Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 94: advanced mathematics


In a remote border area, a literate shepherd boy holds steam power in his hand and reads with relish while herding sheep:

"Heating the water will generate power, so the piston will be pushed..."

At Fuxing University, senior leaders, students, and teachers all have a copy.

"This is the direction of Li Zhen's research on steam engines!"

"Ah, it turns out that steam dynamics is like this."

"It's amazing, you can think of all these."

"Ah, I understand, hahaha, I understand, I finally understand why the first generation steam engine exploded. Because there was no valve."

"It's very clear in the book that this is... a great cause. He actually put forward ideas for the future improvement direction of steam engines."

"What Li Zhen means...does he want to publish all scientific knowledge so that everyone can study together and make progress in this field together?"

"I probably understand Master Li's dream. I want to drop out of school and go to Laoshan County to join the Jiuzhou Institute of Physics, together with Master Li."


Compared with the first three books, the last book "Assumptions about Thinking" has become a bit less popular.

But Xu Shenxue was carefully reading this book with only a few words, and he was extremely shocked in his heart.

“Scientific innovation is not archeology, but divergent thinking, which broadens our thinking and makes us more confident... Perhaps, we can create science that surpasses the ancients.

Imagine if everyone in our country had such an idea. If everyone is committed to basic academic research together, and if we are committed to the common research idea of combining theory with practice, what will our world become

Science is never the achievement of one person. Science is the progress of a group of people, a country, and the world as a whole, and then usher in a small explosion. This is called progress. Science is not archeology, and science is not about imitating the legends of the ancients. Science is not about copying, nor is it about drawing a circle to imprison your thinking... "

If the first three books are science and technology popularization books, the fourth one is a philosophy book.

The whole article uses euphemistic language to denounce the tragedy of Kyushu.

Xu Shenxue closed the book, tears glistening in his old eyes: "I understand why you wanted to create the Kyushu Institute of Physics. What you want to do is to spread such an idea. You want to heal scholars all over the world."


Hangcheng County, public high school.

Zhang Meng personally issued an order to include all four books written by Li Zhen as teaching content in public high schools.

That day, the physics teacher stayed up late studying four books and cried with joy. In the four books, he uncovered layers of fog and had a sudden enlightenment.

The next day, the physics course changed.

"Students, turn to the first page of steam dynamics. This book is written by your senior, the number one scholar in Kyushu, and the dean of Kyushu Institute of Physics, Li Zhen. From today on, we start to study steam dynamics."

All the students in the class looked at each other with burning eyes and licked their lips with excitement. They must study more seriously than ever before. Learn from the knowledge imparted selflessly by their seniors.

Overnight, the mysterious steam engine principle was no longer a secret throughout Kyushu.

Overnight, the law of conservation of energy was known to all scholars, and was verified one by one by some scholars who read "Assumptions about Thinking".

Zhongzhou, Imperial College.

Just like Fuxing University, everyone has a copy. The entire campus fell into absolute silence, and there was no more noise. Everyone in the school had a copy, and everyone looked down at the four books written by Li Zhen.

There was no class in the whole school, no one was playing, there was just the sound of rustling books.

People kept stopping to take notes, and people kept writing and drawing on scratch paper. Everyone's seriousness has reached a peak.

Wang Zhongshu, the principal of Imperial College, like Xu Shenxue, focused on "Assumptions about Thinking".

After reading it, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

He turned his back and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, feeling disappointed: "He should be the leader of our Imperial College of Science and Technology."

"Fate plays tricks on people. Alas, now I finally know why he didn't enter Imperial College at that time, and I understand him. But, I really only treat the situation and not the person. Even if you and my son are enemies of life and death, I will treat you like spring. So warm. Because of your talent."

"Well, it is precisely because of the experience of Fuxing University that you will have the light and heat of Kyushu Institute of Physics. Your future will make Kyushu proud of you."

Wang Zhongshu murmured and burst into tears as he spoke.

It is a kind of sadness and pain.

Perhaps more advanced intellectuals and more enlightened intellectuals can see the tragedy of Kyushu, right? But who can change this situation? Even though you know this is a terminal illness, you still have to follow this trend. You can't resist the whole world on your own.

If you discover a new product after archeology and imitate it immediately, you can immediately gain fame, fortune and status. If you study academics, you may not be able to study it thoroughly in your life. Even if you study it thoroughly, you will not be able to verify and prove it, and you will not gain fame or fortune. This is a system problem. Who can resist

Just accept it.

The book "Assumptions about Thinking" pricked the pain in the hearts of teachers and educators such as Wang Zhongshu and Xu Shenxue.

They also want to innovate, and they have seen it all. But they can't. The underground treasures of this world are rich, but the human heart is barren.


After a long time, Wang Zhongshu slapped the table and shouted to the sky.

This cry was heart-wrenching.

There is also a kind of helplessness.


One month later.

Li Zhen still leads the Kyushu Institute of Physics, but now he has become a well-deserved Master Li.

In the past, he led everyone to study steam engines. Now, he is constantly imparting knowledge to this group of intellectuals who are waiting for help.

"Mathematics, physics, and chemistry. These three subjects are integrated subjects. All three subjects have something in common. Secondly, whether we want to learn physics or chemistry well, we must first learn mathematics well."

Li Zhen told everyone before the lesson plan: "When we study chemistry, we need to use extremely precise mathematical operations and balance. When we study physics, we need to use precise data, use mathematical abstract theories, and use mathematical space. Learn, function.”

Hou Qiang asked: "Master Li, what is a function?"

Li Zhen pondered for a while and said: "We can understand function as a concept. And the entire mathematics, we can also understand it as a very abstract concept. Mathematics is a concept. Except for those laws and addition Except for subtraction and multiplication, it is actually a concept.”

"Why is mathematics a concept? One is one, two is two, how come it is a concept?"

Li Zhen said: "Mathematics is divided into concrete phenomena and abstract phenomena. For example, the number 123, this is a concrete number. And ABC, this is an abstract concept. We can use a letter or even a symbol to represent a number. But we Not knowing what that number is, that’s the abstraction.”

Fang Hanxian stood up scratching his head: "Since it represents a number, how come you don't know what the number is? Is this still mathematics? Isn't this philosophy?"

Li Zhen laughed loudly: "Yes, you are right. Mathematics can also be a philosophy. It is also a mode of thinking."

Liu Jinghong scratched his scalp: "Then what is ABC equal to? This... this is a bit fucked up." He was confused and couldn't understand this question or this concept.

Li Zhen said: "If A represents a number set, then the number set may be (1.2.3) or 4.5.6. If A represents a number, then the number may be 1, or it may be 2, could be any number.”

Liu Jinghong was going crazy: "Then what does it represent?"

Li Zhen was going crazy. This advanced mathematics is really difficult to teach. Li Zhen knew clearly what was going on, but he was confused as to how he could explain it to them in an easy-to-understand manner. Li Zhen is also going crazy.

After being silent for a long time, Li Zhen said:

"So this is a concept. In advanced mathematics, if we cannot get an accurate number, we can assume it is a symbol or a character. What we need is to use mathematical abstract thinking and concepts to speculate and Judgment. Use laws, formulas, laws and other forms to express it. This is the concept."

Liu Jinghong was completely defeated: "I gave up."

But Hou Qiang suddenly pushed up her glasses and her eyes lit up. She felt like she understood something, seemed to have grasped something...

There is no way, Li Zhen is only a high school student from ten thousand years ago. Zhang Zhi was only in his third year of high school when he became his master. Li Zhen only has that level. He can vaguely understand advanced mathematics, but it is very difficult for you to ask him to give lectures.

Understanding something yourself and letting others understand it are two different things. Fortunately, there is enough time and the future is still long.

take it easy.

Just when most people were going crazy, Li Zhen looked back and saw a group of teenagers standing outside the door. They looked very familiar. Yes, he is an alumnus of Fuxing University.

All the crazy people stopped and turned around to look, extremely surprised. Why are my former classmates here

"Master Li, we want to join the Kyushu Institute of Physics!"

Outside the door, a group of teenagers shouted passionately.

PS: Let me talk about the book friend of this book (Jun Yang). 4/3/9/9/5/1/0/9/6.

If you want to add it, add it quickly. Everyone can discuss the future plot direction or good ideas together - for the sake of the tribe!

(End of chapter)