are all the best among people, right? Even Fuxing University looks down on the kind of best among people. How did you educate him? Mrs. There is a future.”

"Disrespect, I thought your brother was from the next village, but you are the father of Scientist Liu."

"Brother, can you tell me, I want my son to come here to do odd jobs, study, and be immersed in the scientific atmosphere here. My son also graduated from high school this year, can you be accommodating."


Yanagisawa Megumi stood at the door of the Kyushu Institute of Physics, looking around at the faces looking at him expectantly. Then he looked back at the simple prefabricated house and the teenagers who were discussing intensely in a circle in the courtyard. Inexplicably, I felt a little sad.

Once upon a time, when others saw Liu Jinghong, they would only say: "You are the son of the magistrate of Laoshan County, right?"

Today, someone asked me: "Are you Liu Jinghong's father?"

The master stood aside, a little at a loss, and inexplicably felt happy for Yanagisawa Megumi.

He saw that his son had only stayed here for a few days and was respected by the people nearby. Far more honored than receiving the same respect!

(End of chapter)