Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 90: Another way to care (plus update for mild obsessive-compulsive disorder


The leader, an old man with white hair hanging down on his shoulders, smiled, stepped back politely, then clasped his hands and bowed to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen quickly took a step back, clasped his hands and bowed to him.

"Sure enough, heroes come out of youth. Dean Li, your deeds have made me admire you. From your journey of studying since childhood to becoming the number one scholar in Kyushu. As well as establishing the Kyushu Institute of Physics, leading the team to overcome all difficulties and achieve today's achievements. . I have heard every one of your deeds like thunder. I came to visit today. Firstly, I want to see with my own eyes the appearance of this young man who shocked Kyushu, and to see whether every young man in the Kyushu Institute of Physics is charming.

Second, I have something to discuss with Dean Li about cooperation. "

Li Zhen was stunned. This old man was so polite, but an elder spoke to a junior like him like you, you, you. However, it didn't make people think that he was flattering a young man. This was a very good accomplishment.

"Your Excellency?"

"I am from Qingdao County, a small carriage dealer in Qingdao County, and a primary school student in the business district, Liu Jianye."

Li Zhen's pupils shrank, and he saluted again with his hands clasped in fists: "I'm sorry. If Boss Liu is a primary school student in the business district, then Xiao Ke is a newcomer to the science world. Your name is still well known to me, the richest man in Dongzhou, Qingdao County The God of Wealth. The big boss of Xinglu Transportation. He monopolizes half of Jiuzhou's transportation industry, horse and carriage shops, wharves, ports, merchant ships... Haha, Boss Liu is being too modest."

Liu Jianye laughed, walked up and patted Li Zhen affectionately on the shoulder: "Thanks to the good national policies, I have caught up with the good trend. Not to mention these false reputations, I want to talk to you, this shocking young man. Let’s talk about a business deal.”

"Yes." Li Zhen nodded, his expression unchanged. He could naturally guess what kind of business Liu Jianye was coming to discuss.

As soon as the Kyushu Institute of Physics took out the steam engine, he came running. His purpose was self-evident. Moreover, Liu Jianye is still engaged in the transportation industry. This is hooked.

Liu Jianye smiled again: "Dean Li must have guessed it."

"Basically, yes, but I don't know exactly how you want to talk about it."

Liu Jianye was also a free and easy man. He ordered his servants to stand outside the door, followed Li Zhen into the courtyard to find a place to sit down, and said:

"Although this steam engine was only an experiment, it is not enough to be of great use. But it is conceivable that it will become an extremely important tool in the future. If it is loaded on a carriage and replaces the horse, the relationship between efficiency and cost I don’t need to say more. So I have only one purpose for coming here this time. I want the Kyushu Institute of Physics to exclusively license the steam engine patent to Star Transportation.”

Li Zhen shook his head without even thinking about it: "Impossible."

"Money matters are easy to discuss. Share sharing, one-time buyout, etc. are all acceptable. Any cooperation method is acceptable, and any amount of money is acceptable..."

Li Zhen smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, this is not a matter of money."


Li Zhen smiled brightly: "Please move."

Liu Jianye stood up and followed Li Zhen into a room with a confused face. After sitting down, Li Zhen picked up a stack of paper from the desk and walked over.

Liu Jianye took one look and was shocked: "Ah! This..."

The opening title of a stack of papers reads - "Steam Dynamics"

On the second page, the dynamic effects of steam are explained from the shallower to the deeper. And the further you go, the more detailed it becomes.

In these papers, there are drawing structures, explanations of principles, and functions of parts. The handwriting is not dry yet, but it is still being perfected.

But this stack of paper truly writes down the process of the entire steam engine from scratch, and explains in detail all the principles of the entire steam engine.

Liu Jianye took a breath: "Why did you show me such a confidential thing...steam dynamics? Really? Do you want to compile it into a book?"

Li Zhen nodded: "Yes. When the third generation steam engine comes out, I will almost complete this book. It can be published at that time. The title of the book is "Steam Dynamics". What you call an exclusive authorized patent, It doesn’t exist. Because in the future, everyone in Kyushu will know the principles of steam engines, and everyone can build a steam engine if they want to.”

"Ah! You... why are you like this!"

Liu Jianye stood up and looked at the calm-looking Li Zhen in horror: "This, this is the hard work of your Jiuzhou Institute of Physics. You actually want to compile the core of it into a book and publish it?"

"Oh? No? What about that?"

"If you already have a patent, you should use your best ability to protect the core secrets and principles. It is clearly stated that no one is allowed to dismantle the steam engine at will. No one is allowed to imitate it. If someone imitates the steam engine and is suspected of infringement, he should be severely punished and held accountable. How come you... don't protect the patent, but announce it to the world? This... this patent is worth a lot of money, why are you giving away the money? "

Li Zhen sighed with some compassion in his heart. He had no objection to Liu Jianye's money-seeking, which was a common problem in Kyushu. Everyone thinks like this.

This is also Jiuzhou's injury... All products related to technology are extremely confidential and patented, and all are monopolized. And how can there be competition in a monopoly? How can improvement and progress occur? How can it be extended to the public

If a scientific product cannot improve the world, what is the meaning and value of its existence? Just prove to the world that you are awesome, you alone are awesome, and then you get the money. anything else

"Mr. Liu, you don't understand the meaning of the existence of Kyushu Institute of Physics."

Li Zhen said, stood up and left.

Liu Jianye stood alone in the room, holding a stack of paper in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

To be honest, he felt a sense of ridicule in his heart. Is it noble? Is it great? Do you look arrogant by pushing your money away

He couldn't understand the meaning of Li Zhen doing all this. He only knew that Li Zhen didn't care about his scientific research efforts, and Li Zhen didn't care about money...

Quite the opposite.

Li Zhen cares, Li Zhen cares too much about his hard work. It is because he cares so much that he wants to tell the world about every academic and scientific progress.

The wound in Kyushu is at the very foundation. So lacking. The progress of science is never the progress of one of you.

Every time science breaks out, the entire society and the research results of the same group of people reach a critical point. Then there was a big explosion.

Progress alone? Behind closed doors

Liu Jianye doesn't understand.

But what makes Li Zhen happy is that at least everyone in the Kyushu Institute of Physics understands it now. After Li Zhen proposed publishing a book, no one objected. They were all happy and enthusiastic.

Don’t those 31 people care about their own scientific research efforts

care. But they changed their thinking during this time.

Care about it, care about it in another way.

Not the great love and fraternity of Our Lady.

PS: I am adding an update today because I want to thank the reader with the highest fan value of this book, 'Slight Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 945'. Brother sent me a cigarette today, the export version of China 5000. A piece of Zhonghua bribed me, okay... I’ll add an update for our sponsor today.

You know I love smoking, hahaha. Happy, joyful. Thanks again.

(End of chapter)