Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 99: Big waves wash away the sand


Li Zhen finally became a teacher.

He enjoys this feeling extremely and is not a teacher. Rather, enjoy the feeling of spreading your knowledge.

Kyushu Academy of Sciences, majoring in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Physics is the hardest.

One month later, the physics courses of Jiuzhou Institute of Physics were divided into three branches - the School of Electromagnetics, the School of Mechanical Engineering, and the School of Power.

These three branches are all very thin branches, and their content has a lot in common. Many people choose to take elective courses, while some specialize in them.

Li Zhen wanders in this palace of knowledge and is very busy every day. Because the current teaching model relies entirely on Li Zhen alone, which is a very unique teaching model.

Li Zhen has to give a lecture to each hospital during the day, with different content every day, and the progress is very fast.

Apart from this, there are no other teachers in the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. Everyone entered the stage of independent research and meetings and discussions.

The model of the former Kyushu Institute of Physics started out, and now it has all developed into group discussion research.

In the School of Mathematics, Li Zhen stood at the lecture position with textbooks in hand, looking at a group of overcrowded lecturers below. These people are not only people from the School of Mathematics, but also many people from the School of Physics who choose to audit mathematics as electives. They are all very qualified. People from the School of Physics never sit in seats. They always give up their seats to people from the School of Mathematics.

They gradually realized the importance of mathematics to physics. There are many things in common, and it is easy for them to intersect at a certain node.

"The Pythagorean Principle. I talked about it a little bit yesterday. Who knows the Pythagorean Principle? Tell me about it."

Li Zhen poked the four words "Pythagorean Law" on the blackboard with a triangle and looked down.

Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you.

At this time, Hou Qiang stood up and said, "Master Li, let me answer this question."

"you say."

"The Pythagorean law is roughly that the sum of the squares of the two right-angled sides A and B of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse C."

Li Zhen nodded: "Hou Qiang, please sit down. Yes, what she said is not wrong. This is something in the Pythagorean Law. But it is not entirely right. Does anyone else know?"

Li Zhen looked down with some eagerness. He hoped that everyone could continue to think divergently and conduct independent research. Because every time Li Zhen gives a lecture now, he will leave a suspense for the next course and throw out a few points in order to let everyone study it on their own.

Many people's thinking is influenced by the trend of Kyushu, and Li Zhen is using all his strength to gradually change their thinking.

No one spoke anymore. Everyone felt a little ashamed.

Mainly... it's too difficult.

"The Pythagorean law is a basic geometric law. Everyone knows the concept of geometry, right?"

Li Zhen asked.


There was a sporadic sound from below, and most of the people in the academy were filled with pride. Less than half of the people had a look of shame on their faces, and a kind of indestructible hatred for themselves arose spontaneously. The people in the School of Physics were scratching their heads anxiously. They were all monks halfway and didn't understand much about this.

Li Zhen knew that many people did not know the concept of geometry, or could not accurately understand the concept of geometry, and he did not want to repeat what he had said.

Because the Kyushu Academy of Sciences is currently in a state of turmoil, Li Zhen is screening out talented people.

"The Pythagorean theorem is one of the most important tools for using algebraic thinking to solve geometric problems, and it is also one of the links between numbers and shapes. Everyone remembers the mantra "Go three strands four xuan five". If you don't understand, go back and take your time. Research."

Li Zhen's tone became a little harsh: "Just like what Hou Qiang said, to calculate a right triangle, from the sum of the squares of the two right-angled sides AB, we can get the square of the oblique angle C."

Everyone lowered their heads and frantically recorded in their notebooks. Li Zhen's lectures progress very quickly. If you miss a word, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Everyone knows the importance of notes.

Li Zhen patted the table, waited for everyone to finish writing notes, and then said: "Why should I talk about the Pythagorean Law? Who knows why I want to talk about the Pythagorean Law? This is just a law, why should I talk about it emphatically? Who knows? ?”

At this time, a man with gray hair and reading glasses stood up. Li Zhen forgot this man's name. He only knew that he was a mathematics teacher at a public high school in Qingdao County. He had been here for several weeks.

The old man stood up and said with some certainty: "I probably understand some of Master Li's intentions."

"Old man, tell me."

"As you said, the Pythagorean Law is one of the important tools for solving geometric problems using algebraic thinking. It can be seen from this sentence that Master Li focuses on the Pythagorean Law, and the purpose is not the Pythagorean Law."

Li Zhen raised his eyebrows: "What's that about?"

"Based on some of the lessons you taught before, we can see that one of the things you emphasized is called thinking, called concepts. Just like what you said, mathematics is an abstract concept, and there are various kinds of abstract concepts. Number theorems. What you want to teach is just various theorems, and then let us take the initiative to think about why."

Li Zhen slapped the table: "Yes. You are right. I will mention it again today. Mathematics is divided into elementary mathematics and advanced mathematics. I use the simplest sentence to summarize the difference between the two. One is knowing Of course, one needs to know why."

"Whatever you have learned, no matter how advanced you think it is, I am here to tell you today that it is all elementary mathematics. It is only used for calculations. Black is black and white is white. The most commonly used ones are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. . And advanced mathematics is concepts, authority, derivatives, and calculus. Advanced mathematics is concepts, I emphasize again, concepts. It is a correct attitude, an attitude that you have to study why. You need to constantly prove it It’s just a guess and an assumption.”

"As you continue to prove, you will understand mathematics better. There is no complete understanding. Mathematics does not mean that you can calculate all addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and never make mistakes, which means you understand everything. People put away your thoughts, this subject is never-ending."

Li Zhen's tone was so intense that the people below were frightened and did not dare to make a sound at all.

After finishing speaking, Li Zhen looked at his watch: "get out of class is over. The main content of today's class is the passage I mentioned above. Let's go back and study it carefully. Starting tomorrow, I will formally teach you the theorem. Let me say one more thing."

Li Zhen paused, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes: "If other subjects can rely on rote memorization, there is talent in mathematics. Learning advanced mathematics requires extremely powerful talent. The concept of a single function , you can wipe out half of the people here. I don’t have time to let you master it one by one, so Jiuzhou Mathematics Academy is about to start a big wave."


Everyone in the audience fell silent, biting their cheeks and staring blankly at Li Zhen on the podium.

"Starting from one month later, Kyushu Mathematics Institute will begin the exam elimination mode. The content behind is extremely complicated, and some people will delay the progress, so they must continue. After that, there will be an exam once a month, and I will set the exam content. If you fail Those who have passed the exam will be eliminated. Those who have passed the exam will change classrooms and I will focus on explaining. One month later, Jiuzhou Mathematics College will implement one-on-one, precise lectures. As for those who have been dismissed, they can still attend lectures here, but I I will talk about it only once in three days, and you can study the rest by yourself."

After saying that, Li Zhen left quickly with the book under his arm.

Everyone in the entire mathematics academy was in an uproar, and they all stood up and looked at each other. Some of those with poor psychological quality had their bodies shaking like chaff.

Big waves wash over the sand…

They are all afraid of being kicked off.

No one thinks that he will definitely pass the exam, no one has such confidence. Including Hou Qiang, who was excellent in mathematics, everyone was dumbfounded and lost their minds.

Those from the School of Physics who came to the School of Mathematics to observe looked at each other and said, "It seems that this is a very serious matter."

"This... the School of Mathematics has begun to make waves. Shouldn't our School of Physics do the same?"

"Oh, if I get eliminated, it will be a lifelong regret. I finally got into the Kyushu Academy of Sciences..."

"But yes, I can understand Master Li's impatience. In the entire Kyushu Academy of Sciences, he teaches all the courses by himself. Where can I teach? Instead of casting a wide net, it is better to select specialized people."


(End of chapter)