Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 98: Attend class


After that night, the Kyushu Academy of Sciences returned to calm.

It's winter, but my heart is feeling hot.

'Wuwuwu' Steam whined continuously.

Steam engines improved by the latest technology were roaming the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. Qi Lengzi drove the car and Li Zhen sat in the carriage, not feeling cold at all.

There are burning flames and boilers under your feet, and it's even a little sultry.

"The Institute of Physics has arrived."

Li Zhen nodded, put the leather hat on his head, and tightened the collar of his clothes. Then he walked out of the car with a few books in his arms.

"Qi Lengzi, you go and have some fun first. This class lasts for about an hour. You can come back to pick me up in time."

Qi Lengzi nodded: "Go quickly."

Li Zhen walked into the auditorium of the Institute of Physics. Qi Lengzi didn't go anywhere, he just sat in the steam car holding a book and started reading seriously.

After the Kyushu Academy of Sciences was established, Qi Lengzi also felt that it was time for him to become a cultural person. He learned on his own, starting from reading. Afraid of being seen by others in this high-end university, he, a follower of Li Zhen, was actually learning to read and laughed at himself. So Qi Lunzi studied secretly.

Now I have learned the 99 multiplication tables...

"Hello Master Li."

The auditorium was overcrowded, with more than a hundred seats all occupied. Sitting in the first row were the first batch of personnel from the Kyushu Institute of Physics, Liu Jinghong and others.

And in the back, all those sitting were people who later joined the Kyushu Institute of Physics. Among them were people from Fuxing University and even Imperial College. There are also many folk intellectuals.

There are not enough seats, so many people sit in the corridor and on the floor. There were many people standing behind.

They all came to listen to Li Zhen's class.

Everyone cherishes the time when Li Zhen lectures. Even if it is an urgent matter, they must come to listen to Li Zhen's lectures.

At a glance, Li Zhen saw that everyone stood up and saluted him, and he felt no uneasiness in his heart. Although not all of these people are teenagers, there are also many middle-aged people, as well as older intellectuals with gray beards.

I have taken many classes and am already used to it.

Li Zhen nodded and put the book on the desk: "Sit down."

Opening the book he had written and which was currently only circulated within the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, Li Zhen said, "Where did you talk about it last time?"

Liu Jinghong stood up and shouted: "Today it's time to talk about mechanical motion."

A middle-aged man wearing glasses stood up and shouted: "Why? Today we should obviously talk about electromagnetism."

"Mechanical movement."

"The Kyushu Institute of Physics is currently focusing on studying mechanical motion, and we will discuss electromagnetism later."

"Why, we are only interested in electromagnetism."


Li Zhen smiled and pressed his hands: "Now there are differences in the School of Physics. Some people like to study electrical science, and some people want to study mechanics. This is a good thing. Each has their own fields that they like and are good at. In fact, Physics is also a very complex subject, and not one person can understand all phenomena. Han Xian."

Fang Hanxian stood up: "Master Li?"

"Han Xian, you are the deputy dean of the School of Physics. Please adjust it. The School of Physics should be divided into branches. Let's make statistics on what everyone is good at. The categories should be separated. Different majors should be set as electives and compulsory courses. Many people are now interested in electromagnetics. Interested, let’s see, a branch of ‘Electromagnetics’ is being established under the jurisdiction of the Kyushu Institute of Physics.”

Fang Hanxian was excited: "Yes."

In the auditorium, everyone was ecstatic. It's better to study separately. You can learn more things.

"Today we talk about the first law of motion."

The full name of the first law of motion should be Newton's first law of motion. But when Li Zhen was writing the textbook, he suddenly had an inspiration. He didn't even know who Newton was. It seemed that someone had given this law to him. Having said that Newton seems to be a great man in ancient times.

But... I can't remember who told me this. In modern times, no one has heard of Newton.

Therefore, in the textbook, Li Zhen compiled this academic subject as the "First Law of Motion" and canceled the names of people.

"What is the first law of motion?"

Qin Enze was sitting in the front row, holding a pipe in his mouth and taking a long puff and asked.

Qin Enze smoked a gun during class, but no one said anything about him. Everyone knows Qin Enze's experience. He was severely burned and used opium for pain relief.

It is impossible to say that he did not become addicted to drugs during that period. But Qin Enze is now able to suppress this addiction.

When I got addicted, I went to take a hot bath. Normally, I would use tobacco leaves to replace this feeling of emptiness. Gradually, I became addicted to cigarettes and became a long-time smoker at a young age. The pipe is almost never out of my hand.

But no one resented him.

Li Zhen fanned the wafting smoke with his hand, wrote the words "First Law of Motion" on the blackboard, and said:

"The first law of motion is also called the law of inertia and the law of inertia. Any object must maintain uniform linear motion or be at rest until an external force forces it to change its state of motion. This is the first law of motion."

Li Zhen drew a few images on the blackboard and preached non-stop: "To understand the first law, we need to understand something first, which is called frictional resistance. Everyone understands frictional resistance, right? This book now Here at the lectern, I'm going to tilt the lectern now, what's going on?"

A girl stood up quickly: "Because the tilt angle is not large enough and the influence of gravity and gravity is not strong enough, the book does not move. Now the book is still."

Li Zhen nodded: "It also has something to do with these. But the most important relationship is that the surface of the book contacts the surface of the desk too much and is too large, so the frictional resistance increases. If I add a few more below the book, What happens to the round wheel?”

The girl added: "If we add wheels below, the books will slide down if the tilt angle is the same."

"Yes, this is friction. Now that we understand friction, let's talk about inertia and inertia. When a ball rolls down the slope, its speed increases. When it rolls up the slope, its speed increases. The speed will decrease. If the ball rolled along a horizontal plane, its speed would not increase or decrease. But in fact, the ball will slow down and slow down, and finally stop. Why is this?"

The auditorium was filled with discussions.

"Yeah, why is that?"

"Yes, I definitely know this truth. If a ball rolls toward the horizontal plane, it will definitely stop in the end. But why is this?"

"Eh... I never thought before that I, a senior intellectual, can't explain why this is common sense in life."


Someone raised their hands timidly and said, "Because it has no follow-up power?"

Li Zhen shook his head, knocked on the blackboard and said, "After excluding the factor of continuous power, the smoother the surface of the ball, the farther the ball will roll. Why is this?"

Liu Jinghong suddenly exclaimed: "Then is this friction? Is it because of friction? That's not right. The ball rolls forward, and rolling forward is in the form of a wheel. How can there be a circle? What about friction?”

Li Zhen said: "As long as two objects are in contact and moving, no matter what shape they are, there will be friction. Jinghong is right, it is because of friction. When the ball rolls, if the surface is not smooth enough, it will roll The distance is not as far as smooth. So it can be inferred from this that if there is no friction, will the ball keep rolling?"


"...Force is not the reason for maintaining the motion of an object, that is, maintaining the speed of the object, but it is precisely the reason for changing the state of motion of the object, that is, changing the speed of the object. Therefore, once an object has a certain speed, if it does not have a force, it will be at this speed. It moves in a straight line at a constant speed."

“… And this is inertia, and laziness.”


'Shashasha' In the auditorium, everyone kept lowering their heads with serious expressions and taking notes in their notebooks.

Li Zhen looked at the time and left with the book under his arm.

The students suddenly stood up collectively: "Thank you, Master Li."

After saying that, he sat down again and continued taking notes seriously.

After leaving the School of Physics, Li Zhen got on the steam train: "School of Chemistry."

After a while, the car arrived at the School of Chemistry.

Li Zhen walked into the auditorium of the School of Chemistry with his chemistry book under his arm again. The auditorium was still crowded...

"Hello Master Li."


(End of chapter)