Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 97: innovation


Ten thousand years ago.

Xi'an, Baqiao.

In the small square, a woman wearing a down jacket was quietly concentrating.

Fingerless gloves with wool for warmth.

The cute hands covered her smooth cheeks, breathed lightly, and then rubbed her face again.

Her bright eyes looked at the bright moon in the sky seriously, fascinated.

She has become accustomed to watching the moon here every night as long as the weather is clear. But I have completely forgotten whether I am waiting for someone, I just feel that there seems to be a calling of some kind of mission in my heart.

There were faint dark clouds passing by, slightly covering the bright moon. She frowned slightly: "It's round and beautiful."

The wind seemed to understand her language, the faint dark clouds drifted away, the bright moon appeared again, and so did her smile.

Late at night.

She took off the hat with two rabbit ears, and her black hair fell down like a waterfall. Yawning, he returned to the apartment not far away.

Day after day, year after year.

It's raining all the time, every day.

She was used to looking up at Haoyue constantly. I always feel that although our eyes are separated by an insurmountable time, they will intersect under the same starry sky...

Still waiting.

I have no idea what I am waiting for here, I forgot about it.


The night wind came, and Li Zhen hugged his arms, feeling a little cold.

I got up and yawned and headed to the residence of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. There were bright lights in the distance, and there were many people who stayed up all night to change glasses. It was so lively.

Xu Shenxue stood quietly in the distance and looked at Li Zhen with a smile.

Li Zhen walked over and said with a smile: "Teacher."

Xu Shenxue sighed with emotion: "Congratulations."

Li Zhen bowed to Xu Shenxue: "Everything is due to the teacher."

Xu Shenxue laughed loudly, with a look of shame in his eyes, as if he was nagging an old man, and murmured to himself: "It was hard for me to make a decision at the beginning. I didn't know whether it was right or wrong to let you leave the campus. I really hope you can I can have greater achievements, but I am afraid that you are young and cannot protect yourself outside, and I am also a little ashamed that my wings cannot cover you. In the end, I chose to let you go. In fact, if I am tougher, you can't leave at all.

It is impossible for Fuxing University to allow the number one scholar from Kyushu to drop out. They all suggested to me that I should break up the Jiuzhou Institute of Physics, but I didn’t say a word. But it was suggested that I recall you, but I firmly refused. I didn’t know if it was right or wrong at the time, but it seems right now.

The dream you carry is indeed more lofty than I imagined. They all think you are a group of chicks, but in fact you are a group of eagles and swan geese..."

Li Zhen supported Xu Shenxue and said with a smile: "It's winter. Teacher, please go back to the house and rest."

Xu Shenxue nodded and was helped by Li Zhen to walk to the school, just like an old man in his twilight years: "Take your time, don't be in a hurry."


"The Sorrow of Kyushu has long been terminally ill. Don't rush to change this country, change this society, and change the trend of thinking. In fact, many people have already seen through many of the problems you see. But no one chooses to stand up like you. , innovation. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Li Zhen probably guessed what Xu Shenxue was going to say.

"Because this is the trend. The development of science depends on ancient science, haha. I would rather hope that this world has no history at all, and no ancient glory of ten thousand years. Because if we can start from scratch, we will continue to accumulate our knowledge The foundation. But we all know the ancient glory 10,000 years ago, so we all want to stand on the shoulders of giants to develop, but in fact that giant is nothingness. In the end, we are a group of dwarves after all, and we cannot change Become a giant.”

Xu Shenxue was a little disappointed: "Those who have seen through all this want to make ourselves giants. But we can't do it. Because if this society and country were a person, he would get progress and success without working, and he would be very happy. If you deprive him of his unearned power and let a lazy person have enough food and clothing by himself, you become an obstacle to him. Either you will block him forever, or you will be crushed by him."

"There used to be people like you who wanted to innovate and wanted to denounce Gu Ke. But they went in the wrong direction. It's complicated and difficult. One person's thinking cannot change the overall thinking after all. As there is a saying, Don't think that society will adapt to you, you have to adapt to this society. So there are many people who see through it, but there are no people who really stand up. I don't have logical thinking when I say these words. I think about it and say it, and I don't expect you to understand."

Li Zhen smiled brightly: "I understand. That's why we have the Kyushu Academy of Sciences."

"You want to lead them and innovate together?"

"No. My voice alone may be limited, but the voice of a group of people is infinite. The voice of my generation may be limited, but as long as the Kyushu Academy of Sciences does not collapse, its voice will be unlimited in the future."

"So this is your lifelong pursuit?"

"Yes, what I want in my life. I want to make this country a better place, and I want to make this world go on the right path."

Xu Shenxue smiled and said nothing more.

Li Zhen sent him back to his room to rest. When he went out, he met Qian Mao again.


Li Zhen bowed to Qian Mao again.

Qian Mao looked at Li Zhen with relief and patted him on the shoulder: "Congratulations."

Li Zhen said sincerely: "Your contribution is also part of this. If I had not had the kindness of encountering me, maybe I would be picking up rags in Hangcheng County and studying science alone. But now, a group of people are following me."

Qian Mao laughed loudly: "It is my job to select talents for the empire. Li Zhen, you did not disappoint me. To be honest, when I heard the report that you led 31 people to drop out of school collectively, I was very angry. I felt that you I don’t appreciate everything I got. Haha, I feel ashamed. Your good news has spread all over the world again. I understand that I was wrong."

Li Zhen smiled and said nothing.

Qian Mao took Li Zhen to the pavilion and sat down, and said from the bottom of his heart: "I hope you can go further."

Qian Mao's thinking philosophy is different from Xu Shenxue's. Although both of them were Li Zhen's teachers and people he respected from the bottom of his heart, Xu Shenxue supported Li Zhen on a personal basis. Qian Mao, on the other hand, was more interested in helping Li Zhen in the interests of the empire.

Their angles are different. But no difference.

Li Zhen talked with Qian Mao in the pavilion at night. They talked for a long time and talked a lot.

Before leaving, Qian Mao said: "Some teaching staff will soon move into the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. At the same time, maybe someone from the National Academy of Sciences will come here."

Li Zhen raised his eyebrows: "The National Academy of Sciences should think that we have swept away their authority, right?"

"I don't know about this, but what I hope is that science develops together. What I tell you is not to be biased and to be more inclusive. Well, that's what I hope. But the better news is that Ge Qingping has a deep impression of you. You Maybe I don’t know a thing.”


"When you were admitted to the top exam, Ge Qingping always wanted to see you. He didn't block you on the way here, but wanted to block you on the way there. But no one thought that you had gone through so many things in Balong City and left in a hurry overnight. Go, he still didn't block you. Haha, Ge Qingping said that maybe the fate has not come yet. But this time, he should come to you for the third time."

Li Zhen was a little shocked. This world-shaking figure didn't wait for him twice? How virtuous and capable are you

"When will they come?"

"I don't know. In short, the National Academy of Sciences travels outside the imperial court, and their affairs are unpredictable. They may come tomorrow, or they may never come."

Qian Mao changed his words and said with a smile: "But there is good news. The prince has begun to travel around the world, all the way to Dongzhou. In fact, it is not a journey. The prince is coming to see you."

"Senior is coming?" Li Zhen was surprised.

Li Zhen had a great affection for Prince Xun Shitian and valued affection and righteousness.

Qian Mao laughed: "It should be soon."


(End of chapter)